64. Chapter 64: Garlic Unparalleled (11)

    "I said this little brother, what I just said is all white?"Pan Fengyi said with a big eye: "All said that the derivatives are very strong. What do you teach? Looking for death? Are you going to get the main line task with us and then leave the script? ”

    "As you said, the four-level derivatives in this level of script are only slightly better in intelligence and combat than the Ashford-based BOSS."Feng did not know: "What can't you kill?"

    "The problem is that you don't have to help us kill it?"Hua Xiong asked.

    Xiao Yan put a look of shocked expression on the side, and he also said to the seal: "Yes! We don't have to kill it! ”

    "The reason why you said it is unnecessary is because…If the player kills the derivative, it is neither a branch line nor a hidden task, nor does it help the main line, and it will take a big risk? ”I don’t know how to seal it.

    The three nodded and said the same thing: "Yes."

    “Aside from the possible profitability of specialization grades, skill values, etc., do you ignore the most important thing that a 'game' should bring to the player?”I didn’t know what to ask.


    "Fun."Feng Xiaoxiao said: "You also said that the chances of players encountering derivatives are very small, and it is likely that there will be no second time. But the team script is a gadget. I want to schedule it a few times. Why not die? ”He paused and said: "It’s rare to meet the derivatives. I looked at the two GM Qingguang main tasks and then I was sent out of the script. It was too boring, right? Even if I go to a script normally, I was blamed for hanging it in the middle, which is more interesting than this. ”

    Xiao sighed and looked up at the forty-five degrees: "I was told by you…I suddenly felt that it would be a loss not to chase down the derivative. ”

    "That's yeah, how many people can't even meet in a single encounter, even if we die in their hands?"Feng did not know, "It is like you have passed 10,000 times of Contra, suddenly encountered a BOSS in the Demon City at the end of a certain level, then even if you die, you will not consider going around and not playing. ”

    Wow! It seems to make sense! ”Xiao sighed excitedly.

    "The thought of this kid is a bit abnormal…"Pan Feng whispered to Hua Xiong.

    "It’s not normal, it’s just a singer."Hua Xiong also whispered back.

    "You two are standing in a place so close to me, whispering! Is this still useful? ”Shouted and shouted.


    At five o'clock in the afternoon, the gun shop door.

    Feng Shou and Wang Shouzhi are watching this scene of death.

    The traces of the young master and the name are hard to take, and the white light has disappeared. After the player is killed, the body will not remain in the script. Similarly, if the player mutates because of the virus, then when the variability time limit arrives, the player disappears into white light, and his last position will be a corresponding ordinary zombie monster at the same time.

    In short, the game company will not let the player's body remain in the script in any form, and the player will either turn away as white light or be in survival.

    Without a corpse, it is difficult to visually restore the process of the derivative murderer, but I did not feel that there was some inference around the sofa that was torn open and stained with large blood: "They are sitting here, carrying guns, each responsible Be alert in one direction."He said, he also sat on the sofa: "So there are more shells near the sofa, and the direction of the monster's blood splatters also illustrates this."He looked at the direction in which the nickname was responsible for his life: "The derivatives came over there…"He said, stood up, walked forward, walked to the crossroads ahead, and folded back. He kept looking down at the ground during the period: "The appearance of the derivative should be a woman, at least in the distance, it looks long. Not like a monster, maybe a beauty…"

    "Do you know this?"Xiao sighed.

    "These bloods on the ground are very useful. As long as you walk through this street, it is hard not to leave a shoe print."Feng Wei squatted and looked at the ground and said: "There are a row of high-heeled shoes left here, very obvious."He looked up: "And all the zombies in this street, no matter men or women, don't wear high heels."He explained: "The owner of this row of footprints is not here at the moment. It killed two players and left. ”

    The seal stood up and took a few more steps. "Ten steps from the sofa, the footprints are interrupted. This should be the distance from which it launched the attack."He came to the sofa all the way: "Here, there is an obvious shoe print, just in front of the sofa, where she stood when she started."He looked back at ten steps: "The distance of nearly seven meters, a jump, also proved that it is not a slow-blooded monster of blood wolf zombies."

