To Four Thousand Years Later

Vol 5 Chapter 82: one man army


There was a low cracking sound.

As soon as Chang Xi raised the muzzle of his right hand, he pulled the trigger on the bug approaching him. The huge projectile 9 rose from the muzzle of the gun with a huge amount of white smoke, and hit the huge monster with the body of a lion with the head of a hippopotamus. This is the Zerg named "Driller", and the difficulty against it is only level 3-but it is not a very easy enemy to deal with.

As soon as Chang Xi fired a shot at it, he immediately turned the head of the gun and shot at the other two diggers who were roaring at him, each shot accurately piercing the digger's throat.

The pitch-black projectile hit the tunneler's huge mouth and entered the throat, but it didn't seem to be damaged at all, and continued to move forward with a big leap.

"Oh oh oh oh

It let out a weird and thick roar, just about to jump high and pounce on Chang Xi, but the next moment. The bodies of several diggers suddenly froze in place.

The cold air suddenly gushed out from the back of their necks, and the rock-like muscles were instantly covered with a thick layer of ice. As the ice spread, they were fixed on the ground with their teeth and claws waving.

Seeing this, Chang Xiyi calmly stepped back.

In his left hand, he held a long-barreled rifle with a very high-tech feel. The energy plug inside it is rotating and charging at high speed, making a low buzzing sound. It sucked the rifle held in its left hand behind its shoulder, and Xuexin's skin in his left hand retreated, revealing a dark muzzle.

His left hand flicked across the air casually. Then he fired three shots and three almost invisible red lights, precisely hitting the fatal points of several diggers who were frozen on the ground and couldn't move. mouth.

"Are you ready? Hurry up!" Chang Xi raised his voice and scolded Ruo, then pulled up the charging rifle with his left hand again, pointed it at something and pressed the trigger without looking at it.

In an instant, the pale light blasted the night sky into shell-shaped lightning surges and roared. On an "analyzer" about ten meters away, the remaining arcs fanned out, knocking out the few larvae behind it. full coverage. They didn't even have time to utter a miserable beep before they were turned into scorched corpses by the electric shock.

"Hurry up!"

Maynard's unceremonious voice sounded from behind him: "Hold on for a while, the ice-breaking process has already started! And in front of them is an ancient ruin. In other words, it is a place that has been occupied by people. Its outer layer is equipped with a large number of defensive equipment, which will mercilessly kill the Zerg who dare to break into the restricted area. At the same time, they are not willing to let Maynard and Chang Xiyi go.

Fortunately, Chang Xiyi also carried his ice-breaking program "Polaris". If it wasn't for his inability to connect to the other side, Boss Chang even wanted to do it himself. No one knows better than him how "Polaris should operate... and he has long understood that in terms of combat effectiveness. Even Zi 2 who has input the combat experience of elite special forces cannot defeat Maynard. People who are not good at fighting are in charge of fighting, Those who are not good at deciphering are responsible for deciphering. This is such a wonderful combination of them.

Fortunately, after more than a month of fighting and training, as well as Maynard's words and deeds, Chang Xiyi no longer looks like the recruit at the beginning.

Though the Analyst doesn't jump up to attack him, spout acid or fire scorching lasers at him. But it has an extremely powerful breathing control ability. It is common sense to kill milk first when a group is hit. At the same time, it is also a mobile scout.

The "Analyzer" is the Zerg's front-line commander. It is about two meters tall and looks like a solid Mejed god—under the white skin, there is only one huge, pure black, pupilless eye. But its true vision is actually enough to cover 360 degrees, and it has the ability to see through spiritual power within 100 meters. In the direction of its watcher, the limit line of sight is close to two kilometers. It has the wisdom of normal adult humans and can judge the situation in time , to decide whether to encircle and suppress the main force of the opponent, or to go in the direction of the weak "analyser" eyeball is the direction of the Zerg's breakthrough. The people it targets will be set as the highest priority by the Zerg, and the continuous stream of Zerg will start from Swarming from all directions Even if there is no queen in charge, human beings will gradually fall into the siege of insects. If analysts eat the brains of living people, they can get memory fragments and part of the knowledge of the other party. If they can eat the brains of psykers The brain can also strengthen itself progressively.

After at most three or four times, it will give birth to an independent personality and become a "decomposer" with a difficulty of up to eight levels. It possesses psionic power beyond the level of an ordinary ghost agent and emits radiation waves that can decompose the human body within ten seconds. Analysts generally don't get too far ahead. Instead, they cunningly hid behind the vanguard. Once it encounters a surprise attack or any attack, it will order the larvae behind it to rush up and explode. Buy yourself time. Then retreat calmly. But if there is flesh and blood—especially the head of a psyker, the analyst will not be able to bear the instinct of evolution, and will take the initiative to move forward. Release the bait. To bait and slay "analysts" who crave evolution. It is also a key tactic for humans to fight against Zerg. If there is no head, a small amount of divine blood can come. If there are too many points, the queen will also be recruited.

In the metal test tube pinned to Chang Xi's waist was a dose of divine blood.

After easily shooting and killing the attracted analyst, Chang Xiyi keenly heard a slight trembling sound.

If it is an ordinary human being, it is difficult to detect such a subtle voice on the battlefield... But Chang Xi is not an ordinary human being.

- He's not even human.

When Chang Xiyi's trembling sound reached its maximum, he suddenly jumped backwards.

As the ground cracked, two or three tunnelers chatted out of the ground.

Why are there so many of his second uncle's! When Chang Xi had time to fire two shots, the third digger grabbed his shoulder and pushed him to the ground.

The huge mouthparts opened, and the multiple layers of sharp teeth that could crush rocks began to rotate and criss-cross. Its whole body was split open, and the hot, earthy yellowish-brown body fluid with a strong smell poured on Boss Chang. Boss Chang was not surprised but delighted: "My dear uncle, you are here!

"If I come later, your head will be gone! Don't you want to hit the ground, you have to wait for them to come out?" Maynard cursed, throwing the black long sword in his hand into the shadow under his feet. Then he took out two or two new heavy machine guns from under his feet. The shadows turned into many tentacles, and he assembled them in an instant and put them firmly on the spot.

While his psychics themselves haven't changed much, times have. The usage of psychic power has also undergone many changes. For example, before Michelot's spirit pig was limited to assassination or field control, but now it is chubby. Maynard, with a kind face, pulled the trigger mercilessly against Zonghai and began to shoot. The shadow turns into a machine gun that won't overheat, the shadow turns into a steady stream of bullets, and the shadow is responsible for removing the recoil—if it doesn't count the consumption. He could even set up a dozen or three of these machine guns, and let the shadow tentacles aim and shoot for him. Maynard alone is a legion.

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