To Four Thousand Years Later

Vol 4 Chapter 103: invisible way of life

Why start a war?

Galeazzo was taken aback when he heard the words, not knowing what to say.

It's not that he dared not answer. It's that he really doesn't know the answer to this question. Last year, because he couldn't figure out why Kret VIII wanted to start a war, he rushed to Zurich along with the fact that someone pretended to be the Minister of Agriculture, and rushed directly into Kret VIII's mansion. Thanks to the kindness of Kreed VIII, he didn't kill him even if he was contradicted face to face. But he didn't let him go home.

He was brought with him by Kreed VIII, even when he was in a meeting in the court, and brought him back after the meeting. It looked like it was watching him, but it also looked like it was watching him and not letting him go. He could read the newspaper, go hunting, and even call for a circus troupe, but he was not allowed to return to Milan.

The fact that he was under house arrest by the Teutonic King did not spread among the people. But it has been more than a year, and Galeazzo is almost certain that his brother Ludovico must now have Milan in his hands. Kret VIII has made up his mind to pay attention, just not letting him go.

Even Galeazzo himself didn't know why Klein VIII kept staring at him. If it is said that he attaches great importance to his opinion. But why didn't I see him ask my opinion on state affairs? He didn't come to see himself once for several months, but put himself under house arrest in a side hall, just such a delicious donor? Even just leave him here and leave him alone, come to chat with him only once in a month or two, and then leave in a hurry.

This seems to be more protection than house arrest, but why does His Majesty protect me? Who did I offend again? Galeazzo still couldn't figure it out. And his monarch is not like the Lion King in the past—even if he has something in his heart, he always hides it in his stomach, waiting for others to guess.

But how can you guess? People's hearts are inherently unpredictable, not to mention that there is something in the king's heart, even if Galeazzo guesses it, he dare not say it. There are still some words that he just can't guess.

For example, why did Klein VIII deliberately start a war.

Galeazzo thought for a long time before answering honestly and directly: All I know is that Your Majesty, you definitely did not start the war for conquest.

Kret VIII sighed softly, looking a little disappointed in the setting sun: "Of course, in this era, there will no longer be any wars of conquest.

"I will launch a war for a very simple reason. Because Teutonic has fallen into a precarious situation.

With that, the blond-haired and golden-eyed Lion King laughed, and turned his gaze to the silent Galeazzo: "Why, don't you believe me?"

No, just don't quite get it.

"It's easy to understand.

Creed VIII said peacefully: "You should

"Machine? Steel?" Galeazzo replied subconsciously: "Or other industrial products?"

all time. "

He replied: "Whether it is Sardinia or the Franks. A slightly advanced factory must purchase equipment from us. Our Teutonic machinery industry is the world's number one, so you think we should be very profitable, yes Right?" Seeing Duke Galeazzo's gaze, Creat VIII couldn't help but sneer.

Galeazzo's silence had already given him the answer.

But this is also in his expectation. After all, Teutonic's annual national trade income is kept secret. Klein VIII directly revealed the answer: "You are wrong, Sir Galia Zuo. Not only do we not make money, but we are losing money every year.

"High production efficiency does not mean high income. What's the use of producing more things that no one wants?" Klein VIII replied: "Our machines are the things that no one wants." The quality of the machines we produce It is indeed the best, our steel production efficiency and output are very high... But in fact, they have no reason to buy our machines. Clay VIII said so.

After all, the cost and difficulty of imitating finished machines are actually not high. At most, they lack the processing technology of some key materials.

Patent offices are country-based. Can't control foreign countries. And just buy a few machines. The rest can be made by yourself. For some new machines that are under the confidentiality period and prohibited from exporting, the foreign exchange income they can provide is the products they produce.

You should know that machines are not consumables, but tools to improve production efficiency.

The more Teutonic machines purchased by other countries, the faster their industrial development will be... And after the machines become old or cannot keep up with the times, the enterprises that purchase the machines cannot directly destroy the machines. And it must be sold to the next level of factories or enterprises at a lower price until it is completely useless. In other words, it is the main export goods sold by Teutonic, and it is very easy to achieve market saturation.

Conversely, as the efficiency of their production increases, it means that they need more industrial raw materials, and the industrial raw materials produced by Teutonic have their limits after all.

As industries progressed to scale, centralize, and expand, Teutonic demand for raw materials became greater and greater. The manufactured goods are sold abroad, and after gaining profits, the merchants will inevitably expand production, which leads to the need to import more raw materials, and the merchants have indeed made some money. Then the problem comes. Who exactly lost money?

