To Four Thousand Years Later

Vol 2 Chapter 90: roman division

The Romans never imagined that one day they would be caught in disputes over power grabs. This is actually because Augustus is too capable.

So absolute was his control of Rome that he was allowed by the Senate to appoint his own heir.

In his hands, the Roman Republic has become the Roman Empire obediently. Because Augustus' talent is so good that people can't help but oppose his rule, but hope to rule Rome like this forever, but obviously, this is impossible.

Augustus was, after all, flesh and blood.

The Senate claimed that Augustus was assassinated by assassins sent by the law. And Egypt responded immediately. They have not sent anyone to Rome—everyone in Thebes can testify that they have no need to deceive the Romans. According to the original plan, it was true that on the day Augustus was assassinated, the convoy of Egyptian envoys arrived in Rome. However, due to the sudden heavy rain in Egypt, the envoy's convoy was delayed by the continuous heavy rain, and did not leave until the day Augustus died. Although such a incident happened, the mighty convoy of envoys still obeyed the pharaoh's order and drove from Thebes to Rome.

Augustus was not assassinated by a lawman, but by someone who wanted to take over the throne-this news also spread throughout Rome at an extremely fast speed.

It started with an anonymous letter. Immediately, the news spread slowly, and spread rapidly among the people at an explosive speed. At the same time, many people of high status received the same anonymous letter.

The reason why such disturbing news can be spread among the people without anyone caring is because after the priests heard the rumors, some people prayed to the gods and asked "whether Augustus was really wanted to take the throne?" people murder", but without exception, they got a positive answer. When the news came out, Rome immediately exploded. Everyone is guessing who actually assassinated the great Augustus.

The simplest and most direct answer is that whoever finally inherited the position of Augustus is the one who murdered Augustus. Such malicious speculation paralyzed the administrative capabilities of Rome. This rumor is unimaginably destructive. Its greatest power is that it cannot be falsified.

"Why do you want to inherit the position of Augustus? Are you the one who murdered him?" Or "Why do you want to block this news? Are you guilty?" The few who are still sober, He didn't even dare to make a sound at this time. Perhaps the future history will eventually rectify their names, but at this time, whoever tries to change public opinion and announce the real situation will be punished from top to bottom. This is not their speculation. Because there are already two such fools. They tried to use the assassinated body of Augustus to demonstrate how he was assassinated. But they "told a story full of holes". Not only could they not explain what kind of thing rolled up the smoke, but there was no trace of being stabbed with a dagger on Augustus's body-although there was a knife on his chest. But there is no bloodshed. His blood had already dried up in his body, barely flowing out from the wound.

Immediately, a highly respected doctor in the crowd stood up and said that this is an injury that only occurs when a knife is stabbed into the heart after death. In other words, Augustus did not die because of this, it was a disguised injury. Looking at his bruised lips, it was a sign of being poisoned.

Faced with such a fact, the two nobles immediately fell in love.

They obviously watched the assassin plunge the dagger into Augustus' heart? How did it become poisoned again? What happened to the disguised injury? When these two Italians tried to seek testimony from other nobles, let them prove that what they said was true. Other nobles sold them without mercy.

They all admitted that Augustus did die suddenly, and there was no assassin from Egypt. As for the fake injury of the dagger, everything was done by those two idiots.

- Of course they know this is not true. But this does not affect them to tell the people such facts and calm their anger. Nor do they need facts. All they need are the facts they want.

So amidst the anger of the crowd, the two nobles who took Augustus' body and tried to tell people the truth were hanged as a matter of course. And the people's anger was also calmed down. But the assassination of Augustus just appeased the common people, but there was a problem with the accession to the throne.

The Senate initially intended to appoint Postumus Agrippa as heir.

He was the herald, and Augustus' captain of the guard. His father was Mars Agrippa, Augustus' best friend, son-in-law, and most trusted general. His most famous battle was to encircle and defeat the fleets of Antony and Cleopatra at sea, and conquered Rome for Octavian.

But nine years ago, he unfortunately died in battle in Pannonia. In order to take care of his son and his grandson Postumus Agrippa, Octavian transferred him to his side and became his herald.

Postumus was also raised by Augustus. The Senate intends to support his accession after the turmoil is over. However, there was another person who also wanted to be the heir of Augustus. He was Tiberius, adopted son of Augustus.

Livia, Augustus' beloved wife, was not directly married to Augustus, but Tiberius was her son by her former husband. Tiberius spent his childhood amid hardships and hardships. But since childhood, he has shown excellent acumen. Therefore, he was accepted as the second son in the testament of Marcus Gallias, a senator who had no descendants, and inherited his property. But not long after. Tiberius voluntarily gave up the name Galius because he realized that Marcus Galius was a powerful political opponent of Augustus during his lifetime. Such a move made Augustus very satisfied. His status has also been greatly improved. Today's Tiberius is already the consul of the whole of Rome. And he was awarded the title of Tribune for five years two years ago.

One side is Postumus, who has no political achievements, but has the support of the Senate, priests, and nobles; The performance was too urgent, as to make the public suspect that they were the ones who assassinated Augustus; on the other hand, they could not completely give up propaganda and hand over the high ground of propaganda to political opponents. Originally, they would have been deadlocked like this.

Until Tiberius received a mysterious letter.

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