To Four Thousand Years Later

Vol 2 Chapter 49: operational announcement

"Here is a proclamation from the sage King Jesus

"Since the last war with the Persians ended, this generation of Tyrians has been born in a peaceful age and lived in peace. But in fact, the war has never subsided, and it has always been in an incomprehensible gesture in the Erupt where you can't see!

"The former king Shaman III, who was devoured by Satan, tried his best to maintain the illusion of peace all his life. For this reason, he even sold the land of Tire and his own people. In this way, he sought to sleep overnight, year after year.

"However, the most stupid and unforgivable betrayal is that no one wants to know the truth! Everyone knows that this short-lived peace was bought at the expense of the happiness and freedom of their own people-but no." Therefore, I will say, You are all guilty! All who are war-weary are guilty, all who shrink back before the Romans are guilty! You sell your brother's soul for a false peace and blood money for the money you earn! "Now the Romans think that the time has come, and they gather their troops. They want to launch a general attack! They want to invade Tyre, and we have to fight against our old enemy together! Since they came here to occupy our country, then once Rome If man succeeds, our last liberty will be lost. No one will be spared - Solomonism will be abolished, the rich will become poor, and the poor will never lift up their heads.

But the good news is that. Our most powerful enemy is now in bad luck. One month later, Satan, the evil beast, will come to Rome, and Rome will fall into chaos like never before. And we don't have to defeat all our enemies, break up their armies, make their lands grow lake thorns... we just have to hold out for a month! Only a month! Thirty days, seven hundred and ten hours! And now they haven't even sent troops "I shout to you, you are all blessed! Of all adventures, this is also the rarest adventure: we cannot fail, because only death, only destruction, only defeat Failure: And when it succeeds, everyone benefits greatly.

thus. Everyone move! All unite! I will answer loyalty with love, and valor with honor. Respond to betrayal with vengeance"

Well written.

After **** finished reading, he casually lit the parchment sent by Baimon in his hand, and couldn't help chuckling: "It's much better than I imagined. Zid is indeed a talented person. Only the Romans started a war and Defeated, the position of the Augustus may be shaken a little. In this way, let **** find the cracks in the Roman state and pry his throne. If you can't even find his stain, you want to overthrow his rule and become a new It would be too difficult to be the king of Rome. Fortunately, Augustus fell into the trap of Thucydides. This saved **** from inciting him to start a war, or arouse popular dissatisfaction from other angles. Energized.

"But you told him that the Romans would attack.

Judas on the side muttered dissatisfiedly: "This is not his wisdom. There is nothing to exaggerate...and what Zid recorded. Isn't it also spelled out from the words you taught him on weekdays?" Being good at using information is also a kind of What a talent, Judas. "

Jesus said peacefully: "After a thousand years, or even two thousand years, there will be people who specialize in this kind of industry - they specialize in studying the statistics of others. Will there be such a person who is planning a strategy thousands of miles away? In that case, people who need to convey letters He must have been running quite fast. Judas looked at **** in surprise, and immediately knelt down in shock, "Sorry...I shouldn't question your words. Since you said it, it must exist—it must be you who made the prophecy.

"There is no need to... your hesitation is correct. **** smiled wryly and helped Judas up.

What's so good about this guy is that he is too respectful to himself. If possible, **** still hopes that he can have his own thoughts... Otherwise, when he dies, will he also die?

No, maybe for Judas, such an ending is not unacceptable.

But this is no reason why **** could forsake his compassion. No matter what others think of his own life and soul, **** himself must regard it equally.

Otherwise, in repeated reincarnations again and again, he would easily have the illusion that he was born nobler than other people. After all, he himself will live forever, while those mortals who accompany him through life after life and help him achieve great deeds one after another will die. Such a brutal way of life. He had to adapt and accept fact. **** also felt an inexplicable pleasure in this kind of self-torture that was almost ascetic. Ashamed to say, this wonderful sense of pleasure is what drives him forward. **** sighed softly, and the sparkle in his eyes gradually subsided. Although his spirit fluctuated for a moment because of Judas' words, Jesus' expression remained unchanged. "That's right, the question you asked me is correct.

Jesus said calmly: "Your judgment is very correct. If you want to do that, you must let the message be delivered in time. So don't hesitate...Hold your chest up, Judas. You have to try if you fail, the message is not just a day. It can be conveyed thousands of miles away. It can even be transmitted from one part of the world to the other in a short breath. The words move forward like light, faster than the words from the heart to the mouth.

He chuckled lightly, put his hand on Judas' shoulder, and said in a low voice, "Remember this sentence, Judas. This is a prophecy I made—a prophecy that only you know.

"One is!" Judas, who was a little anxious before, suddenly cheered up.

Jesus laughed, but sighed lightly as if he had nothing. How long will it take for the information society described by Judas to return to him... However, he can't be too hasty and bring advanced technology to these barbarians in one go.

1. Social change lagging behind technological change has been the source of many human disasters.

He can't be anxious, once he gives humans some amazing technology. Looking back five hundred years later, maybe the world will be in ruins...even the current direction of the world. It already made **** feel that something was wrong. If I don't appear in this life, in a few hundred years, who knows what will appear.

If the descendants read the Gospel written by Judas, will their cognition of **** change? What is the evaluation of King Solomon by later generations?

Also, thousands of years later, the moment when archaeologists unearthed Solomon's Prayer Book is just a moment. Now is not the time to think about what is missing. Instead, I should think about what I can do with what I have.

"I see the village. Your Excellency!" Judas' voice disrupted Jesus' thinking: "Egypt should be right ahead! **** came back to his senses and hummed expectantly: "I see. Don't reveal our identities yet... I'm going to sneak into the crowd to find out the situation. Take a look at what has changed in Egypt over the past few hundred years. Logically speaking. Egypt was where Solomon lived. And today's **** Salem also belongs to Egypt—it can be said that Egypt is his real orthodox place. Although the Solomon dynasty has passed away, I don't know if there are still people with their own blood. Looking at Egypt, which was getting closer and closer, **** miraculously developed an impulse similar to the urge to seek timidity from a nearby country.

"I'm back." He was full of joy. Whisper softly.

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