Tokyo Bubble Life

Chapter 22: 022, or else, sing it yourself!

   Chapter 22 022, or else, sing it yourself!

   Fangmura Otomo's efficiency is very high. After a day, he found a music teacher who is said to be specializing in training artists to sing.

  Fangcun Dayou brought Naoki Naoyama to a Western-style building. The room was full of musical instruments and various music books, as well as simple recording equipment. It should be convenient for students to listen to their own songs when teaching.

"Naoki-san, this is Mr. Tokunaga Yukiko from Topeng Gakuen University." Upstairs, Naoki Naoki met a dignified lady who was over forty years old, "She is also a specially hired vocal teacher by our firm. What about idol singers~”

   "First time meeting, Tokuyoshi Yukiko-sensei, I'm Naoki Naoyama. Please take care of me from now on!" He bowed properly and said hello.

   "Hi, first meeting, Naoki-kun, nice to meet you." Tokunaga Yukiko looked very happy when she saw a handsome young man.

   "Since both parties know each other, then I will trouble the two of you." Fangmura nodded to the two of them, and went to work silently.

   After the door was closed, Tokunaga Yukiko served Naoki hot tea, and said, "When I heard Otomo-kun say, I was still curious, the creator of a famous song can't compose it?"

   "Hey, because it was a sudden inspiration, I have never learned about music theory before." Naoki Naoki also bluntly said, "The last time I asked a friend to help me compose the song."

   "That is, to the extent that you have a little melody in your mind?"

   "No, Mr. Sachiko." Naoki Naoyama took out the lyrics that had been copied, "The lyrics have been written, and the melody is basically perfect."

   "Ah, that means, it's basically a complete song, right?"

   "Hi, I have sung it myself, but there is no way for others to know the melody, and there is no way to play it."

   Tokunaga Yukiko took over the lyrics: "This is really strange. I have also met students who can't compose but say they compose songs before, but they are just a little bit of melody."

   "The lyrics are a bit sad," said the teacher who read the lyrics.

   "It's a sad love song."

   "Then I know, I'll trouble Naoki-kun to sing it a cappella first. Judging from the lyrics, it should be an excellent song, I'm looking forward to it~" Tokunaga Yukiko seemed to be moved by the lyrics, and took a breath to ease her emotions.

   Is it so emotional to engage in music? Naoki Naoyama was a little confused, and then gently sang the song "さくら~あなたに出会えてよかった~" (Sakura Sakura, I want to see you).

   Although this song is a girl's song, the male voice also has a different flavor, especially Naoki Yongshan's voice is clear and clear, with a sense of jade.

   After singing the song, Tokunaga Sachiko seemed to be immersed in the song, Naoki Naoki couldn't help but shouted, "Mr. Sachiko?"

   "Ah, it's really a good song, and it's also very sad~" Tokuyoshi Yukiko, "But, Naokushi-san has never learned to sing, so the singing method is a bit wrong, obviously the voice condition is very good."


   "Haha, then Naoki-san, let's start composing music!" Tokuyoshi Yukiko was very excited and started work like this.

  Yongshan Naoshu didn't even drink tea, so he started to compose music with the teacher.

Sure enough, he is a professional. He worked with Hoshino Suzumi for about 3 days before, but Tokunaga Yukiko is much faster here. After listening to it once, Tokunaga Yukiko wrote the rough melody, and then let Naoki Naoyama Slowly hum a few times, and perfect the fine music according to the comparison.

   In the end, he played on the piano at home and asked Naoki Naoki to correct it.

   In total, it took about 3 hours to complete the composition.

   "Sikokuichi, Mr. Sachiko. The previous sheet music was composed with friends for 3 days, and now it will be fine in less than an afternoon."

   Tokunaga Sachiko is relatively plain: "Just listen to the song and compose the music, what's so difficult about it."

She also thought of how many students she had met before who wanted to compose but couldn't: "The real difficulty is the process of composing the tune. It's rare to see a genius like Naoki-kun, how many creators have racked their brains. I can't write such a good melody."

  Nagayama Naoki is very embarrassed, after all, he is copying "knowledge of the future": "I am also lucky."

Then I thought of the request for Ido Shuichi and the others to audition, so I said to Tokunaga Yukiko: "Ms. Sachiko, I'm a little embarrassed, but can I trouble you to help me record it again? I want to show the whole song to the people in the office. ."

   "There is no problem with the audition, but if there is no accompaniment, will Naoki-san talk about the piano?" asked Tokuyoshi Yukiko.

   "Private Marseille, I won't."

   "Haha, I should have thought of that too" Yukiko Tokunaga thought about it, "Why don't Naoki-san sing by himself, your vocal condition is also very good"

   "Ah, didn't you just say my singing was wrong?"

   "It's okay, just a song, I can correct it at any time." Tokuyoshi Yukiko said that this was her job.

   said so, what can Naoki Naoyama do? "Hey, then I'll try my best."

   Sure enough, it’s just the way of singing a song. After correcting it three or four times, Naoki Naoki can sing coherently.

   Then the music teacher took a blank tape and stuffed it into the tape recorder, and started playing the piano accompaniment while signaling Naoki Naoki to sing.

  I didn't expect everything to happen so quickly. The audition version of a divine song "さくら~あなたに出会えてよかった~" (Sakura Sakura, I want to see you) has been recorded.

   Seeing Yukiko Tokuyoshi skillfully labeling, writing the song name, singer, lyrics, and composing, it seems that it is not difficult to compose and sing.

  Nagayama Naoki thought that he might recall more songs in the future, and composing may be indispensable, so he asked, "Mr. Sachiko, can I learn to compose and sing from you?"

   Tokunaga Yukiko found Naoki Naoki interested in learning more: "Of course, the business office entrusted me to train artists."

   "Not to mention Naoki-san, the handsome and talented professor~"

  It's over, will this teacher also covet my beauty?

  Since fitness and attention to styling, Naoki Naoki has realized the attention he has never had before, and from time to time there will be little sisters approaching him while walking on the street.

  Fortunately, I’m usually more housebound, I don’t go out much, and there are cars to pick up and drop off.

  No wonder those handsome guys have to wear sunglasses

  Thinking so wildly, Yoshimura Daitomo parked the car under Waseda's apartment.

   "I'm really bothering you, Otomo-san."

   "Staying the tape, this is the job of the manager, er. This is the responsibility of the office." Yoshimura Otomo almost regarded Naoki Naoki as an artist of the office.

   "Haha, Otomo-san, please bring this audition tape to Yitang Shuichi-san, and see if it can be used as a background music for the advertisement."

   "Hi, it will be delivered."

   "Thank you very much."

   Naoki Naoki didn’t go upstairs until he couldn’t see the taillights of Dayou Fangcun’s car.

  I thought while walking, it looks like I really want to buy a car

   (end of this chapter)

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