Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1735: Magic Gundam Nanoha desu

In the first episode of the second season, Musashino Animation didn't do anything, and a long shot was straightforward.

Hyun technology is the tradition of Musashino animation, so I have to taste .JPG.

Precisely because of the money, it is able to show off unscrupulously.

And "Magic Girl Lyrical Nanoha" has games as a backing. Compared to Blu-ray, which can only sell tens of thousands of copies at most, games are hundreds of thousands or millions of copies.

Although the price of the game is slightly cheaper, it still crushes animation.

In addition, Lyrical Nanoha also has manga and series, so it can be said that the money comes very quickly.

So they squandered without pressure.

Moreover, because of the relationship between the first season, the fighting in the second season is more skilled.

The first episode originally had the plot of Lyrical Nanoha's deflation, but it didn't exist in the Morinha version.

In a sense, Lyrical Nanoha's story, like Kanami's story, belongs to the type in which the protagonist is the Great Demon King.

Moreover, Nanoha's aura is even stronger.

It was obvious that Lyrical Nanoha was attacked in the first place, but along the way, it was all Lyrical Nanoha crushing the opposite side, but the seemingly "villain" side, persevering.

And the lines of these people...looks like the protagonist too!

Nine Life Dragon Ya's expression became more subtle.

This feeling is very subtle.

But he likes it!

In other previous works, the protagonist spent a lot of effort and was then crushed by the enemy.

Only Neha is different.

Lyrical Nanoha himself is the Great Demon King.

With Lyrical Nanoha in the story, the other characters are basically not opponents.

But... it's really interesting.

Seeing the villain's perseverance against the protagonist like the big devil, this routine is so exciting!

The black rock shooter is also a fighting fan. But although the Black Rock Archer is very chic, but the battle is also very hard, every battle, Nine Life Dragon is also nervous.

However, among Nanoha, he felt as stable as an old dog.

——Just watch how Lyrical Nanoha abuses the villain.

Of course, if you get rid of this nasty thought, Nanoha is also excellent. Because Lyrical Nanoha was not a fool, she always hoped that everyone could understand each other and sit down and have a good conversation.

Well, the value orientation is very positive.

From a philosophical point of view, if everyone can understand each other, then the world will definitely be in chaos-because everyone will know that there is an absolute difference in the values ​​of the two sides.

But the so-called "correct" is to say something nice, everyone is happy.

Of course, the work itself does not attempt to explore this.

The whole story Morinka set the tone for the growth of Nanoha and her friends.

Not physically, but spiritually.

Nanoha understands the behavior of others, which is part of her growth channel.

This is also one of the reasons why Lyrical Nanoha was able to play in prime time. Because what is needed in the real world is not force, but spiritual growth and maturity.

On the surface, Lyrical Nanoha is an invincible magical girl, but she is also a child.

In the story, Nanoha also needs to grow.

Although she is very powerful, it takes time to mature in thought.

At the beginning, Lyrical Nanoha believed that once the **** broke, there would be no problem that could not be solved.

But when he grows up, Lyrical Nanoha will know that if one shot can't be solved, then only one shot will be fine.

Cough... In short, this kind of growth spirit has always existed with the work.

It's a pity that the content of the first episode was played quickly.

There is a feeling of unfinished intention.

After reading it, Jiu Shenglong also felt empty in his heart.

After watching Lyrical Nanoha, the new animation will begin.

It is "Ghost Eyes Mad Knife".

Ghost Eye Mad Knife is also a hot spot.

But this stuff... how to put it.

It belongs to the type of animation destroying the original work.

And the ghost eye mad knife also encountered the strongest gank in history.

The same period of "Swordsman Miko", although it is a girl and a sword, but the fighting is an absolutely powerful type. Relatively speaking, the animation of the ghost eye crazy knife belongs to the perfect foil of the other party.

Everyone loves beautiful girls who strike iron, but not many people destroy the original anime.

Fortunately, Nine Shenglong has never read the original work.

So at least he will not be as furious as other fans.

Of course, fans haven't furiously for the time being, because only two episodes of this animation have been played.

The days of suffering... are yet to come.

I haven't read the original work, but I can still read it. Nine Shenglongye's luck is pretty good.

But how to say.

There is no harm without comparison.

The next door is also the sword PK, and the sword maiden next door is really crushing this side.

Well, the former has a lot more play than the latter, and the Desolate Soul of the former looks more handsome than the Sword Demon of the latter.

The most important thing style is above you!

The cute girl and black silk of the sword maiden and the sailor suit are the ones who roar! ~

It is not ten years later, and there are not many fan dramas played every day, and there is no explosive production. There are only a few animations every year.

After the ghost eye crazy knife, there will be a replay.

It is "Six Angels".

This is not a TV drama, but a new drama broadcast by OVA and WEB.

It is a very popular animation.

Oh, yes, by the way, the original plan and plan of this animation is called Yasushi Akimoto.

But other than that...there was no more than After the broadcast was over, the store started playing Nanoha again.

But this time, the store opened a barrage.

"the first!"

"The game has been pre-ordered and will be unlocked as soon as possible!"

"Nayha is here!"

"Meng Wang Sai Gao!"

"Put your knees for King Meng!"

"Congratulations to Niha for coming to the Meng King wwww"

At the beginning, it was a message to congratulate Lyrical Nanoha to become the King of Moe this year.

"Long shot wwww as always"

"I saw the long shot at the beginning of the article, and it really turned out to be Lyrical Nanoha..."

"Come on, long opening shot!"

Yes, this long shot has become a stalk.

However, one person being silly watching an animation and a group of people being silly watching an animation are two concepts. It's fun to be stupid together.

"Nayah is actually the villain, right?"

"The righteous magical girl found the hidden big devil wwww"

"The brave teamed up to fight the white devil wwwww"

"Where are you from Amuro www"

"Magic Gundam Lyrical Nanoha_(??3"∠)_"

When he saw "Magic Gundam Lyrical Nanoha", Nine Life Dragon couldn't help laughing.

But he suddenly found that this title seemed quite appropriate.

Seeing Niu Shenglong who is happy with the hunt, this time also cares more about Nanoha's world.

What will happen afterwards?

"After reading it, play the game and go to www"

"The Hatsune Station is closed and the game starts!"

At the end, there is such a barrage.


Well, I can only buy and buy...


Ghost Eye Crazy Blade was a pity back then. If it weren't for the animation to destroy the original, it might become a hot-blooded novel like a dead-fire sea...

The second one is meow.

Happy Children's Day everyone~

Writing Chinese network

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