Time Traveler

Vol 6 Chapter 28: Yashan

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Liu Yan went straight back to describe what he saw. As a doctor of history, Dang Aiguo immediately made a judgment: "We came to Yashan, Guangdong in AD 1279. That was the last fleet of the Song Dynasty. According to weather analysis, it is just beginning of spring. Within a month, the Yuan Army will completely destroy this fleet."

"We met at the Yashan Sea Battle." Liu Handong exclaimed. He is familiar with this period of history. After Yashan, there is no China. This battle is not only the last battle for Mongolia to destroy the Song Dynasty, but also represents the complete occupation of the Han people. The regime change in the Central Plains was only a matter of turn. This time, the country was completely subjugated and the world was destroyed. In the Battle of Yashan, one hundred thousand Song Dynasty immigrants jumped into the sea and committed suicide. How tragic and tragic.

Liu Handong was born in the military. A passionate man would not turn a blind eye to the martyrdom of his compatriots. He geared his hands and said: "Since we are here, let's do it and kill Danzi!"

But it seems that apart from him, no one is interested in saving the Han people. Everyone gathered to discuss how to return to the baseline time and space. Hannibal said that this crossing was random, and was not killed or annihilated on the spot. Fortunately, but the return mechanism has failed, and it is impossible to expect automatic return. I can only find a way to save myself.

"There is only one way. We can go to Cuiwei Mountain. There are sometimes empty wormholes. Everyone stays in the Universe Bag, and one person is guarding outside. At the end of the Ming Dynasty, you will encounter the transit cabin and you can go back." Party Aiguo put forward a proposal that seems reasonable but full of loopholes.

"Who can live for so long, when another party patriot comes out of the transversal cabin, another Liu Yanzhi, what will happen?" Liu Yanzhi immediately retorted.

"Then do you have any other way?" Dang Aiguo asked him in turn.

"The time flow rate of the Qiankun bag is different from the outside, but this does not mean that we can stay in the bag for hundreds of years." Liu Yanzhi said, "There is also time in the bag, but it is slower than outside. Your oxygen mask can How long will it last?"

"Then we have to be trapped here for the rest of our lives?" Dang Paiguo Road, "Never sit still."

"We will go back, Ji Yuqian will come to us, to be precise, come to him." Liu Yan patted Xiao Cong's head straight, and the child with cerebral palsy smiled silly.

"The things in his mind must not escape, so Ji Yuqian will send time and space police. Maybe he has reached Cuiwei Mountain by now." Liu Yan said coldly.

"Then let's go to Cuiwei Mountain." Guan Lu said.

"To surrender? What he wants is Xiao Cong, not you. By the way, it takes the lives of all of us." Liu Yanzhi has experienced the chase of the time and space police. He knows their methods. In order to achieve their goals, they will use nuclear bombs. However, not everyone of the resistance organization can fight, and they may not be able to pass the road ahead.

"Hey, don't you care about those poor compatriots?" Liu Handong said, pointing to the south, "How about hundreds of thousands of people, they will all die in a few days."

No one answered him.

"Hey, there is a cavalry here, like the Song Army!" Liu Handong waved his arm and waved to the distance.

Liu Yanzhi also heard the sound of horseshoes. This is a small cavalry unit consisting of 50 cavalry. But it is hard to say whether it is the Song army. At this stage, the Southern Song Dynasty has lost all its territory and the entire court has After moving to the sea, the cavalry on land can only be soldiers and horses of the Yuan Dynasty.

"Everyone cover, bows and arrows don't have eyes!" Liu Yanzhi quickly ordered. As soon as his arms stretched out, the monkey immediately unhook Abukai's blindfold. Costin stepped on Liu Yanzhi's arms and looked around with piercing eyes.

Liu Yan raised his arm straight, and Abukai spread his wings into the air. The others hid behind trees and rocks. They had no means of transportation. Two legs could not run on four legs. The only way to stop the enemy was to leave.

