1462. Chapter 1450 Blood War San Diego (4)

    But after the first shot, if you want to hit the middle of the seal, it will be difficult.

    Since the whereabouts have been exposed, I don’t have to continue to hide. He goes straight to the clear spot.

    With his current skills, he can get rid of the ordinary people's attention with a little seriousness, even those who have excellent dynamic vision can't keep up.

    "What?"The subsequent three shots unexpectedly fell, and the expression of the middle-aged man changed. Obviously, the speed of the brothers surprised him.


    Just as his horror was undecided, it was already a flash of his body that appeared in front of him and kicked his gun in his hand.

    In the next second, I felt that my brother was turning and turning, and the god came out behind the middle-aged man.

    He grabbed the other's shoulder with his left hand and held a [pistol pistol] in his right hand against the back of his head. He said coldly: "Don't move."

    The tone of the two words is equivalent to telling each other – "If you move for the first time, I will shoot."

    Ha haUnexpectedly, the middle-aged man heard the words, it was sneer, "You think…A pistol in the district has hurt me Liang Feifan? ”

    The voice has not fallen, and an icy internal force has erupted from its body surface, and even the surrounding air is a cold.

    Fortunately, I feel that the brother is also precautionary. He knows that this small BOSS is not simple. It is definitely not a special weapon. Therefore, he also got rid of the killing range of the other party's internal strength and quit the master.

    When he retired, he and Liang Feifan opened the distance. The special forces who were surrounded by the two sides saw the weapon and immediately raised their weapons. In the blink of an eye, they had opened a fire net with a curved formation.

    "All the guns are put away."Just as the special forces were preparing to fire, Liang Feifan suddenly raised his hand and ordered them to stop them, and opposed him. "This person…I personally deal with it. ”

    "Ho~" seals and looks at each other. "You are quite confident."

    Liang Feifan’s self-confidence stems from his lack of estimation of his opponent’s strength…

    After the brief confrontation just now, Liang Feifan’s judgment on the seal was: this person is very fast, as long as he runs out, not to mention that the bullet can’t hit, it’s not difficult to escape from the jungle; The force is very general, after all, he can't even dare to attack my internal force.

    Think about it like this…Liang Feifan naturally has to stop the special forces from firing, because the bullets have no great use for this goal. If the opponent is forced to flee, isn’t it a slap in the face?

    ConfidentTwo seconds later, Liang Feifan looked back at his gaze with a contemptuous look and said, "You are confident that you are right…"As he said, he loosened his tie. "Compared with the real masters who use 'golden nitrogen' to improve their skills, your martial arts of these miscellaneous cards are already 100,000. in……Although your light work seems to be well practiced, but just by light work, we think of our holy land, Yago, to make trouble, is it too naive? ”

    HeyI couldn’t help but listen to the other person’s words, and my heart spit out. “What is martial arts? What kind of ghost is the skill? The introduction of the wonderful script is hard to speculate…It is indeed possible to speculate that there is a strong black technology in this world, but this seems to imply that it is also a dialogue in the 'Gaowu world'. ”

    "What?"Seeing that his brother’s eyes are moving, if you think about it, Liang Feifan thinks he has to make a living, and his face is even more smug. “Do you know now?”

    "Well, I am afraid."Unexpectedly, less than a second, Feng did not really nod, and returned without expression.

    Not to mention that this goods will not be feared at all, even if it will, his attitude at the moment is not convincing.

    "Or else…"I didn’t wait for the other party to answer the question, and then I said, “I will walk with you and tell me everything I know. You will be merciful and let me live a life.”

    Liang Feifan is also a glimpse, he did not expect it…In front of this guy, this kind of "recognition" is actually consciously speaking out the conditions he is prepared to propose.

    “Ewww.”Liang Feifan has no reason to reject this proposal, because the credit for catching the intruder and out of intelligence is obviously greater than the target of killing.

    "Smirk!"Well!Liang Feifan gave a slight hesitation for two seconds and then ordered the soldiers on both sides. "What are you doing?" Grab people! ”

    The progress of this matter is going well…Let Liang Feifan feel that it is simply not true. In less than ten seconds, the two special forces went forward and searched for the seal, and put on the [坷手手铐]; during the whole process, there was no sign of rebellion. The action of the other party.

    Then they escorted the seal and went to the headquarters building.

    Two minutes later, Liang Feifan, who was on the way, took out the communicator and directly reported it to the Earl of William. By the way, he boasted of his "great achievements" and described his wise gods as if they were soldiers. drop.

    At this time, he did not know, he himself…It has been affected by [Headset of "Friends"].


    Instead of being escorted, he approached his destination in a faster way than he moved; in less than twenty minutes, he saw the building of the "San Diego International Agricultural Group Headquarters".

    This place can be described as a jungle, a towering tower, easy to defend and difficult to attack, Wanfu Mokai.

    When I came to the vicinity of the building, I couldn’t help but see a man wearing a brown suit and a slightly higher data intensity than Liang Feifan.

    WellIt is Liu Xing.

    He has been waiting here for a while, seeing a face full of Liang Feifan, Liu Xing's eyebrows can not help but emerge a touch of unpleasant color.

    However, he did not say anything to Liang Feifan. He waited there, just to see what the invaders looked like; after the confirmation was finished, he left.

    "Heng!"Pretend. ”Liang Feifan looked at the back of the other side from afar and snorted.

    These are all in the eyes, although he is not aware of the grievances between Liang Feifan and Liu Xing, and is not interested in it, but he still remembers these plot information in case of emergency.

