1474. Chapter 1462 is a tough battle, attack and defense game

    Between the Pioneer and the Backbone, players will have five minutes to rest.

    During this time, the two players who have just finished the first game will be sent back to the battle space of their respective teams; at the same time, the system will repair and clean up the battlefield and restore it to the state before the start.

    Although the players of the "Super Monsters" were also prepared for the first battle, they did not expect to be defeated by the "missile killing".

    It can be said that Snow's tactics have refreshed the opponents' understanding of this game…Of course, it has also hit the opponent's fighting spirit to a large extent.

    In such an atmosphere, very soon…The second round of the first round, the 2V2's backbone battle, kicked off.

    Along with a system prompt, Wang Sangzhi and Gu Xiaoling were both transmitted to the battlefield and stood on the platform.

    On the other side, the Super Monsters played the captain [Jayton] and the players [Bemonstein].

    [The game will begin in 30 seconds] The system voice is on schedule.

    The voice in the ear box just fell, Xiaoshen and Xiaoling both turned back…Run the legs.

    "Again?"Jayton, who saw this scene, almost blurted out and spit.

    "Don't panic, captain."Bemonstein is a staff member in the enemy team. He is still relatively calm, and immediately reminded him. "The S2 video is not watched together. It is an assassin-type player, and the sadness and laughter is a sniper." hand……It is normal for them to pull the distance and not to make missiles. ”

    “hmm…Jay thought and thought, "What made you happen…"As long as the opponent is not going to be a missile, there is nothing to panic about. ”

    “Ewww.”Bemonstein heard it and it was a bit stunned.

    Then, the two looked at each other and shouted in unison: "Flash!"

    When they shouted this, it was less than ten seconds since the isolation barrier disappeared, and Xiaoshen and Xiaoling had disappeared.

    Jayton and Bemonstein seized this last point of preparation time, desperately escaping away from the opponent and looking for something that could be used as a bunker.

    Fortunately, the terrain on this wilderness is slightly ups and downs, and there are many undulating hills protruding from the ground. Jayton and Bemonstein are two players who are also more than fifty. If they don't count their strength, their extreme running speed is far faster than ordinary people. Ten seconds is enough for them to run out of a hundred meters and find a place to hide.

    ThreeTwoOneFight! 】

    The two just stood on the back of a small hill and the game was officially opened.

    "Call ~~~~~~"Bemenstein, who is leaning against the mountain, took a deep breath. "Well, now I know that the other party sent a combination of investigation and sniper. Let’s discuss it first…"


    The last "strategy" of his first sentence was interrupted by a gunshot.

    It was a bullet that arrived earlier than the sound.

    "How……ofProbableIn a period of severe pain, Bemenstein slowly bowed his head and looked at his abdomen.

    Just before the gun hit the ear, a bloody flower suddenly appeared on his stomach…

    If it is in reality, I am afraid that his intestines and intestines have been collapsed at this moment. Fortunately, this is in the game, and he is a player; the system has a limited display scale when the player is physically injured (the most typical example is that the clothing in some places on the female player will never be destroyed or detached), Therefore, everything that collapsed in the belly of Bemonstein was "harmonized" into a cloud of blood.

    Shit ! SprintingJayton’s reaction was very fast. His afterglow immediately saw the hole in the mountain behind Beimstein and figured out what the opponent had done. “The bunker does not work for them. We have to run out of the weapon range!”


    At the same time, about seven hundred meters away, on the steep slope of the middle section of a small hill.

    Xiao Ling has already used the bracket to mount the sniper rifle and steadily aim at it in a comfortable kneeling position.

    Xiaoshen stayed at her side with a knee-shouldered posture, staring at the opponent's position with the [Eagle Eye Vision], and still had a word in his mouth: "Hit the beibel's abdomen, the damage should be quite big. But he did not lose his ability to move…Mmm.It seems that he can trotting after a little simple processing, and now he is starting to go further with Jayton. ”

    "Ahhhh……See theTwo seconds later, Xiao Ling took a sentence without hesitation.

    Since the two opponents have already ran out of the cover of the hill, Xiao Ling can see the opponent directly through the sight.

    While she was talking, the muzzle in her hand was also slightly adjusted, and her sniper posture was stable and precise, like a sophisticated instrument, hand, eye, heart…Cooperate seamlessly.


    After a few seconds, her second bullet went out.

    This time, the distance of the target becomes farther and moving, and the difficulty of hitting is undoubtedly increased.


    "Ahhhh…"When the gun rang, Besemstein in the run screamed and slammed into the ground.

    This time, he was shot in the leg, and the thigh on the right side was pierced with a fist-sized blood hole, and the blood around the wound was blurred.

    Damn it…It’s already running, and it’s so far away, the other party can still…”Jayton said as he prepared to go up to pick up his teammates.

    "No…NoUnexpectedly, Beimstein pushed Jayton away. "She is deliberately kicking her legs, in order to let you carry me away…In this way, for her, the two goals become a goal, and the movement speed will be slower…The next shot she can double-edged. ”

    When Bemonstein spoke, he did not forget to crawl on the ground and stay away from Jayton.

