1455. Chapter 1444 Miracles must appear

    The situation has gradually entered a one-sided rhythm.

    The joint army consisting of the monster kingdom, the kingdom of the dead, the magical church, the reasoning club, and the front line of hell, under the premise of mutual coordination and cooperation, the strength has increased geometrically.

    This kind of military, the redundant army has been difficult to compete with it by its quantitative advantage…

    About ten minutes later, the speed of casualties of the redundant soldiers once again exceeded the speed of supply of the soldiers; the original cloud that was impenetrable in the sky began to loosen and sparse from this moment.

    On the other hand, on the ground.

    I am using the [rat] to kill the blood of the bucket, and after a long silence, I suddenly opened my mouth…

    “hmm…Figures.Inferred from the tone of his words, he should have discovered what he was.

    What’s the matter? Feeling brother. ”Xiaoshen knew him very well, so he immediately asked, "What is the situation?"

    "Not a big deal."I didn’t feel very calm and replied, "Just…"He squinted at the fighting in front of him. "I triggered this passive ability of this guy."

    "What ability?"Xiao sighed and asked.

    "Probably something like 'Bottom Force'."I don’t know how to return, "that kind of…When the blood volume drops to a certain value, it automatically triggers and greatly increases the ability to defend and return blood. ”

    “Ha!Xiao sighs and is shocked. "Isn't that…"

    “Correct.”Feng Jie did not pick up, "I am afraid that I can't beat him with the squirrel…"He paused and explained, "Although he has been returning blood before, his normal recovery is obviously lower than my blood-cutting efficiency; however, about two minutes ago, when I took his blood When the amount was milled to about 15%, his blood volume suddenly began to rebound, increasing by 10% in five seconds…Until his blood volume returned to around 30%, this surge of resilience gradually returned to normal with a relatively smooth trend.

    "Of course, there is only one phenomenon, there can be various explanations, 'Bottom force' is just one of them.

    "So, I speeded up my hand a little and knocked for another two minutes. I want to see if the second time he drops his blood to 15%, will the same thing happen, the result…"

    As of this point, I feel that my brother is no longer talking about it, just shrugging.

    "What should I do?"Xiao sighing and thinking, "Or else…This time when you drop his blood to 16%, we both work together to see if we can't give the 16% blood fight to the second? ”

    "It doesn't have to be that trouble."The tone of the response did not sound sound, but I heard that he had already had a countermeasure. "I can do it by myself."

    After all, I feel that my brother has started his own title–[the devil is coming].


    At that moment, from the point of view of the unconsciousness, if time is still, the space around it will be distorted and changed in this "stationary".

    When his consciousness stabilized, he stood in a space covered by black air.

    In front of him, he also stood a pure white figure.

    Even if he is a god, he has never seen such a form of fighting; who can think of…This pure and innocent, only reminiscent of the existence of the word "holy" is the purest form of the devil under the magical spirit.

    "I thought you were very smart."The demon looked at the seal, cold and cold, "I didn't expect…You will do this stupid thing that even an idiot will not do. ”

    "Oh?"I didn’t feel uncomfortable, "What do you mean?"

    "Of course, you use [the devil is coming]."Fighting the magic.

    "Was I?Feng did not know how to read, "Why is this stupid?"

    NonsenseThe demons shouted impatiently. "Do you think that at this moment, will I lend you strength?" Your behavior is like telling me…'Hey, please help me kill you. 'How can I do it? ”

    “hmm…It makes sense. ”I don’t know how to sink.

    "Smirk!"Fighting the monster for a second, sneer, "I understand, you feel that even if I don't lend you strength, it doesn't matter, big deal is that the skill cast fails, and then think of another way…Correct?Didn't wait for the answer, the demon will pick it up on his own, "this…It’s your real stupidity…”When he spoke, he went up two steps and came to the front of the seal. He was next to each other and walked at the opposite side. "When you borrow strength from me, I can take you." Pull into this 'soul space', as long as I kill you here, then your body outside will die! Once you are dead, even if the kid who is sighing continues to use eccentric ability to suppress me, there is no other existence that can kill me. ”

    I see……It’s up to you to open the [Devil Comes] moment, is it up to you to come to this space?Unexpectedly, after hearing the words of the other party, I was still a calm and unrelenting appearance. If I thought about it thoughtfully, "It’s no wonder that I recently gained power directly when I started this skill, and I didn’t come here to meet you. ……Presumably, this is also the order of twenty-three? ”

    'command 'Fighting the magic, "Are you mistaken?"He added a tone, "No one can order me, even the strongest derivatives."

    "Oh?"Feng did not feel nodded. "So, you are out of your own will, and she is 'joining' with her equal status?"

