To Four Thousand Years Later

Vol 5 Chapter 54: soul window

The moment he met Forty-two's eyes, the iron-jawed boy seemed to have turned into a clay sculpture and wood carving.

Forty-two eyes as black as ink were instantly soaked in the brilliance of spiritual energy. The pure brilliance, as bright as the sun, just surfaced for a moment, and it was already branded in Jeno G2's heart. This is a divine spell from the realm of Baal, the "window to the mind".

Just use your eyes as a medium, or touch your eyes or forehead, and you can inject your will into the other party's mind.

The difference from forty-two leaving a mind mark on Dorothea before is that the mark can only remind forty-two whether she is still alive and where she is. The spiritual window is more advanced, and can monitor all the thoughts and ideas of the other party from anywhere. Lifted and used afterward for permanent or temporary psychic windows. When the monitor uses any other psychic abilities on the other party, the other party will be like injecting a needle into the body before infusing it. The skin cannot resist the invasion of liquid.

And if there is any shortcoming of this magical technique, it is that the person being watched will always know that he is being watched.

They only need to be aware of it to realize that there is a pair of eyes watching their hearts. It's like looking suspiciously at the sun for a long time and then looking away. There will still be a green "fantastic sun" on the retina, and there will be a pair of eyes in the heart of the person being watched looking at him.

It was as if the gaze from the meeting of the four eyes had been burned on his retina.

After the spirit of "your iron-jawed brother" Jeno G2" was unconsciously impacted by Forty-two's psychic power, the whole person seemed to become dull.

His speech was no longer as fluent as before, his eyes became sluggish, and his body movements when following Forty-Two and the others seemed to be like unoiled machines, weird and slow.

"Come on, Geno."

Forty-two did not stare at him, but continued to walk forward, with his mouth slightly opened and a soft voice: "It's good that you make other people realize that something is wrong, just like usual."

After he finished speaking, the eyes of "Iron Chin" brightened for a moment. Regarding this point, you can pay attention to our private space. In this field, there are some other articles. For example, "Iron Chin" immediately continued to talk about the previous topic.

His expression became more vivid, and his movements were no longer so sluggish. As if he just stumbled before, or his back was not in a good condition, the suspicious eyes cast on him by others were withdrawn one after another. The only difference from before is that "Iron Jaw" has lost his personal will. After forcibly turning on the opponent's immunity switch with the mind window, he directly used the divine art "Thinking Injection" in the Baimeng Domain, and began to remotely control the opponent's will.

This magical technique was originally only used to teach others knowledge or language, and to show others what happened at a certain time and place in the form of hallucinations. But during the birth of the soul window, the "thinking" it injects into the opponent's body has become the first "priority consciousness"

"Follow us," Forty=Qing Sang's speaker, "keep quiet. If this behavior itself raises doubts, explain it to them, and then follow.

Hearing that "Iron Chin" did not nod to Forty-Two, he turned his head and found one of his colleagues. After saying a few words to the other party, he turned around and followed.

"Iron Jaw" didn't seem to be obeying Forty-Two's orders, but completely followed the other party's will, and didn't think there was anything wrong with his actions. The only difference is that a circle of hazy white shimmer can be vaguely seen in the fundus of "Iron Chin". If it weren't for Maynard's unusual sensitivity to light, he would have thought it was the reflection of ambient light in his eyes.

So this is the psionic power of adults?

Overwhelmed by Forty-Two's operation, Maynard didn't dare to say a word beside him.

He didn't even notice what Forty-Two had done. The other party was suddenly destroyed with all resistance consciousness, and the whole person turned into a marionette. Maynard's first reaction was uncontrollably admiring, Leonardo is such a great person. At that time, he was attacked by a group of little fellows led by him, and his first reaction was not to directly destroy himself with this kind of psychic power Thoughts, but try to negotiate with yourself, reason. Even after someone shot him, he still forgave himself and his party and was even willing to teach himself to learn psionics and culture.

"Find us a separate room, Maynard.

In the corridor, Forty-Two said softly: "The kind without monitoring." "Understood." I felt the strange and creepy "iron chin", but turned around and approached the bionic security guards standing next to them with guns, silently watching the interior of the hall, and judging the immediate danger everywhere. Even if those young people dressed in weird Yelling. They are also motionless, as if they can’t see anything. Because they judge. The other party will not cause any damage, nor will it endanger the order of the station. In the procedural judgment of these bionics, they just lean forward and talk to other people , and then send a safe picture. This is also the shortcoming of the bionic security guards. They are not overly suspicious. Because of their negative behavior, it intensifies people's resentment and vigilance against these young people who support the independence of bionics.

As far as ordinary people are concerned, if they find something is wrong, even if they don't have any evidence for it, and even know that they may have made a mistake in their judgment, they will take the initiative to take some actions to interrupt it personally.

And this kind of paranoia "without any evidence and logic" cannot exist in bionics. This will make human beings sleepless and sleepless. Just like the artificial intelligence distributed to various companies, they have all registered their names in the Turing register. Every week, world-class network security masters—more than half of them are devils—challenge these artificial intelligences according to strict rules.

The purpose is to prevent them from becoming too smart. Or, "someone" of them became too smart. Soul of Steel must walk on the path of rules. Everything speaks with evidence, and everything is considered with probability. It is precisely because of this that bionics are perfect security guards. Because they will never be deceived, never make any subjective mistakes.

These bionic security guards judged that the behavior of those young people did not pose any threat to the order of the station and the laws of Oslo, which was naturally correct. Because the possible impact of their behavior failure has nothing to do with the "rules" they want to maintain. In a sense, this is actually a problem caused by the lack of the data car itself. Yiri is still caused by insufficient technology.

Hello, I'm Maynard Maltz. Maynard found a bionic security guard and spoke in a low voice.

He slightly took off his sunglasses and let the other party take a look at his face.

Then he stretched out his left hand and said softly: "Please confirm my identity first - I want to use the VIP room of my special exhibition.

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