To Four Thousand Years Later

Vol 2 Chapter 73: double pharaoh

Everything was just as the Egyptians thought it would be... only the details were slightly different. One of the two archangel statues in front of the Temple in Jerusalem did disappear a few years ago. But it wasn't the atrocities of the thieves...not to mention the atrocities of the lawmen that caused King Solomon's dissatisfaction.

The one who stole the statue of the Archangel at his behest was **** himself. He had entrusted this matter to the prophet Nathan when he was Solomon. Except for the incident of "stealing the Archangel overnight", it is the same in other places, doing many miracles reminiscent of "Solomon's angel descending into the world".

For example, in the Temple of Jerusalem, Solomon's seat often became warm, as if someone had just sat on it; or in the great library of Rome, books placed near Solomon's Proverbs often had one or two more annotations, And the handwriting is exactly the same as the book of Proverbs written by Solomon himself... There are many self-created miracles of this kind, except for this angel who seems to be entrusted by Solomon, the rest are performed by Floros himself on the spot.

After all, even Solomon at the time couldn't predict what the world would become in the next thousand years. But with the guardianship of Baimon and Floros, at least the angels seem to be safe. And to remove it when **** is about to come is to add a deep and powerful identity scene to yourself. After all, the stone statue over ten meters high can be regarded as a small miracle in itself. How this huge stone statue was built and how it was moved into the Jerusalem Temple, which is only three meters high, is still an unsolved mystery. Historians of Tire and Egypt generally believe that someone transported the stones in, just like when Egypt built the pyramids, the logs were buried in the sand, and the stones were tied to ropes and dragged by multiple people on the track. , and sent to the temple in Jerusalem, which is more than ten kilometers away from the place where the stone was produced.

Then, the stonemasons piled it up in the temple. As for why the stone statue did not find a joint gap, it was like a whole stone statue. They can only think that the stonemasons of Solomon's time had a special secret recipe for filling.

…Of course, they don’t know that at that time, the stonemasons carved the portrait directly on the mountain, and Yastaru erected it for repair. Before the outer wall of the temple was finished, their lord queen jumped over with stone statues in each hand and poked at the door of the temple with a slap in the face. Don't say there is no record. Even if it is recorded according to the truth intact, people who read the book will never believe it. However, the fact that the Archangel was stolen in one night really destroyed their world view. Not to mention how heavy the stone statue was, how it was stolen in just one night... The gate of the temple is only three meters high what! When the stone statue is brought down, its height is definitely higher than 10 meters. how did they steal the stone statue without destroying the gate? Not to mention the priests guarding the temple. Not even the best masons, engineers, and wise men of Egypt could explain it. In the end they had to chalk it up to a miracle. In order to give a reasonable explanation, the priests racked their brains to find a relatively reasonable explanation. They even noticed that the ground was whiter than the surrounding after the stone statue was removed, and they were discussing why the angel on the right side of the big i] disappeared. Some people also claimed that the expressions and movements of the two angels were slightly different, but in the end, after researching for a long time, they still couldn't come up with an answer that would convince everyone. Significance of Early Religion. Is to seek a philosophical answer Where do we come from? What are we going to do? Where are we going? The formation of social organization and the development of primitive technology made it easy for people to want to live. People can put more brainpower on things "beyond necessity" and realize that they should seek something other than the survival of the individual and the continuation of the tribe. And in this "beyond necessity" thinking, through the combination of carving knives and hunting knives. The need to make itself new is the second. But in the final analysis, the authority of the priesthood—or the entire scripture class—is still based on their right to interpret the world. They explain the stories of gods and people, appease the panicked people due to drought, floods, plagues and other natural fires, stabilize social order, mobilize the people to participate in wars, and maintain the authority of the law... All these powers come from them People know more than others” is a fact. People have always been superstitious about authority, and this has been the case since ancient times. But on the other hand, every hesitation of authority and every weakening of authority will also cause panic and excitement among the masses. The inability to give a reasonable explanation for this catastrophic "miracle" is itself a devastating blow to the credibility of the priesthood. And the influence eliminated in it will naturally not disappear out of thin air. **** said at this moment The appearance of an angel, coupled with the praise of Yastaru, who repelled Satan, made it easy for people to accept the existence of Jesus.

They stepped back and spontaneously bowed down to Jesus. It doesn't even matter that God **** controls a few people as a temporary entrustment.

"Alexander VI fell back into filth and was hated by the gods! Now that a new king has come to Egypt, you should regard him as your master!"

Yastaru called out loudly: "He is your new Pharaoh, the reincarnation of Thoth, the successor of Solomon"

Chant his name! "Jesus and Jastaru smiled at each other, nodded slightly, and raised the right hand holding the staff.

Seeing this gesture, the Egyptians became even more excited. They chanted the name of **** repeatedly. Only the priests and a few people frowned and felt a little uneasy. Because of that action. It was the pose of the lost angel! How could the angel disappear out of thin air? Did King Solomon really hate them? Did they commit some crime?

Will it be the entire temple in Jerusalem and even the whole of Egypt that will disappear next time? how is this possible!

It cannot be them who are wrong, it is clearly Alexander VI

While the Egyptians were watching, the wooden staff held by Jesus' right hand suddenly glowed with pure white light. It was as if what he was holding in his hand was not wood, but a crystal under the sun. And his body also began to shine with golden light. Above the stick is the rainbow left by Satan after he left.

"My people, you should know that the voice of **** sounded very softly, but it could be heard clearly by all: "You should make me Lord and make me king of the earth.

"But you should know that Egypt has sinned!" **** shouted loudly: "You are a country of bloodshed, and your ruler is a king of deceit and cruelty! He respects himself as a **** and wants you to bow down, but he doesn't know Is the statue of Solomon already damaged? If he was a person who always had integrity, kindness, and wisdom in his heart, how could he be killed by Satan? Although the dragon appeared outwardly, only the temperature of the fire followed the Dharma. Born from the heart!

People looked at **** in panic, and the crowd gradually became quiet.

"But the wrong things done by the lawman will not be attributed to you. However, I came from King Solomon to make you rich and powerful, not to make you last forever.

"It's not Solomon's heartlessness—does a child last forever? When did you ever see a lion go on feeding a grown offspring? Did you ever see an eagle feed another adult eagle?

"In order to prevent future lawmakers from again advocating the gods and despising authority. From today on, Pharaoh's authority is divided into two—his scepter and seat are also divided into two. It is not a division of geography or race, but It is the division of labor between wisdom and evil and power." The sun-faced pharaoh should hold a twenty-faced iron staff and wear a sun mask. Represents Amon, the sun god, holding violence, justice and punishment.

"The moon-face practitioner should hold a wooden staff wrapped around two snakes and wear a moon mask. It represents the moon **** Thoth and is responsible for wisdom, law and education.

"Pharaohs must not fight each other, and add the representative of public opinion who is elected once a year as a third person. Any two opinions can be opposed to the other." **** loudly said the reform law that made everyone unforgettable.

Those priests stared wide-eyed, but could not speak.

Is he taking the initiative to distribute the authority of the law? He is now a pharaoh! No one can **** his position...but he took the initiative to distribute all his power to outsiders. Moreover, two-thirds of it was divided in one breath!

Was he a Roman? The new pharaoh is not worried, is it possible that the goddess Ishtar will unite with the people to oppose him?

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