1477. Chapter 1465 Fight! 【Dragon Fist – Outbreak] VS [Ashura Baju]

    The time is a little backward, and at zero point, the beginning of another battle…

    [Load completed]

    [巅峰争霸S3, first round]

    [Site: Dirac's Sea (Pseudo)]

    When the system voice rang in the ear, the [order] and [the gods] two teams, a total of fourteen players, were transmitted to the script world.

    This is a dark field, boundless, lifeless, like a desert made up of particles; there is no obvious boundary between the "sky" and the "earth" here, and it is not clear where the light source is…However, whether it is the clarity of the object, or the visual sense of space, distance…This place is no different from the outside world.

    [The game will start in 30 seconds]

    In an atmosphere of dignity and chill, the "pioneer war" candidates of both sides have already appeared on the battlefield.

    [Order] The first player to be sent is [Drunken and stunned].

    On the strength of heads-up, in the "drunken dreams of death", drunkenness is quite similar to the dream of Zen, slightly better than the other two; but on the character…Drunken brothers only love to laugh and laugh, but Zen is very "sexual" in words and deeds. Therefore, this important first battle is a safe choice when it is drunk and lying on the scene.

    Look at [the gods] here…

    The pioneers they sent were the "secret weapons" – [Ashuro].

    The reason why the word "everything" is added is because his strength is no longer a secret.

    At S2, Ashura also joined forces with the top five in the order to fight the mirror magic. Anyway, from the situation at the time, he was not as good as any of the five.

    However, that is a thing of the past…

    After the "mirror world" battle, Ashura's original arrogance and conceit have been smashed, replaced by a passionate struggle.

    Those who go to hate their opponents after frustration can only be weak. If they are frustrated and hate their own, they will become powerful.

    Ashura…Obviously belongs to the latter.

    When he realizes that his talent is just plain in the professional world, and there are countless people who are more talented and harder than him…He changed.

    He converges on the incomparable middle school and puts himself in the position of a learner and chaser; he no longer relies on his boss (Shiva) cousin to occupy the studio. Resources, and instead rely on their own efforts to constantly hone and improve.

    In short, the current Asura, strength is not what it used to be.



    The last five seconds of the countdown has already sounded. At this moment, the two people on both sides of the barrier, not only did not have a half-back, but also ushered in.

    They are at a distance of less than five meters, across the invisible wall, standing against each other.

    TwoOneFight! 】

    Rime table

    At the moment when the barrier disappeared, a punch has suddenly shot.

    Drunken and stunned is the top player in the active professional players. When he sees that Ashura is going to be positive with himself, he will have a heart–the first move, he will make the fourth frost [Frost and snow flies]; this technique not only tightens the boxing force, but also penetrates the human bones, and has a certain slow effect of ice properties…Whether the opponent chooses to block or fight, it will be damaged.


    Unsurprisingly, after the moment, Ashura, who was throwing his arm, solved the "drilling" punch, but could not avoid the erosion of frost special effects. At the beginning of the fight, he was passive.

    Drunken and stunned by the pursuit of victory, a set of housekeeping skills [Lightning speed speed punch] Shantou cover the face and picked up. At the time of the squad, the fist line and the star were densely covered, and the Ashura was suppressed to retreat, and only the arms were crossed to protect the head.

    After a few seconds, Ashura’s posture was hit lower and lower, and the entire upper body could not be straightened.

    HeyIt won't end so soon…"The reason for the drunkenness of this heart is that the battle did not take long, and the chance of lore has already appeared.

    In the face of such an enemy that lowers the upper body, vision and posture, there is a very suitable way to break – uppercuts.

    There is a saying…The world’s martial arts came out of the dragon, and a fist broke through the sky.

    Drunken and stunned, this man who fights with boxing, will there be no one or two tricks to "lift the dragon"? At that moment, he saw the opportunity, gathered all his temper, and came one hand [Hundred-Ghost Burning]…But seeing his boxing flame, from the bottom up, he slammed along the body's semi-rotation.

    I thought it was a must-have punch, I didn’t expect…

    Just as the boxing ring just started, Ashura, who had been defending his head, suddenly stepped back with a speed that was out of the drunken gaze, and withdrew more than a meter away, calmly flashing his opponent’s skill.

    "Oh?"The punching and emptying of the punch was stunned, but there was no flustered. He just took the move quickly, re-arranged the posture, and then read, "Sure enough…Not so easy…"

    Although I didn’t say it on my mouth, I saw that Ashura’s evasive action, and I’m already faintly guessing what I’ve been…

    "The punches I just received…"After a second, Ashura, who stepped back and stood, looked at the opponent's eyes and spoke out what the other person thought. "It is a return to take care of me at S2."

    What he refers to is naturally in the battle of the mirror magic, the five people in the rank of a team repeatedly treated and assisted him.

