Time Smuggling Starting from the Year 2000

The 3859th chapter terrorist organization (4)

Tu and Gao Zihao knew Huang Xuan. The internal workers of Huang's Fund and Hexin Group all know him.

Huang Xuan thought that since he didn't go to the company often, he should let the company's employees know who the boss was, and then it would be more convenient for him to go to the company to deal with problems. So he hangs his own photo in every building of Hexin Group, just like Hitler's head portrait - the executives of the group are also willing to flatter the boss. once in a while,

But meeting in person is different for Zhao Tu and Gao Zihao.

If the last time he looked at the boss who was smiling and silent on the stage with a relaxed mind, this time he looked in awe at Huang Xuan who was shrouded in a mysterious halo.

It has been 3 hours since Li Shenggang brought the two boys to the base. When he saw Huang Xuan, he immediately stood up, pushed the table in front of him, and the mahjong on it fell down. Nick shouted excitedly: "This is also a broken bridge." , Losing money, losing money..."

Huang Xuan said with a black face: "You guys and Li Sheng just played mahjong?"

"Lorraine's promotion is too slow, we don't want him." Ning Ao said very easily.

Huang Xuan raised his eyebrows and said, "Can't you guys see his cards?"

But Li Shenggang waved his hands and said, "It's okay, it's okay."

Huang Xuan looked at Li Shenggang "intoxicated" and said, "What are you betting on?"

"One wagon of coal at a time, and two wagons of coal at a time, it doesn't count. I'm not very good at it." Li Shenggang said modestly.

Huang Xuan laughed. Well, a ton of coal is 600, and a car wagon is 36,000, not counting the freight. This is really a big deal. Li Shenggang is determined to bribe him.

Li Shenggang was still a little guilty, and whispered: "Boss, you have finished reading the plan."

"En." Huang Xuan turned his head to the left and said, "You two made the plan?"

"Yes." Zhao Tu replied, while Gao Zihao was a little nervous and couldn't keep up with the rhythm.

Huang Xuan saw it, moved his fingers slightly, and four chairs appeared on the ground. He smiled and said, "Sit down and talk."

Li Shenggang thought that Huang Xuan's land use was a secret sound, but in fact. After any traveler reaches the fineness level of 20 nanometers, his hands can represent so much information that most of the work can be done without a base-although at a reduced speed. If their level of sophistication is high enough. You can even use your fingers as a language—a language far more accurate than sign language.

Travelers such as Lulinju and Songqing who were locked in a certain plane did not have the support of a base. If there is no similar level of precision, the death will only be faster.

Nick sighed, "Is this the end?"

"How much did you win?"

"21 wagons, Ning'ao has the most. 40 wagons."

"Tsk tsk." Huang Xuan slammed his mouth and said, "It's quite a lot. Then..." He turned his head to Zhao Tu and Gao Zihao and said, "You should know by now that my boat is very big, very safe, and very safe. It’s luxurious, but you can’t get a refund when you get on the boat, and I don’t care if you voluntarily, it’s just like this, hahahaha.”

All three laughed together.

"Oh, I thought it was a good joke." Huang Xuan shrugged and said, "Although you don't like it, I still have to say it. After you stay a little longer, you will know more about this ship. Just one word. You will be monitored for a long period of time, all behaviors. Including toilet and bed exercise. Ok, let’s talk about your work, you are doing a good job.”

Zhao Tu smiled and said, "Thank you."

It was easy to notice that Zhao Tu wasn't too moved by Huang Xuan's words, while Gao Zihao was a little distraught, it seemed that he wasn't ready yet.

Huang Xuan casually opened an energy screen and said, "This is the plan you guys made. The positioning is exquisite and the idea is bold. Another 911. Wow, I have to say that you have a good idea, but there are some problems in the specific implementation." Questions, especially the issue of Nendon, of course, terrorist attacks are not your forte, and you don’t need to know too much about Nendon. But I hired a helper for you, and he is also my brother-in-law. You can discuss it carefully, Xiaohe .”

Following Huang Xuan's call, Zhang Si was immediately teleported to the big room in area b.

Huang Xuan stood up, found two bottles of wine at random, put the cups on the table and said, "Uncle, come and have a drink, I think you will definitely want to drink a glass, oh, I have Moutai here, and ice bead wine, uh Well, Ice Bead Wine doesn’t belong to Earth, it’s actually not from this plane, if you like the word Earth, there’s basically no problem using it.”

"I drink Moutai." Zhang Si didn't go to see Li Shenggang and the three of them, he grabbed a two-liang cup and drank it down, completely losing the look of the security department. It seems that the information Nick gave him was very explosive.

"Do you feel better?" Huang Xuan poured him another glass of wine calmly.

Zhang Si raised his neck and drank it again, slapped his forehead and said, "Damn it, you shouldn't have told me."

Huang Xuan said with a hippie smile: "Actually, I wanted you to live in ignorance, but I accidentally encountered a problem. You should have a strong curiosity to join the security department?"

"I didn't believe in God, and now you make me believe that there is a strong... base?"

Huang Xuan pouted and said, "Uncle, do you know why people should believe in God, or God, or something else?"

"Oh?" Zhang Si drank another glass of wine, and his face turned red.

Huang Xuan grabbed the bottle of Moutai, lowered his head and poured the wine and said, "If you believe in God, but there is no God, you won't lose anything. If you don't believe in God, but there is, things will be bad."

