To Four Thousand Years Later

Vol 4 Chapter 120: there's nothing to be afraid of anymore

Leonardo walked slowly down one step at a time, his leather boots stepped on the stone slab, making a long creaking sound. Going down this spiral twisting road, Leonardo noticed that the surrounding environment began to become more and more weird. The floor began to become slippery, and the surrounding walls vibrated weakly as if they were the inner walls of the heart. There was the rancid smell that Leonardo was familiar with in the atmosphere—it was similar to the poisonous gas from the underworld brought by Yastaro. Substantial curses condensed in the air. Howlers like living creatures kept attacking Leonardo. Yastaro didn't even need to intercept them. Because in this dark passage. Leonardo's body seemed to be emitting a glow like a scorching sun—this was not a special application of psionic energy... Leonardo didn't even do anything. He just exists here, and this "underworld" is gradually illuminated by his brilliance. As long as Leonardo's eyes burning with scorching brilliance glanced over, this near-substantial curse would immediately disintegrate by itself. The surrounding dark and deep atmosphere is full of ominous things, but within tens of meters of Leonardo, it is clean. As long as he walked on, the slippery and sticky ground was completely new. The walls and ceiling no longer squirmed. He was like an extremely sharp knife, slowly but firmly cutting through the belly of the "underworld". The stairs behind him were no longer dark and dead, and the curse was gone.

"This is... Bishop Hector looked at this scene behind Leonardo, feeling turbulent and disturbed. It was a miracle—the scene in front of him was just like the great miracle that **** walked on the sea back then!

And now. He was the only one who witnessed this scene with his own eyes! Hector stared at the scene in front of him, trying to brand it in his eyes, remember it in its original form, and never forget it. He secretly made up his mind - if he can go back alive, he must start to study painting skills! To draw all the many miracles in front of me, and pass them on to the world, and my name can also be eternal with this painting, engraved in history forever! Bishop Hector's excited hands were shaking. He stared at Leonardo, and almost slipped and fell down the stairs. Suddenly, Leonardo stopped. Almost in sync with him, Yastaro, who had been staring at him, also stopped. Then came Baimon, who stopped half a beat later - he directly reached out and grabbed Bishop Hector, which happened to prevent him from slipping down by the way. It wasn't because Baimon cared about Bishop Hector. But if Hector slides from this angle, maybe Leonardo will be kicked down.

An old voice sounded: "I knew you would come." At the end of the stairs, stood an old man in a dark red robe. Darkness and curses stalled before him. The old man had his hands behind his back, and his wrinkled face was completely untouched. Only his eyes were dim, and the whites of his eyes could not be seen, like the extinguished night sky.

Behind the old man is a dim yellow like the setting sun.

The floor under his feet, the walls on both sides, the ceiling, or the decorative pillars were all dim and dazzling like the setting sun, brilliant enough to make people dizzy. Leonardo paused for a few seconds, leaning on the inner wall with one hand, walked slowly down, and walked towards the old man.

"How else should I call you?

He also spoke, and a clear voice sounded: "Yulissi? Still.

"Whisperer? In Leonardo's eyes. There are actually two names above the old man's head.

One was "Olistas, seventy-one," in light red.

The other one is a slightly smaller light green name hanging under "Olistas".

A whisperer, a thousand-faced sophistry.

This was the first time for Leonardo to see such a name, and he couldn't help being taken aback. The moment Leonardo said these words, he saw "Olistas" turn crimson at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Then the shadow under Oristas' feet suddenly began to twist and lengthen. Turned into an uneducated sharp blade and attacked Leonardo!

Leonardo just swipe forward with his right hand propped on the wall.

As if a match was rubbing against the wall, bright silver sparks entered and exited at his fingertips, bypassing the shadows and swiftly attacking old Orlistas! The spark quickly expanded and stretched in the air, turning into a spear of silver flames and piercing the old man's abdomen! And his original emerald green eyes instantly turned dark gold, and his right hand stretched out in front of him.

The moment the brilliant golden light appeared in Leonardo's eyes, those shadows attacking him like snakes froze on the ground for an instant as if smashed by an invisible giant hammer, and then completely shattered!

They creaked like living things, trying to stick together...but it was too late.

The spear of the silver flame pierced through Oristas' abdomen in an instant, and then exploded.

Leonardo lowered his head and charged forward—the moment the shadow shattered, he passed through the interception of shadow thorns.

He raised his right hand, and at the moment of Leonardo's thought, the fire of psychic energy jumped and burned at his fingertips, condensed into brilliant golden threads, woven and folded into sharp blades for nothingness and light.

His right hands came together to form a knife, stably and precisely piercing through Olistas' heart.

The whole process didn't even reach two.

Old Oristas was hostile in his heart, and Leonardo had already noticed it. Even made a counterattack one step ahead.

cough! Olis Zens' body shook violently, and he coughed out a mass of blood with many bright golden fragments.

What he possesses is not human flesh and blood. It was some kind of psionic artifact that immediately betrayed him. Leonardo was even aware of it. If he wanted, he could even "flow" directly into Oristas' heart or body.

…What is this?

Just as Leonardo was thinking, he saw that the panic and fear on Olistas's face disappeared instantly, and there was only a calm face on his face.

The name "Olistas" disappeared instantly. A dim yellow light suddenly lit up in Olistas' dim eyes.

"I wait for you, Solomon. Our love, light of hope

He opened his mouth and said in a strange tone: "This body is a gift. It is given to you, Solomon. I am on the eighteen people, and I am at the bottom here. I have retreated for the others, and here are also There is no information left. Come to witness that we have not finished talking to your Aiolis Zens, and a killing intent surged behind Leonardo.

Then Oliss' body suddenly began to twitch violently. A foul-smelling black gas suddenly spewed out from his seven orifices, his expression stiffened, his skin turned greenish brown, and before Leonardo's eyes suddenly turned into sand and scattered on the ground, leaving no bones left.

That was the killing intent from Yastaru. Leonardo could only hold a fragment of his heart, and take it out of the body before it becomes diseased.

"My lord... this person seems to know you.

Yastaru walked forward as if nothing had happened. He said vigilantly in a low voice: "Should we leave here first? Abaddon can completely destroy this place...

"Can you protect me, Yastaru?" Leonardo paused. asked. Yastaru replied without hesitation: "Of course."

"Then there is nothing to be afraid of. Because I believe in you.

Leonardo chuckled softly. He opened his mouth and replied: "Please protect me, can you? I want to... go down and have a look."

"But, ... Leonardo added: "This is my mission. I can't just bury it here, along with any secrets they might have. You understand me, Yastaru. I never back down a step before reaching the phase.


She always felt a little uneasy... not very strong, but very disgusting and lingering. I don't know where this premonition came from...but it's not a good thing anyway.

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