To Four Thousand Years Later

Vol 4 Chapter 71: you too

A carriage slowly stopped in front of Duke Sforza's mansion. The carriage was not decorated with any expensive gold or silver jewellery, not even the precious stone or the coat of arms on the back. But if there is a knowledgeable person, he will know the value of this carriage. It is made of the finest teak wood. Only a very small number of oriental traders brought this rare and well-textured wood. Its left and right carriages are symmetrically decorated with angels, scabbards, crowned crows and snakes, while the windows on the carriages are made of glass standing on both sides. In the middle of the two sides of the glass is a black crow with round eyes, a crown and a sword dangling in a colorful pattern drawn with colorful gemstone powder. If it is in the daytime, the pattern on the window will emit a wonderful and bright color light under the sunlight. The crow's body will be covered with colorful rays of light, and its eyes will suddenly open. The Duke of Sforza would only invite it out when entertaining the most distinguished guests. Of course Leonardo knew that this luxurious carriage was certainly not made by the Duke of Sforza... After all, the history of Sforza as a Duke has only lasted for two generations.

Sforza is a family of mercenaries passed down from generation to generation.

The Teutonic North has a more mountainous environment. Before the advent of the industrial age, it was often difficult for people here to even have enough to eat... and because of the advanced technology of the last era, the population was too large, and the land was so-called poor and rough and full of troublesome people. These "northern barbarians" thought of another way to generate income. way. That is, becoming a mercenary. They form legions. Bring your own weapons and be responsible for your own profits and losses. Receive domestic or foreign war orders. Earn a meal money.

And Teutonic basically acquiesced in the existence of this kind of industry-after all, they can make them work as long as they pay, and they want much less than the regular army. There is only one thing, that is, they do not participate in the war against Teutonia, otherwise their family members and relatives will be executed for "covering treason".

Because of the Teutonic border checkpoint system, it is very simple to achieve this situation-of course, even mercenaries have to pay taxes when they pass through the customs. Even they can be said to be a checkpoint tax, which forced a large number of mercenaries to leave their families behind. Move to the border or even foreign battlefields. So they were kicked out without paying a penny. The crisis of overpopulation is eliminated. Using their own money to feed themselves, buy equipment, earn foreign money, and kill other foreigners. In the end, the money they earned was brought back to Teutonic. Instead, it became one of Teutonic's main "exports".

As for kingdoms and local areas, they are also willing to spend money to raise a few mercenaries from their own country or foreign countries. Generally, the leader of a powerful mercenary legion serves as the captain, and the leaders of other legions serve as the vice-captain, and they are only responsible to the city managers who spend money to hire them. In peacetime, assist the city police to manage the city; in wartime, when you need to fulfill the obligation to participate in the war, you can also leave more private soldiers—nobles with different titles must bring their own troops in different sizes. Soldiers defend and protect themselves, let mercenaries fill up and join the regular army to rush to the front line. This is also the reason why the Teutonic army formations are always so large and difficult to penetrate-unless they are chasing after a big victory, it is difficult to see these private soldiers who "expressed as defense" leave the rear at other times. After all, the Teutonics have no other advantages... they just have a lot of people. At the same time, because the death rate remained high, the Teutons who were still alive gave birth to children even faster. Especially with the birth of the new variety of "Teutonic wheat" and the introduction of rice technology, the famine problem that has caused the Teutons to panic for more than a hundred years has gradually been resolved...Although more wheat is used to impact the grain of neighboring countries The market is gone, and the money won is used to buy beef—yes, only beef. The price of beef in Teuton is very low, but the cheapest of all inner classes. Because in Teutonic this is considered subsidized food, even if it is a workhouse, Leonardo stepped down from the carriage and handed the bag in his hand to the waiter beside him. Under Leonardo's gesture, Lielagin also handed the suitcase to the person standing beside him. Immediately, the man was suddenly thrown by the heavy suitcase.

As for the rifle that Reelagin was carrying behind his back, no one took it away—it was impossible for them not to recognize that it contained a murder weapon. But he still dared to let Lielakin carry it on his back.

This frank and almost bold behavior made Leonardo suddenly a little interested. As far as he knows, this generation is the Duke of Sforza. Galeazzo Mariasforza was just a young man in his late thirties.

The previous Duke had just passed away less than two years ago. His father was the mercenary captain of the previous Duke of Milan, a powerful psychic. Married the only daughter of the previous generation of the Duke of Milan, and after the Duke of Milan was assassinated and died, he inherited the position of Duke as a matter of course.

Of course, this incident also served as a typical case, and became the material for scholars from various countries to warn the monarch of the danger of mercenaries.

but only one thing is certain

That is, the two dukes of the Sforza family... their ability is really much stronger than that trash duke of Milan. Army, but also increased culture. Political functions in areas such as education. Among other things, Galeazzo's size is enough. Leonardo murmured inwardly.

Also historically a fairly capable ruler - as grand duke of the Duchy of Milan. He was very concerned about agriculture, built canals, introduced rice, and made policies to encourage commerce, especially the processing industry of silk and wool. He was also a musician, poet, and scholar from Mahu. An ordinary duke, but you might as well meet the last one. Under the guidance of the servants, the two of Leonardo walked around the fountain in front of i and the garden square with arches. Enter from the vestibule.

Compared with Lorenzo's house, it is really much bigger. Disdainful of the decorations, collections and hanging paintings of the Duke's Mansion, what impressed Leonardo the most was his huge Duke's Mansion.

This is also the famous Misheng in later generations... Although due to cultural changes, the architectural style here is slightly different from the Sforza Castle in Leonardo's impression. But it's not too bad. As soon as he walked through the gate, a young man who looked very energetic and well-dressed greeted him enthusiastically. He greeted him loudly from a distance, and regardless of how impolite he was, he stretched out his hand to shake Leonardo's hand.

Leonardo stretched out his right hand, and Duke Garon Yazuo shook hands with Leonardo eagerly: "Leixuna... I finally saw you with my own eyes! You are more powerful than I imagined. Young and handsome!

hello duke

To the extremely enthusiastic young duke, Leonardo asked in surprise: "I never thought that the well-known smart and capable duke would know such a small person like me?"

"It's too common, Yanxia.

The Duke sighed: "Solomon said that all noble people should be humble."

"Because men are not ennobled by the gold and jewels they acquire. They are revered by the value they create"

wait, wait a minute

Leonardo froze

This sentence sounds familiar

As far as he knows, he can say responsibly that Solomon probably did not say this sentence, at least he did not leave this sentence in the "Prologue".

…that is, at the initiation ceremony of the Anglican Church, when entering through the narrow door in front of the underground conclave in Alexandria. Psionic masters would say this to new psionic apprentices.

It turns out that you are also mine? Leonardo glanced at the young and promising Duke with some surprise.

Naturally," he thought for a while, and replied in such a low voice, "with justice, wisdom, benevolence, and righteousness. Straight... we deserve humility.

The Duke smiled as expected, and then he looked serious, and responded in a low voice: "In the name of justice, wisdom, benevolence, and integrity.

Leonardo stared at him silently.

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