    “Correct.”The devil replied, "Our purpose is to be consistent – to destroy all the forces of the main universe and let everything go to chaos."He said, he suddenly raised his right arm and pointed it directly above his head. "In this way, the so-called 'destiny' that is high above can't create a 'script' for the entertainment of these 'players' in the main universe. Because then…Every inch of the land of the main universe has become a scorched earth that is not born of grass; and on each piece of scorched earth, some are just the ones that follow the instinct of killing instinct. ”

    "I can probably guess what I want to do twenty-three, but what is your motivation?"I didn’t feel that I was surprised by the words of the demon. He just calmly answered. “Do you have any festivals with 'destiny'? The main universe becomes like that…What good is it for you? ”

    "Of course, I have a festival with 'destiny'!"The fighting devil seems to be a little excited, "It is her! Ended the era that belongs to me; it is her! Killed the gods – my only opponent. HumSince she destroyed my world that year, I am now ruining the new world she created that she thinks is better! ”

    UnderstoodFeng did not know, "It is because of 'lonely'…"

    The two words, like a sharp knife, stab the place where the magical mind has never been opened to anyone.

    "Your enemy, your servant, your only old enemy, the world you are familiar with, and…The meaning of your existence…"In the face of the silent fighting, Feng Shou said in a gentle tone, "…All disappeared with the end of the last era. ”He sighed softly and said again, "In today's new world, most of the creatures have never even heard of your name…

    "Indeed, in this era, you are already invincible, but what about it?

    "Do you want to rely on strength to dominate this universe? This is not a difficult thing for you. As long as you leave a place to surrender, or die, it is only a matter of time to unify the main universe; but…What can you do after he dominates the main universe?

    "Standing from your point of view…What does it mean?

    "There are no more rivals in the world that can be equal to you, and there is no such simple endless struggle to represent light and darkness…

    "Our world is 'colored', and you are out of place…Because you are from a black and white era; you are black, you need a touch of white that matches you to be meaningful. If there is no such 'white', then even if everything is black…You are just as lonely. ”

    The fighting demon quietly listened to the words of the brother, did not refute, and could not refute.

    "I don't know what I said to you twenty-three, but I can generally guess that she gave you some promise…"I don’t know, "For example…Joining her, you can force 'destiny' to make compromises and changes, so that your era can be resurrected; or…Let Twenty-three become the new 'destiny', and then she will help you fulfill your wish. ”He shook his head and sighed. "Whether you believe in it or if you have another plan, I will put it here…No matter who wins or loses in the end, you can't achieve your wishes.

    "Destiny is good, twenty-three…If you think that the generational change of the thrilling paradise is determined or controlled by 'you', then it is a big mistake.

    "It's not that 'destiny' has destroyed your epoch, and she has only performed this act under the direction of a higher position that you can't understand.

    "Do you think that you are really a 'god' or a 'magic'? Maybe here, you are, but in the eyes of higher-dimensional creatures, you are of no importance.

    "Do you think that you are really acting according to your own wishes? How do you know that it is not something higher than yours that sets your mind and makes you feel 'this is my idea'?

    "When the words 'players', 'scripts', 'destiny', which should not have been spoken by you, are spoken from your mouth, have you ever thought about…MaybeYou have already been infected by twenty-three. You just created the illusion that she is "equivalent" and her purpose is the same under her influence. ”

    Unrecognized questions, the fighting can not answer.

    But he is thinking.

    I don’t know…He is also thinking, while he is throwing a question to the fighting, he also tortures himself in his heart.

    When a person starts to think – "At the moment, what I think in my mind, is 'I' thinking, or a higher will 'Let me think this way'; my question at the moment is the question of 'I', or The existence that should be questioned by me leads me to question…"When this kind of problem, that person, basically…Not far from being crazy.

    What if the survival of our genes is most threatened not so much by other biological organisms but by information contained in memes?After a while, the fighting spirit finally opened again, Shen Sheng, "What you said is true…"His tone has changed and he is no longer so suffocating. "Then I…We provide comprehensive supportWhat can I do?

    "Since there has never been a 'choice', why bother to question?

    So…Even if you are right, I still want to kill you now.

    "Maybe, I have really been affected by 23, and even controlled; or maybe…I am only being used by her because I am lonely and confused…I need someone like her to give me hope…Even if this hope is just a lie, for me, it is better than nothing. ”

    I couldn’t hear it here, and my face reappeared with a smile: "Yeah…I seem to say something extra…

    ButI am like this person, I just like to do something that seems meaningless.

    "So, I still have to do it after all, and I have to do it according to my method.

    "As for how others see it…I don't care; love or hate, hi or evil, reverence or contempt, understanding or misunderstanding…All of this will be collected as a whole, because it is these that prove that I have lived in this world. ”

    So,At this point, the tone of the fighting spirit has once again become cold, "…As you said, turn your 'living' thing into 'everyone'…"

    After the words, he reached out and waved without hesitation.