    Soon, Jue was brought into the headquarters building of the San Diego Group. At that moment, the system prompts also came…

    [current task has been completed]

    [Mainline task progress update]

    [Spur line task has been triggered]

    When I heard the sound, I swept my eyes on the taskbar and found that [exploring the jungle, finding and sneaking into the headquarters of the San Diego International Agricultural Group in the United States] has been ticked, and a new main line has been refreshed: [Getting Jinluo related File and leave the building]

    In addition to this main line, an additional branch line has been brushed out: [Beat at least seven members of the San Diego Group management team, the current progress is 0/7]

    “Very good, I feel that this branch can be done by the way in the main line…”After reading the task, he whispered.

    "What?" Go quickly! ”Because I saw Liu Xing just now, Liang Feifan’s heart was a bit uncomfortable. At this moment, he saw that his brother slowed down and talked to himself, and he wanted to find a sigh. So when he yelled at this sentence, he deliberately came to the sense. Behind the brother, he slammed his back on the back.

    The seal was not so stunned by him, but he fell out with a very exaggerated action, only to see his face rushing forward, with a quirky posture nestled on the ground, for a few seconds without moving.

    The two special forces responsible for escorting him did not know whether they should go to help him.

    FOR WHAT? Dressed up? ”When Liang Feifan saw it, he took the initiative and stepped forward to the thigh of the sorrowful brother. "Give me up!"

    He feels that the other party is "pretending to die" and it is well-founded, because his eyes are actually not using too much force, even if it is squatting on ordinary people, it will not be a big problem, let alone Brother, this "martial arts".

    "Not pretend to die…"After a second, Feng did not feel the face facing down, and replied with a lazy voice, "just want to block your sight…"

    “Ha!Liang Feifan did not respond to what he was talking about at first, and he repeated the words of the other person with doubts. "Block our eyes…"

    But he didn't finish the sentence yet. When he didn't feel it, he suddenly stood up and took a string of handcuffs that had been detached from his wrist. He shook twice in front of his eyes: "I am good at picking up my hand." ."

    "You!"When Liang Feifan was shocked…

    I have already shot it.

    I don't know where he got out of it (when he was arrested, he felt that he was searched, but the other party only searched his pistol and some ammunition outside the bag), Duang~Duang~ Two of them put down the two special forces next to them. Under the attack of the legendary weapons of the 57th level players, the helmets are indeed ineffective.

    drinkLiang Feifan’s reaction was not too slow. At the same time that the two cannons fell, he had already picked up his skill and took a shot.

    The big palms slammed into the chest and felt like a big wave, and the coldness was pressing.

    CutIs this a trick with ice properties…"

    The last time Liang Feifan’s internal strength broke out, he felt that he felt that there was no inexplicable “chill”, and he would not have to pick it up afterwards. Of course, there is no reason to go to this time.

    After secretly recited a sentence in my heart, I couldn’t help but open the [spiritual convergence-pole], avoiding the attack that was close at hand, and jogging around the back of Liang Feifan, picking up [Z-tube clamp] That’s it.

    Ping ping ping…

    It’s impossible to put down a small BOSS with a normal attack with a weapon (at least not at all, but several swordsmen at the same level should be able to)…Therefore, I feel that this time I used the "continuous fight."

    Everyone knows his speed, even if he doesn't rely on any move, simply "repeating the beat" can also produce a very high attack frequency in a short time.

    As a result, his attack hit the back of Liang Feifan…It was a burst of sound that beat the ice.

    Hehehe.Liang Feifan’s sneer came and he could know from the laughter that he did not suffer much damage. “I said…You are only fast, it is useless! ”

    He said, he shouted again and put the internal force out.

    drink I have [Heaven and Earth Dafa] in the body, outside the practice [ice silkworm poison palm], can absorb the heaven and earth spirits can be turned into internal forces, cold poison outside, cold light body, invulnerability, gas and stone splitting gold, Dantian The second gas capacity is like the sea, and the back pressure boost can make the skill surge four times…How do you fight with me? Hahahahaha…"When Liang Feifan spoke, his data intensity had indeed climbed at a speed that was visible to the naked eye, and it really rose fourfold.

    "Woo. Woohooo."I couldn’t help but look at each other with incompetence and read, "You are like a line in Hong Kong's diffuse villain…"Speaking of this, suddenly, his tone and eyes became very sharp, "…Let this uncle also ignite! ”

    As soon as this statement came out, I felt that I had to take a step back and recover the pipe wrench and hold it with both hands…Pulling toward the sides, the pipe wrench is turned into a nunchaku.

    " tell you the truth! Laozi has been hiding strength just now! In fact, I practiced [Emperor 臻神道], external repair [cross chasing soul stick], body [no shadow without trace], gongyun [Mo Ke Shida], magical power, unparalleled sticks, no trace of snow, Dharma is boundless! How do you fight me? ”He finished the story several times faster than the other, saying that he was still playing nunchaku there.

    I don't know if it is the reason for the equipment bonus. After Liang Feifan listened to him, he…Cold sweat is coming down.

    "This kid won't be true…"Extraordinary brothers are strong outside, but they are still on the surface, but their hearts are already empty. "I remember that Liu is also practicing [the emperor sacred]]And the average person does not know the name of this superior martial arts, is he…"

    "I am a reasonable person."I didn’t feel that I had too much time to think about each other, and then I said, “You and I have no innocence, but you’ve just been inexplicable to me. It’s the so-called “toothy, double return, you…Hey, my feet, I…It’s fair to kill you! ”

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