Zhang Si laughed, and the other three laughed along with him. Zhang Si put down his glass and said, "Then do you believe in God now?"

Huang Xuandao: "No."

The two looked at each other and smirked.

Zhang Si shook his head and said, "Okay, tell me what to do."

"We are preparing for a terrorist attack so that the United States

They track down a mysterious organization. "

"What do you mean?" Zhang Si patted his head and said.

Huang Xuan prepared the language and said: "Simply put, we can monitor the actions of Americans at any time, but this mysterious organization has a way to deal with our monitoring. Therefore, we need some people, not high-tech methods, to be precise , not only use high-tech methods to investigate this mysterious organization and dig it out."

"What is this organization?"

"It doesn't matter." Huang Xuan was unwilling to say, and said perfunctorily: "Our goal at present is to find a way. Let the Americans put all their resources and all their attention on this organization. The suggestion of these two is ...

Pulling the group into another 9/11 makes all of America want to catch them. Just like bin Laden, Saddam, and then we follow them. Provide information, find them, catch them. "

Zhang Si frowned and said: "911 again, many people will die."

"We can choose some places with great influence and few deaths, but with the same effect, such as the Pentagon, American aircraft carriers, air force bases, downtown Manhattan. Whatever..."

"No, no, no. No..." Zhang Si said a series of .= How can he prove what he told you.... What about the mysterious organization? "

"You have to believe in the strength of the base. Ning Ao, your education isn't very good." Huang Xuan judged, "To be honest, uncle, I like their plan. How many people knew about bin Laden before 911, how many people Know about Al Qaeda? Many people don't even know about Afghanistan, at least I don't.... Now the whole world knows that bin Laden is worth a lot. There are countless ways for our base to let them know the joints, especially when we still have Some people in this organization."

Zhang Si looked at Li Shenggang, who was like a baby, and said helplessly: "I work in the intelligence organization, but you know, I started as a soldier, and then I went to the national security. So far, I have not executed you. I saw the 007 job in the movie, you know, I was thinking of getting a diplomatic attache position in a few years. By this, I mean, I will not launch any terrorist attacks, you should find a professional, like ..."

He raised his hand, shook it for a long time and said, "It looks like Osama bin Laden."

"Are you sure bin Laden is the best?" Huang Xuan asked seriously.

"You won't take it seriously?" Zhang Si said with a smile, Li Shenggang, Zhao Tu and Gao Zihao also laughed with him.

The four laughed and laughed, and stopped.

Zhang Si stood there in a daze, and repeated for a long time: "You won't take it seriously?" This time he said it quite seriously.

Huang Xuan said seriously: "Saddam is dead, and he's not good at terrorist attacks, uh, I suddenly have a good idea."

The four of them looked at Huang Xuan stupidly.

Xiao Huang said very proudly: "I think those big terrorists, what is East Turkistan, and Tiger Land - sorry, I only know these two, but there should always be many, because Americans are so busy. Then, I have Great terrorists with ideal ideas come here. They should have a lot of plans. They may not be able to implement them, or they may fail in execution. No matter what, I have resources to support them, and they will succeed. Then, we just need to bring That occult organization will do, it's easy. I can even forge professional videotapes that experts won't be able to see, and maybe the next day's newspaper..."

Zhang Si felt that he should just faint. He blinked his eyes wildly and said, "Huang Xuan, many people will die."

"I'm still a little touched by the death of American civilians. They are civilians after all. Although they are Americans, you know, they all immigrated there." Huang Xuan muttered, "However, we can choose. , so many terrorists, there must be more plans, we choose the one with the least casualties, the one with the greatest influence, and even the attempted one may be useful, we can try several, and finally, we can choose the target, how about the least civilian casualties Sample?"

Zhang Si said with some unbearable expression on his face: "Huang Xuan, although I am a soldier and an intelligence officer, you must know that this will really kill a lot of people. From a realistic point of view, we still have a lot of problems, right? Can you take a long-term plan, such as how those terrorists would hand over their ideas to you, hehe, it is..."

Zhao Tu and Gao Zihao were already dumbfounded. Li Shenggang was not much better.

Huang Xuan shrugged, and said solemnly and seriously in a moment: "Uncle, I don't really care about the casualties you mentioned. I think you should know that if I can't dig out this terrorist organization, everyone will die. The entire position On the surface, or you know, Earth, plus possible extraterrestrial life that we don't know about, is going to die."

Zhang Si was speechless, and after a while he said nonchalantly: "Then you plan to let your base catch those terrorists?"

"They will like my plan." Huang Xuan quickly changed his mood, pointed to himself and said, "Uncle, do you know? My company is about to enter the world's 500, and I haven't interviewed any employees yet. Thought maybe we could have an interview."


"Yes, the terrorist attack interview. I will be the chief examiner, and you are all assistant examiners. We will spend one day interviewing, and then you will take charge of the overall situation, uncle, and one or several terrorist organizations that have passed the test will conduct the interview. I will provide resources and do the interview. Something we wanted to do. Think about it, we kind of get what we need, even we help them, and I think they like that."

Zhao Tu stammered, "How can you catch those terrorists? The Americans and the British are catching them every day. What Guantanamo..."

"I have a way, trust me, at any time. Uncle, how about it?"

Zhang Si kept drinking, and seemed completely speechless. .

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