672. Chapter 672 Wilderness for Drug Search (25)

    In the morning, at 7.20, the Dolphins are monitored inside the cabin.

    Look at that!who is this. ”The gray beard limped into the cabin and walked straight ahead.

    At this point, the cabin is already a mess. Under the efforts of several deputy directors and staff, all the monitoring screens in the cabin were all smashed before the pirates invaded.

    "long time no see."I still haven’t calmly sat on a chair, looking at the gray beard, "Devil."

    Interesting…Each other, James. ”Gray beard smiled.

    After the two eyes looked up, they both laughed, but…Although they are laughing in their mouths, they have no smile in their eyes.

    "Smirk!"Ha ha ha…Hahahaha! ”I haven’t laughed louder yet.

    The gray beard was not to be outdone, and the broken scorpion smiled louder than him.

    For a time, the crew, staff and pirates in the cabin (the pirates occupied the entire ship five minutes ago and concentrated everyone in this largest cabin), as well as Captain Joseph, Olympian Sea, and Ancient , Luo Han, Screw Chai Erde, Ba Fute…All showed a puzzled expression.


    Suddenly, the grinning laughter came to an abrupt end. In the same second, he screamed and punched his cheeks.

    Not yet, it has become a prisoner, and naturally there is no room for him to fight back. He can only smash this.

    Bah.After licking his fist, he did not face the face without fear. He spit on the ground calmly and sighed with anger. "The way you greet old friends is really enthusiasm."

    "Heng!"You know this is a 'greeting'…"Gray Beard laughed and said, "The real 'main dish' is not yet on."

    "It doesn't matter, anyway, you punch out like a girl."I haven’t responded with provocation without any weakness.

    "you……"Gray beard squinted and raised his fist again.

    But two seconds later, he put his fist down again and sneered, saying: "Oh…Want to irritate me? I will not be fooled. ”He waved the hook on his right hand. "You thought…In this way, can you get past it? ”He turned his face and scanned the cabin for a circle. He said, "You know…What is this man doing at the moment? ”He paused, "Oh, huh…He is leading me to violence. He wants to use this way to make you think…I am a violent man, a madman…In order to reduce my credibility. ”

    "Don't you?"Haven't been cold and cold.

    “Ha! I am still far worse than you. ”Gray beard should be.

    During the speech, the gray beard went back two steps, and opened his arms to raise the voice of the door: "Everybody! Let me introduce you…This man who once swayed the sea and was arrogant…JamesFor informationNot yet, also known as the 'Caribbean Shark'. ”

    As soon as this statement came out, the pirates around him heard the changes (as industry insiders, they have heard of this name), while the passengers of the Dolphins were all inexplicable.

    "On the qualifications, he is undoubtedly my predecessor."The gray beard's narrative continues. "In the year when I was seventeen years old, he was already a well-known young talent."

    “Is it appropriate to use the term “youth talent” to describe a pirate?”Other people did not speak, but they did not yell at themselves but spoke.

    "Don't fight! You bastard! ”Gray Beard shouted in a rage, and used his prosthetic leg to lick the face that had not been licked.

    "Ahhhh…"The latter's sole was fractured at the time, and he couldn't help but cry out and fell to the ground.

    ActuallyHis real name is not 'have nothing yet', but 'camelon'. ”The gray beard ignored the screams that had not been smashed, and then just said, "Until one day…He escaped successfully from the hands of 'cutting ears Roger', and since then he has been called the captain of 'not yet smashed'. ”He sneered, "But whoever does our trip knows…"The poisonous king, Roger wants to kill, there is not one who is not dead, and everyone who died in Roger's hand has been cut off his ears.

    For so many years, only one person is the exception, and he…It’s just that you’re not in front of you! ”

    As the voice landed, the passengers of the Dolphins had already cast their eyes on the "unclear".

    "He is more ferocious than a pirate, more vicious than a drug lord. His nickname 'Caribbean screaming shark' is his portrayal of 'cannibalism.'"Gray Beard continued, "Who can think of…Such a person, after many years, successfully cleaned the case, wiped out his life for more than 30 years, and became a director. ”

    "Call ~~~~~~"I didn't think of it…You are still alive…"At this time, I have not struggled to get up from the ground and re-sit. "When I saw you on the deck, I thought it was a ghost…"

    “Ha! How can I die? ”Gray beard laughed with a false voice. "I am keeping this life, just waiting for today…Waiting for the day of revenge on you. ”He hasn’t walked around yet. “The fight that I had ten years ago, I still remember it…You boarded my boat, killed my crew, cut my left leg, smashed my right hand, and threw my wife into the sea…"When he said it, he stopped and his face looked very stunned. "And TMD shot my parrot!"

    The gray beard was now behind the back of the sorrow, and swearing at the enemy: "Hey…God, I miss my parrot too much, compared to the awkward woman…"Speaking of this sentence, he deliberately stopped, a few meters away from Max, "Sorry, child."

    I have understanding.Max quickly responded with no further interruptions to his father.

