To Four Thousand Years Later

Vol 2 Chapter 97: psionic projection

"Shocking, Tiberius.'

A pleasant chuckle rang in Tiberius' ears.

The man who was arrested before and sent to the square for a public trial was sitting behind an unloaded cart with a tired expression on his face. Not far from him was a stone statue of Mercury.

A young man in a hooded robe stood securely in front of the stone statue. He holds a wooden staff with twin snakes in his hand, wears a silver mask that covers the upper half of his face, and has long black hair hanging around his waist. Whether it's the texture of the clothes, or the style of grooming and canes. It can be seen that he is extraordinary. But the miracle is that the people on the road seem to be unable to see him and hear him. He walked past him with a natural expression.

"It seems that the Senate cannot defeat you without my help. **** walked over with a smile and said, "Your plan is so thorough. I was still a little worried about your safety, so I specially hired a super high-quality bodyguard to come to Ruo. Now it seems that I underestimated you. Tiberius took a deep breath and smiled wryly: "If I had known you had arrangements, I would not have taken the risk. If the jury priest asked one more question, I really don't know how to answer it.

The reasons for the Southern Judgment were made public. It is because the condemned suspects that he was murdered by those in power. As a result, the right to judge was taken back from the hands of priests and nobles. It will be submitted to the referendum again... Therefore, unless the person sentenced to the south asks for a polygraph, the priest will only play the role of "witness". In addition, whether it is "detecting hostility" or "detecting lies", the results only appear in the priest's mind. Therefore, it is not sufficient as conclusive evidence.

If you are not satisfied with the results, you can also ask for a retest. The link of directly testing the credibility of the evidence submitted by the accused is part of the public trial—not the "murder" manipulated by the priest. "What I said at the time was, I swear. I didn't kill anyone with this knife. People. This sentence itself is not a lie. But if the priest happens to be the talkative type, just ask me J, which means that you are not the murderer who killed Aaron." Tiberius smiled wryly: "If he really If you ask this way, I can only pretend that I didn’t hear it and change the subject forcibly. Maybe he will be suspicious. Fortunately, I am lucky.”

"It's not just luck. There is indeed a difference in the abilities of the two of you." **** turned into the car, sat next to Tiberius, crossed his slender and white fingers in front of his chin, and said softly, "If you say, at the beginning it was because Mental arithmetic is not intentional, so when Anaro finally chooses the public trial and the Senate, he can see his wisdom from his answer. "

"He elected the Senate.

"Yes. You and I know that it was a wrong choice. **** nodded: "Under such circumstances, he would not accept a public verdict, but asked to go to the Senate for a re-examination. In this way, citizens will have an illusion-that is, the opinions of the elders can deny the "truth" they have seen with their own eyes, and cover up the murderer who framed the consul. I even suspect that the Senate itself is the real murderer of you.

"Ah, that is indeed true."

Tiberius raised the corner of his mouth mockingly: "But the Senate doesn't seem to want to tear that face. When Anaro was angrily scolded by the citizens, Anaro repeatedly asked loudly to go to the Senate, claiming that "You are all blinded by this liar", the second judgment of the senators was applied for, but they were surrounded by angry citizens, demanding that "Anaro must not escape" and an immediate public trial. After the positions were reversed, the responsible Tiberius, who led the soldiers to **** Anaro, did not order the soldiers to clear the way or to disperse the crowd. Instead, he just watched silently as the citizens’ anger became more and more final. In less than half an hour, Messengers from the Senate arrived on fast horses. They claimed that Anaro was bribed by the Egyptians to deliberately murder the consul and cause riots, and sentenced him to be beheaded immediately.

"The Senate moved too quickly.

Tiberius sighed: "If you say kill it... don't give me a chance to make use of it.

"Think of the good, Tiberius. If you didn't resolve this crisis, they should have planned to kill you." **** whispered.

"That's right. This kind of dirty method. I actually got used to it so quickly," Tiberius smiled wryly, "Maybe I'm not born to accept the voice of others.

"Only jugglers and singers need to learn the voice. **** turned his head slightly, and took a deep look at Tiberus through the mask: "But you are different.

At that moment, Tiberius suddenly felt palpitations.

He felt as if he had been drugged by something, and he suddenly looked up, but he happened to be looking at **** with a mask covering half of his face. That's when he noticed. There was no shadow beneath Jesus. The light of noon penetrated his body, making his form somewhat unreal. When Tiberius realized something was wrong, Jesus' figure quickly became unreal.

"You are really sensitive, Tiberius."

Jesus, who was gradually disappearing, laughed: "Let me tell you some good news. At present, you are the best among the three. Although you started last, you are the fastest.

"The short-term task I assigned to you use the opportunity of tonight's assassination to force the Senate to use the power of the temple to attack you. After that, you don't have to worry about anything, just remember that you are not allowed to escape. As long as you don't Run away, and you will never die." **** spoke slightly faster. And Tiberius never interrupted. He didn't pause until **** finished speaking, then asked, "Then how can I contact you?" "

"If you want. I'm watching you, Tiberius.

The speaker of **** turned his head slightly and looked up at the scorching sun.

"Speaking of which, what do you think of the sun?"

He spoke softly. Tiberius followed Jesus' gaze and looked up.

He wasn't wearing a mask, so he couldn't help squinting his eyes slightly under the midday sun.

Tiberius pondered for a while, and said in a low voice: "It's hot, and it's very regular. Sometimes it's close, sometimes it's far away, sometimes it gives life, and sometimes it kills. But no matter what... I can't touch it. After he finished speaking, he subconsciously turned back to find Jesus' answer.

But "Your Majesty Pale" is like a dream. I don't know when it will disappear.

And at this time. The shadow under Tiberius suddenly spoke

"Nice meeting, Tiberius... Your Excellency.

The voice was hoarse, but it carried a strange sense of charm and danger. Reminiscent of a golden viper emerging from red wine.

"You can call me... black gold."

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