To Four Thousand Years Later

Vol 2 Chapter 58: Lord Pale

Jesus lowered his head slightly, and followed Phoenix into a very low door. The height of that door is very low. Even with the height of a child like **** today, he had to keep his head down to pass. It is conceivable that if you are a normal adult, you must bend over, or even squat down to walk. This seems more like a ritual.

"This gate was built by our stonemasons according to your instruction.

As if she was thinking about something, Phoenix explained with her bright and distinctive voice: "Because you said that all noble people should be humble.

"So, bend down before you enter the door... This idea is okay. But you must remember the next sentence - because the world is not ennobled by the gold and jewels it grabs, but by the value they create Revere. If you are blindly humble, it will be different from my original thought." **** said casually. Looking back at the door, he stretched out his hand and pulled Judas, who was squatting on the mover, in.

He nodded and touched the wall beside him: "Also... have you repaired or drained the channel?

"Repair?" Phoenix looked hesitantly at the place **** touched, and shook his head: "There is no drainage. Repair... probably. Not sure, I will ask the person in charge of building this passage later." Not too much think. I don't mean to be held accountable. He did very well. "

Jesus said calmly: "Just one thing, I have to mention to you. If this kind of underground tunnel needs to be used for a long time, it is better to find something to reinforce it.


"Well, the one you made is not stable enough. The supporting wooden bars should be framed into three shapes...instead of using vertical wooden teak to support the empty wooden boards on the top floor. I will give you a drawing later. You Just let the carpenter follow the drawings.

Jesus said earnestly: "Also, once the exposure time is too long, the surrounding rocks may collapse due to weathering; and the accumulated water and garbage on the ground must also be dealt with in time. A special person must be responsible for the drainage works. This is very important. Shoulder rot The wooden sticks must be replaced in time, and some insect-repellent spices are often burned, but be careful not to catch fire. Phoenix looked surprised. She didn't expect that **** knew something about this.

Could it be that the drawings of Solomon's Temple were drawn by King Solomon himself?

By the time **** finished speaking, the corridor was almost at the end.

Ahead was a large, tall, heavy wooden door. Phoenix pushed it away, and the space inside suddenly became much larger.

It looks like a domed structure. If you look down from the sky, you can see two concentric circles—the inner circle is lower, and the outer circle is on the four-meter-high grandstand. The stairs connecting the inner circle and the circle are in the northerly position. **** blinked, realizing that the stairs were facing directly in the direction of Jerusalem.

"What's this called? Phoenix?"

"The Hall of the See, Lord Jesus. Below is the altar.

Because there are more people around. Phoenix also temporarily put away his respectful attitude, changed another name and said softly: "Also, please call me Vermilion here... Do you have any code names that can be called? It is best to be a certain color, or an animal or plant. .

"Ah...then call me pale. Is there a repetition?" **** said casually.

Phoenix thought for a while, and replied: "No. Then that's it. It's decided...Your Excellency Pale."

While the two were discussing softly, someone walked over from the side.

"Ms. Zhu Hong, may I ask who this lady is? The person who spoke is a strong man without hair, eyebrows and eyelashes. He is wearing the costume of an Egyptian priest, but the symbol of Amon on his chest has been crossed with dried blood , and drew concentric circles like eyes behind him. He held a wooden stick with two sheep heads. He walked over slowly, and looked at **** curiously and vigilantly: "We are preparing for the holy ceremony. Not the right time to bring outsiders to visit.

"This is His Excellency Pale, Molo. You should know by his long hair that he was consecrated a long time ago.

…Is that so? The burly man glanced in amazement at Jesus, who was only eight or nine years old, who bowed his head like a child and didn’t know what he was thinking. As if he had realized something, his expression became respectful, and his eyes revealed the brilliance of fear. : "Hold" does not matter. Molo.

Ye Xian spoke peacefully, with a cold and steady voice: "Those who don't know are innocent.

