To Four Thousand Years Later

Vol 4 Chapter 101: Intensify and extinguish and hope

Mass-produce wolves or use non-psychics as raw materials? When he got the news at that time, Leonardo immediately became alert.

In a flash, he figured out the meaning behind the many inexplicable actions of the Order of the Rose. No matter what the Political Guild was doing before, they were always able to keep themselves in the realm of psykers. They continued to keep the existence of psykers hidden, and kept a relatively low profile, at least not daring to face them Conflict with the government. But the situation is completely different now. Not only is the issue of human experimentation, but more importantly, the Order of the Rose is trying to use psionic technology to gain power and money, and even actively and maliciously set off wars and attack mortals to expand their influence. . And that's what Leonardo couldn't tolerate. Because their actions are actually actively antagonizing the classes between psykers and ordinary humans, and trying to profit from it. Think about it in the short term. This does increase the social status of the psyker. Even the Teutonic King and members of the Frankish House of Lords have already learned that this "monster army" is a large-scale test of the Order of the Rose. They didn't dare to terminate it at will - because they had already appeared, and they possessed a powerful force that ordinary soldiers could hardly resist.

Then, the choice after that has nothing to do with morality and reason. The enemy country may have this kind of power, and they have already invested in the battlefield; so even if it is for the sake of prudence, to be wary of them, one cannot stop the research and development of progress.

Therefore, they cannot be enemies of the psychic scientists of the Order of the Rose, and even reuse them and give them a higher political status, in order to try to take the lead in this arms race. After all, the Order of the Rose does not actually belong to Teutonic also belonged to Falk, but to Sardinia. They couldn't force the Order of the Rose not to serve each other, and they didn't have the power to wipe it out in one fell swoop, so they fell into a dilemma.

They can only lure, not intimidate. That's right. This "monster army" itself is a transnational level of extortion. If both sides have such technology at the same time, then the war will lose its result—or in other words. The outcome of the war can already be manipulated by the Order of the Rose. What the Order of the Rose is really doing seems to be to use some means to establish a public perception that "psychics are higher than ordinary people in terms of personality and personal value". This kind of psychic technology with overwhelming power and the transformation of ordinary people is the first step of the plan. They seem to be trying to usurp the authority of the old nobles who are now beginning to decline. We must know that the exploitative power of the old age was formed around the bloodlines of these "born noble" nobles. Now with the germination of capitalist thought. The status of the old-minded nobles of the old generation has gradually begun to be replaced by newcomers. Those feudal aristocrats who tried to implement the capitalist mode of production, and the capitalist aristocrats who sold their officials to doctors and relied on money to gain political status, no longer care about the "rule?" maintained by the theory of blood. For they have acquired a firmer and more natural power to govern. That is, the capital they have learned to hold. The wealth that is actually held in the hands.

this wealth. In other words, money and currency are the weapons that these new generations of nobles rely on most. The actual ruling relationship generated by money is even stronger than morality, blood, and religion. Because in today's society, people's wishes, activities and relationships with other people have long been dominated by the power of money. Money has become the new god, and those who use and hold money are in the position of slaves.