    In a word……I miss Sloan (the name of the parrot), miss my crew, and miss my hands and feet…"The gray beard wraps around in front of nothing yet. "It's you…Take away all this! Today, I want you to pay more! ”

    He was still awkward because of the pain, but he still did not let go of his arrogance. He greeted the other tyrannical gaze, Shen Sheng said: "Hey…I am also a bit curious, Dehua…How did you survive that year? ”

    “Ha! Hahahaha…"Gray beard laughed wildly. "This is God!"He looked proudly at Max, "You can't dream of it…my son……It is a child prodigy! ”His hand was on Max's shoulder. "On the day ten years ago, when you were slaughtering, the two-year-old hid in the kitchen cabinet and escaped."He pointed his finger at his face. "After you left, Max immediately called the rescue and dragged the medicine box heavier than him…Help me stop the blood. ”The smugness on his face is beyond words. "Not yet…Let me lie on the deck and wait for death, the biggest mistake you have made in this life! ”

    OriginalHere's how it works.I haven’t read it yet. “But this can’t be said to be my 'miscalculation’ or 'wrong'…”His gaze moved to Max. "A child who can do that at the age of two can have a few in all human beings…"

    "Heng!"Gray Beard ignored the other party's words, but went on to say, "I haven't been jealous yet, you thought…You can get rid of the past by changing your face and have been to the days of so-called high society. ”He suddenly snarled. "Do you think that you don't have to pay for what you have done in the past!"

    "If you want to kill, you must kill."I haven’t replied yet, “People like you…I want to ruin me, and I only use violence as a method. ”He turned his head and scanned the other people in the cabin. "Without this cabin, no one will believe what you said." Even if this boatman came to testify for you, even if I personally opened a press conference, I said, 'I used to be a murderous pirate'…No one will believe it. ”He sneered, "I can foresee…After I die, I will be described by the media as 'victims' or even 'heroes'; people will broadcast the works I have directed to commemorate me, and they will celebrate my achievements in my lifetime…Maybe I will give me a Nobel Peace Prize or something…Interesting…And you, what are you? Desperate? What you have is just a boat like you…Rude, stupid drug dealer! You can only be a drug dealer and a pirate for the rest of your life, because you only have to do this. When you are alive, you are feared. After you are killed, you are cast aside and forgotten. This is the fate of people like you…"He turned to look at Max. "Boy, you want to be a child prodigy, it should be clear, I am right." I advise you to leave your idiot father early, find a normal family, read more books, maybe you can…"


    The gray beard had a real punch on the abdomen that hadn't been licked, interrupting his words.

    "You bastard, it’s still so arrogant when you die…"Gray Beard said, "You wait…When I clean up the island, I will use your equipment to broadcast the process of your execution to the world. ”

    Hmmm…I haven’t breathed, I’m looking up cold, “Hey…Go and look!I have to see who cleans up who…"


    8 am, in the central area of ​​Kanabis Island.

    At this time, I was unaware of everything on the Dolphin, and I was squatting at a stream.

    Just in that hour, he has completed two side missions.

    They are: [to catch a Queensland hairy bear] and to eat a full steamed bread.

    Therefore, the corresponding challenge of "hunting a Queensland Hair Nose" and "finding and eating the next tuber" are also completed.

    I have to say that these side missions are really a bit difficult. Queensland's hairy bear (an extinct herbivore originally distributed in places such as Queensland, Australia). Due to habitat destruction and man-made killing, Queensland's hair-nosed bears were extinct around 1900. Although they are herbivores, they weigh about 50 pounds, strong body, sharp claws…These have brought certain difficulties to hunting.

    With the physical fitness of normal people, Jue Ge was limited by the two conditions of “hands-on” and “live catching”, but it was able to withstand the power of the two. When the system prompt for the completion of the mission sounded, his power was just exhausted. Fortunately, the challenge is to "live and die", so I feel that the brother will let the koala bear.

    As for the "cooking hoe", it is also convenient…Because the location of the bear catching the bear is just next to a few hoes (the Queensland koala bears will dig the roots of the plants and like to eat near the entrance to the hole).

    Therefore, after getting the "live catching task", he took out a shovel and dug a hoe, and immediately started the "raw task."

    Due to the toxicity of raw oysters, oyster sauce is also prone to skin allergies. This task is also difficult. Even if you break these factors, just say that the volume and weight are good…"A complete taro also contains a few large leaves; a narrow petiole; a rough, hard bulbous skin; and a fairly substantial bulb itself.

    Any of these things, it is difficult to swallow when eaten raw. To eat all these miscellaneous things, it is really supportive and disgusting, and it is also a torture to the mouth.

    Of courseI feel that my brother is coming over.

    However, he still needs to rinse his mouth, wash his hands, and clean the juice of the steamed bread (it will feel itchy on the skin) before he can get back on the road.

    "噶啦噶啦噶啦…Bah.Hearing his mouth and mouth, he immediately sighed, "call…Very good, there are still three challenges, and the second main line is even fixed. ”He washed his hands in the water. "Before sunset, I should be able to finish the remaining three, oh…Then there is a living thing…Small meaning. ”

    At this time, I can’t think of it…In the hour of his mission, many pirates have boarded the island of Kanabis and launched a search for the “fish of the net” on the island.

    Moreover, there are two pirates at the moment, coming to the forest behind him…

    Learn – Soso –

    Finally, when the two men approached a distance of about ten meters, the voice of their actions was introduced into the ears of the buddy.

    "Yeah?"I always feel alert and alert, and I noticed the change in the rear. "This voice…It is human! ”

    The first reaction that is unconscious is…There is an opponent who wants to attack himself.

    "Although I have a gun on my body, I can't guarantee that others will not…"At this moment, I feel that my heart is flashing. "Since Lohan can bring a gun as a prop, then others can undoubtedly also…Mmm.Can't hold big…"When I read this, he made a quick decision and ran away.

    The terrain on the edge of the stream is relatively wide, and the enemy is dark and obviously unfavorable. Therefore, the first thing that I feel about my brother is to rush to the forest in front of me.

    Who knows…This doesn't run, don't tighten, run…People started shooting.

    Outburst –

    The bullets followed the pace of the sorcerer on the ground and splashed the muddy debris.

    At the moment when the gunshot sounded, I felt instinctively vomiting in my heart: "He is AK! Listening to the sound is still holding! Come to Laden! It must be bin Laden! ”

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