1484. Chapter 1471 sneaky, Shiva, top matchup

    The two strong men are facing each other and stand still.

    Until the barrier disappeared, neither of them moved half a step.

    After a while, Shiva took the lead and broke the silence: "Meeting you in the third game is really disrupting our plan."

    "I don't care about things like arranging troops…"Ghosts should say, "But…After all, the opponent is your [God], and I arranged the reason for my early appearance. I can guess it. ”

    At this moment, they have no longer have to think about some of the evasions on the intelligence level.

    Because when Shiva stood on the court, he or the "plans" of their [the gods] can be said to be clear.

    Anyone can see that the intention of the [God of God] in this order is necessarily to "end the game within four games."

    The idea of ​​this tactic is still correct…As long as they can score a three-to-one score in the first four games, then the "order" of the "general" sneaky is likely to be eliminated without even having the opportunity to play.

    Therefore, the [God of God] only considered the lineup combination of the first four games, and in the position of the "General", they put a relatively weakest newcomer in the team [Mohologa].

    According to their original assumptions…In the first two games, Ashura’s grasp was around 50%; while Vishnu and Kalouro’s doubles were 70%.

    [The gods] analysis team believes that the two players, leaf paper and barcode, an auxiliary stream, a shooting system, must be ranked in the doubles lineup, and the two of them are not suitable for pairing, it is bound to be Combine with other people separately; comprehensively…Order] There is a high possibility of sending leaf paper in the first doubles. At that time, as long as Vishnu's containment ability and the speed of Kalouro are used to kill them first, the doubles will be stable.

    This counts…At least one of the two games has a big chance of winning.

    If you are lucky, the first two games have won, then the third Shiva is on, as long as the people on the opposite side are not sneaky, maybe [the gods] can also sweep [order] three to zero.

    Even with luck, the first two games were scored one to one…After Shiva won the game, there was also a two-to-one lead; to the "deputy battle", [the gods] here is the combination of [Da Brahma] and [Jumbo]; and [order] here, It is one of the "drunken dreams", with leaf paper or barcode…This will still be an advantage game.

    howeverStill, the plan can't keep up with the changes.

    When Ashura won the first game, the behind-the-scenes team of [The Gods] seemed to have seen the hope of three to zero. I didn't expect the second game to be brought back by the opponent's two old fritters.

    Of course, the most surprising thing for everyone is that it should still be deceived in the "Participation".

    If Shiva’s debut officially exposes the [God of God] battle plan, then…The appearance of the sneaky is the announcement – as early as before the game, [order] has been watching out for these calculations.

    It’s not that the [order] team is much better than the [the gods], just…It is necessary to avoid the sneaky scorpion, which is almost unsolvable, and to consider the power of [order] as a whole. The strategies that the [God of God] can choose are not many…It is not difficult to guard against it in advance.

    Today's [order] discharge of this lineup is no matter whether the opponent "puts the routine" or "for the first four" can handle the lineup.

    "Smirk!"After a few seconds, Shiva smiled. "Although it is outside the plan, it is already here…I am very happy. ”

    "because……Can you play against me? ”Ghosts generally understand each other's mood.

    “Correct.”Shiva, "This war…Has let me…"He said, open his arms, slightly raise his eyes, screaming, "There are countless audiences…Waited for too long. ”He sighed for a second and took a deep breath. "Call…As the boss of the studio, as the captain of the team, it is the right idea to avoid playing with you, but…"He couldn't help but laugh out, "Oh, huh…As a profession…NoAn ordinary player! I can play with you on this stage. I just feel excited when I think about it…"

    "Mn."In the blink of an eye, in the eyes of the sneaky, a few wars were quietly ignited, and his sturdy enthusiasm followed. "So…"During the speech, the corner of his mouth has been smeared with a disdainful smile. "Please ask you to do your best to make all the stops…then…No regrets…Lose under my hand. ”

    His voice just fell, and he and Shiva's body also showed a strong energy field at the same time, far away, like two tornadoes.

    After the twinkling, two rapidly expanding energy eddies collided in the air, and the turbulent energy that splattered swayed and scattered in all directions. Wherever they went, it was like a gunfire bombing, leaving a big pit. .

    This first wave of fighting, the two seem to be equally divided, Shiva felt that "greeting" played almost, then raised his arms and slowly spread to the sides of the body; when he did this action, [day The eight stone plates of the dance hourglass also appeared on the top of his head and on both shoulders along the trajectory of his palm.

    a minuteWhen Shiva said this, he took one of his hands and took out his legendary weapon (the wreckage of the fog) from the bag. "After a minute, if you can stand, count me to lose!"

    Table tennis table tennis table tennis –

    As Shiva’s madness was exported, the stone plate behind him collapsed six in an instant.

    At this moment, he also launched the [day dance hourglass] of the ground, water, fire, wind, air, and moon, six special effects, and it itself rushed toward the ghost with an incredible speed.

    Shiva is very clear, this victory…Must be quick and quick.

    If it is time for ghosts, let him call the one-of-a-kind, two-style gods, and three beasts all together. Shiva has three heads and six arms and can't stand it.

    Therefore, Shiva was very aggressive and released this "one minute" declaration…For him, to use all his killings and means, this minute is more than enough.

    First of all, the ordinary attack of [Heaven Dance Hourglass] can't break the sneaky defense, and it is useless to keep the stone plate. It is better to open the special effects that can be opened at any one time. Anyway, the duration of those abilities is also always not long.

    Secondly, there is nothing to hide in the ruin of the fog. This weapon is what is used in the battle of the white-blade war.

    In addition, his soul (the eye of destruction) and the special effect of the stone plate of "destroy" are also always ready, as long as there is a chance, it will be released to the sneaky head or heart, once the hit is instant kill.

    "Heng!"Seeing the opponent's attack, the ghost is finally showing his smirk.

    It was this expression, and the red, long hair that was flaming and mad, left an indelible nightmare in the hearts of countless players.

    "One minute…"When the ghosts read these four words, several special effects of [Dance Dance Hourglass] have already taken effect on him…

    The special effect of the ground – [Pure Earth], cleared his own skills and equipment bonus effect (for one minute).

    The special effect of water – [polyester crime], imposed a mental erosion on him that ignored physical defense. Within 30 seconds, according to his shock value reaction, a certain percentage of survival value will be lost per second (minimum not less than 1%). ).

    Fire special effects – [fire], "must" fire attribute attack, ignoring attribute defense, and possessing both physical and mental damage, the power depends on the user's spiritual skill level (Shiva's spirit specialization No doubt is S grade).

    The special effect of the wind – [wind cut], summoned the trident of the Naka, flying straight to the sneaky chest; this attack comes with lightning properties, the power depends on the user's fighting specialization (Shiva's fighting special Fine is also S grade).

    In addition, there are two special effects that apply to Shiva himself:

    The special effect of empty – [opening out], let Shiva get a free flight of one minute.

    The special effect of the month – [Moon Edge], on Shiva's body surface covered with a layer of moon reticle, immune to all physical or energy attacks within ten seconds; the power to achieve "very strong" level of attack can cross the moon Cover, but only causes 50% damage.

    In other words …Even if the ghosts survived the first wave of four special effects combos, he had to face a flightable, semi-invincible Shiva.

    "On this level of attack…"After a second, the sneaky said that in the second half of the sentence, he had lost his skill and equipment bonus, and both [trash] and [fire] also hit him, but in this state, he raised his right hand. As soon as he caught it, he still steadily caught the trident of the card that was like a thunder, "…A minute is afraid is not enough? ”

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