    "Smirk!"Drunken and stunned, hangs his signature frivolous smile, and picks up, "It turned out to be…For this reason, you deliberately let me attack a round first, right? ”

    Ashura did not answer, he just silently raised his vindictiveness, and put on a new posture, the subtext is – "I must be serious from now on."

    Eh…The devil is a little devil, and the ideas and practices are too naive. ”Drunken and stunned, and changed the posture. "It seems that I am going to teach you what is professionalism and how to respect your opponent."


    The voice has not fallen, and the boxing has already appeared.

    This time, the first shot is Ashura…His attack has been accompanied by some kind of continuous enhancement technique (similar to the spirit of the body), so the seemingly ordinary movement and blow is also a tiger, a sharp and powerful.

    More than ten strokes, drunk lying and found that they are a little downwind, if you continue to use the basic body skills to fight, it will enter the situation of mutual consumption with the opponent, not profitable; after a little thought…He decided to change the style of play, and immediately rushed to force the move, between the two fists of the boxing, the road to Jin Mang, now paved into a protective body optical network.

    Ashura knows that the opponent is using [plasma light speed punch], he also understands…With this addition to the body, this is not only unable to break through the boxing net, but will be gradually suppressed by this boxing.

    He didn't want this situation to happen, so a few seconds after the boxing net appeared, he swayed his body and took half a step. The crevices took a thing out of the bag and immediately shattered it in the palm.

    On time, a black energy blossomed from his hand and sprinted to his body, causing his appearance to change dramatically…Within a few seconds, Ashura's body was covered with a layer of dark gold, and there was a mask of evil spirits on his face; under the mask and clothing, his skin became dark and blackened for fire. Red, its thin body expands into a muscular and strong appearance.


    At the same time, the order team is watching the space.

    "This is a problem…"After seeing the changes on the battlefield, the sneaky gave a disturbing evaluation.

    "That 'transformed'…Is it so strong? ”Wu Jian Shen Xuan Wen suspected.

    "Yes, absolutely."The sneaky singer said, "At present, I have seen the most powerful level of transformation, and I am not aware of it." It can be said that it is the only super-S-class transformation…In addition to that, the S-class transformation, with the ambiguous [Soul Pro] as the standard, not much…But there are still some; at this moment, Ashura opened the ability of this file. ”


    At the time of the sneaky talk, Ashura on the battlefield has launched a violent offensive.

    Fang Cai, the repaired item of Ashura, called [The Blood of Shura], this thing is similar to the [Bajing Xia Pill] used by Feng Huai, it is the only prop that can be consumed; the effect is – Let the user enter a state called [Jiwu-Shu Luo].

    Maybe someone still remembers (in fact, I know that no one has remembered the basics. If I remember, I still write it out), this is the trick that was used in the "super-dimensional chaos", once it was used. The surgeon will turn into a true sense of the gods of the Shura, and the fighting power will multiply.

    There is no doubt that Ashura in this state is definitely stronger than drunk, and…Because they are basically the same type of players (both are boxing-based fighting specializations), once the main attribute is opened, the contrast in actual combat will be particularly obvious.

    Not a moment, Ashura broke through the boxing net made by [Plasma Lightspeed Boxing], and the body that was so intoxicated was a hard attack.

    The Shura’s fist, the fist to the flesh, the force of the back, the suffocating, sweat and blood are evaporated at the moment of swaying.

    Drunken and stunned in such a vague whirlpool of anger, being beaten and escaping, it is difficult to get out, it can be said that the defeat has already appeared.

    However,He did not give up.

    Professional players will not give up, especially the experienced veteran, the resilience is even more extraordinary.

    Everyone knows that the "professional player" line, regardless of the duration of the growth period and the peak period, has reached a height, as long as it is over 25 years old, it will go downhill…This is determined by the physiology of human beings. Although some projects adapt to a larger age, even larger, the better, there are very few personal exceptions…But overall, in those projects with high intensity of operation, players younger than 25 years old have obvious advantages.

    Drunk and lying, this year is exactly twenty-five years old, no one else to say, he also knows…As a professional player, at least he has passed the physiological peak.

    However,He is still one of the top, most stable and most difficult players to deal with today.

    Perhaps he does not have the speed and growth potential of teenagers, but he has the advantage that the teenagers do not have – experience.

    The people who have experienced the battle, the judgment of the situation, the sense of the fighter, the attachment to victory…They are not comparable to novices; there is also the psychological quality of the temperament, and it has already been trained to the realm of Taishan’s collapse and no change.

    Great players, great, not only because they have quick response, extraordinary operation and extraordinary consciousness…People with these abilities can be called "powerful", but to become "great" requires a tenacious spirit and a steely will.

