1452. Chapter 1441 smiles at danger

    "What do you think?"After a general understanding of the situation on the battlefield, the bloody corpse with poor patience was the first to throw a problem.

    The voice did not fall, and the devil head replied without thinking: "I can't, my strength is similar to him, and I can't hurt him."

    Fuling replied after thinking for a few seconds: "I am sure I can 'injury' him, but to "kill" him is another matter…"She paused and said again, "With my own power, I will kill it with a single blow…There is no possibility, and the blow is enough to hurt his attack, and its power will surely force Wang’s move to stop.The demon who has released the control, even if it is injured, can also destroy us in the process of fighting and recovering. ”

    “hmm…The blood corpse god listened, and snorted and looked at the fighting magic for a few seconds. "You said…If I bite his head and swallow it at a very fast speed…"

    "Don't think too much."Before he finished speaking, Billy interrupted. "The demon is not the kind of creature that will die if you lose your head…The appearance of a humanoid does not explain any problems. So, don't look at him with the thinking of 'general creatures', and take it for granted that there is a so-called 'fatal evil' in his body. ”

    "What you mean is…"Samodir said, "If you want to kill him, you have to kill it, and you must blow him to the slag."

    "That's not necessarily."Billy answered, "A hit or a 10,000 hit…As long as you can exhaust all the energy contained in his body, you can kill him. ”

    "To put it bluntly is to empty his blood."Xiao sang also received a timely sentence.

    "Mn."Billy responded, "a good example, let's talk about…Explain with the concept of your alien travellers that this problem should be simpler…"He paused for a second and looked at the other few and began to explain. "First, let's assume…The fighting monster has 1000 life, 100 defense value, and 100 magic resistance; and most of us here have normal attack power under 20 points; then, normally,…All the ordinary attacks we launch on him, whether physical or magical, are 'no breaks', no matter how many times they are played, the damage is zero.

    "We only use some explosive and special means to raise our attack power to more than 100 points in a certain period of time or at a certain moment. At this time, we can cause some harm to him; however, this part is broken. How much damage can you prevent? It may be 50 points or 100 points, but it is impossible to cause 1000 points of damage after breaking the defense.

    "So does it mean that we can kill him with a dozen attacks that can break him?" Not right, because the fighting is like most of us…There is also self-healing ability.

    "Of course, I have never seen him that ability – I have never seen a fighting monster hurt at all; but according to the king of the king, when the war with the gods, the gods and the demons battled countless Secondly, there are naturally many battles that have lost both sides, and after so many battles…They are still unable to kill each other, so that God can only move the idea of the demon seal, from this point of view, the spirit of resilience must be the strongest level, if we can not in a short period of time to cause him more than his recovery efficiency of the damage, and continue to his 1000 life, then the result will be dead or us. ”

    "According to your description, some of the bosses fighting the robots and the robots have a lot in common…"At this point, I couldn’t help but vomit aside.

    The NPCs didn't care too much about her, mainly because they didn't understand what a robot war was…

    CutThen what you mean is that all the people we are present, in the face of such a 'suppressed' fighting, is there any means to kill him? ”The blood corpse god sorted out his thoughts and asked in a rather unpleasant tone.

    "Although I am not willing, my judgment is indeed…By 'we'…There is no way. ”When Billy said this, his eyes slowly moved and looked at the three knights of the dead spirit.

    "Sorry,"Xiaoling has read the NPC's words from Billy's eyes and the accented "we", so she also bluntly said, "We are three 'outside travelers', the same Have the ability to kill the magic."As she said, she looked at her again. "From the current situation, my sister should not do it, if she can kill the devil…That was natural before we came, so…"She shrugged. "I will ask for a moment…"She turned her head and looked at her fiancé who was dandruff, and said, "Sigh, if you can free your hand, can you kill the fighting?"

    When the crowd talks, small sigh has been thinking about this problem, so at the moment he answered quickly: "I use inflammation (" sigh "of special effects one, to create a user's will to devour the physical and non-physical level of all the material of the black inflammation) should be able to break his defense, but if according to you say, he will not be killed even if the head So……Regardless of his recovery speed and the rate of black inflammation, which is faster, it is a little bit faster than black inflammation…He can also get rid of corrosion through simple limb-breaking behavior. ”

    UnderstoodWen Yan, Tali Oh, who had never spoken, touched his chin and shook his head and smiled. "Oh…It seems that we still have only one choice. ”

    What he said of "choice", everyone has a number in mind, that is, to hold the area, waiting for the seal to return.

    On the other hand, just in the presence of these top-ranking NPCs and the rains and the battle of the monster kingdom, and the deliberation, the heavenly army of soldiers…It is also continuing to accumulate strength.

    A few minutes ago, these redundant soldiers were already on the string. Fortunately, the sudden appearance of the "Mour of the Mourning" made the tactical system of the sweepers have a new reaction, thus delaying the attack.

    But this "delay" is not endless.

    At this moment, the number of redundant soldiers in the sky has almost reached saturation, looking up, the "Bingyun" is already thick and airtight. Under this premise, even if there are many unknown factors in the analysis of combat power, but the redundant The Legion will not wait any longer.

    As a result, the number of people who have re-aggregated more than 50 people decided to give orders for the general attack after confirming the use of collective consciousness exchanges.

    And just before the instruction is about to be issued…

    "Let everyone wait."A suffocating sound that was amplified by the [Fraud Pocket Watch] resounded through the entire battlefield.

    Even the redundant soldiers, who know who they are, know who they are…

    As countless pairs of eyes looked toward the source of the sound, a man with a smirk and a purple long suit appeared on the wall.

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