To Four Thousand Years Later

Vol 4 Chapter 46: New Generation Media Industry

Leonardo leaned against the gate of the bell tower of San Giovanni, slightly closed his eyes, and constantly monitored the surrounding 360-degree situation with his spiritual vision. In other people's psychic vision, only the color blocks of the human form and the color of the psyker's astral body can be seen. At most, it is able to judge whether there are living creatures around, whether there are psykers, and judge the general character and level of psychic power of the psyker. As for whether the person you see is a friend or an enemy, but who it is, you can't detect it. After all, the psychic can't judge the other person's face, not even the clothed person and gender.

Because he never needs to see other people's faces clearly. to know who they are. In Leonardo's psychic vision, their names, years... and the color of their business cards will appear above these spirits. Just like Morris in Nassau when he appeared in a spirit body. Or around Roger Bacon.

Leonardo suddenly raised his head and looked to the side.

After three seconds, Francis came out from there. He is wearing a beige turtleneck trench coat today, with a black and white checkered cashmere country coat underneath, which can be said to be quite a coquettish and conspicuous outfit.

"Yo, Leonardo. He greeted Leonardo briskly. He leaned over and asked in a low voice: "How's the situation? "Overall, everything went well."

Leonardo smiled.

Lorenzo should have marked Francesco as a wanted criminal according to the script he wrote.

Of course, this will not allow the police to arrest Francesco directly, let alone bring him to court for many crimes. Because Florence's management is all people sent by the Pazzi family. In other words, they are all the little ones of the Patsy family. If the Patsy family can make them the chief of police or the mayor, they can naturally be replaced by someone else. If they dared to deal with Franceco in accordance with the law, they would be the next to be dealt with. The public opinion war launched by Leonardo was not aimed at the Francescos at all. Instead, it aimed at the entire Pazzi family.

The sharp weapon in his hand is not just evidence of Francesco's crime.

Next, Leonardo will ask Lorenzo to mobilize workers belonging to the Pazzi family industry in various places to hold a general strike. He doesn't even need all the places to respond. As long as there is something everywhere - what he wants, it's just that the Pazzi family suppressed these strikes immediately - they can suppress them violently, or they can bribe the leaders to break up the strikes. No matter what means, as long as they do it, of course, if they are smart enough. He is even smart enough to have a future vision, so that he made an almost impossible decision to appease the strikers by giving the workers some benefits...Leonardo can also find a few trustees to ruin the matter rear. The Pazzi family will usher in the world's first public opinion attack. The media in this era is still too immature—they don’t understand what kind of sharp knife public opinion is, just like a child who understands but holds a sword that cuts iron like mud. It's a pity, and it's also too dangerous.

During Solomon's period, only a rich oral tradition and a flexible alphabet were enough to stimulate creativity and maintain cultural vitality and inheritance. The use of papyrus directly reduced the cultural authority of the priesthood, which allowed Solomon to invade Egypt by cultural means. The identity of a reporter should not only be "involved" or "neutral". Since the audience of the newspaper is concentrated in the middle class in the city, these need too many and concise explanations, and they can also have their own views and opinions on the things in the newspaper. But this is not enough.

Such newspapers only maintain the basic cultural functions of "transmission" and "diffusion".

However, in addition to this, the media can be used as a tool of class control. Control the means of spiritual production; it can also be used as a glue to organize society, and provide individuals with a cheap sense of relaxation and a way to eliminate tension with an entertaining appearance; it can express mainstream culture, recognize some subcultures and new cultures The development of... can even carry out political and military propaganda to guide economic development. Therefore, the identity of a media person should make decisions and issue orders; as a "communicator", some events should be diffused and fermented. But on this basis, there should be media as "opponents"...or in other words, they can also be called "attackers". Those hard-working workers are the dissatisfied people in today's society. They have their own voices, but they have no channels and cannot speak out.

They held their work, but were ruthlessly suppressed by the Pazzi - and the generous Leonardo would provide them with a mouthpiece.

In the newspapers, it will not only be the great figures of the past, but workers' representatives, even civilians and war refugees. They want to accuse the Pazzi family of terror, and their voice is generally not used to kill people, but to take away people's hearts and wealth—of course, when it becomes dull, some people will use the lives of innocent people to denounce it. Knife. Just as legislative power tends to maintain equilibrium and equality, so everything tends to destroy it. Injected into the trap of public opinion, the people will gradually become fanatical and highly aggressive.

They will gradually become arrogant, trying to have greater political power; they oppose everything that they can oppose, even if they do not understand it or have the ability; they want to spread the hatred of the group to what they themselves hate On the target, instinctively or deliberately want to use this terrifying power to destroy one's enemies. In order to prevent this and prevent public opinion from getting out of control, Leonardo will set up a press council. Its main function is to judge the complaints of any party affected by media coverage, and to exercise management and control over journalists. It will be a tool of self-regulation for newspapers willing to accept control...and an eraser for discrediting malicious and offensive media. It is almost impossible to use the fragile and declining royal power of the Principality of Sardinia to control capital - but on the other hand, with the Medici family as the leader, the negative forces generated by the people and public opinion are enough to shake the Pazzi family's industry foundation.

Leonardo saw it clearly. Newspapers are never for workers, and workers don't care what they have or not.

However, workers' strikes, riots, and the intensification of progressive contradictions, the incendiary media, and the Medici family that began to put pressure on them are enough to make investors and businessmen lose their balance. You don't seem very reliable recently... so There are so many banks, why do I have to deposit money at your house? The main business of the Pazzi family is the banking industry, and their industrial monopoly capital is much weaker than that of the other families in the Principality of Sardinia. This allows them to develop quickly, but their ability to withstand stress is not strong enough.

Once they lost a large amount of bank deposits, the Pazzi family seemed to have lost the means of supplementing their lives; under the attack of the Medici family, their capital chain would soon be cut off directly. And then lead to a comprehensive industrial collapse. With the fall of the Pazzi family, several other families can divide up more labor force and market. As long as the Medici family makes some promises and threats. They will definitely form a super team and beat them up, and the source of all this is such a small wanted warrant that looks ridiculous.

"Give me a lever, and I can lift the whole earth."

Leonardo raised the corner of his mouth and said in a low voice.

"Oh," Francis raised his eyebrows, "You mean, is your little lever ready?

...Although I don't know what you're thinking, I know you and I must be thinking about the same thing.

"Come on, take Ralpham and we'll go to Violet Night.

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