One is the entire Teutonic dark money.

The continuous expansion of industrial production areas has led to the continuous expansion of factories to the edge of urban areas and adjacent towns, gradually annexing the original wasteland. With the increase of factory scale and the rapid increase of urban population, the demand for agricultural products began to have a gap.

Factories need workers, but if they all go to work, who will farm the land?

Speaking of which. Galeazzo suddenly realized

So, that's why you encourage farming? "

"Yes. That's why I introduced the Grain Products Receipt Act.

Creed VIII nodded and continued to explain.

That's right, he had already foreseen this scene—if industrialization advances, it will inevitably lead to an increase in the demand for agricultural products. It is for this reason that he encourages farmers to grow wheat, guarantee high prices, and build sentry towers in forests, grasslands, swamps, and wastelands where there are no people. Enclosures are divided into countries. After meeting the Teutonic consumption, the excess grain was exported abroad at a low price, so as to reduce the arable land area of ​​neighboring countries, prompting them to give up arable land and accelerate industrialization.

At the same time, he has greatly increased the income of his own farmers, which can ensure that Teutonic will always have a sufficient number of arable land and farmers. They have been using low-priced food products to support neighboring countries in order to reduce the area of ​​each other's arable land. When the area of ​​arable land in neighboring countries shrinks to a certain level, they will suddenly increase the price of grain and completely abandon the import of livestock products. And immediately turn the pre-enclosed wasteland into pastures to produce livestock products.

In other words, the enclosure of Klein VIII did not intend to sell these lands to factory owners, but to convert them into pastures.

He even fooled everyone!

If Kret VIII's plan is successful, the prices of surrounding countries will collapse instantly.

The price of grains will rise rapidly, and then the price of meat and egg products will rise rapidly. A large number of civilians and even farmers will starve to death, and if prices collapse, the stock market will also collapse. The nobles cannot repay their loans, and the merchants have difficulty borrowing and the capital chain is broken. There will also be layoffs in factories. Unemployment rose sharply. The moment Galeazzo figured out Kreed VIII's plan, he immediately felt a chill.

What is he trying to do? This may cause chaos at the national level." Before that, Teutonic was facing another problem.

Klein VIII said slowly: "Teuton needs to import a large amount of cattle every year to obtain beef and beef intestines; it also needs cloth and chemical products from Sardinia. Industrial raw materials from Frank. Even if I raise the tariffs on the corresponding commodities, I cannot Pulled too high in one breath.

"But in recent years, the annual export volume has declined. Many factories can't sell goods, so they can only borrow a lot from banks and store goods in warehouses. Stopping the flow is even more terrible. This will lead to what you said The number of establishments like the Bank of Turin' increased, and even formed an industry altogether-they earned much more after all.

"As investment flows from factories to this scam industry, we'll be the first country to crash. And all of this because of a market that keeps getting saturated, and what can't be sold, so it has to be Give them a bigger market, or a "buyer" who can keep the factory running. If foreign countries don't accept it, they can only accept it from the government; if they don't know what to produce, they can produce bullets, airships, and steam locomotives Right. In short, the factory cannot go bankrupt, and the investors’ money cannot flow into the hands of scammers like the “Bank of Turin”.

Here, war is not a means. but purpose. Klein VIII said: "The productivity of labor is already surplus. But if they lose a lot of unemployment at the same time, what will happen to Teutonic? I can only find something for them to do. To consume this surplus, even if I have to pay for it myself the same.

"Of course, if we can win, let the other party pay the price of the war—it is best to use a large amount of industrial raw materials to deliver the goods. That would be the best thing. He replied flatly: "King Solomon is above. The old double paper war has taught them enough lessons but greedy and short-term people never care about history. What I want to earn is their money, and what I want to kill is their heads. "


Galeazzo murmured. Clay VIII supervised Galeazzo who was thinking about something, turned his eyes away, looked at the sunset that had already sunk in half, and said nothing.

Of course, in fact, Kret VIII dared to launch a war, and there was another, more secret reason. It's about the court, about his power, about why Galeazzo should be kept in the text, and about the new nobles and big merchants. But since Galeazzo didn't guess it, Kreed VIII would not take the initiative to tell him.

Klein VIII never blocked Galeazzo's way back, it's just that he hasn't seen it yet.

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