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Chapter 775, I can't cover you, Fang Xiaozi

Fang Chen himself was full of surprise and doubt; "Could it be...".

"I want to go to a military court?".

After all, he is still holding the title of God of War. Is it because he is going to be sent to a military court to accept the ruling and trial after the mission fails?

It's just that the man with sunglasses next to him laughed first when he said this.

Fang Chen rolled his eyes helplessly, slanderously, what are you laughing at, big brother? Do you think I can't tell, you were holding back a smile just now?

"Master Fang, from today, you will be a member of the Asura Ministry. According to the official and Mr. Huang's deployment, you need to complete tenth-class merits to leave the Asura Ministry."

What the hell?

Fang Chen was completely stunned at this moment. Although Mr. Huang mentioned something to make him not worry when he called Huang Bufan, Fang Chen simply thought that Huang Bufan was comforting him.

The results of it? As a result, he was actually sent to the Asura Department?

Good guy, what do you mean?

You don’t have to go to jail, you don’t have to go to jail?

Instead, he was sent to the military to get a chance to practice?

"There is one more thing. This operation is completely confidential. In fact, the military has issued notices to enlist you many times before, but it was intercepted by Mr. Huang. Now it is only for you to perform your due obligations. And responsibility."

The man with sunglasses might think that Fang Chen didn't want to stay in the military department, so he had a strange expression. As everyone knows, among the flashing stones, Fang Chen's sleepiness was completely absent, and his heart was full of thoughts.



Only once freedom is lost can we truly understand the preciousness and preciousness of freedom.

Fang Chen swallowed abruptly; "I am not a criminal now? I am not a sinner? I am now a glorious Chinese soldier?".

"To be precise, you are a non-commissioned officer."

Good guys.

At this moment, Fang Chen wanted to jump up and hug the man with sunglasses in front of him and kiss him, freedom, freedom, what is freedom?

Have you lost your freedom after joining the army?


Mr. Huang actually left himself with such a choice after the mountains and rivers were exhausted?

"You may not know the whole process of the matter. I wanted to explain it to you just now on the road, but I saw that you were resting, so I didn't talk nonsense."

"Now that we have reached the territory of the Asura Ministry, I can tell you very clearly that this is actually not an area under the jurisdiction of Mr. Huang."

"As everyone knows, the Asura Tribe is the most infiltrated place by the Gongsun clan."

"But the Asura Department is second only to the Yanhuang Department, and the strongest and first place in China. Even now, the Asura Department may have a tendency to surpass the Yanhuang Department."

Upon hearing this, Fang Chen nodded slightly.

Can be considered to retain their own opinions.

He is still immersed in joy. He is not a criminal. After a person's heart is filled with despair, when you tell him that you have regained freedom, there is no way to describe this feeling in words. Okay!

The man in black with sunglasses chuckled lightly;

"Don't think that with the identity of the God of War, you can be unscrupulous and domineering here. This is what Mr. Huang conveyed, and does not represent my personal opinion."


Fang Chen gave a wry smile, too lazy to explain nonsense.

He finally understood why the man with sunglasses would actually use the honorific name when he saw him, and he could also be treated with courtesy from the police station guards.

This guy is an officer from China!

It's no wonder he has the kind of slaughter temperament that can only be cultivated through military life, no wonder he!

Fang Chen slapped his head, he should have noticed it a long time ago.

"Here, you will start from scratch, and, tenth-level merit, you must not rely on the help of others, you are just an ordinary non-commissioned officer."

"One more thing, Mr. Huang will send you a text message later."

"Please pay attention to check it by yourself. After reading it, we will confiscate the phone. In the next few months, you must be like other soldiers."

Over there, the dust was rolling, Fang Chenxu squinted his eyes and turned his head to look. He saw that a group of people had been neatly dressed and assembled in a short period of time, and they were stationed into a whole team.

As expected of the well-trained Asura Department!

At the very least, there are hundreds of people gathered, and the teams are closely connected. On this open space, looking around, you can hardly see any problems with the entire team.

With a straight military posture and uniform movements, even Fang Chen couldn't spot any faults in the formation. If someone could shoot from a distance with a drone at this moment, they would find that they even had the same expression on their faces.

There is really no one in the neatly organized team that has made such a mistake in standing.

A breathtaking Xiao Sha iron-blooded energy slowly spread.

Aware of this aura, even the blood in Fang Chen's body showed signs of boiling.

Fang Chen suppressed a bit of ecstasy in his heart. For him now, as long as he doesn't let himself go to jail, he can do anything.

What's more, enlisting in the army is something that all men yearn for.

A good man should be in all directions. As the saying goes, he regretted being a soldier for a year, and regretted not being a soldier for a lifetime. It can be said that Fang Chen had the idea of ​​enlisting in the army a long time ago.

It's just that he was delayed because of the upper-level game.

As a result, there was actually a real chance before him. If Fang Chen could refuse, then he would really have a brain watt.

Even if he didn't read the text message sent by Huang Bufan, Fang Chen could guess that Mr. Huang didn't know how much effort he had put in to get a chance of exoneration.

"Wait a mininute……".

Fang Chen hurriedly took out his mobile phone, and the appearance of hundreds of officers standing neatly in front of him really shocked Fang Chen's heart.

Fang Chen opened the text message and looked intently.

Sure enough, Huang Bufan sent himself a text message, the content is concise and clear, and it is in full compliance with Huang Bufan's speaking style;

‘Boy Fang, I can’t cover you anymore’.

Seeing this sentence, Huang Bufan's first sentence came up at the beginning, and Fang Chen couldn't help laughing.

‘When this decision was made, I thought that your kid should still be kept in the dark, but this is the last resort, and it’s also the last resort that the teacher can think of in the end of the mountain.’

‘Only when you enter the military life can you protect yourself wisely.’

"The rest of the official pressure will let us take care of you, but you should not think that you are traveling to the military camp and you will be acquitted in a few months."

This sentence caused Fang Chen's eyelids to jump. He had never thought about coming to the Asura Department as a tourist, but he had never thought that there were places in the Military Department where he needed his own upper-level game dung stick to contribute.

But the sudden seriousness in Huang Bufan's words still made Fang Chen subconsciously straighten up a bit.

The content of Huang Bufan's SMS is not over.

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