Time Traveler

Vol 2 Chapter 52: He went back

Li Weidong stretched his hand to the darkened pillow, where there was a box of cheap cigarettes and a disposable lighter at four and a half dollars. The old man recalled the past and needed to smoke and think.

   Dang Aiguo looked at Wu Dongqing. The latter quickly took out Su Yan and a gilded lighter and handed it over. Dang Aiguo lit a cigarette on his mouth and placed it on the old man’s lips.

   Li Weidong stretched out his hand and clamped the cigarette. He held the cigarette in the same posture as before, pinching it with his thumb and index finger, smoking it fiercely, sinking into the memory of the dusty past.

   "Two major events happened that day, one was Lin Biao's landline crash in Guangdong, and the other was a major reversal of the Sino-Soviet war." Li Weidong's opening remarks shocked everyone. The United States and the Soviet Union almost used nuclear weapons when they competed for Cuiwei Mountain.

"In order to grab you, the two superpowers went crazy. The Americans used all the fighters and bombers they could mobilize and dropped a paratrooper battalion over Cuiwei Mountain. The Soviets urgently deployed a motorized infantry division from the front to support. , Resulting in a gap in the front, the central government temporarily decided to launch a counter-offensive ahead of schedule, dispatched 300,000 troops to launch a general offensive, driving the Soviets to the north of the Yellow River. After that, Lien Chan regained victory and finally drove the invaders out of China. There was a coup in the Soviet Union. The former KGB chairman named Selepin overthrew Brezhnev and made peace with China. The war was over and I went to prison."

   Speaking of this, the old man’s eyes shed a drop of turbid tears. The hero has tears and does not flick it lightly. It is just because he has not reached the point of sadness, being beaten into a traitor by the motherland is a shame in his life, a knot that cannot be broken for a lifetime.

"It's all man-made by the United States." He continued, "After you left, the US military helicopter landed on the top of the mountain and lifted me onto the plane for first aid. I saw John Lynch, the American consultant, who is from the CIA. Agent, I know this, what he is aiming at, and I can guess it, the metal cabin you were sitting in disappeared out of thin air, Lao Lin was anxious, and there was no trick at all. In the end, he could only dig out all the nearby soil and analyze it. I was taken away by them. All the other comrades died. I was the only one alive. The Americans gave me treatment first, and then shut me in a room without windows, shining a big lamp on me all day, preventing me from sleeping. Some people sing white faces, some sing red faces, Lao Lin is just a red face..."

   "You don't need to insist." Dang Paiguo interjected.

"That's not okay, they didn't use torture, fire chopsticks, tiger stools, etc. How can I do it." Li Weidong said, "but don't say that the eagle is really ruthless. In the end, I still didn't resist it. To tell the truth, I said that you are from the 21st century. I don’t know anything about others. They questioned me for a long time and kept me locked up for half a year. Seeing that I couldn’t squeeze anything out, I was released. Then the central government of our country The Investigation Department arrested me for a long time for trial. In the end, I couldn't find out anything, and charged me with a spy charge, which lasted seven years."

   "Why do you say that you are a Soviet spy? Didn't this pour dirty water on you?" Liu Yan asked directly.

   "Because of the friendship between China and the United States at the time, I had to characterize me as a running dog of the Soviets. No one from the Huaijiang brigade remained. Who knew that there were 18 Russian devils killed by Laozi himself."

Li Weidong's hand holding the cigarette was shaking slightly: "I have been in prison for seven years. After I got out, I couldn't find a job, couldn't marry a wife, and my eyes were half blind. Then I changed my name after being persuaded, and I found it somehow. A daughter-in-law, my wife is the widow of a former Huaijiang brigade comrade. We just got together and gave birth to a daughter. In these years, I have not allowed them to live even a good day. I feel ashamed. ..."

Suddenly Li Weidong lost control of his emotions and burst into tears. The old lady who had bought cigarettes ran into the house when she saw it, slapped the old man on his back, and glared at the well-dressed guests: "What are you trying to make him a disabled person!" "

   Li Weidong stopped crying suddenly and said: "Old lady, I'm fine, I think of you and the child, I feel uncomfortable."

   The old lady calmly said: "Cry, don't you get through the hard days?"

Dang Aiguo took off his glasses and wiped the corners of his eyes. Liu Yanzhi and Wu Dongqing were also very moved. The heroes who fought for the country and the nation ended up like this. It is really chilling. Of course, they can't shirk the blame. If it weren't for crossing the cabin, Li Weidong Perhaps he continued to teach after the war, retired as the head of the middle school, perhaps joined the regular army, and at least mixed with a regiment-level officer. In short, they were much better than they are now.

   Fortunately, Li Weidong is still alive. Just like his wife said, the hard days are over.

"Lao Li, don't worry. If fate owes you, it will be compensated and doubled." Dang Aiguo said excitedly, "This house can no longer live, I will arrange for you to live in a villa with a driver, a chef and a health doctor. , Special car and free medical care, in short, the general's treatment, what do you think?"

