To Four Thousand Years Later

Vol 4 Chapter 67: New alchemy and anti-aircraft guns

Lorenzo was rarely at home today. But it was not because he had a rest today, but because his teacher called him urgently. files in the beginning.

"This is the gold I refined. You can see the color. Leonardo took a sip of black tea, curled up on the sofa like a cat, and pointed to Lorenzo lazily with his chin. Sent from Sardinia to The colonial fleet in the Americas discovered a large amount of gold mines. After Leonardo perfected the difference engine and the Brayton fuel engine, he was idle for a short period of time.

He has nothing to do. When I checked the report sent to Lorenzo by the colonial officials in America, I suddenly noticed that they were still using the amalgamation method to extract gold from lean ore. The so-called amalgamation method is an ancient gold extraction technology that uses mercury to extract silver or gold. simply put. It is to use the wetting effect of mercury liquid on precious metals. Mercury mixed with water wets the ground ore and diffuses inward to form an amalgam of amalgam... amalgam. Afterwards, the mercury is evaporated by heating, and crude gold can be obtained from it. But with this method, no more than 75 percent of the gold that actually is contained will be extracted from the mine. However, because the vapor pressure of mercury is too high. Much of the expensive mercury is lost in the process.

Therefore, using this method of alchemy does not make much profit from it. This is also one of the reasons why the income of coolies who pan for gold is not high.

"So I plan to implement another alchemical method."

Leonardo paused, and added: "Ah, yes, I invented this some time ago." The principle is that under the action of oxygen, gold can be dissolved in an aqueous solution of sodium or potassium cyanide. Therefore, a very low concentration of cyanide aqueous solution can also be used to extract gold. "

As he spoke, Leonardo opened the provincial document and pointed to Lorenzo: Enough lime to neutralize the natural acid in the rock and prevent the production of highly toxic hydrogen cyanide.

"Then the mixture is ground continuously, the coarser particles are sent back through this pipe, and the grinding is started again. In the gold-bearing mud, air is blown in with a blower, and it is fully exposed to the air. Until all the gold is dissolved .Then use a filter to separate the liquid.

"Then you remove the oxygen and let it react with the zinc flakes, which liberates the gold from the cyanide, which can be recycled and reused. Then oxidize the remaining zinc, and you can get concentrations of 85 to 85 percent." 90% rough gold.

Leonardo casually opened several rolled up drawings: "This is the drawing of the ore crusher, air blower, filter, and reactor. The oxide return pipe is here... the general drawing of the assembly line is here. You can find a few craftsmen, buy a factory in the East District and try to make one.

Why are you always so good? Lorenzo looked at Leonardo dumbfounded.

He held the gold ingot in disbelief, looked down at the blueprints, and then at the documents in his hand.

"Do you even know chemistry?"

He murmured to himself, "That's know everything.

Lorenzo gradually got used to it.

He has long since stopped trying to compete with Leonardo - this is out of an instinct of self-preservation.

heard the words. Leonardo shrugged and said nothing modestly.

That's true, you're right, I really know everything.

The Almighty Sanlian jpg Before Leonardo could say anything, a security servant hurried over.

"Your Highness, someone please see Lord Leonardo.

She looked at Leonardo, and whispered to the numb Lorenzo for instructions.

"Want to see Leonardo?"

Lorenzo repeated suspiciously.

Leonardo raised his eyebrows and asked, "What's the guest's name?"

"She said her name was Katie.

The maid asked tentatively: "Is it your guest, Master Leonardo?"

"Please come in," Leonardo said with a smile, "I'm an acquaintance."

"Yes, my lord."

The maid responded and turned to leave.

Lorenzo watched the maid go away, and asked in a low voice, "Who is it?"

"An ordinary girl. Worked in my welfare hospital.

Leonardo replied: "You know, I have a good memory for people.

It was Leonardo's little kindness that he didn't say what she was working on.

Seeing the plain wearer, the shivering Katie followed the maid in, the corners of Leonardo's mouth suddenly raised.

He noticed that even when Katie visited high-status people like them, she didn't deliberately wear her old mink coat, but wore the nurse's uniform of Joffrey Hospital.

Judging from the time, she should have just got off work and came here without having lunch... This also shows that she no longer values ​​her appearance as much as she did when she was down and out.

as well as. She doesn't think it's disgraceful or disrespectful to wear a nurse's overalls—this calm state of mind makes Leonardo feel relieved and happy.

"What's the matter, Katie?" Leonardo clasped his hands and put them lightly on his stomach, asking in a gentle voice.

His voice was soft and harmless, with an indescribable magic. Katie, who was flustered by seeing the Grand Duke's son, soon settled down. "It's this,...she whispered. Passing the letter to Leonardo, he stammered and said: "My father wrote me...a letter in America. He said the Teutons had a weapon and wanted to invade us. And we can't resist...that's a blow from heaven...

In the middle of speaking, she muttered in a lower voice as if discouraged: "Look first... I can't tell.

"I'm done, Katie.

As soon as she finished speaking, Leonardo replied casually and put the letter on the table. This made Katie feel cold, a little disappointed and a little worried.

Sure enough, Master Leonardo still won't believe me... It's true, no matter how you say it, it's too unbelievable.

"Lorenzo, take a look." But then, she heard Leonardo respond to Big Lorenzo. He picked up the letter and looked through it carefully.

Unlike Leonardo, he watched very carefully. it makes katie very

"There's no need to be nervous, Katie. The information you've brought is critical.

While Lorenzo was reading the letter, Leonardo turned his head and comforted him, "It's just that I have learned about similar things through other channels.

...that is. Did you already know that.

"But yours said in a gentle voice: "You have made a great contribution. Countless people will live because of your decisions.

"You're right. It's time for me to consider awarding her a medal. After a long time, Lorenzo breathed a sigh of relief and said, "You're right, Leonardo. You guessed it right again.

"Yeah, I can always guess right." Leonardo shrugged: "Obviously, the secret weapon of the Teutons is the hard airship. They collected so many cows, apparently to use cow intestines to make airship skins.

The weapon that "falls from the sky", "very dangerous", and "can easily destroy the army" is undoubtedly the hard-skinned high-altitude airship that the Franks and Teutons have secretly developed for a long time. That's Zeppelin.

"They plan to produce a new type of airship that can fly at high altitudes, carry and drop a large amount of explosives. As for our ground forces, there is almost no way to destroy it. We can only watch it fly over and enjoy The bombing, ... our soldiers, buildings, defenses, etc. will all be destroyed in one fell swoop.

As he spoke, he showed a calm smile: "I mean, if I didn't realize it.

"So what are we going to do, Leonardo.

"Leave it to me, Lorenzo. They obviously also use hydrogen...and they can only use hydrogen. Then it will be much easier to deal with them. Leonardo said disapprovingly: "I will invent a method that can hit Weapons from such a high place will do. And to make them move freely - strictly speaking, it is not difficult, just a mobile anti-aircraft gun is enough. In this era without airplanes, this is the only way to crack the airship—all the opponent can do is to raise the airship as high as possible so that bullets cannot reach it. Because for airships that use hydrogen, it is possible to fire bullets, which is enough to kill them on the spot. And Leonardo can also create such an airship, even stronger than them.

One is because in this era, no one knows how to prepare helium.

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