To Four Thousand Years Later

Vol 6 Chapter 40: pull anchor

The tail of 2201 in the new calendar seems to be an extremely long distance. The Zerg base on Pluto was completely wiped out, and more than half a year has passed. The psychic energy originally held and sold to Pluto's defense platform from the earth through the giant tower of the mind also began to flow back because of the end of the war. This means a large amount of energy and manpower surplus. The earth has finally entered a period of rapid development again. In past ages the end of a long and protracted foreign war usually also marked the beginning of a civil war. But in today's new era, people no longer have the desire to start a civil war. Of course, there is also a part of the reason, because of the flames of war, the "hidden ones" have been eliminated in advance. Facts once again prove that war is always a means rather than an end. First of all, the earth government announced that the giant mind tower has realized the hyperspace navigation technology, and human beings already have the capital to leave the solar system completely safely. Another piece of news is about the dismantling of the former Pluto Legion. Powerful "fanatics" who are as powerful as gods and can even fly freely in space, "immortal titans" cast by consuming most of the earth's resources, and those beautiful and majestic Valkyries". In addition to the previous dawn Angel Yixin's four legions were formed.

Yes, after the war, not only did the earth government fail to turn swords into plows, but on the contrary, they consumed the huge resources they had reserved for hundreds of years and created a terrifying army in an extreme time.

It is not an exaggeration to say that as long as one-tenth of the soldiers of any of the legions are dispatched, the Zerg chaos on Pluto can be completely ended within five years—here we are talking about ensuring the integrity of Pluto. Otherwise, if the planet can be destroyed together, this time may be shortened to within a week. The most important thing is that they all have the ability to fight in the universe. Compared with the previous fighting power, they are more than a hundred times larger. This is the most direct way to show people the background of the earth. Those conservative remarks that were not confident before seemed to disappear within a few days. People reacted immediately, Zheng Fu decided to upgrade the units at this time, just because people wiped out the Zerg at this time; if it is five years in the morning or five years in the evening, it will definitely change accordingly. Moreover, the two hundred years of in-depth research on the Zerg made people immediately realize that the Zerg on Pluto may be just a very weak vanguard when this incident occurred. The real enemy of the earth is the civilization behind them. This is the reason why humans slowly defeated the Zerg with their own strength. Because of the establishment of the four major armies, the spread of this news not only did not make people nervous, but made people extremely excited and full of fighting spirit.

But unfortunately, it is impossible for Zheng Fu to lead them to face the Zerg head-on. After all, strictly speaking, they have only just started their second year, and it would be too outrageous to directly confront natural disasters. This is already at the level of "~" soil.

Of course, Zheng Fu wouldn't take into account the fact that his own triple double ascension start is also very "~". But even the Zerg that escaped to this part of the earth's route is enough for them to fight. On the one hand, it can build confidence, and at the same time, it can extract new biotechnology from the corpses of real Zerg fighters, and overtake in corners. Of course, people will not know such a long-term plan. But Zheng Fu had exposed enough information to them. What really excited people was the news that the living floor of the Tower of Mind was released to the public.

Hidden in a word, it is a paradise. It currently has seventeen floors. The residential area has eleven floors. These seventeen floors are replicas of scenes from a certain corner of the earth and a certain period. It uses the most natural material - the earth itself, and reproduces "the most beautiful scenery on earth" with the technology of a certain psionic master, and further optimizes and modifies it. Like the most exquisite sculpture.

With the earth as the core and the human soul as the knife and pen, the "out-of-print" scenery is extracted from a certain fragment of the timeline.

From snow mountains to dense forests, from desert grasslands. As well as the beautiful and elegant steel city, and the warm and plain town scenery.

Each of these seventeen layers is a certain aspect of the earth's history. Excluding the six layers of danger that are not suitable for long-term living, each remaining layer is an extremely vast "new world".

The size of each layer is as big as an Australian state. Instead of saying that this is a "giant tower", it is better to call it "the world in the tower".

At the beginning, Zheng Fu thought that people must have memories of their hometown. So he only intends to give a small number of free immigration quotas, so that people can gradually adapt to this new "movement". But to his surprise, the initial 200,000 immigration qualifications were swept away within half a day. In three days, more than 20 lots have been sold at most, and the price has been sky-high - so he was forced to immediately release more immigration qualifications. On the seventeenth day, the third floor "Gaia Mountains" was already fully loaded.

On the thirty-third day, the seventh floor "Steel City" was also declared fully loaded. Within four months, more than 90% of the earth's inhabitants have gradually immigrated to the Tower of Mind. Residents of Mars issued a strong demand for immigration three months ago—they were even more agile than those on Earth, because after four months, the number of people who were finally willing to stay on Mars was even less than a thousand, and this number was still at the rate of 1,000 per month. days decrease. No one is a fool, those people in the center are also envious and want to climb out of the coffin. Finally, on December 30, 2201, 99% of the Earth's inhabitants, and all of the Mars' inhabitants, boarded the Psychic Tower. The remaining people simply gave up their bodies, took advantage of the rare opportunity to die, and entered the center.

The "resurrected" plan based on the central soul reserve has also begun to prepare for implementation. With the return of the last resident of the earth in the state of body or soul, the tower of the mind. The Mind Tower closed all entrances. Among the wreckage of the earth, seven heaven-like jade pagodas were uprooted. They shone brightly and flew into the sky with the sound of rumbling earthquakes. The firefly-like light spots spread out and surrounded the giant tower of the mind, forming a sky-like light curtain.

These are the Valkyries, guardians of the "New Earth".

And they wouldn't just put the wreckage of the earth here—it's their home planet after all. After all the engines of the Mind Tower were turned on, the remaining part of the earth began to blur at a speed visible to the naked eye. And the giant tower of mind began to expand and grow at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And before the turmoil affected the Tower of Mind, it had stretched out a shaft transformed by pure psionic energy, which was almost visible to the naked eye. Although they have considered whether to take the sun away together, it is really unnecessary. They have left a mark in the solar system, and they can jump back through the mountain at any time in the future. Now is also the time, they are going to sail away. The real long-distance voyage is not the kind of exploration ship that Chen Zhi pioneered before, nor is it a small scientific research ship with more than 30 people as a group unit. But the real, all-people voyage.

Leave the solar system, say goodbye to the sun.

Like a wanderer who is far away from his parents, he carries a pack on his back and travels far away, heading for the depths of the universe.

It carries the past of a planet and the future of a civilization.

People who have eliminated all disputes and inequalities ride on the tower of Ruotongtian and march towards the universe.

Anchor one

At this epic moment, only Zheng Fu's voice rose in the void. In the turbulent gravitational net, the giant tower of the mind and the moon gradually become blurred, and escape to the end.

sail together.

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