To Four Thousand Years Later

Vol 4 Chapter 69: city ​​of blood

As the sun set, the sky gradually began to darken.

This is Lombardy. column. The southernmost part of the Teutonic Kingdom is the Emilia region of Sardinia, and further south is Tuscany. It was also the second wealthiest city in the Teutonic Kingdom. By the way, Zurich, the capital of the Teutonic Kingdom, is the richest. As the loud bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang, the steam train slowly by the station He walked ahead carrying a cane and a small suitcase. At the distance of two bodies behind, Ruo Ruo is a young man carrying a huge suitcase. The man was wearing a dark green coat, tall, with curly hair reaching his shoulders, and wearing sunglasses. With a violin case on his back, he looks like a wandering musician.

But looking at such a weird combination, those people who were mingling in the crowd and looking around slowly dispersed to the surroundings in fear.

They knew in their hearts what kind of people they could mess with and who they couldn't. This is the basic skill for them to survive for a long time, and it is even more important than the proficient skill of stealing.

Leonardo walked forward along the flow of people, handed the stamped half of the ticket to the ticket inspector, and underwent a body search. Lie Lajin behind him showed Zhang Kang's crocodile iron certificate while handing out his ticket.

So the security inspector skipped Lielakin's inspection as if he hadn't seen him. The people around also scattered away from Lielakin and Leonardo as if they had seen a ghost. Leonardo even saw some children in shabby clothes seeing this certificate from a distance, and immediately raised his head to stare carefully at the faces of Lielakin and Leonardo, then turned his head away quickly, this is Leon A "special political police certificate" that Nadou asked Baymon to obtain. On the one hand, it is to carry certain dangerous things across the border, and on the other hand, it is also to minimize the trouble of those who find the door by themselves.

Seeing that thing, the flow of people around them automatically dispersed when they approached the two of them, like waves passing through a reef.

Leonardo stopped when he reached a place with few people.

He lowered his cane to the ground, took out his pocket watch from his pocket, and glanced at the time.

"It's getting late.

He let out a breath of white air, and looked back at Lielakin: "Shall we go to Baimon first? Or go to Aleister?"

"Then let's have dinner first.

Leonardo replied casually, snapping his pocket watch on: "Let them come to us. At 5:30 in the afternoon, the dense fog in Milan was dyed a dim yellow by the setting light. The sky darkened, and every family The lights gradually turned on. Compared with Florence, it looked more prosperous. Of course, the crimes flowing in this city were also darker than Florence.

This is the blood-soaked city.

Many years ago, when Sardinia was founded. Teutonic is closest to the form of a republic.

Because of the implementation of the "Salt Water Area Act", he warmed up against the merchants in the south, and promised to divide the southern region because of the acquisition of land and successive defeats. Therefore, Otto III became a sinner of Teutonic. However, he still implemented a high-pressure policy afterwards, further raising tax rates in wealthy areas to supplement agriculture. Even Teutonic has cultural traditions since ancient times. This time too, it was always too much. Even the Teutonic king could hardly suppress the demonstrations and rebellions of the people and nobles. The neighboring countries, except for Sardinia, which is still in the early days of the founding of the country, are aware of this opportunity.

It was difficult for Otto III to inherit the cultural traditions of his ancestors. The Teutonic most feared unconditional trust in the king was also about to crumble.

As a result, the surrounding countries headed by the Frankish Republic began to inject capital into the Teutonic interior and cultivate their own personnel. Less than a year later, Teutonic finally collapsed. The First Teutonic Army headed by General Alden rebelled and captured Bao who was staying in the White Castle in Milan. It was a colder day than now. The atmosphere of heavy snow, snowflakes are floating on everyone.

But even though they were wearing thick clothes, people still came out of their homes and gathered excitedly to witness a turning point in Teutonic history. The fanatical people spontaneously built a gallows in Teutonic Square. And General Alden, wearing all his medals, gave a speech to the people in the heavy snow.

He promised loudly that from then on, there would be no immediate retribution for a tyrant in Teutonia.

He declared loudly that from now on, there will only be voices admiring the Teutonic Republic and people's democracy and freedom. People sang in unison, singing from morning to noon.

Six hundred cavalry and 1,800 infantry were fully armed and escorted Otto III to the execution ground. Because their actions did not actually receive the support of the whole country, Prince Alfonso, who led the Third Legion, was still rushing from the northern border to Milan road t. Even in Milan, only the young people most accept this set from Farke. The old people are still willing to believe in the blood of St. Leonardo and the glory and justice of the Lionheart King.

Therefore, General Alden must control the situation as early as possible. It took less than a week from the time he accepted the aid of the Frankish Republic, launched a rebellion, and imprisoned the king's family until he sent the king to the gallows.

The soldiers of the First Legion each carried a drum. They used it to silence all royalist voices ordering them to shut up, but bang the drumhead directly to drown out the sound.

And finally. Otto III, who was driven to the execution ground at noon, was very calm.

He knew people were going to hang him.

But this old man who was almost sixty years old was not afraid at all. He didn't beg people's forgiveness, let alone kneel down and beg for mercy. Instead, he straightened his spine, had a bulging gray beard, and spoke loudly like thunder to denounce General Alden's rebellious actions and talk about his own achievements for the kingdom.

He wanted to speak again, but the soldiers beat the drums.

He straightened up and talked from eleven o'clock until a quarter past one. And the native soldiers didn't even have the strength to beat the drums until the end. But the old man who was so stubborn that he couldn't bend his bones still stood tall, talking loudly about how he used a rusty iron sword to chop off the head of the assassin who tried to assassinate him when he was young.

People were a little fascinated when they heard it. Only then did they recall that Otto III's title before "Tyrant" was "Iron Sword King". But until Otto III finished telling his story, the execution ground was silent for a while.

People are waiting for his begging and repentance.

But Otto III still didn't say a word about it all the time. He stared arrogantly and arrogantly at the people who wanted him to die, with thunderous anger in his eyes.

After a long period of stagnation, the general finally issued an order.

he said a

"O offspring of the lion! For the Teutonic people, for the free Teutonic, surrender your life!"

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