Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1730: Very curious...

It turns out that it was not that the data was wrong, but that Senxia's face was too dark.

"No, no, it's not my problem, it's your problem." Then Morinka suddenly thought, this doesn't seem to be her own problem, but Lily and Xiaotou's problem. The two people seem to have said that they have been having accidents .

Well, yes, I must be infected!

Senxia said that this is not her own pot.

"Kukuku, my family, this is the choice of fate, accept it, this fate from the depths of endless darkness!"

"...Simply speaking, black face is black face, don't you want to make an excuse?" Senxia pouted.

"As expected of Senior Morinka, I read President Lily's meaning all at once." Xiaotou expressed shock at Morinka's instant translation.

Lily is also the president, and also the president of the current research institute, but Lily and Qianjia are not in the same school now.

However, Qianjia and Lili have said that the next two will be combined into one.

——Most of college clubs are not just confined to a certain school, they are different from the high school era.

"Forget it." Senxia shook her head, "This must be a game problem. Why don't we change to another game?"

"Are there any interesting games?" Xiaotou was curious.

"Is there any interesting tribute again, present it together!" Lily was even more happy.

Seeing such happy Lily, Morinya was a little bit emotional.

Compared to her own side, Lily feels more "Xianshiyan". Her family is still helping Xia CM and has become a game-making club.

And Lily and Xiao Tou here are more experienced in research.

"Well... a lot, Monster Hunter, I remember doing it."

Senxia took a look at her office, and then found some UMD discs.

The scientific research conversion rate of the Order of the Phoenix is ​​pretty good. This stuff came out last month, and there will be trial-produced CDs next month.

But after taking out the goods, Senxia was stunned again, and then called and asked the other side to bring a few more handhelds.

——Because Morinka and Lily use hard drives here.

Hard disk drives have been made before this.

Compared with optical disc drives, hard drives have higher cost, faster running speed, lower power consumption and higher storage capacity.

If there are any shortcomings, one is expensive, and the other is the inconvenient placement of the game cassette.

With three new handhelds, Morinka can play "Monster Hunter" here.

The picture quality of "Monster Hunter" is certainly not comparable to that of GS, but it is absolutely top-notch in the handheld.

Moreover, Morinia also adopted more advanced rendering methods to improve the image quality as much as possible while effectively reducing demand.

"It's amazing, Monster Hunter can actually appear on the handheld!"

Xiao Tou was shocked.

Of course, Monster Hunter can run on handheld devices. In another world line, Monster Hunter became popular because it can hunt anytime and anywhere on handheld devices, because it’s very convenient for players to connect together on handheld devices, but on PS2 Not working.

However, on Morinia's side, this game was able to be online at the beginning, so it was a hit on this world line.

"The new generation of handhelds is very powerful." Morinya also smiled.

This "Monster Hunter" can be regarded as the "escort work" of the handheld. Without this game, Senxia's confidence would not be enough.

But because of this game, Morinha is more confident about the handheld.

"Monster Hunter" portable version of course also streamlined some things. Such as maps and towns.

This is also impossible.

Senxia's DC-P and GS are not only higher in performance, but also higher in capacity and resolution, so they can support more features and larger maps.

But on the handheld, many functions cannot be realized, and some light and shadow effects have been castrated.

Among the castrations of these mechanisms, some castrations are actually not due to performance. The performance of the handheld is full, but it can still run. However, considering the battery life of the game, some delicate light, shadow and texture effects are castrated. ——No one will see such "fine texture" on such a small screen anyway.

of course there are exceptions. If the docking station is connected, these features that were not turned on will be turned on, and the texture will be strengthened. Although this situation is still incomparable with GS, at least when projecting to a large screen, the experience that can be obtained will be better.

The face pinching system was also castrated on the handheld.

Don't get me wrong, it's not a complete castration, just replace the original delicate face pinching system with element replacement, only allowing players to use several default textures, not allowing players to further adjust the details.

This is also for efficiency reasons, because the pinching system sometimes consumes resources.

The game will soon finish reading and start.

Senxia pinched a sister's paper and was about to start hunting.

"This is a beta version, there is a debug option in the game, you can directly adjust the attributes, there are also equipment..."

This is of course not the finished version of "Monster Hunter", this is the internal version used by Morinia for adjustment and testing.

But it doesn't matter, Morinia can adjust it by opening the internal console.

It’s a fantasy for a handheld to turn on the console, but this handheld can do it...well, it's the development version.

Of course, the normal version will not have this string of codes and cheating functions.

"Have you all played this game." Senxia asked.

"Well, everyone has hunted together." Xiao Tou said, "It's not convenient to move. If there is a handheld, the response will be good."

"Humph~" Lily was very proud-in fact, she had "Amway" for this game many times.

"Let's go directly to the trouble of the female fire dragon." Senxia helped everyone enter the game, and then called out the merchant for testing. Senxia changed a set of spider suits and took the sword and walked the crit stream.

Xiao Too chose a worm stick. Although it was a very complicated weapon, he didn't seem to feel any discomfort.

Lily over there directly bought a set of brilliant black dragon sets.

The bright black dragon suit is similar to the original version of another world line, but Morinka is more about beauty, so the gothic elements in this costume are richer. After wearing it, there is a kind of princess in the dark. feel.


Morika's expression is quite subtle.

Okay, I know Lily is a second grader, but the urination in the game really cannot bear to look straight.

