To Four Thousand Years Later

Vol 6 Chapter 38: Arms upgrade

Although I don't know why, Zheng Fu did not mention the matter of asking Gabriel to return the witch's body. Gabriel, who had gradually adapted to the strength of this body, did not take the initiative to say anything. For her, the performance of this body is indeed quite good. Men's skin is like a city wall, which isolates them from the outside world and protects the inside; while women's skin is closer to the medium of communication with the environment. Moreover, women's pain is usually much lighter than that of men, and their desire to attack is more vigorous. This body also has a talent for "precision". The control of the extremities is extremely fine and accurate, just like an excellent surgeon with more than ten years of surgical experience.

With the blessing of Karl's psychic energy, she can keenly feel the flow of air and the tremor of the earth with her skin, and confirm the spatial position with her perception, just like catching a bird with her eyes. Still refused at first.

After all, the task she received now is strictly speaking "private work" compared with the remuneration she gets after work. People in this era have more expectations for work, in fact, more purpose is to complete self-realization - after all, because of the existence of the giant tower of the mind , to ensure the fullness of the material. The automatic resurrection after death and the technology of keeping consciousness in the center after death completely reduce the pressure of survival to the greatest extent. For Gabriel, all of her life is fighting foreign enemies. Be quiet...and in this day and age, her only option is to be the vanguard.

In fact, her accumulated military exploits would have been enough for her to return to the rear to take command long ago. But she didn't care much about the accolades—they were just incidentals. She just wants to kill, she just wants to destroy. The days of fighting with bugs are her happiest and least stressful time. Only in this job can she shine. Only then can she become a person who is beneficial to the people. So Gabriel had no choice. Whether it is convenient for her to better fight against the Zerg directly determines her aesthetics and all choices. This is also the reason why she has not married a wife and had children in the past few lives, and has hardly entered the center several times. She worried that it would make her heart less cold and efficient, and she would lose his only strength, his only place to live. Even if you lose your rank, even if you lose all your equipment. Even if you let her just take a molten gun and a pair of psionic arm knives... and just send her directly into the sea of ​​insects, she will still be satisfied.

The reason why she didn't like this witch's body was also very simple. The monthly menstrual period of a female body will cause her combat effectiveness to drop sharply. However, the information from Zheng Fu made her change her mind slightly.

She just learned that in order to prevent the witch's poison from spreading again, her body was not designed to be fertile... In other words, she did not have a monthly menstrual period. This means that he will be far more violent than Karl in the man period-get rid of the interference of the bleeding debuff once a month, and at the same time, the lack of strength and physical fitness can also be made up by the exoskeleton cheese, which is a natural fighter.

"It sounds like you have the idea of ​​forming such an army."

Gabriel asked tentatively.

From this slight possibility, she felt a little excitement—does this mean that humans will face more enemies?

Although she knew that she shouldn't rejoice over such things, it was immoral, but she still instinctively felt a twitch in the back of her head, and more motivation came from the bottom of her heart.

Zheng Fu just smiled, noncommittal: "In fact, the current military strength is completely enough to fight against the bugs on Pluto."

"Not only that."

Gabriel added: "It's different from the tragedy at the beginning of the war. We have fully adapted to this enemy, and even with the help of the 'soils, they are still retreating. I think there are still ten months at the latest, The battle will be completely over." This was an accurate judgment based on her hundred years of battlefield experience. Without the memory interference from the stalker, Gabriel has long recalled that the original source of the worry in his heart came from the fear "after the war is over".

At that time, where should she go?

"More things, I can't tell you for the time being. Even after this incident, your confidentiality level still has no right to know. I can only say that you still have your own place to go."

Zheng Fu walked in front and replied casually.

The information he got was more accurate than Gabriel's. If we continue to maintain the current offensive rhythm, there are still eight months and thirteen days left, and the Zerg and the remaining art on Pluto will be completely wiped out.

This means that the vanguard of the Zerg will be completely wiped out from the solar system.

At that time, the Zerg's large army will arrive in 3 years.

After the Zerg from Pluto was terminated, Zheng Fu had to consider the problem of dribbling someone. There is no need to consider the possibility of beheading failure, after all, his death means that the earth civilization will directly turn yellow...

But once the beheading is successful, it means that the Zerg will lose their queen—that is, the spiritual interaction between all the Zerg will be disintegrated, they will no longer obey the same will, and the wildness that belongs to the creature will be released again. This means that the Zerg has been completely downgraded from a "natural disaster" to a "brutal alien species".

But this does not mean that all Zerg will die immediately. Even if they stop their crazy evolution, the existing power will not disappear. After the queen is killed, they will definitely scatter in all directions. This means that a small number of Zerg will definitely come to the solar system. It would be too ironic if the Zerg queen was killed by miscellaneous soldiers.

"I can only say that these bugs are not all." Zheng Fu warned: "The Zergs on Pluto can only be regarded as vanguards at best. Among the Zergs, their positioning is closer to the militia. I think you can also find that, Their aggressiveness has evolved from a certain collection ability, and even after evolution, they still retain the ability to collect, digest and decompose resources."

"The ones that are about to arrive will be the real main battle force. Although I haven't really seen the Zerg, I think with your current strength, it should be difficult to effectively confront them." Zheng Fu paused Dun, continued: "At that time, the main force will be the Angel of Dawn, I think you should have heard of this name. Then your Pluto force will be dismantled, and some of you will return to defend the earth, preside over the control of the psychic defense platform, and conduct Static defenses. The rest will receive 'troop upgrades'."

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