The sky is high and the ground is wide, and the vision is excellent. The cavalry also spotted a small group of people in the distance. They rushed forward and got closer. Sure enough, they could see the faces of Han people, but this posture was not like seeing their compatriots. , The cavalry opened their bows and shot their arrows, and the arrows plunged deep into the soil and tree trunks like rain.

Liu Handong couldn't help but fight back. He came hurriedly. He didn't bring a long spear, only a hand-held gun. He held it firmly and fired a shot. One cavalry fell off his horse. The others were not frightened back. He started to ride the bow, drew out the scimitar, screaming and hovering the sharp blade above his head.

Liu Yanzhi threw the plasma stick to the eager monkey, and kicked Xiao Zhouyi again: "The time has come for you two to do meritorious service."

Abu Kai in the sky also screamed sharply, showing the sharp claws and beaks swooping down.

Five minutes later, the battle was over. There were dead bodies all over the place, leaving only one alive. The horses were safe and sound, one after another quietly eating grass on the slope.

Liu Yanzhi was surprised secretly. This battle opened his eyes. The bloodthirsty levels of these three goods were more severe than the other, especially the monkeys. They kill people without blinking. Although they are small, they jump up and down like a trumpet Japan. Ninjas are hard to defend against, and half of the fifty cavalry soldiers were killed by him.

The **** monkey dragged his mouth to Liu Yanzhi, asking for credit.

"Good job." Liu Yan bluntly boasted, interrogating the prisoners. The man was not a Mongolian, but a Han army with hundreds of families and a native of Hebei. He had never lived under the rule of the Song Dynasty. He was a citizen of the Yuan Dynasty from birth. , It is not a Song traitor, at most it is a traitor.

The captives were greatly frightened, and Zhutong Dadouzi told all he knew. They belonged to the Han army in the Yuan Dynasty army. They were under the command of Han Marshal Zhang Hongfan. Before that, Marshal Zhang had already annihilated the main force of the Song army and gave birth to Wen Tianxiang and Han. There are very few cavalry in the army, they are forward scouts, responsible for cleaning the remnants of the Song army on the land.

"This is the result of your battle?" Liu Yan asked harshly. His eyes swept over the horses. Each horse had more or less heads hanging on its saddle. The military always used the first class to judge merits, but these heads looked like Not all soldiers, but more like people who were slaughtered by exploits.

Seeing Liu Yanzhi's anger, the monkey came over from behind and beat the prisoner apart.

"You monkey head, murderous intention is too heavy!" Liu Yan scolded.

The monkey didn't care, scratching his head, and regarded this reprimand as praise for it.

Liu Handong gathered several war horses, and took off the armor and weapons from the corpses. The heads of those innocent victims also gathered, dug a pit to bury it, and a group of people stood in silence in front of the grave.

"Let's go to Cuiwei Mountain." Liu Yanzhi finally made the most reasonable decision. The location of Cuiwei Mountain is not in the territory of the Southern Song Dynasty, but belongs to the territory of the former Jin Kingdom that has been conquered by the Yuan Dynasty. It does not belong to a war zone and is relatively safe. With the arrival of the police, there is always a way to return to the baseline time and space.

A group of people mounted their horses silently and headed north. The long journey became more and more chilling, because wherever they went, no one was inhabited, all the villages were in ruins, there were uncontained corpses on the roadside, and wild dogs ran wildly in the fields. , Wherever the Yuan army went, burned, killed, looted and committed no evil, killing ten chambers and nine empty spaces, far more brutal and cruel than the later Qing army.

The party’s patriotism is riding on a horse and slowly telling this history. Although it is all clichés, it is still heinous to witness it. During the reign of the Yuan Dynasty, the Hans were cruelly treated and divided into four classes. The highest rank was the Mongols. The second rank is the Semu people, the third rank is the Han people, that is, the Han people under the rule of the Kingdom of Jin, and the fourth rank is the Southerners, that is, the subjects of the Southern Song Dynasty. The Southerners have the lowest status, and their lives can only be worth a donkey. price……

Liu Handong said angrily: "Don't let me see any Mongolians or traitors. See one to kill one."