He raised his head, and Molo subconsciously looked into Jesus' eyes. But at the moment when the two eyes met, Mo Luo felt his soul tremble suddenly! Like an invisible sledgehammer hitting his brain—some kind of power burning in Jesus' eyes penetrated into his body like a storm. The homologous but low-level spiritual power in Mo Luo's body was instantly lost. His spine let out a mournful sound, and his heart was clenched. There was a strong tinnitus in his ears, the color of the picture in front of him became indistinguishable, and a warm and sweet smell came from his nose. He felt his heart fall into the boundless sea. Through the pupils of His Excellency Pale, he even vaguely saw another world, "Are you alright?

When he almost fell down, Mo Luo heard His Excellency Pale's concerned voice ringing in his ears. When His Excellency Pale's hand reached his lower abdomen, hot eyes gushed out from there, and Mo Luo even felt that his spiritual power was strong there! In the pain of the pain, he was tempered even more solidly.

"No, no nothing.

Molo said tremblingly, not daring to look **** in the eyes anymore: "Thank you for saving my life, Lord Pale."

"No, my strength is out of control. I'm very sorry." **** said peacefully. Turn off the magic "mind stealing"

Of course he knew that Mo Luo's guess was wrong. His psionic energy was not out of control at all, that was just the discomfort caused by the addition of mind spikes and thought stealing.

Because he hasn't even awakened psionic power yet. James said to **** that psionic power is the radiance that belongs to the "paradox". It is the reaction force that occurs when the soul tries to ascend to the mountain, and it is a power that theoretically everyone can have.

However, the number of psykers who can realize the value of their own existence and successfully awaken themselves through hardships is still extremely rare. Although the power that Asmodeus taught to the members of the Holy Eldest Sons Guild can also be translated into psionic power, it is not even a low-profile version. Because of the real spiritual power, the supernatural power that appears when using it is a rebound from the mountain, which is just a by-product: and the spiritual power they have learned is probably just lightly hitting the mountain and simply trying to trigger this rebound. already.

Could it be that Asmodeus is also trying to cultivate psykers? **** felt a wonderful sense of déjà vu.

It seems that Apollo is also doing this. Jacob is a psychic trained by Apollo. If you really want to say it, Long Hui from Jesus' family seems to be in this category... Before **** could think about it, the lights in the center of the hall were instantly extinguished.

But the color and material are different, and everything else is the same as the throne that King Solomon sat on—in terms of size, style and proportion. It's just that King Solomon's throne is made of neutral white marble, while this rock throne is pure black. Because there are many abstract symbols scattered around the throne, each symbol has a name and a time. That represents the greatest cause or creation that the core members of the Holy Firstborn Guild have ever done.

For example, a stonemason invented the grinding disc, so that people no longer have to grind wheat by hand. Then the throne will have a pattern of two round stones put together. Underneath it reads "Shrev, St. Another example. A carpenter invented a huge suitcase. It is generally made of wood, covered with leather and iron hoops and copper nails. It makes it light and strong. It is very convenient. Traveler. The throne will also have a picture of an open box, and a line like "Naihet, Saint 10 to 7" will be added below it.

After the death of famous great craftsmen, great musicians, and great scholars, if they were a member of the core members, their achievements will be engraved on this seat. All the eldest sons believe that when the names of the great people are engraved on all the seats, King Solomon will come to the world again, quell all the wars in the world, and bring people magnanimity and wisdom. Because the calendars of different countries are different, the year of King Solomon's death is adopted as the first year of the holy year, and the solar calendar is used as the calculation rule.

This mysterious calendar is only circulated among the eldest sons, and the way of greeting them has always become a semi-public mystery.

A black-haired middle-aged man was supported by two people towards the holy seat in the middle. There was a person in front who lit the frankincense in the golden cup in his hand, and slowly backed away. The middle-aged man's expression is solemn, and his steps are calm and dignified.

It wasn't until he was supported onto the throne in the center that his expression relaxed a little.

