Time Traveler

Vol 3 Chapter 68: Sunset Red Team

In 1943, the Anti-Japanese War was still going on. Cuiwei Mountain was an occupied area. In order to control the safety of the Huaijiang waterway, the Japanese forces drove the people to build so-called forts on Cuiwei Mountain. They originally planned to deploy large-caliber cannons. However, due to the defeat on the Pacific battlefield, the military There is a shortage of supplies, and the artillery has not been in place. Only some mortars and machine guns have been placed. Anyway, China has no navy. These weapons are enough to deal with the sampans of fishing boats.

Since the fort did not play any role during the war and the number of troops stationed was relatively small, people who studied the history of the Jiangdong Anti-Japanese War often ignored this, which led to the lack of historical information of Antai and caused great security risks. The transit cabin was exposed under the eyes of the Japanese army. , Regardless of whether you can come back, it is good not to be killed on the spot.

  The arrow had to be sent on the string. A Japanese fort could not be an obstacle to crossing. Danghuishan still decided to force the crossing. The vehicle passed the roadblock zone, was checked again, and then went up the mountain smoothly and came near the crossing station.

The crossing station is controlled by the military. An army lieutenant general received Ji Yugan and others. The two parties seated the guest and host in the reception room of the original crossing station, but the guest and host were upside down. The original host, Dang Paiguo, is now a guest, and it is not The guest of honor, his cover is a physicist invited by Ji Yugan, and the two old men are also so-called experts.

Dang Huanshan had been in-depth and simple, and rarely appeared in public and in the media. Now he has dyed his hair and put on makeup. No one can recognize him. His appearance and temperament are close to scholars, but Liu Xiaoyong and the old man The life of a military horse, a resident in a mountain village, does not look like a scientist at all, the lieutenant general is a little suspicious.

   "What academic works do these two have?" The lieutenant general pointed to Old Cheng headlessly and asked, "You speak first."

Old Chengtou was speechless, he couldn't speak half of his academic language as a hunter in the mountains, his hands were calluses, his shoes were liberated under his feet, and the gully on his face was like a knife and axe. The Lieutenant General snorted and turned to Ji Yugan: "Ji Anyway, who can you find?"

   Ji Yugan said: "They are really not experts."

   Lieutenant General was furious: "What are you doing!"

   Ji Yu spread both hands: "Actually I was kidnapped."

   Lieutenant general took the scene: "Guard!"

The guard did not come in. It was Liu Yanzhi who came in. He was carrying a 20-gun shell gun with a large nose, another pistol in his waist, and a Toyo sword tied behind his back. He stretched out his hand and put the muzzle directly on the forehead of the lieutenant general. on.

Liu Yanzhi evaded the air defense net composed of small-caliber anti-aircraft guns and portable air defense missiles. As Ji Yuqian said, he was a mortal fetus that could not be scanned by radar. Under the cover of night, he successfully landed at the crossing station and fell silently. The guards drove straight ahead and held the general.

   With the hostages in hand, the next action was much smoother. Dang Huanshan personally operated the instrument, set the time anchor point, closed the switch and sent the power, and repeatedly urged Liu Xiaoyong and the others to enter the transit capsule.

An ear-piercing whistle sounded outside. The guards found the stunned guard. A large number of soldiers rushed to the crossing station, but it was too late. The building has first-class security facilities. All doors and windows are reinforced with steel plates. It is extremely difficult to open, and it is useless to shoot with a gun, but this can only be achieved for a short period of time.

   "Quick, quick, quick." Dang Huanshan urged. He was more skilled than the technicians in operating the machine, which made people think of the origin of the crossing cabin.

   Liu Yanzhi and Guan Lu also got into the transit cabin. Before they had time to speak, Ji Yuqian also got in, and then Dang returned to the hill to cover the hatch and start the machine.

   "What are you doing here?" Liu Yan asked directly.

"In order to ensure the safety of my investment." Ji Yugan replied. In fact, he had chosen not to be involved in this matter, but he was worried that after the secret of crossing was exposed, he would no longer be able to play crossing as he pleased. He had a desperate gambling mentality in his bones. Having the upper hand, that's why we took huge risks to help the party return to the mountains and change the course of history.

   A white light flashed, the transit cabin in the center of the hall disappeared, and the lieutenant who was sitting on the ground with five flowers **** on the ground looked strange: "This, this, what is this thing?"

   "You will know." Dang Huanshan wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, this is a risky action. If the mission fails, then he will become a turtle in the urn and all his efforts will be in vain.


In the middle of the night, Jiang Tao hit the shore, and on the top of Cuiwei Mountain, a huge silver iron box suddenly appeared in the woods. In the distance, there was a Japanese fort, which lacked steel and cement. The fort was made of stone. The outer wall was surrounded by a wall. The core building was a gun tower. Searchlights were installed on the artillery tower, and bright beams of light swept back and forth on the surface of the Huaijiang River. The silhouettes of Japanese soldiers with live ammunition were drawn very long in the moonlight.

The lid of the transit cabin was carefully opened. Liu Yanzhi was the first to get out and saw a distorted face three meters away. Unfortunately, a Japanese soldier was pulling wild **** and witnessed the transit cabin appearing out of thin air. Scared silly.

