To Four Thousand Years Later

Vol 6 Chapter 25: unshackle him

They were all once human.

They've lived too. Gabriel opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

born? Before knowing this, she originally had a strong dislike for the group of "Hermits". Because she is very clear that the purpose of the hermit's actions is to destroy the newly formed way of perfection. They get no benefit at all from it, the purpose is only to destroy the interests of others. This is a heinous group of vandals.

But now, she knows that the time they became criminals was long before they committed crimes.

Abaddon started his coffee and calmly told the story of the past. During the years when Zheng Fu was active in the human world, he was often able to use his own experience and wisdom to try his best to avoid unnecessary mistakes for human beings, but even he himself knew that this was still a choice to treat the symptoms rather than the root cause. Because human beings will eventually reach the shore that he has never experienced. At that point, his experience and knowledge are useless. He couldn't judge this era from the perspective of the future, so it was like a **** falling into the mortal world and becoming a mortal. Abaddon commented in a low voice.

He also makes mistakes because he doesn't know what is right, what can be developed, and what has no future.

When he said this, he deliberately lowered his voice, as if he was saying something outrageous and taboo. At that time, the only way to "immortality" was to use memory boxes to collect human memories and store them digitally. Then, just like running a piece of software, according to its existing rules, it runs a bionic person that is close to a human but completely different. To put it simply, it is to use a person's entire life to drive a machine that looks like a person. Let the machine live like this person.

Their original prototypes were biologically dead but socially alive. Not only does it look alive, it can even keep approaching eternity until it upgrades itself into artificial intelligence, or its personality collapses over a long period of time.

Before the construction of the Tower of Mind, even Forty-Two did not know that those who had been processed by memory, or even those who had been digitally remembered, would not be able to deeply connect with the sea of ​​mind, and could not communicate with others. The ritual of discovering the essence of the other. And if you share with these "old human beings" whose memory is digitized... then you can only see a lot of 0s and 1s, and nothing else. Their spiritual bodies are just a blurry mass of light, and once they enter the Tower of Mind, they will merge with other "old humans".

Humans do not actually have a fully ordered memory—as they recall, they are always dynamic rather than static. Every time we recall, the memory will undergo subtle changes. We experience the same thing at different times, and even just different moods will have completely different possibilities.

This means that human beings are creatures full of possibilities. Their instinct comes from deep chaos, and they sort it out into order. The reason why the spirit body of human beings is similar to the appearance in life just shows the chaos of human beings.

But these human beings who have digitized memory have lost the right to "wrong memory". Everything they have experienced in the past has been completely frozen and recorded. Unless modified by external forces, they will remain unchanged forever. Their spirit bodies are not in human form, but like demon gods. The biggest difference is that even if the spirit bodies of new humans are entangled and integrated, they can be separated again at any time, maintaining their previous shape and self. Once the light and the photosphere come into contact, they will attract each other and become a larger photosphere. This is no longer a spirit body.

It is an "information mixture", which cannot be said that they are behind the times and have become monsters. Forty-two has vaguely realized that they may be life on another evolutionary tree.

information theory.

Also relying on the power from the End, but not extracting an inexhaustible source of energy from it, and obtaining energyized information such as "spiritual energy". Instead, it materializes the information it holds, and becomes an information life body that can exist on the earth.

That is Zheng Fu himself.

This is another way of evolution. If the theory of psionics is a perpetual motion machine that creates all things from nothing, then information theory is a "creation mechanism" that unifies all things and devours all matter and information to perfect itself.

There is no doubt that this is the diametrically opposed path from today's golden species.

The most realistic situation is that their spiritual bodies cannot be absorbed by the giant tower of the mind. Because the moment they die, their spherical spirit bodies will be used as nourishment and will be swallowed by Zheng Fu, an "evolved body" who is at least one or two periods older than them. This means that 1.8 million people have lost the possibility of obtaining eternal life forever at the moment when the giant tower of the mind is built.

Although Forty Two is not the pioneer of memory box technology, and has never promoted this technology, even he himself can be regarded as a half victim, but in Forty Two's view, he can stop it, but he has stopped it, without expressly expressing it The danger that may be hidden in it, then this is his crime.

"Father has always been like this."

Abaddon's tone was almost disgusting: "He always attributes all his sins to himself—I always think this is a kind of arrogance of his father." This strange contrast almost made Gabriel laugh out loud.

"Yes." Abaddon nodded readily, "I always thought that this is a kind of arrogance that can only exist on gods."

"I think there is misfortune in this world, not because the world itself is wrong, but because I haven't done enough. The premise of this kind of thinking is that if you work hard enough, you can eradicate all suffering." Abaddon said slowly: " But my father is just a human being. He is just a mortal, a mortal who will be proud, arrogant, fail, and make mistakes. He can't be a wish machine used by humans, at least not."

"So I think you should be able to understand. I am indeed a jailer." Abaddon concluded: "But I am not guarding 'a moonman who cannot be reincarnated', but a father who is bound by mortal wishes. These moon people did not perish, it means that the fault of the father will always exist; these moon people no longer make big mistakes, it means that the fault of the father is not serious. He should not be a god, nor should he be a demon, because he is just an ordinary person .”

"That's why you came here to solve this dilemma for us and free my father from the entanglement of two million lives involved in the memory box incident."

"Yes, I think you should be able to understand. Except for the new human beings who do not have any direct interest relationship with him and do not need to act according to his will, any minds and gods belonging to the father's forces intervene to solve the problem caused by the moon people. All the vicious incidents will only make father suffer more and be bound even deeper."

"Only you can untie his shackles."

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