1470. Chapter 1458 “Second Citizens”

    On February 22nd, at one o'clock in the morning, the game world was in the hustle and bustle of the conference room.

    Because I had an appointment to discuss the S3 related matters tonight, everyone on the front line of the hell was basically present.

    The rare "on time" seal has become the last appearance.

    Everyone!When he saw the door, he saw that everyone was looking at him. So he raised his hand and pointed his finger at himself. He said, "I will introduce it…"

    While he was doing this, the door to the conference room was closed and reopened, and then a person walked in with the seal.

    "This is the new member I told you before…"The words of Jue Ge also followed the appearance of the man, "Snow."

    Snow's image in the game is consistent with his own reality, with a typical Chinese-European mixed face, but overall, he is closer to the yellow, and the hair is black.

    "Hi~ everyone, okay."Snow smiled and greeted everyone in the conference room, and his mood looked quite good.

    "Hello, my name is……"Xiao sighs this person is relatively straight, people smile face and say hello, he also smiled and prepared to self-reported.

    Unexpectedly, I didn’t feel it, but I waved my hand and stopped in front of him: "No, everyone who has been in the S2 rematch is not here. You don't introduce him and you know him."He paused. "In addition, you don't have to be too polite to Snow…"He said, in the past, he hooked on Snow's shoulder. "Take him as a second-class citizen and call him. He will come back to him and send him to death."

    Ha haSnow's younger brother's quantity is indeed different from ordinary people. He was so openly "bullying" that he was just laughing. He just smiled and answered. "Yes, the predecessors don't have to see me too much, they can follow the brothers…"When he said this, it seemed to be a bit wrong, so he added, "…And as soon as you play together, I am already honored. ”

    "It seems that you two have stories…"When An Yueqin saw it, he immediately rushed to the two with a kind of rot-like look and meaningful tone.

    "Yeah."Being able to be unconsciously become a 'seventh person' is definitely not a leisurely generation. This kind of attitude like a small entrance must be problematic…"If the rain is also a thoughtful look, deliberately snarled.

    "Since the two are just talking about this topic, I might as well mention it by the way…"Unlocking the speech, he has raised his hand to let Snow out. "Snow is claiming to be bisexual."

    When it comes to the word "love", I feel that my brother has reached out and slowly pushed Snow away from him.

    "According to my observations, he said nothing."Feng Shuai stunned his head. "So if he wants to do anything wrong with you in the future, please make good use of the reporting system and call the police if necessary."

    HeyReal or fakeXiao sighs and hears.

    As another straight man who is outside of Jue Ge, it is natural to hear this kind of tension.

    "Smirk!"Rest assured, Xiao sing, I am a very fucked person, I am not interested in married people. ”After a second, Snow smiled and said to Xiao sigh and a little spirit, "Other…"Said, he put his eyes on the body of Ruo Yu, Miss An Da and the goddess of floe. "To tell the truth…Although several seniors are very beautiful, they are not my dishes. ”Having said that, he actually took a few photos from his pocket and showed them in front of everyone. "I like it…This type of woman, if you have such a friend in your life, may wish to introduce it to me. ”

    At this time, everyone, including the feeling brother, came together with curiosity and looked at the photos.

    In the photos, all of them are women who look more burly than men, all skin colors and countries; the key is…These photos are also photos of two people, each with Snow on them, and the eyes and postures of his photos with the sisters are very close.

    “hmm…After reading it, I couldn’t help but look at Snow with a complicated look. "Your taste…It’s really different…”

    At this moment, I felt that I had figured out something I didn’t want to understand on the Song of Songs. He was very confused at the beginning, why is there always a few strong men beside Snow, and even the tea is watered. Those black suits are doing…It is reasonable to say that a "prince of the underground world" like Snow, as long as he appears, there should be a few beautiful women beside him to stand up and hold right. Now, seeing him take out those photos, I feel that my brother’s thoughts are “clear and cheerful”.

    Of course, there are some things, Snow did not say it…

    In fact, at least until the age of eighteen, Snow has not realized that his preference for women is different from that of the public. After all, he grew up in a drunken environment, and all the people around him instilled in him such a woman. It is the concept of beauty. But since Snow realized his other orientation after he reached adulthood, he suddenly liberated his thoughts and discovered his true preferences…

    "Ahhhh…"Snow smiled as he put away the photo. "Alright…"He said that he had taken a half step toward the seal. "However, my taste for boys is more popular…"

    "Your boy is far from me."The seal immediately interrupted the other party's words and stepped back half a step.

    "Ha ha ha, OK."Snow shrugged, "In short…I am very grateful to everyone for allowing me to join the front line of hell. I will definitely perform well in the game. ”

    "What is 'good performance'?"Unexpectedly, I feel that my brother is swearing, "It is not a win!" You, but the person I recommend, must give me a mortal awareness every time to do it; if we finally won the championship is your responsibility, then you will only swallow the excrement to thank the world. ”

    “Ewww.”Snow was also shocked. "This is really a black pot, I am coming, send me to death…"

    "Less nonsense, first put the data projection on the conference table for everyone to see."Feng did not know, "I am going to play the wooden stakes and practice my hands."