   Liu Yan directly raised his hand and it was a flying spike. His hidden weapon kung fu had entered the state of transformation. The flying spike shot into the Devil’s right eye and penetrated his head, but after all, his power was limited.

The night was quiet, and the screams were extremely clear. The sentry on the gun tower slammed and shot. The gunshot awakened the other soldiers who were sleeping. Soon the beam of the searchlight shot over and the machine gun sounded. , And encountered a major crisis at the beginning of the journey.

"Quick! I'll take cover!" Liu Xiaoyong shouted. He was already prepared to go back to the war years. Exposure did not scare him, but stimulated the secretion of adrenaline. The whole person's mental head came up and waved. With the speed machine, he was still the heroic young officer.

"Can't evacuate!" Liu Yan said sternly, not to mention that it is difficult to evacuate under Japanese firepower. Even if a person ran away and was thrown to the Japanese through the cabin, he would not be able to go back. There is only one way to go, which is to destroy. All the enemies of this fort.

The machine gun on the turret hit fiercely, the tongue of flames was particularly eye-catching in the night, and the surrounding branches were beaten to pieces. Guan Lu and Ji Yugan were so scared that they did not dare to climb out of the transit cabin. At least the dislocation-free iron cabin can withstand it. The bullet, but listening to the sound of the bullet hitting the bulkhead, both of them were trembling.

"Cover me." Liu Yan picked up the grenade and rushed out. He ran extremely fast. The machine gun bullets shot out a string of dust at his feet, and he couldn't catch up with people. More Japanese soldiers ran out of the dormitory. Screaming and entering the battle position, the commander of the fort and a second lieutenant shook the telephone and tried to report to the command that he believed that the fort had been attacked by guerrillas at night.

In the shooting hole of the turret, a Japanese army fired at a distance with a crooked handle light machine gun. The design concept of the Taisho 11-year light machine gun is very strange. The use of a funnel for ammunition is not as smooth as the Chinese army’s Czech light machine gun. , But suppressing the guerrillas is enough. The machine gunner is a veteran. He has experienced many battles and is far more calm than their team leader.

Suddenly a black object flew over and fell straight from the narrow shooting hole into the turret. The veteran was taken aback and looked intently. On the ground was a drop of grenades, which made him scream. But the grenade didn't explode, and a puff of smoke came out to misfire.

   This is a grenade that Liu Yanzhi dropped from fifty meters away. Liu Xiaoyong has hidden an old stock for decades. The black powder inside was damp and malfunctioned. It didn't blow up the demons. They only frightened them.

   The captain heard the noise from above, scolded and continued to call.

Liu Xiaoyong saw the telegraph pole and knew that the devil must be prevented from contacting the outside world. He raised his hand with a shot. After he was old, he was not hit, and his heart felt sad. Back then, he was a sharpshooter with hundreds of shots, let alone hitting the wires, he was from the sky. Asuka was also shot down with one shot.

   There was another gunshot. Old Chengtou's gun was full of smoke, but he was not old, and a shot broke the wire.

   "Mosimosi!" The team leader kept pressing the hookswitch, and there was no sound on the phone.

A few seconds later, Liu Yanzhi had already rushed in under a rain of bullets. The high wall was useless to him. He leaped over, grabbed a 38-foot cover, grabbed a gun, and shot through the heart. However, after killing the Japanese soldier, he quickly pulled the bolt, and a brass bullet shell jumped out. This was the last bullet and it became an empty gun.

This old-fashioned rifle has to pull the bolt once with one bullet. It is far inferior to the bayonet in close combat. Liu Yan directly played a hand-to-hand battle~www.wuxiaspot.com~The space of the gun tower is small, and he has no fear of seven or eight bayonet guns. The sound of puffing sharp blades into the flesh one after another, the Japanese Imperial Army with strong willpower has never seen such a **** one-sided killing, and quickly collapsed, and some people strayed.

  The fort is located close to the cliff, and there is only one way to break through. A few soldiers flee from the road, and they are all named by the two sharpshooters who are standing by.

Ten minutes later, Liu Yanzhi was covered in blood, and there was no one living in the fort. All were stabbed to death by him. The blood flowed all over the floor and he walked slippery. The team leader was the last to be stabbed to death. The bayonet gun nailed him to the wall. , His eyes were still wide open, and he carried an unsheathed saber in his hand.

   Liu Yan went straight back to the transit cabin. The scene in front of him made him very frustrated. Liu Xiaoyong and Lao Chengtou were both hanging out. They each shot a shot. Guan Lu was tearing up the cloth and bandaging them, but he was probably too weak to return.

"You go to the fort and get some first aid kits." Liu Yan said directly to Ji Yu. He raised the crossing cabin to the cliff. He killed the Japanese and would be discovered sooner or later. He had to hide the crossing cabin in a cave on the cliff. Row.

   When Liu Yan straightened the traversing cabin into the cliff cave and came back, Ji Yuqian had already brought the first aid kit, and the Japanese army had very limited medicines. Only bandages and disinfectant water was better than nothing.

   "Bone is broken." Liu Xiaoyong said, "Don't delay the task, give me a good one." The centenarian's whole body was stained red with blood, and it seemed to be dysfunctional.

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!


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