To Four Thousand Years Later

Vol 5 Chapter 86: the forgotten

Chang Xi recited the content on the slate in a low voice

"What is the lifespan of human beings in the future?"

"How far is the border of the future empire?"

"Future humans...remember us?"

He read here. He paused slightly. Then he continued softly:

"Someone here once looked at the starry sky dreamily.

In that age without lights.

"People here have died of hunger and thirst.

In that era of lack of food.

"There once was a pestilence upon the earth, and there was darkness under the sun.

"The sun once set here, and the moonlight was as warm as water."

"Here was a foolish man

Having said that, Chang Xi was silent again for a while. Calmed down the surging emotions in my heart.

Then he kept his voice hoarse, and continued to read aloud:

"To live is to suffer

"But what he suffered, you need not suffer again.

"His name is Solomon. He is a powerless talker. No, 150,000 yuan. If there is a hundred yuan, he scratched it without thinking about the afterlife: he is for this" He is for this place He was born to have meat to eat and clothes to wear; He died so that all peoples on this earth could live with dignity, and all peoples on this earth forgot his glory. "

With your head held high, with all your wits and courage, step forward, human beings. "

"The angel Raziel and this forged book relay the last words of the wise king Solomon: "Peace be upon the world. May there never be hunger. May others love you.

"May you cherish the light. May you remember the past.

May you always be happy.


Maynard opened his mouth. But no sound came out.

Streams of heat flowed in and out of his heart, and strong emotions swept through the pictures of the past.

Already, tears streaming down my face

They are tempted. With hatred for this society, hatred for nobles and nobles. Pick up the jackknife. Surrounding a gentleman who seemed to be shining with brilliance, at that time, Naicuo had dozens of pairs of eyes full of hatred and malice, but he didn't flinch in the slightest.

"You know what, Francis. Lorenzo and I have mentioned these children."

"I said at the time, you're going to never see these kids again and that's what you're going to do, Lorenzo, and that's a mission outside of mine.

His voice was so calm, as if he wasn't describing a dream, he was talking about a matter of course.

I said, go make this rotten society better.

Your Excellency said so

opportunities become equal.

The great Leonardo da Vinci. To a group of people who want their own lives. Said the beautiful words that people can't help but learn from the past. Leonardo at that time touched Mikairot.

He vaguely realized...

He knew it for the first time. There are indeed people who are working hard to make the world a better place.

Those words of his did not come from a lofty pity. But purely general meaning.

For Carlotta, that was the first ray of light he saw in his dark life.

That is his sun. His dream his angel.

His cut.

In pursuit of legal justice. The murders he did... more came from his own resentment towards this society.

until now.

He just used those as slogans. Think of it as the bragging of the nobles. He obediently obeyed, but did not believe in his heart.

Because there is still a trace of resentment and anger in Michelot's heart that has not been erased.

How could there be such a great person?

Human understanding should have its limits: Human understanding of the world also has limits. Leonardo decided that there is also a limit to public life. B people and no one" to prove that Michelot. Sometimes I even look forward to when Leonardo will make a mistake. At that time, he can pretend to be calm to prove that he is not omnipotent .

He doesn't know the greatness of Leonardo at all

No, not right.

Suddenly, Maynard froze.

... everything is understood.

Suddenly, Maynard's empty eyes ignited a ray of light again.

This time the fire. Not cyan.

Why can the **** self return to the world?

Why was he able to come back to life after suffering a heinous crime?

Why didn't Lord Stajian and Lord Baimon come to rectify, knowing the danger of agnosticism?

the reason is simple.

Yep, the Doomsday cultists aren't dead yet.

Rather, they intend to put an end to this perishable, ever-changing age.

"_The sun once set here, and the moonlight was as warm as water."

They want to end this era.

All things are eternal, all phenomena are eternal.

then. Bring it back to life.

In this way, he reaches the "future" in his mouth.

As long as this kind of thinking is not extinguished, the winter of Fenbulle will not end.

Therefore, the doomsday believers are still not purged.

Because there is still an agnostic who knows everything alive... You remember to take the slate with you.

Maynard's withered, sallow face: stained with tears.

…Aren't we ending the winter of Fimbul? Do you want to take it out?

Chang Xi hesitated

Maynard objected unusually fiercely.

Then he fell silent again, standing motionless in the darkness.

He closed his eyes. Quietly feeling his body.

Should have died tomorrow.

All organs are exhausted, blood is dried up, and bones are rusted. Another injection of divine blood that consumes life and stimulates psionic energy.

But his body gradually stabilized, and he was healed visibly with his breathing.

Of course he knew that this was not the great cause of this stone slab.

Because he woke up.

- He is the first and last doomsday believer.

Huge, unbelievable power poured into Michaelot's body continuously. Even brighter than Leonardo. Bigger than Leonardo.

He closed his eyes, feeling as if his life essence was sublimated.

The picture scroll of the world unfolds in the bottom of his eyes, and the stars gradually light up on it.

Michaelot knew it clearly.

t. There will be no one to stop.

Someone has to break the loop.

He closed his eyes tightly and chanted in a low voice: right here, right here

"Forget about me, Chang Xi.

Forget me, world.

Because that's what I live for.

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