    After saying this, he really took out the nunchaku and ran to the side to train the dummy (the conference room decoration provided by the system, there are many such training facilities in the conference room).

    Snow was also very obedient, and immediately ran to the conference table to show his character information in front of the "predecessors."


    [Snow]: LV50

    Title: [赛博赌客], title ability: [bad luck]

    Experience value: 43760000/50000000, skill value: 124, game currency: 999990000.

    Specialization: General A, Instrument A, Detection D, Fighting C, Shooting D, Medical D, Spirit D, Summon B

    Luggage (28/50): pure water (bottled) *20, steel cubic *29, stone scorpion egg *12, universal screw (including nut) *182, Magic orb *21, Aura crystallization *43, the Horn of Milos, the tears of the land, the reptile glands *9, change the tail of the raccoon, adhesive (small bottle) * 76, Super Adhesive (small bottle) *26, melting fire core components package, unicorn horn powder * *, triangle copper block *41, braided fruit *14 … (In addition, there are 20 bottles of “big”, “medium” and “small” surviving value supplements. Since only five bottles of supplements can occupy one row, it is not listed here one by one.

    Equipment: Demon Scorpion (Psionic Weapon), WJQ-308 Shovel (Never Destructive), Sandbox Resident's Hammer, Man-Man's Mask of Sensation, Hacker's Hand, Optical Camouflage Belt, Secondary Ark Reaction Furnace, Gene Forge Set (including breastplates, leggings, shoulder pads), choose boots.

    Skill Bar (15/15): "Construction/summoning–Cyberdyne Warrior" "Build/Summon–format creature" "Build/Summon operation–Runaway experiment" "Synthesis–Universal parts" "Synthesis–Special parts" "Construction–Secondary God Machine" "Construction–Dream machine" construction–King of the Mountain Road "Summon Operation–z virus infected" "summon–Underworld warfare" "VR Vision" "Energy shield" "Armor Transformation" "Magic Energy Transformation" "Craftsman spirit"


    In addition to the above list, Snow's storage room has a lot of spare skills, as well as some "consumptions" associated with those skills.

    After everyone browsed Snow's situation, Xiaoling took the lead: "Well…It seems that you spent a lot of money on this game…"

    Often visiting auction houses and shops, and the memory of the small spirit, the value of those things in the snow inventory is more familiar with, basically, Snow's bags are all the equipment to create goods, or summon the special fine summon creature "consumable", many of which are "advanced skills of the pan-supplies", its value is naturally expensive.

    Furthermore, the number of Snona game coins, the limit of the row and skill bar…It also shows his unequivocal spending habits in recharging.

    "Yeah."Snow was said by Xiao Ling, and I was a little embarrassed. "Say it…From the beginning, I brought my experience of playing other games into the thriller park and messed up some things…"

    Then, he said that he had been looking for someone to level up his level before the 40th level, and then said: "When I understand it, I have already level 40, although the skills and equipment have also been a lot, but Because the level of specialization is low, most of them can't be used; such me…In the event of direct combat, the combat power is much lower than other players of the same level, and even self-protection is difficult…Basically entering the team is cumbersome. ”

    Hearing this, he took the opportunity to say: "So, you have chosen the specialization of equipment, which can be supported by money, and can be upgraded in addition to the script."

    ‘Yes!Snow nodded and said, "I first paid a high price to buy the "WJQ-308 Army Shovel" which is called "the instrument specialization player must enter", and then purchased a large number of design drawings from the auction house. The store and the auction house collect the materials needed for the drawings and create a series of productions in the conference room for several days…

    "When I upgraded the specialization to the B level, I was able to create some strong combat creations to protect me. At this time, I started to single-player scripts.

    "After practicing two levels alone…All of my specializations have improved, and the skill value has also been taken a lot. So I went to the scared box and bought some skills and equipment that suit me. After I completely strengthened myself, I went to the team mode again. It has become more fragrant, not only no one said that I am tired, but also want to make friends with me. ”

    "People just want to hold the local thighs."In the distance, the seal is not in the piling, and I don’t forget to insert a sentence or two in a timely manner.

    "Smirk!"Snow smiled. "Of course I understand that kind of person…Add friends, fake chat with you, say something nice, wait for him to feel familiar with you, and immediately start to squint and start asking you to ask for it, ask for various requirements, you don’t give him, he I still want to marry you in the back, I still hate you in my heart…Like this kind of logic of holding 'so rich and not giving me some', it seems that people all over the world who owe him better than him are owed to him…I saw much more. ”

    In the process of saying this, although his face was laughing, the dark atmosphere of the "organizer" between the eyebrows has already come up.

    To talk about "seeing people", in addition to being unconscious, Snow may be stronger than others present; he has seen too many human indulgences and ugliness in the "games" he organized, among all beings. ……It is rare to be able to maintain the lofty posture at the last minute, and it is for this reason…Snow will be so unaware of it.

    “This is the reason why you are here as a second-class citizen?”Just as Snow’s voice was not falling, if the rain was actually opening, it was followed by a sentence of “unconsciousness”.

    “hmm…Snow really thought about this problem and replied, "Yes…"

    If the rain heard it, I glanced at the partners and everyone looked like a smile.

    "Well, welcome to the front line of hell."

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