    In this "soul space" of the demon, he should have absolute control. To kill the seal, it is as easy as erasing a pile of sand patterns.

    howeverA second later, the demon was surprised to find that the other party was not as obliterated as he expected.

    “A little accident is it?”I couldn’t help but look up at the fighting demon. "There is nothing wrong with the 'meaningless' thing. Let me say a few more practical things…"He whispered for half a second and asked coldly, "You really thought…I will do the kind of stupid thing that even an idiot will not do? ”

    When this statement came out, the fighting demon stood on the spot, a strange emotion called fear, which had already sprouted in his heart.

    "I will not be expected to be brought to this space after opening [Dragon Devils]?"After a short pause, I stopped asking and asked.

    "you……"The fighting monster is murmured, "just to meet me in this space…Only open skills…"

    Unconsciously nodded and said: "In fact, I can kill you directly outside, but in order to tell you the words 'excessive words', I decided to open this last [Dragon Devil] ;Only in this way……I can talk to you in this space where there is no time to pass. ”

    "Smirk!"Smell this, fighting, laughing, "hehe…Hahahaha…"

    It was a burst of laughter, bitterness, helplessness, nostalgia, irony, compassion, relief, sigh…Too many can't tell the unclear emotions mixed.

    Perhaps, this is the most sinister moment since the birth of the fighting monster, but this is the moment, let him cut the entity will come…I have lived myself.

    No problemWhen the laughter of the other party gradually stopped, I couldn’t help but open it again. "I have finished saying that…"During the speech, his whole body energy is blooming, and a skill with the nature of "causal law" is ready to go. "Now…"He has a almost cold expression, and his tone is cold and frosty. "With your outdated name, useless power, empty life…Let me disappear. ”

    When the voice falls, I feel that the [Roundhouse kick] has been turned out.

    At the moment of the move, although his expression was cold and ruthless, but in his eyes, he could not see the half-point of pleasure, but there was such a sympathy.

    The fighting demon, just standing there, let the other side attack.

    In the moment before being kicked, the fighting demon still looks very calm. He even makes a slight mouth opening. He seems to want to say "thank you", but unfortunately…Until the end, I could not say it.


    Above the battlefield, time is still stuck in the second of the opening of the [Devils].

    From the point of view of Xiaoshen, Feng Shou just finished saying the phrase "I can get it by myself", and the body of the fighting monster suddenly becomes "垮".

    Blimey.Xiaoshen saw that the body of the fighting magic instantly turned into black sand and dust, and thought that the latter had given up some means to get rid of [the nine days of snow dancing], and could not help but scream.

    Do n't PanicIn the next second, I felt that my brother had intentionally raised his voice and said, "He is dead."

    "What?"Not only is it a small sigh, but the forces around the world who are aware of this situation are exclaimed after hearing the phrase that they are not aware of.

    No wayWas it really knocked out by you with that little cockroach? ”The Zun Zun, who had just flown here from the city, stayed close to them and heard the news that the demon was dead. He also felt incredulous.

    “No.”Feng Huan shook his head. "I put a killing trick on him in his soul space, and this will kill him."He didn't have much trouble on this topic. It seems that killing the demon is not something that deserves to be said. "Talk…The battle above is very lively. ”

    "You have to go and join in the fun?"Just resting a few meters away, I received a timely sentence.

    "Looks like…"Feng Guan turned his head and observed the goddess of floe for two seconds. "You have also rested almost."He then turned his head and looked at Xiao sigh. "How about you?"

    “hmm…The arm is a bit sour. ”Xiao sighs and looks at his brother, replies, "but compared with you…It should not be called…"

    Xiao sigh, but witnessed the murder of the squirrel in close quarters, must admit…Compared with the hand speed, the one-handed handstand + one-handed dandruff is almost relaxed.

    Good.I didn’t know what to do next. "Then we will go up and join in the fun."

    He said that he would go there, and half of the words, people have no shadow.

    Seeing the situation, Xiaoshen and Feng Huai looked at each other and did not spit anything. The two immediately killed the sky in their own way.

    After the three of them were in heaven, the surrounding group of monster army soldiers who were resting on the ground were still in a state of short-circuited brains…

    In a short time, they obviously could not digest the situation that "the devil is dead."

    However, no matter how long these subjective creatures need to adapt to subjectively, objectively…The fighting magic has indeed died; and this change immediately caused a wave of chain reactions that could affect the entire main universe.


    After a while, along with the exclamation of King Hanji, a long-lost sunshine…Penetrating the gradual thin cloud of magic in the sky, sprinkled on the land of the monster kingdom.

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