    He went around the other side of the sofa. "When the killing is done, she left in the other direction. After a certain distance, after leaving the new blood, she left some traces."

    "I feel a brother."Xiao sighed and asked: "You still haven't answered my question. Is it true that wearing high heels is a beautiful woman?"

    Feng did not feel the return: "You look at the footprints when it comes."He went to the side just now: "These footprints are 'walking', not 'running', not the kind of "moving" of zombies."He pointed to the ground: "Inferred from the depth of the stride and the blood, its height is about 6.5 meters, the weight is not heavy, and the gait when walking is arrogant."

    "Maybe it's just a monster with a enchanting walking posture."Xiao sighed.

    "A monster in high heels, or a man in high heels…Come to you without hesitation, you will sit on the sofa and wait for it to be within ten steps? ”I didn’t know what to ask.

    “hmm…Xiao sighed and thought, it seems to make sense.

    "If the appearance of the derivative is a monster at a distance, the name is really hard to get a shot."Feng did not know what to follow: "There will be two possibilities, the first one, the derivatives start running, rushing to attack."

    "From the perspective of footprints, it is already possible to rule out this."Xiao sigh said.

    Feng does not know: "The second possibility…The derivative continues to maintain its pace, slowly coming over and then launching an offensive. ”He paused: "So that…The name is really difficult to get and the young master will not stay on the sofa, they have plenty of time to stand up and retreat, instead of retreating. ”

    "Maybe they can't be nailed to the sofa by some kind of super power of the monster?"Xiao sigh said.

    "It is better to directly overthrow the assumption that the appearance looks like a monster."I don’t know how to seal it.

    "This is also…"Xiao sighed: "So, let's assume that the appearance of the derivative is a personal female, why is it a beautiful woman?"

    "It is my instinct to say 'beauty'."Feng did not know: "It may also be plain."


    The seal smiled and said: "So, the passing of things is…They sit here and look at a woman whose appearance is not like a monster. ”He said, sitting on the sofa again: "When the derivatives approached about ten steps, the two finally found some anomalies, and they must immediately launch resistance. However, it was too late to realize the danger at this distance, and the derivatives flew in and solved the battle. ”He touched the torn leather on the sofa: "This trace is like Wolverine's murder here, and the last few footprints beyond the ten steps have no signs of acceleration or deepening."

    "What does this mean?"Xiao sighed.

    "How far can you jump forward without a run-up?"I don’t know how to seal it.

    "Two meters is the most."

    "This derivative can jump at least six meters."


    "After this distance, it uses a claw-shaped weapon or his own hand to quickly tear up the bodies of two people and suffer along with the sofa under them."I don’t know how to hold the gangster: "Probably explain this."

    Xiaoshen looked up and shouted at Pan Feng and Hua Xiong, who were ambushing on the roof of a building not far away: "Two big brothers! You have to keep an eye on it! ”

    The two men ignored him and continued to chat…

    Feng did not know: "Reassure, they are not talking about it, the derivatives will appear in the system within one kilometer, they will get the system prompt, and can see the coordinates of the target from the script map that comes with it."

    "I said that this system is really tangled. Is it not enough to send the coordinates of the derivatives directly to them?"Xiao sigh said.

    "So it is said that the derivatives are 'uncontrollable data', they certainly have some kind of resistance to system search and interference. If you can do what you said, isn’t it better to use the system to directly kill the derivatives? Do you want GM to do it? ”Feng did not know: "Speak up…What the two guys said, in fact, we can not believe in it. ”

    Xiao sigh changed: "What? Are they cheating us in any way? ”

    "It's not like this, they should be telling the truth."Feng did not know: "But…They are just two staff members. How do you know that the company’s top executives told them that the information about the derivatives is all true…”

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