    Hurry! You run first! There is still a chance to escape from the scope of their investigation. I can't escape this state. It is better to try to get some time for you! ”

    It is necessary to explain here, before, the first shot of Xiaoling, just "testing".

    There are three reasons: one, when the gun was opened, she could not see the enemy, is entirely dependent on the description of the small sigh to locate; second, when the first shot, can not accurately grasp the impact of wind, the third, even if the use of a special "Through the bomb", but the bullet in the shape of irregular bunkers, there will be a certain

    In summary, in order to be on the safe side, Xiao Ling’s position is low…After all, the torso is always easier to hit than the head.

    However, this second shot will be different later.

    This time, the little spirit can see the target, and the target has been hurt; as long as she takes another shot against the most vulnerable torso, Bemonstein is likely to be killed on the spot.

    However, she has turned to the other's legs…

    This hand, there is another picture.

    Of course, the "consultant" of this level of Beimstein, I still can't think so much, he just deducted according to common sense…Since the opponent's shooting method is so strong that he can hit the leg of a moving target, he must be able to hit the more tough part of the torso; why is the other party not directly playing the torso to take his life? There must be a conspiracy.

    "Alright!"It was too late, and at that time, when Jayton got the instructions of Bemenstein, he quickly slammed and ran out without going back. His speed was three points faster than he was.

    Although we can often see it in film or literature, in a similar scene, two or more people start "You are going…No, I can't leave you…Do you want me to die? ButI……If you don't leave, I will die for you…"This kind of impetuous "touching" dialogue, but Jayton and Bemonstein have no plans to come out like this…

    Their thinking is very clear – when your teammates are giving you the opportunity to fight for the fighters, you'd better be less of his mother's nonsense, and it's the right way to act quickly.

    "not bad……"The little spirit holding the gun witnessed the situation that happened there through the sight. Although she could not hear the dialogue between the opponents, she also roughly guessed the content. "It seems that it is impossible to solve the problem by all…"

    Her inference is correct. At present, the distance between Jayton and them is growing at a very fast speed. The farther away, the lower the lethality and precision of the bullet. If the next shot is to chase Jayton, even If you hit it, it won't affect it too much.

    HusbandAfter a second, Xiaoling shouted and sighed.

    YesXiao sighs.

    "You go and chase it."Xiao Ling said again.

    "Oh."Xiao sighed nodded. "Which chase?"

    "Of course it is the one that is running."Xiao Lingdao.

    UnderstandAfter Xiaoshen confirmed the goal, a flash…People are gone.


    At the same moment he rushed out, the cooling time required for Xiaoling to shoot was also arrived. She immediately aimed at the fallen Bemenstein and fired the third shot.

    However, this gun was "blocked" by the opponent.

    But see, a blue, water-grained protective cover suddenly emerged when the bullet was about to hit Bemonstein, and the life caught the bullet.

    This move is the title ability of Bellevist [corrugated shield]. After the skill is launched, the protective cover will automatically appear in his body for the next ten seconds, no matter what attack of Bemonstein.

    As a defensive technique, this trick is also quite powerful. The disadvantage is that…The duration is too short.

    If this can last for ten minutes, then Bemánstein would have given up the skills; but "ten seconds"…He can only be used at a crucial moment when he must die.

    Good.We did itAs he treated his wound, Bemonstein read, "The first shot was indeed unexpected and could not be prevented; and the second shot showed…In front of your guns…'Moving 'is useless too; but…When the second shot sounded, your 'shooting interval' was also exposed, which gave me the opportunity to calculate the advance amount and open the skill to prevent the third shot. ”

    His hands and feet are very fast, and he has already stopped himself from the blood and released a summoning skill – [Summoning – Air Element].

    This is just a C-level summoning technique, not too strong. However, Bemonstein was not originally a major in summoning specialization. He is a player who is good at "spirituality"; he summoned this element to match his spiritual skill [Psychic Alienation].

    By virtue of this trick, Bemonstein can absorb the summons as BUFF, greatly increase his life limit, instantly restore 50% of the survival value, and get a part of this ability to summon creatures.

    "Become this form, you should be able to mediate with them for a while…"When Bemenstein's alienation was completed, a gray, constantly swirling "small whirlwind" wraps around his limbs and torso like armor.


    Just as Bemonstein was slightly distracted because of his transformation, a sleeve arrow broke through the wind and struck his temple.

    Bemenstein responded quickly, raising his hand and grabbing it. He actually stopped the sleeve arrow.

    Block selectionAlthough Bemonstein blocked the attack, he was still undecided. He suddenly turned his head and looked at the direction of the sleeve arrow. He couldn’t even see a ghost.

    Because, the small sigh that released the sleeve arrow, running faster than the sleeve arrow…

    Moreover, Xiaoshen did not deliberately attack Bemenstein. He just passed by, and when he saw his right range, he took a shot and then continued to chase Jayton.

    On the other hand, the little spirit in the distance, after seeing the change of Bemonstein, also decisively lifted the sniper state, and took out several other firearms from the bag, and launched the skill [assembly magic]… …

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