   Li Weidong thought for a while and said: "Don't be so good, I have two requirements, one, to restore my reputation, and two, to give me a veteran allowance."

   "That's it?" The party's patriotism is a bit weird.

   "That's it." Li Weidong was very calm and serene, "Add one more and help my daughter arrange a better job. Our old couple has nothing else to worry about."

   "Everything can be satisfied." Party Aiguo said immediately, "The sanitary conditions of this house are too poor, which is not good for your health. Move out now and I will arrange it."

   "Trouble." Li Weidong accepts it frankly. He can persist to this day because the traversers said that they were from 2017, and now he has finally waited for the old people.

My wife was overjoyed and didn’t know what to say. She took out her mobile phone and called her daughter and asked her to come over quickly. Li Weidong’s daughter is in her thirties this year and looks very ordinary. She married a man who kills pigs. I set up a stall in a nearby vegetable market and arrived in less than ten minutes. I heard that the government had restored my father’s reputation and allocated housing.

   The party patriotism took a big deal, promised to arrange an iron rice bowl job for Li Weidong's daughter in a public institution, and called the logistics office of Jiangdong University on the spot to finalize the matter.

Li Weidong's family moved away, and everything in the old house was discarded. The Party Aiguo arranged for them a well-decorated elevator room in a prosperous urban area, 130 square meters, and hosted Li Weidong in the private club of the Antai Consortium. The whole family opened a bottle of 1970 Moutai and put on the most sumptuous banquet.

The happiest thing is the daughter and son-in-law of the Li family. They are flat-headed people with honest duties. They have no ambitions. Their biggest dream is to win a lottery or something. Now the sick dad suddenly has a rich friend. A mansion worth millions of dollars will have a rush in the days to come.

   Li Weidong also seemed to have changed himself. He was full of spirits and spirits. He exchanged cups with the patriotism of the party, as if returning to the war years. He told many stories that his daughter and son-in-law were tired of hearing, but today's audience listened very seriously.

   The veteran is not drunk and does not return.


   The party patriotism returned to the office, and the scientific research team sent a report that the 216 artificial meat they had brought back from 1970 had already analyzed the results.

This is a human protein that can quickly self-replicate, and it has very low requirements for culture medium. It does not require growth factors, platelet-derived growth factors, insulin, etc., which are required for normal cell growth. Moreover, the nucleus is much larger than normal cells and lacks one. Kind of essential cyclic adenosine phosphate.

   In other words, artificial meat is a sarcoma with cancer characteristics. The results of this analysis made Dang Paiguo shudder. Regardless of late night, he personally called the experts of the scientific research team and asked whether artificial meat was edible.

“It’s the same principle as genetically modified food, except that it’s genetically modified artificial human flesh.” The expert replied, “Eating human flesh is related to moral and ethical issues, and secondly, genetically modified food is harmful to people. Inconclusive, maybe something will happen after eating, but this cycle may exceed the lifespan of a person. In short, unless you are facing starvation, I don't recommend eating this kind of sarcoma."

Dang Aiguo was disgusted. He had eaten artificial meat. The hateful Professor Xing did not say clearly. By the way, Professor Xing stayed in 1970. He still doesn't know his life or death, but fortunately this person has no children or daughters. There is no concern, and the organization does not care about him. If he disappears, he will disappear. It doesn't matter.

  How is the mysterious artificial meat made? What is the connection with the meteorite that shot down the special plane of Kosygin, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Soviet Union~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Since fast-replicating meat can be created, why not choose pork and beef for grafting, but human flesh?

There is also the mystery on the pillars. How did the Nine Machinery Department create an eighteen-year-old man made in less than a year, and let him have human consciousness. Although it is very immature, it is indeed true. Human beings, with the explosion of Jiuzhen Mountain, these have become eternal mysteries.

  The answer was in Inner Mongolia in 1969! That outer meteorite!

  Party Patriotic stayed up all night, thinking hard about the answer. At 8 am the next morning, he received a call from his assistant saying that Li Weidong had passed away last night.

"What! Why didn't you tell me earlier!" Dang Paiguo was stunned. Li Weidong was fine last night and promised to cooperate with the treatment to restore his eyesight, and then write a memoir for future generations. How come a few hours later, he will be a **** Forever away.

He hurried to Li Weidong’s new home. The body was still in the living room. The mourning hall was arranged. The guerrilla captain on the portrait was full of heroism. It was a photo of him when he was young. His daughter and son-in-law were wearing filial piety, crying and crying. Relatives speak with his wife.

   The party patriotism proposed to pay homage to Li Weidong's remains. His wife personally came and opened the quilt. Li Weidong smiled and closed his eyes tightly.

   "He can live until yesterday. It depends on one breath." His wife wiped his tears and said, "When you come, he should go back. He said that if I miss my brothers, I want to bury him with them."

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!


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