1459. Chapter 1448 Blood War San Diego (2)

    坷 历 calendar 20XX years, October 9th, two o'clock in the afternoon.

    The headquarters of the San Diego International Agricultural Group in the United States, in a conference room.

    More than a dozen men and women dressed in different styles were sitting around a conference table for a calm discussion.

    On the main seat of the narrow conference table, there was a white man with a suit and gray hair.

    He is the president of the company – William Earl.

    No one knows the full name of Earl William, and he doesn't even know whether there is a word William in his real name; no one knows how old he is this year, where he came from, and where his title was obtained.

    The words "William Earl" have become a symbol, just like "the son of the feathers"…In fact, anyone can be a son, as long as his ability is worthy of this code.

    Therefore, we may see William Count in different places (such as product packaging or commercials); in fact, this is not a BUG, ​​but "William Earl" is not a fixed person.

    At the moment, the count is participating in the weekly meeting of the company.

    The main topic of this meeting is about the President of the United States; since next year is the election year, the San Diego Group needs to discuss which candidate should be supported this time.

    Just as the meeting unfolded in an orderly manner, suddenly the electronic door of the conference room was opened.

    Less than two seconds, all the participants immediately stopped speaking, and they all turned their eyes to the direction of the door…But see, an officer in a military uniform stepped into the door and sweated and looked nervously: "Sorry, bother you…"He swallowed and looked at the Earl of William, who was farthest from his position. "Mr. (here he used sir), can you speak in one step?"

    ABSOLUTELY NOTUnexpectedly, Count William did not want to return to this sentence.

    After the officer was smashed for three seconds, William Earl added: "The colonel, you are new, and it may not be clear what we are."He paused and unfolded his hands. "No matter how you do things in the army, you have to keep our rules when you go to San Diego. At this moment, all the people in this room have higher positions than you." Therefore, you have no right to decide who your information should be reported to, and who should not report it to…I have this right. ”

    The count’s speech was very rude, but the arrogance of the king’s tyrants revealed in the words was unstoppable and refuted.

    "Yes, sir."In the next second, the man, known as the colonel, responded very obediently and immediately raised his voice and said, "There is an emergency now. Can you report it directly here?"

    "Mn."Earl William nodded. "Let's talk."

    After the order, the colonel used his standard military posture to stand and began to say: "About fifteen minutes ago, the invaders were found on the northern edge of the 'Jungle'. As of my report, the casualties of the defense forces have been More than fifty people."

    As soon as this statement came out, there was a whisper in the entire conference room.

    Earl William also frowned and said: "Invaders?"His tone is a bit confusing. "The northern part of the 'jungle' should be a no-man's land. There are twenty-four hours of surveillance of our satellites. The radar anti-aircraft artillery mines are also well arranged. The intruder is What kind of transportation did you use?"

    “Ewww.”The colonel hesitated. "Sir, there is no 'force'."

    “What do you mean?”When the Earl of William asked this, in fact, the answer was faintly guessed in the heart.

    "Based on the imagery sent back and the notifications of the soldiers…"The colonel replied, "The intruder has only one person."

    "But you just said that your casualties have exceeded 50."William answered.

    YesThe colonel said, "It’s all done by one person."

    As the saying goes, the people around the conference table are even more unsatisfied, and the whispering whispers gradually become a noisy.

    be quietUpon seeing it, Earl William screamed.

    The voice of the audience has not fallen, and the entire conference room is silent again.

    "Heng!"Make a fuss. ”After confirming the situation, the count of William Earl’s reaction was unexpectedly calm, “it seems…We met a 'super soldier'. ”He said, turned his head and blinked at a man sitting on his right hand. "Dong Xian captain, what do you think?"

    Captain Dong Xian is a black man with a free and dirty body, wearing a white suit and black trousers, a black tie, and a pair of glasses.

    After being questioned by the count, Dong Xian’s captain thought for a few seconds, and then he spoke a Chinese that seemed to imitate the Western population’s voice…Answer: "80% are Japanese people who are engaged in ghosts. Over the years, they have repeatedly used diplomatic means to get the import rights of Jin Yuyao. The result has failed. Last year, the mercenary squad that dropped into the 'jungle', though not Being killed is to take poison when you are arrested, but from some clues…It is also very likely that the Japanese sent us to steal our secrets. ”He stunned for half a second and answered. "According to my speculation, this so-called 'super soldier' ​​is probably the new method they have developed."

    “hmm…Earl William listened, for a moment, and then, "No matter who sent this 'invader', at the moment, it is a fact that he alone killed 50 of our special forces guards…"During the conversation, he glanced at the men and women at the conference table. "Let him leave his words…Although he can easily pick it up when he comes to the headquarters, I am afraid that I will lose more soldiers buried in the 'jungle'; if the president and the military use this to pressure us, we may have to Lose more than a few bags of gold…This is not very good. ”

    He is so in front of the colonel…That is, the face of "a member of the US military" spoke out this kind of words, but it seems that no one feels that something is wrong.

    "Wesson (birth)."At this time, one person suddenly stood up from the conference table and spoke a Cantonese language. He took the initiative to ask, "Since this is a security issue, my security minister Liang Feifan naturally cannot sit idly by, I see…It’s better for me to lead the team and dispatch the 'four big names' to get the invaders back. ”

    "Heng!"The Earl of William did not answer anything. The person next to Liang Feifan snorted and used the Cantonese to answer. "There are four famous names, so you can lie down next to you. In the end, you are not doing things. ?"

    "Liu wake up! What are you talking about? My minister speaks, and you can’t interrupt your minister. ”Liang Feifan was very respectful in the face of William Earl, but turned to look at Liu Xing when he was another face.

    "Spotting? I was told, angry and angry? ”Liu Xing did not show weakness, but also took the table and stood up, facing Liang Feifan.

    "Do you want to give another try?"Liang Feifan took a beard and blinked.

    "Talk about it."Liu Xing is also a blue-and-white burst, "Oh! Liang Feifan! ”

    "You!"Liang Feifan’s reaction is very interesting, “…Again? ”It seems that he is not the first time to hear this line…

    "Spotting? Listening to it? ”Liu Xing is especially energetic. "You listen to me and talk about it!" Listen again, I will continue to talk! Speaking of what you hear! Oh! Liang Feifan! ”

    They both had big eyes and small eyes, and you spoke one sentence at a time, completely ignoring the eyes of the people around you.

    The people around them seem to be accustomed to this kind of scene. Some of them are turning their eyes and some are looking around. Anyway, they are an attitude that they are used to and do not want to blend.

    No problemHere you go.After the two quarrels for five minutes, it was still the opening of William Earl, and when it happened, "two…Don't argue, let's go together together; 'Four big names' don't move now…Anyway, with the skill of both of you, you must be more than enough to get an intruder. ”

    Since the counts are all open, the two are not good enough to say anything more, and the count’s proposal is fair.

    In this way, in the face of the raid of the mysterious invaders, the first two "Assassins" sent by the "San Diego" party…let's go.

    At this point, almost everyone felt that Liang and Liang could easily solve the intruder, only one person sitting on the left hand side of William Earl…A young white man dressed in a uniform with the leader of Dong Xian, thinking deeply about what is in front of him.

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