To Four Thousand Years Later

Vol 5 Chapter 92: wish him happiness

Yes, Lorenzo is in love with a witch. The reason is also very simple, just like the reason why he chose to follow Leonardo back then. Lorenzo sees clearly the selfish nature of human beings. Even people with low self-esteem will still choose to believe in themselves and love themselves subconsciously. So in front of Lorenzo, the more they love themselves, the more they will love Lorenzo; and the more confident they are and the more they trust their own decisions, the more they will trust Lorenzo.

No one can stop his will, no one even wants to kill him.

Logically speaking, Lorenzo is indeed the most suitable candidate for sneaking in secretly. Because no one will doubt him at all as long as they can be within the range of Lorenzo's psychic influence. Lorenzo never even thought about it. What would happen if self 2 failed? Naturally, he never thought that one day he would actually fall in love with someone other than "Lorenzo".

The reason is also very simple. at the very beginning. His abilities are still useful to Flora. After getting along for a while. Flora's feelings for Lorenzo are sublimated. She loves "Lorenzo" so purely - more than she loves her sisters, the world, or herself. Every time Lorenzo felt that pure love for himself from the bottom of her heart, he felt a shock to his heart: every time the psychological positions of the two people were exchanged. Not only can he not increase his importance in the other party's heart, but on the contrary, he will reduce his favorability.

But in a few days, Flora would fill that empty feeling with love again. Lorenzo could only exchange the psychological positions of the two again in embarrassment. Lozo, who was shining like a star in front of others, lost the initiative in front of Flora. He even once thought about whether to kill Flora. Remove this person from the face of the earth who is exempt from his psychic powers.

But he still couldn't do it. at that time. Lorenzo's heart, his hands, even his teeth began to shake. Only then did Lorenzo realize that he also inevitably fell in love with Flora when he exchanged "hearts" again and again. Flora, is Florence the city he loves looking for him?

He squeezed Ruo's own psionic power like crazy, exchanged hearts with more witches, trying to find a piece of evidence.

He wants to prove that this is an inevitable thing that will happen after the two exchange their hearts: since the other party will fall in love with Lorenzo as much as he loves himself, then after many exchanges of hearts, the time of exchanging hearts becomes After a long time, she will have a heartfelt desire, and if Flora's situation can be perfectly reproduced by Lorenzo in other people, he can have reason to convince himself that Flora is only being affected by his own psionic power. It's just affected by it-this is a completely false love, she will have feelings for herself, just because her psionic ability deceives her feelings.

If Flora knew what he had done to her, and the reason why he was lurking around her, then there was no doubt that she would only be angry with herself for playing with her feelings and trying to destroy the plans of her sisters. liars hate it.

At least Lorenzo thought so.

Everything is a bubble phantom, everything is a castle in the air. Unreal and drifting.

However, Lorenzo never found a second example. No matter how many times he used his psychic powers on the other witches, what he did to them; no matter how long Lorenzo stayed with them—even longer than Flora—they were gentler than Flora, but always, there was no second. The second person who really fell in love with him because of this ended up being only Flora. Forty-two suddenly realized. Lorenzo smiled bitterly: "Yes, I want to apologize to you. She made me a little bit" It doesn't matter.

Forty-two smiled peacefully: "You should have explained your psychic power to me earlier.

"People don't actually love and respect other people as much as they think. But people will instinctively deceive themselves, as if they are really in love with them-this is for social formation. It doesn't take at least forty-two people to believe it I used to think the same way when I was in love. Lorenzo is a wry smiler. Because he can clearly see what others think of him, and he can clearly realize that "everyone loves himself more than others", so he will treat the world He scoffed at his true love. When he sought out his wife in the last life, he only looked at how much benefit the other party could bring him. He didn't care about other things.

Until he died of old age, he still had no feelings for that person. He is one with his parents and his children. So even Piero de' Medici, the "gouty man," loved him very little. Compared with Lorenzo, his father loved his power, his city, his country, and his wealth more. His mother cared more about a wealthy and superior life, and his wife feared him more than loved him. She wanted to use Lorenzo's status and fame to get more for her family and her father. Even Lorenzo's own child loves him intensely only at an early age. He was ecstatic at the time, wishing to give them everything he could have since 2.

But soon after they grew up, their feelings for Lorenzo were gradually diluted. At first, they thought about their father and their mother, and their brothers and sisters. When they grow up a bit, they start thinking about their studies, entertainment, work, and socializing, and later, they have their own ideals in their hearts, just like their mothers, and start thinking about wealth and status. All were so. Finally, Lorenzo gave up.

It is precisely because he can see love clearly that he does not believe in love.

He searched his whole life, and no one was willing to love him. At most, only one person is willing to give him one-third of the love—even then, he was already ecstatic. But now, someone who really loved him appeared. But Lorenzo hesitated. He began to act with fear. He began to care about his image in the eyes of the other party. He is no longer as decisive as he was in the beginning. Finally, just yesterday, he made up his mind. He wants to test people's hearts one last time.

He wants to use his psychic power to inject divine blood here for the last time, and use the amplified psychic power to bring forty-two enough information to end everything at once. Then before he passed out, he told Flora the truth, you shouldn't test people's hearts.

Forty-two sighed: "People's hearts should be as awe-inspiring as the stars and the truth, and should not be tested. Any temptation may change other people's existing views. Therefore, Lorenzo, who can never be sure of people's hearts, also followed four Twelve sighed together: "I know

"I just wanted to give myself an excuse. An excuse to get out.

An excuse to lie to yourself, right? Forty-two looked across the screen, but didn't say these words. Lorenzo can see the love in other people's hearts, but he can't see his own.

He has fallen in love with the other party for a long time, but he is always rejecting and denying. But this is the last time. It seems to be rejecting the other party's feelings, but in fact it is begging for mercy. When he told the truth. Just ask the other party to be original. I wish him happiness like a kitten who always hopes to be picked up by someone. Only this aspect of the problem, Forty-two can not answer for him. Because he also doesn't understand people's hearts.

One is the same as Lorenzo. in various senses.

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