Time Burden: Whitebeard Returns to the Peak

Chapter 166 Working together to make money again, Brother Ming is excited!

Roja was afraid that Doflamingo hadn't reacted, so he explained.

"The red model is the tower!"

"You can push a button and make it back to the way it was!"

Doflamingo does what the other person wants.

After a button press.

Sure enough, the tower regained its original appearance and appeared in front of the two again!

Doflamingo was deeply shocked by such a miraculous means, and looked astonished.

"I admire, really admire!"

"I've never seen such a mastery in my life! 99

Doflamingo's face was full of admiration.

long before.

He has long admired Roja deeply.

And now, when he has witnessed all this, his admiration for Roja can be said to have reached its peak!

Doflamingo came back to his senses, and said again, "How many of these all-purpose capsules do you have in your hands?"

Roja said lightly: "I have a hundred all-purpose capsules in my hand now, but in the future I will give you one hundred all-purpose capsules at regular intervals, for a total of one thousand!

Doflamingo was shocked.

To say it was not surprising at all would be a lie.

He thought.

A fetish like this.

In Roja's hands, there are at most dozens of them.

did not think of.

There are a thousand all-purpose capsules in total!

Doflamingo was a little scared to think about it.

How much money would you make if you sold all of these all-purpose capsules?

Don't even think about it, this is bound to be an unimaginable and extremely exaggerated wealth.

It's not impossible to be rich enough to rival the country!

Roja thought for a while, and then said: "After the event, I will take 70%, how about you take 30%〃||?"

This seemingly ordinary sentence caused huge waves in Doflamingo's heart!


Does he get 30%?

The sudden and huge sense of happiness made Doflamingo almost faint.

As the world's top businessman, he knew very well how valuable this thing was.

Just 10% of it is enough to make yourself big and get enough money.

Even the income from one hundred all-purpose capsules can increase his power by five times!

With such money, he is still very confident that he can pull up a super army under the imperial regiment.

not to mention.

This is a thousand all-purpose capsules!

If it can be successfully sold in the end.

So how much money would he make? Doflamingo couldn't even figure out how exaggerated that was.

There was even a moment when Doflamingo felt like he was in a dream and encountered such a good thing.

Isn't this a dream or what?

Seeing Doflamingo's silence for a long time, Roja thought that the other party was dissatisfied with the number, frowned, and said, "Could it be, do you think this division is not good?"

Doflamingo was startled and said quickly; "Of course I'm satisfied with this share, but I just think it's too high!"

"At least I account for two, and your old man accounts for eighty percent, right?

Roja was happy, but did not expect the other party to give in a step.

He once thought that the other party was dissatisfied with the income and felt that he wanted more!

Never thought of it.

The opponent took the initiative to take a step back!

What Roja doesn't know is that, in fact, Doflamingo thinks that only 10% of the benefits will make him a lot of money, so he thinks that Roja is doing this to give him enough benefits!

"From now on, I will stand firm on your side!

"If there is any force that dares to attack your old man in the future, I am willing to bring someone to help you right away! 39

Doflamingo immediately made a statement, swearing that he would always be on Roja's side.

Why does he do this? The reason is very simple. Others have given you so many benefits, so you can't betray them, right?

What's more, Doflamingo knows very well that this is a very profitable business.

If something happened in the middle, wouldn't it prevent him from earning this amount of money in the future?

If he really wants to be like this, I'm afraid he will regret it for the rest of his life!

Doflamingo had an idea and said, "."At this time, Sabaody Archipelago has an auction to be held. Why don't you sell a few universal capsules at this time to see the effect?"

Roja agreed and said lightly: "It's naturally no problem, I also want to receive the money sooner."

Doflamingo is overjoyed (and good) and is ready to arrange a boat to go with Roja to the Sabaody Archipelago.

However, Roja felt that there was no need for this at all, instead he said strangely: "Why use a boat?

Doflamingo subconsciously said, "How do you get there without a boat? 99

The words just came out.

I immediately understood what the other party meant!

In this world, there is a very special means of transportation.

That is any door!

At this time, Doflamingo subconsciously turned around and cast his gaze into the distance.

I saw that in his field of vision, the mysterious arbitrary door appeared again at some unknown time!

"That is!"

Doflamingo's pupils twitched rapidly.

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