Lorenzo also questioned Leonardo

Leonardo made a precise summary of this: this is because money is the biggest link between "needs" and "objects", between people's lives and means of living. Human labor and products do not satisfy each other's needs, but to obtain money through labor and products obtained with money. And money can buy almost everything. This kind of measurability and purchasing power in the past makes money, which originally appeared as a means of circulation, in turn become the purpose of people and the purpose of life. It has such terrible power. You can even turn beauty into ugliness, turn ugliness into beauty, turn enemies into friends, turn friends into enemies, turn loyalty into betrayal, betrayal into loyalty, love into hate, hate into love, and virtue into evil Doing, turning vice into virtue can also turn slaves into masters and masters into slaves. It is the magic of mortals: ordinary people without any spiritual powers can change the world by manipulating money. But its very existence. And yet daunting. If one's strength is lower than others, this sword will betray the past without hesitation and stab its master. The Order of the Rosary has not quite learned to hold its faith. Therefore, no large-scale enterprises on the bright side have been established. Use the excellent thinking of psykers to carry out large-scale operations at the financial level and expand their own influence on a large scale. Obviously this is the best way to expand influence and also the fastest way to develop. However, the Order of the Rosary completely dismissed this. Originally Leonardo was always very confused about this, thinking that it was because the Order of the Rosary was too old-fashioned. But now he finally understands that they are not old-fashioned, but want to eat the bonus of those old-fashioned. Because what the Order of the Rose needs is an absolute social status that will not be easily shaken. If this social status is based on wealth, it will also be frustrated with the loss of wealth. There is only one thing in this world that cannot be surpassed by the latecomers, and that is the outdated things. Because latecomers no longer follow this path, no one will overtake them. In order to reveal themselves from the dark side of history and publicize the existence of psykers, they chose to go against the trend of the times. A new, more hidden class division that advocates the new "bloodline theory"1". It's just that this "inborn difference" does not come from the blood, but from the soul level. If ordinary people, or at least mortals Those in power have formed an inherent thinking that "psychics are better than ordinary people", and they can easily grab wealth and influence from the mortal world.


Leonardo said so.

Some people are indeed born without psychic aptitude, but this has nothing to do with whether the person himself is excellent or not. Whether he is good as a person depends more on acquired experience, early education and personality cultivation, while spiritual power only depends on talent, desire and will. There are also a lot of trash in the Order of the Rosary, and most of the great men so far have been ordinary people-this is the biggest example.

It is unfair to rely on the strength and talent of a certain ability to artificially and absolutely define the ranks between people. And it will hurt society itself. In Leonardo's view, this is undoubtedly an extremely short-sighted move.

It might even radically intensify the tension between mortals and psykers—and it was foreseeable that the Order of the Rosary almost certainly did. The purpose is to win the support of the elite class, that is, the psykers.

The Order of the Rose can no longer stay. He immediately made a decisive judgment. He asked Baimeng to summon all the demon gods who were currently idle or whose work was about to be completed, and asked them to gather in Florence within three months. But now, more than two months have passed, and there are still eighteen days left. The assembly could be completed in less than three weeks, during which Baimon was still working hard to decipher the letter. This time, he deciphered the priority task of "investigating the location of the strange letter and the recipient", and asked Floros to try to tab the destination to determine which one is the most. At present, the underground psykers in Sardinia are basically locked. Wait until the demon gods gather, then call Yastaru and Abaddon. It's even safer.

Leonardo thought about it in his heart.

At that time, they will work hard, bloom more, and mercilessly pull out all the Rosary Orders in Sardinia. The action must be fast, and they must not be given any room to resist or abscond. Even if they kill by mistake, they must not let them go. Leonardo plans to wait until the more obvious Rosary churches in Sardinia are cleaned up, and then they will be designated as cults, and they will be investigated slowly. As for those who fled abroad, you can wait for them to develop for a period of time and gather together before killing them again.

But Leonardo knew it well, and he must not waste his time for these people. The Rose Order must be wiped out, but this task can be handed over to the demon gods to solve more. Only when they were undecided, Leonardo had to step in—after all, his time was very precious, far more precious than the lives of the Order of the Rosary. He plans to point out at least automobiles, power stations, vaccines, wireless telegraphy, underground railways, helicopters, photography, rubber industry, electric arc furnaces, and electrochemical industries in his own life, and it is best to touch the prototype of computers. The world has only just arrived in the late fifteenth century. In this way, when he dies, he can advance the world to around the nineteenth century.

He has paved the way for three generations to improve the basic education level of the people of the world. Today's technology of this level, Leonardo believes that they can still digest it. The key is to prevent them from running into the situation of using the underground railway for profit and human trafficking, for example.

How wonderful will the world be when it is born again? Leonardo is no longer afraid of this.

He is deeply looking forward to it.

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