"Isn't the Yuan Dynasty also a dynasty in China?" Zhen Yue couldn't help but retorted. "Our unit organized and watched the opera "Diaoyucheng Xia". The performance was that the chief of the Yuan army Meng Ge was killed by the Song Army of the Diaoyu City in order to save the Han children. The performance is touching. Fifty-six ethnic groups are all part of the Chinese nation. If you say so, it is undermining national unity."

The party patriotic smiled: "Officer Zhen, your growth experience determines your way of thinking. If you see a movie, it is about Matsui Ishine who was killed by the Kuomintang army on the Zhonghua Gate in order to save Chinese children under the city of Nanjing or Wounded, will you be moved?"

Zhen Yue said: "I am not a brain-disabled person. I am touched. The Japanese are different from the Mongolians, and I am not a part of the Chinese nation."

Everyone looked at Zhen Yue sideways, thinking about the same thing in their hearts, what else can this girl be if she is not a brain-dead.

"The concept of the Chinese nation was put forward by Liang Qichao in the late Qing Dynasty. There was no such saying before." Party Aiguo continued to popularize her with science. "Minorities kill Han people without talking about national unity, let alone talk about it. Tongzhi will return to chaos, you know. Right?"

Zhen Yue shook her head blankly.

"This history book doesn't talk about it, our party doesn't publicize it. You don't know it's normal, so I won't start talking about it, or you will say that I undermine national unity." Party Patriotic Road, "I'll just talk about recent events. , Which is three years ago."

"What happened three years ago?" Zhen Yue was puzzled, "I haven't heard of any major events in Xinjiang."

The party smiled patriotically: "I'm talking about three years ago when we were in this time and space, that is, in 1276, Zhang Shijie, Wen Tianxiang, and Lu Xiufu, the Southern Song Dynasty ministers of civil and military affairs, took the little emperor and hid in Quanzhou, Fujian. The head was named Pu Shougeng, who was a vassal, that is, an Arab. Everyone knows that Arabs are good at doing business. Pu Shougeng’s ancestors came to Quanzhou by sea to do business and then stayed to develop. The Southern Song Dynasty did not discriminate against them. It’s about national unity. They manage the Shibo Division. They earn more than hundreds of millions of dollars each year. They own a large number of sea-going ships. On the eve of the Southern Song Dynasty’s collapse, I originally expected to rely on the Pu family, but do you know what happened?"

Everyone didn't speak, only Zhen Yue shook her head ignorantly at UU reading www.uukanshu.com.

"Pu Shougeng betrayed the Song Dynasty, surrendered to the Yuan Dynasty, and killed tens of thousands of Huai army and clan in Quanzhou."

Zhen Yue opened her mouth wide: "It's cruel."

"If it is to ensure the interests of his own family, then surrender is also reasonable, but he killed so many people, it can only show that these people have never been loyal to the Song family." Dang Aiguo said, "This is what he gave. For the Mongols’ fame, throughout the Yuan Dynasty, the Pu Shougeng family still controlled the Department of Shipping in Quanzhou, but at the end of the Yuan Dynasty, retribution came."

"What kind of retribution?" Everyone heard it itch and wanted to know the following.

"After the Han people regained power, the Pu family in Quanzhou was slaughtered to death, and Pu Shougeng's remains were dug out from the grave and thrown into the pig trough for humiliation. The vassals returned to the lower class and were not allowed to participate in the imperial examination." The party patriotic shrugged. Shoulder, "Justice may be late, but it is never absent."

"No, I want to go to Quanzhou now and kill Pu Shougeng's family." Liu Handong had a grumpy temper and couldn't help it.

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