To Four Thousand Years Later

Vol 4 Chapter 98: The impending double war

"Need to raise taxes? No, you don't need to raise taxes.

After listening to Lorenzo's words, Leonardo denied without hesitation: "Your actions are indeed inappropriate.

"Based on your father's policy, the local nobles have already formed a considerable force in the local area. If you tax them, it is tantamount to saying that you want their lives. They will naturally resist.

Because these local nobles, as well as the nobles in the early days of the founding of the country, their power rested on their wealth. Just as the Pazzi family became the second family because of the east wind of the banking industry a few decades ago, several other veteran nobles, in the past ten years, also relied on the "gouty people's encouragement policy for light industry" , a large amount of investment in local enterprises, the formation of large-scale holdings, which led to the clustering of light industry, rapid expansion and development.

"Objectively speaking, the reason why Sardinia's textile, printing and dyeing, jewelry, leather, chemical raw materials and other industries are so developed today is indeed related to your father's policies back then, and it is also related to the large investment of these nobles. "Leonardo said: "From this point of view, it is undoubtedly normal for them to attack you. In their view, they have worked hard for decades to develop the industry, and then you, a young man, come to think Want to share a share of the beauty "Now they are coming to attack you, not just to resist this tax increase, but because they are afraid that you will increase the tax in the future, because they are afraid that you will start this from now on, and realize that they are taxing you from them. Taxes are far easier than collecting taxes from ordinary people. I am a bit aggressive.

Upon hearing this, Lorenzo nodded sincerely. Sure enough, I still did something wrong. At least I shouldn't suddenly raise taxes and start a war with those nobles when Leonardo is not around, and I think too simple.

At least before the tax increase bill was pushed down, Lorenzo would not have estimated that it would have such a big impact—in his opinion, the situation was very simple. It's like two rivers passing through a certain place at the same time, thus bringing floods. According to the thinking of ordinary people, even those of the nobles, as long as one of the rivers is walled to death, it will be over. This is the easiest and fastest way.

But as a leader, Lorenzo shouldn't do this. Because it may be flooded here this year, and next year when there is only one river left, what should I do if it turns dry again? His vision must be long-term, and he must fully consider those things that ordinary people cannot and are too lazy to consider.

If the water level of the river on the west side is higher this year, he will build dams on the west side and store water on the east side; if the water level on the east side of the river is higher next year, he will stop the water on the east side and store water on the west side. His response should always be dynamic, realistic and timely. Instead of trying to "discover" a simple, one-and-done solution—there was never such a solution. Plans are never as fast as changes. The same goes for tax control. Taxes were cut yesterday, and taxes are raised today.

But even if they know that this is like a feng shui turn, people who have been raised because of tax cuts in the past are not willing to spit out their money at this time.

Hearing this, Lorenzo also sighed, "Well, I understand. In fact, I also realized that it was wrong before—but your purpose is good, but your technique is a little impetuous.

Before Lorenzo could conduct a self-examination, Leonardo interrupted him: "There is no need to repent. Your actions are indeed inappropriate, but you are right." He took a sip of hot **** tea and calmed down. He said: "Because you are the real king with the world in mind and the country in mind. You are better than your father.

Hearing this, Lorenzo was stunned, his eyes couldn't help but feel a little warm. He felt relieved: "Then I will listen to you. Leonardo asks you to help me.

"I will help you.

Leonardo sighed, closed his eyes and thought about it: "To put it simply, your short-term goal is to increase the financial budget, and in the long-term, you want to attack those nobles and prevent your decrees from failing, right?"

That's right," Lorenzo nodded and replied, "but now that I'm not careful, I almost broke my face with them, and it's difficult for me to change my moves. He couldn't help but smiled wryly: If it weren't for the presence of the teacher, maybe they They are already discussing whether to find a killer to come over and get rid of me.

Leonardo glanced at him, with a majesty familiar to Lorenzo in his eyes. Lorenzo's heart skipped a beat. Thoughtful.

This look, for a moment, reminded him of his father's calm majesty when his father was not sick and was still working hard.

Leonardo, could it be

Just when Lorenzo was thinking wildly, Leonardo put the tea bowl on the table with a bang. The light sound startled Lorenzo, and he came back to his senses immediately.

Looking at Leonardo's deep and majestic eyes, he had the illusion that his own thoughts had been seen through. He suddenly panicked, staggered his gaze, and poured himself a cup to warm the two of them, the cold wind was blowing.

