To Four Thousand Years Later

Vol 2 Chapter 83: what is more important than life

"The war has begun, and it cannot be avoided." Azaros took a deep breath and looked at Harvey: "Do you have any plans?"

"Report to the conscription office

Harvey replied simply.

"I hope there is still a place for me in the army at the front.

"Are you planning to go to the front?"

"Why not?" Harvey asked Azaros back: "Master Moon has avenged me, and my reserve is his." What's more, as an elite scout, I went to the battlefield when the Romans invaded. There is nothing wrong with helping my motherland, but Azalos just frowned and comforted in a low voice: "Calm down, Harvey. This war is very strange, and there may be something hidden behind it" Ah, maybe. But what does that have to do with me? "

Harvey laughed out loud, and rejected Asaros's kindness again: "Thank you, Asaros. It's no longer needed." He said vaguely, shaking his head. walk forward. Azaloth quickly followed behind him, frowning in thought.

He suddenly widened his eyes slightly and looked at Harvey.

He noticed the gaze of Azaros behind him, but Harvey's expression was still very calm. He didn't look back, nor did he run away suddenly, but walked towards the conscription office calmly. Azaloth's voice revealed a touch of sadness: "You are. Do you want to end? My old friend. Harvey said peacefully: "My wife and daughter are dead. I am forty years old this year. No parents, no children, my only enemy was killed, and I didn't know anything in my life except assassination. What else can you ask me to do? My life is meaningless. "

"Why is it meaningless? You are only forty years old, and you are not too old. There is always something you wanted to do when you were young, right?"

Ye Saros' tone was a little displeased.

"There's no such thing anymore," Harvey shrugged. "Now I don't have to live for anyone. It's easy."

"You can live for yourself, old man. Life is free

You said this to me? Harvey turned his head and looked at his year-end friend with a smile: "You are the messenger of Aristotle. Compared with you, my life is much more free. "From the day when the messenger is selected to inherit the knowledge, he will guard the knowledge he has inherited day and night. He is not allowed to marry a wife, have children, enjoy nobility, or accept official positions.

This is to ensure the "cleanliness of knowledge" and prevent the passers-by from deleting or accidentally forgetting the valuable knowledge they have learned because of their greed for power and money. This work has no end, no fun, and no purpose. Compared with the life of an Avenger, this kind of life is indeed more boring. At least Harvey can always have something to look forward to.

never mind. I respect your choice. Azalos shook his head, sighed and gave up persuasion. But at this moment, Harvey's footsteps suddenly stopped.

"Lord Moon

He sounded a little surprised. Azalos followed his gaze and saw **** standing by the roadside watching them. He did not wear a mask, nor did he wear his pure white robes trimmed with gold. Instead, they wear simple linen robes. Dressed like a department, standing on the side of the road and looking at the crowd.

"Long time no see, Azaloth, Harvey.

The corners of Jesus' mouth raised, nodded to them respectively, and looked at Harvey: "Are you going to sign up?" "Yes, my lord.

Harvey respectfully bowed slightly to **** to show his respect: "I intend to go to the front line. Egypt needs me.

Jesus did not wear the attire of a priest, probably because he did not want to be recognized. That's why Harvey didn't kneel down to him, because that would definitely attract the attention of people around him.

"No, it is not necessary, but **** calmly rejected Harvey's request: "Your talents should not be wasted on the meat grinder.

Seeing Harvey's hesitant to speak, Ye laughed out loud.

That's it. Let me ask you a question, truth or life, which is more important?

"Nature is the truth." Harvey pondered for a long time, and seriously gave an answer that was beyond Azaloth's expectations: "I think it is life. "

So. Which answer is correct? The two looked at each other subtly, and then looked at **** together.

". None of the cases are right.

Jesus laughed out loud, and maliciously gave the third option, which was not given by humans.

"When I start a war, I will say that there is nothing more important than a life'. When I want to end the war, I will say that there is nothing more important than a living life." **** looked at Harvey, who was stunned, He raised his eyebrows: "So, Harvey. Will you give your life for my words when I preach the first sermon? "

Harvey said dryly.

Never mind, Harvey.

But **** just said calmly: "Yes, it is normal... It is a virtue to be able to habitually believe in others. I tell you this, not to make you like me, but to make you more objective Everyone in a sect can believe in God every time they call up a sect, but the pope must remain calm and objective; even if all the knights insist on fighting fair and just, and believe that their sacrifices are full of glory. There is always someone behind them who needs to fight for something more important It is a good thing that such a person does not need too much that. I understand.

Harvey thought for a long time, then nodded slowly.

He looked at **** and asked softly, "Is there anything I can do?"

"Yes. This is something only you can do." **** nodded and handed over a roll of oil. Harvey looked at Ruojuan with some curiosity: "What is this?" It's a letter. Don't open it—your job is to deliver.

Jesus said solemnly.

The young assassin couldn't help laughing: "Shall I deliver the letter? Alright. Who is this letter for? Except for Death, I think I should be able to deliver it alive.

"Here is a letter to Augustus. Gevis Octavius ​​Augustus.

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