If he stumbles on the previous road, the ritual will fail—this means that he heard that the original ritual was for the tester to use his instinct and heart to perceive the darkness, smell the frankincense, see the faint Mars, and avoid obstacles on the ground smoothly on the throne. But because too few people passed, two "guides" who were responsible for supporting were specially set up later to help people not fall too easily. And while he was sitting on the throne, the frankincense was also extinguished.

Phoenix glanced at **** and nodded to him in the dark. After receiving the same nod from him in response, she took a step forward, leaned on the gear lever and chanted loudly: "You should worship knowledge, just like worshiping the light - as her voice slid down, scattered scattered around the hall At the same time the Holy Firstborns chanted in low voices: "We swear to worship knowledge as we worship light. "

The next moment, all the candles in the Holy Seeing Hall were lit again.

However, unlike before, this time the candles on the ceiling were not exactly the same as the previously extinguished candles. At the top of the hall is the wooden frame of the three-dimensional intersection. There will be a cover of lamps on the wooden frame at intervals. The previous candle flames formed a three-ring concentric circle, but the position of the current candle flames has undergone a wonderful change.

The light of the lit candles pierced through the wooden frames in the sky, casting eerie shadows on the ceiling. If you look up to the sky from the holy seat in the center, you can just see an eye, and after the light reappears in the hall, people will turn their attention to Phoenix, who is leaning on the handrail and looking down.

"Today our brother Panaam is going to be sanctified.

The blue light in Phoenix's eyes dissipated, she raised her head like a proud swan, and loudly announced in the eyes of everyone: "He joined us fifteen years ago! Now he is a senior carpenter, senior woodcarver, an honorable and wise senior member!' "Under the shadow of Solomon King Zhiluo, our brother invented the churn and cradle, and built over three hundred pieces of wood with his own hands, Professor He made six disciples and wrote a book "Now, through twelve senior members. Nominated by three core members, he will join the core group after sanctification. He will serve as alternate magistrate, after seven years Become the new Secretary of the Woods!" After finishing his words, Phoenix slightly raised his right hand. Everyone bowed to her very uniformly, pressed their left hands on their necks, and held their hearts with their right hands, and said in unison: "Blessings, Ms. Zhu Hong.

"Also best wishes to Your Excellency Cangbai.

They heard it. Follow Phoenix's right hand and look at **** in white robes. The vast majority of people showed a little puzzled look, and only a very small number of people showed a horrified expression after being slightly startled.

All blessings, Lord Pale. Phoenix immediately frowned. She leaned forward more aggressively than half of her body - just such a movement made everyone so nervous that they were almost speechless.

But Ye just stretched out his hand and stopped the scolding she hadn't said yet.

He only said four words.

Immediately, **** took two steps forward and scanned the lower floor with his gaze. The strong mental pressure makes people look away in embarrassment-the more core and outstanding those people seem to feel the greater pressure. Phoenix spoke again and reiterated loudly. This time, without any hesitation, everyone chanted in unison: "All blessings, Your Excellency Cangbai!"

Only then did Phoenix lower his right hand: "Put on the ring. An old man heard the sound and walked towards the holy seat. The ring in his hand is the "Ring of Solomon" prepared by Panaam himself. He will wear this Ring, and then discard it in the subsequent ceremony. This ring will be temporarily reserved by Finick, the local supreme commander, and buried with him after his death. He took off the ring. He patted him on the shoulder with a gratified smile, and then backed away.

Phoenix once again chanted loudly: "In the name of justice, wisdom, benevolence, and integrity" Then the people repeated in unison: "In the name of justice, wisdom, benevolence, and integrity! "

The next moment, the lights went out again. This time, it didn't take too long, and the lights returned to the original three-ring pattern. And Panahem went up to the second floor and was walking slowly towards Phoenix. The ceremony was over, and people's discussions gradually dispersed. On that holy seat, a ring was lying there quietly.

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