Leonardo's black hair was fluttering, and a faint white breath was exhaled from his nose: "I thought of it.

"So fast!"

"Don't interrupt—you just put aside the industrial tax increase for now.

Leonardo said calmly: "What kind of tax is stamp duty stamp duty?" Lorenzo wondered.

"It is to let people, according to the prescribed taxable ratio and quota, purchase and paste a tax stamp on the contract, loan certificate, and transaction receipt. As long as this stamp is stamped, it can become a legal document, and it can also be used in litigation. legal protection.

"In this way, as long as the tax burden is low enough, people are willing to pay this new tax. My preliminary suggestion is that the tax can be paid at about one-thousandth of the contract payment. In people's daily life, it is not small to issue this kind of contract. It is also a large sum of money, at least enough for emergencies. Leonardo said calmly: "This new tax. The tax burden is light, the tax sources are prosperous, the procedures are simple, and the cost is low. It can completely solve the lack of money in Sardinia.

"As long as the financial problem is solved, it will start. Not only we can see it, but the local nobles can also see it—even if some people can't see it, the media should listen to them and tell them that war is coming.

"That's right. They will soon hoard a large amount of food and other war materials. At this time, we can sell the food to them at a high price. Get the first payment from them. Use it to buy some keys that need to be taken immediately corporate stock.

"When the war begins, the anti-aircraft guns we have developed in advance can win the first stage of victory. Then, taking advantage of the high public opinion, promote those officials who are clean and of civilian origin, and accept their orders. Don't worry about investigating the corruption of the ministers. , Whether it is reporting or corruption, there will definitely be. Leonardo said calmly: "After that. You can pull out a series of nobles behind these ministers who are giving them money. Control public opinion with your press council. Bring in the few big nobles you want to attack, and then unite the rest, create disbelief among them, and at the same time have your bank stop all lending to them, but still have to collect and repay as usual. Then let your people start to smash the market, and sell a large number of stocks they bought before, causing panic and forcing them to sell their flesh. Of course, if the person who takes over is yours, a lot of money will be evaporated in vain.

"That's what you want." Leonardo replied without hesitation: "Whose money do you think you burned?" is it your money Is it Sardinian money? No, their money is the money of the great nobles. You will not only burn their money, but also burn them until they go bankrupt, until they no longer have the strength to fight against you, and burn until their sum of money is no match for you alone. He said in an orderly manner: "Listen, Lorenzo. When the stock prices of several key companies are low enough, you will start buying their stocks backhand, and after forming an absolute holding, you will gather the shares and sell them to those under your control. Bank of.

"Collect these funds together again to buy their grain - they are eager to buy back stocks at this time, and they will inevitably sell grain at a lower price. At this time, let your people be higher, and some of them are relatively useless, The stocks of companies with a high defective rate should be speculated as high as possible, mixed with them and sold to them.

"When the second round of war begins, you can try to create a little unfavorable situation, or directly let your media publicize the high defect rate of these companies, arrest several company executives and engineers, and let the media continue to report , so that the value of the stocks they held in large quantities plunged and became waste paper, further reducing the remaining food in the hands of these old nobles. Leonardo said calmly: "At this point, it is impossible for them to maintain the size of their holdings in the past. It's over. Then repeat the previous step to force them to concentrate on serving power, but don't force them to death and let them die. Some property should be reserved for their family, and all the rest should be taken back. At that time, if you raise taxes, they will not be able to stop you - because the bulk of these industries have already been in your hands. They don't count. You decide.

This is indeed a good idea, but

Gerenzo listened with gusto at the beginning, but later he became terrified. He can almost predict how many people will be displaced and their families destroyed if this economic war covered under the war starts. This made him very worried. Will the situation become more acute and the contradictions more intensified? As if seeing through his worries, Leonardo said directly: "Don't worry. What I'm talking about is the worst case scenario. If they are smart enough, someone should come and surrender when you hit the table.

"I told you that public opinion is the sharpest and most well-known knife; but if it is poisoned by capital, it will become even more deadly.

"I have also told you that you have great flaws as a monarch—you can be loved but not feared. This is very dangerous, my friend." He gazed at Lorenzo and whispered admonishing Said: "Now, do you understand what I said at that time? Do you know where your danger is? Lorenzo nodded cautiously and very slowly. He stood up, bowed slightly to Leonardo, and whispered, "Thank you, Leonardo. Sorry to trouble you again. Leonardo shook his head, looking at the city below. He already smelled the smell of war and death.

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