    Drunkenness is a professional player who can afford the word "great". When he played other projects in his early years, he encountered a situation in which others could hang up and wait for ten minutes or so, and he would seriously I really played it, and it lasted for forty minutes, fifty minutes…Even if the abuse is terrible, as long as the game is not over, he will continue to think about the method of counterattack, so that he can do everything in his power, in exchange for even 1% of the turn.

    His logic is also very simple: assuming that a hundred desperate headwind games will only have a Jedi turn, then I can take that set, and those who give up early will never have that chance.

    This ratio is replaced by one thousand games and ten thousand games, which is the same reason…And this theory can also be said to be the origin of being a professional player.

    At the moment, the drunkenness of being overwhelmed by the other side in the hard power has suddenly reached the point of "desperation."

    But he did not lose his calm and determination to win. While minimizing his own damage, he thought…

    "The gap in physical skills is already too big. It is the limit to be able to parry this way. After being attacked for a while, the survival value will be exhausted…

    "There is no item or equipment that can change the situation or delay the time…

    "Unless temporarily separated from this continuous suppression, it will not be possible to force the attacking skills and the other party to do the same…"

    When these thoughts flashed through their minds one by one, the drunken survival value has broken through the dangerous line of 20%, and he has no room to wait.

    And Ashura seems to have noticed the situation of the other party, and immediately raised a sigh of relief, which increased the punching power of this company.

    In fact, for Ashura, the battle situation at this time cannot be said to be stable.

    "Polar-Asura change" is a kind of body load very big change body, even if the original on that LV BU, can not open too long, otherwise it will have their own life risk; Asura as a player, the time to use this trick is even more limited, so he also did not dare to let the offensive lax down, and strive to rely on a round of even attack will take the opponent away.


    At this critical juncture, suddenly, drunk and screamed and made an unexpected move…But seeing him clench his teeth and punching his fist with his chest, he then grabbed the wrist of Ashura with the "dip" in the soft fist.

    This hand…It doesn't make much sense to say that because the power of Ashura is above him, even if the wrist is smashed, the punch can still be recovered.

    However, it’s obviously not here to be drunk, but he didn’t intend to stop the other’s boxing, but to…

    Rime table

    In the next second, the drunken stunnedly took the figure and took it. The whole person was like a snake. With the strength of the hand, it was wrapped around the arm of Ashura.

    It turned out that the way to get drunk in the desperate situation is to use lock technology.

    If the lock technology is professional, then the lock technique is VAN level…Including him, like Seven Kills, Laughing to Heaven, Big Brahma, etc., these players who are very proficient in melee combat, all of them are specialized in locking skills.

    Of course, in general, there are very few players at this level who will take the initiative to use that, because this technology can only delay the time in the late battle of the game, and can not be divided into winners and losers; Say, compared to the kind of battle between the two sides with a fist or a wave of each other…The fighting technique is tired and ugly.

    "Do you want to win like this…"Asura was entangled in the half of the torso, but still standing, which shows that his current strength is enough to support the weight of the lock and the weight of the whole person.

    "Not that I want to win," but I have an obligation to "think want to win"…"It’s really hard to understand when you are drunk and lying. “The will to win is the basic professional ethics of this line. I simply don’t think about or measure the problem of “want to win”.Because I tried my best to win the victory, this is a matter of course…"As he spoke, he also used a vacated hand to take a bottle of unidentified liquid from the bag and gave himself a mouthful. "There is no time in the battle to let you think about the desire for victory. You should think in your mind." How to use the most effective technology…At the most effective distance, at the most efficient time, use the fastest speed…Launch an attack! ”

    I don’t know what I’m drinking when I’m drunk. After he finished this sentence, his strength is also rising suddenly…He used the power of the whole person to fight against Ashura's power and successfully broke the latter's arm.

    "Cough -" When the pain came, Ashura bit his teeth, did not call it out, just made a sigh from the throat, two seconds later, he yelled, "Good! Thank you!!

    Drinking, he slammed shoulders.

    For Ashura, the broken left arm is also a good thing in a sense, because it makes him naturally detached from the lock technique.

    As he slammed hard, the whole person flew out.

    Right now.

    This moment, the two people flashed the same thought.

    Drunken and stunned is already in a state of sudden death. It’s hard to win the opportunity of such an empty space. It will never let go.

    And Ashura's load in the transformation state has reached the limit, plus he has abolished an arm, if it is not in this move to win, then the next nine death is probably his.

    "Dragon Boxing…"


    At the time of death, the two sides unanimously sacrificed their strongest killings and the energy of the whole body, and…They also reported the name of the move when they made the move.

    [Dragon Boxing – Outbreak] VS [Ashulu Bahuang Boxing]!

    Extremely strong, extreme killing.

    Positive confrontation, a determined male and female.

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