Today is Also a Mudslide That Crosses the World

Chapter 339 The leader of the last days and his fierce wife (13)

one year later.

Zhang Yu anxiously wanted to find Xing Yun, because they still hadn't found a way to combine the current human gene with the purebred human gene, and the bottle of blood was about to run out.

But on the other hand, he didn't want Xing Yun to be found, because their leader would triumphantly return to this base today.

If there is no other fighting, the leader will probably remain in the base.

And the leader has a habit of occasionally going to that garden to stay for a few days.

If Xing Yun is found by the leader, the consequences may be disastrous.

However, he, the leader of space-type superpowers, couldn't find any trace of Xingyun in the garden. The leader, a violent superpower who mainly practiced dark matter powers and gravity-type powers, probably couldn't find her either.

On the one hand, Zhang Yu hoped that Xingyun would appear suddenly, like at the beginning, but on the other hand, he also hoped that Xingyun had returned to her peaceful and beautiful world.


Seeing the slender figure who walked into the base expressionlessly surrounded by senior officers, Zhang Yu couldn't help but sighed in confusion.

"The leader is triumphant, you should be happy, don't let the fun go by moaning and sighing at this time."

The straight steel operator who made Xing Yun intolerable at the time clapped his hands excitedly, watching the majestic figure with the cheers of the people, applauding loudly, and using his fire ability from time to time Put a firework in the sky.

Zhang Yu pursed his lips, and propped his arms on the city wall helplessly, holding his delicate, cute and handsome face with one hand, as lazy as a Persian cat, but this is a lazy cat that can't raise its spirits.

If you hadn't pushed the girl into a hurry, maybe they wouldn't be in such an embarrassing situation now.

If the leader finds that they are not good at doing things, and the ducks they get fly away, and they let them fly on their own initiative, they will definitely be severely punished for this matter.

After all, it concerns the hope of all mankind.

The steel straight male operator was still cheering, he didn't notice the disgust in Zhang Yu's eyes and said to himself:

"The leader is so cool! He has won every battle! He is so young, he is my idol for life!"

Zhang Yu sighed again.

The straight man of steel.

Sometimes it's that simple.

Zuo Chenfeng caught a glimpse of the listless Zhang Yu on the top of the city wall, paused, and directly activated his ability to come to Zhang Yu's side. The magnetic voice with no emotion at all was very ear-catching, but it revealed a coldness that cannot be ignored:

"Is someone lost?"

Shocked, Zhang Yu immediately stood at attention, gave a military salute, and then replied truthfully in a timid voice:

"Human, she disappeared in the garden of the base, but before she disappeared, she left behind a bottle of her own blood."

Zuo Chenfeng's dark pupils are deep and cold, even though the owner of those eyes has a particularly pleasing skin, but the aura of the owner makes people dare not look directly at those eyes.

Zhang Yu swallowed, glanced at the straight steel man who was also trembling, and let out a sound in his heart.

Mr. Ye loves dragons!

Zuo Chenfeng's long eyelashes drooped slightly, and he retracted the frost in his eyes. After a long while of contemplation, he asked in a faint voice:

"how is the progress?"

Zhang Yu opened his mouth, and after a long time of deliberation, he calmly said:

"Report to the leader, there is almost no progress."

The atmosphere suddenly became cold and dead silent.

Zhang Yu was about to admit his mistake, but the oppressive feeling suddenly disappeared.

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