"Let's go crusade."

Morika is the captain, so he drove straight away.

Because it is a test version, there is no need to consider the resources, and Morinia started tracking the female fire dragon all the way.

Compared with the current version of GS, the model of the female fire dragon on the handheld is obviously much rougher. For example, in the model on the picture, you can clearly see some edges and corners. In contrast, the monster on GS Although the hunter is the previous generation, the character model is still more rounded.

There is no way, because this is a handheld after all.

But even so, it is quite incredible to be able to see the female fire dragon on this five-inch screen.

Of course, Senxia's pursuit of graphics and performance remains unchanged.

——In another world line, although "Monster Hunter" has been a handheld game before "Monster Hunter World", everyone has always wanted to play the high-definition Monster Hunter.

This is also why when "Monster Hunter" switched from PSP to the 3DS camp, the players would cry out-because the 3DS screen is full of "gameplay", all of which are mosaic pixels that people can't look at directly.

This is why even if the PSV machine does not work, many people still expect this game to appear on PSV-the PSV screen is really good.

However, during this period of time, Capcom suddenly disappeared, instead staying on the 3DS platform for a long time.

However, from Monster Hunter 3g to 4g, including the later x...In this game, there is almost no progress on the screen. Although there are changes, it is indeed questionable to say that it is progress.

But this is not to say that 3DS Monster Hunter is useless.

As far as the gaming experience is concerned, 3ds is a dual-screen design, with the main screen on the top and menu operations on the bottom screen, which indeed has considerable advantages.

On the PSP, in order to play the game well, players need to practice one-handed "C-hand" skills, that is, use their thumb and index finger to control the movement and perspective of the character. Although very hardcore, it is really bad for newcomers.

Well, if you think about it this way, the most suitable mode is actually... keyboard and mouse.

But the handheld function is limited, so this won't work.

But... we have a touch screen!

Because of the touch screen, Morinka's control can be more generous.

——It was originally like this.

However, in the actual game process, Mori Xia realized that he was still too naive, because he only had two hands. He wanted to use another hand to swipe the screen with two hands, but he still couldn’t do it. .

Originally, Moriha, who had to take the two of them pretending to be beeping, quickly pounced on the street several times because of the unsuitable operation.

Moreover, the team actually collapsed because of Senxia's death. In other words, Senxia was the culprit...

"Um... mistake, this is a mistake!"

Morinia put aside her head in embarrassment.

He thought for a while and continued: "By the way, we have other games. Let's take a look."

There are a lot of games in Morinka.

So he directly changed to this topic to make everyone divert attention.

"If you have any treasures, let's show them all together. The door of truth, open it quickly!" Lily still has the same sense of Zhong Er as always.

——You are already a monk!

Morinya wanted to say that.

However, after examining the body shape of Lily, the elementary school monk, Morinya decisively chose to shut up.

"Let me see, what game is better..."

Senxia thought.

"We need a gate of time and space that can thoroughly show the magnificence of another world..."

"That is to say, you need a game with good graphics... I see, the graphics quality of the racing game is the best... Um... But this game is not suitable for cooperation..."

Senxia thought.

"Senior, this machine is so powerful, it will definitely be very popular!" Xiao Tou was feeling the power of the handheld at this time.

"Well, that's okay. In fact, we are not targeting players with a particularly **** - of course, we also support hard cores."

In another world line, the success of psp relies on light players, which is the positioning of this handheld by Morinia. In another world line, most people who didn't play games originally chose this machine because of its large screen, performance and various software. In addition, its stylish appearance is also a reason.

As Morinha planned before, this group of people does not like a handheld game console as much as they like the most powerful, fashionable and coolest electronic products.

And the failure of PSV is also a reason in this respect-because the latter is already "not cool".

Senxia can do this.

Although the Order of the Phoenix inherited Sega’s legacy, in terms of handhelds, the initial audience of the Order of the Phoenix were really light players. Although the concept of this light player is somewhat different, these people are indeed the hands of the Phoenix. gene.

Therefore, when the host is facing **** players, the handheld is facing these relatively mild groups. This is also the current strategy of the Order of the Phoenix.

Of course, that kind of **** games are also available, but mainly the kind of lighter ones.

Naturally, because of this, many of these games are of better quality-because it will be cooler.

Racing games are often the first choice to show off picture quality.

This is why many game demonstrations use racing games.

"Let me see... well, that's it." Senxia chose a game.

"Well, but..."

Senxia turned her head and looked at Lily. He hesitated.

"forget it."

He wanted to put the game back, but Lily walked over at this time.

"Dead or alive? Heaven?"

Because it is a test game developed for Morinia, there is only one name on it, and no cover.

Lily didn't feel anything at first, but after reading the name, she suddenly ignited.

"This name..." Senxia thought of the reason in an instant.

It's because of the name.

Because this name... is actually quite second.

Dead or alive—— Hmm, it's really a great feeling.

However, Morika looked at Lily's appearance, she... probably didn't know that this game should be a legendary... welfare game...

"That's it! This is our wheel of fortune! Road, unfold!"

The girl's second breath broke out directly.

Senxia hesitated.

He hesitated, but finally took out the game.

Because... Morinka is also very curious, what will Lily look like when she plays this game...


PSP said too much, so I deleted a string. Accidentally changed the direction of science, cough...

Two-in-one meow~

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