Three Kingdoms: The Reverse Son of the Guan Family, Dragon Blessing Jingxiang

Chapter 487 Soochow? It won't be gone like this, right?

Chapter 487 Soochow? It won't just be... gone, right?

In Xudu City, night falls, and the posthouse shrouded in shadow becomes even more majestic, ferocious, and unfathomable.

After a long conversation, Zhuge Jin and Wu Can said goodbye to Zhuge Ke, got on the carriage, and returned to their residences.

Zhuge Ke's mood was complicated and irritable.

He did not expect that the situation would develop more smoothly than Guan Lin expected. At the same time, Jiangling and Changsha were impregnable.

On the contrary, the second general Guan Yu and his Guan family army suddenly transformed into a sharp blade, piercing the heart of Soochow as fast as lightning.

What Zhuge Ke didn't expect was even more.

But after all this happened, Sun Quan, who was so anxious that he jumped over the wall, actually used the life and death of his biological father Zhuge Jin to threaten him, forcing him to favor Soochow in the negotiations with Cao Wei.

Let Soochow... have a chance to "make a comeback".

I don’t know if it was because of love or connections... Zhuge Jin was always reluctant to mention this in front of his son Zhuge Ke, but Wu Can couldn’t help but told Zhuge Ke everything.

Including Sun Quan threatening Zhuge Jin's son, Zhuge Ke's younger brother Zhuge Qiao...

Including Sun Quan forcing Zhuge Jin to make an appointment with his adopted son, asking him to help "Soochow" out of past friendship!

Including, Sun Quan implicitly told Zhuge Ke through Wu Can's words.

If it doesn't work...then before Soochow is destroyed, the Zhuge family will definitely be used as backers!

Haha...Sun Quan said that considering the past friendship, Zhuge Ke had no sympathy for Soochow and Sun Quan?

But he...can't ignore the safety of his younger brother Zhuge Qiao.

He was adopted by his uncle and escaped from the place where beasts were trapped in Jiangdong. It was Zhuge Ke who snatched it from his younger brother Zhuge Qiao. It was originally Zhuge Qiao who left Jiangdong. He owed this young brother!

Of course, Zhuge Ke did not agree on the spot. He only said that he wanted to calm down and be quiet.

In fact, Zhuge Ke has been trying hard to calm himself down since Zhuge Jin and Wu Can left.

Then, the atmosphere here began to become cold.

On one side is loyalty that is "what is in the heart", and on the other is filial piety that is "hard to let go"...

Zhuge Ke seemed to have fallen into some extreme melancholy.

In the extreme embarrassment, he poured a bucket of water on his head. Suddenly, his whole body was shaken. This feeling that penetrated his heart suddenly woke him up.

In a daze, he seemed to see the brows on the moon and crows croaking...

He shuddered and staggered to his feet.

Through the window, he looked into the black night, but then... As if in the night, through the layers of darkness, he saw what eight years ago... was what his "father" did to him when he was only seven years old in Wu County. A sincere teaching about "loyalty and filial piety".

At that time, Zhuge Ke learned stories about "loyalty" and "filial piety" for the first time in Confucian scholarship.

So, he curiously asked, "Father? Why is it said that the Han Dynasty governs the world with filial piety? Why is it said that 'loyalty' and 'filial piety' are the most important considerations when the Han Dynasty recommends talents?"

Zhuge Ke likes to ask questions, and Zhuge Jin appreciates his son's habit very much.

At the same time, he is knowledgeable and can always answer various questions raised by his son.

Including loyalty and filial piety... Zhuge Jin tells it directly from the source.

"In fact, in the earliest days of humankind, before the Xia, Shang and Zhou Dynasties, during the legendary Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, people did not understand what loyalty was? What was filial piety? What humans respected at that time was worship. Humans worshiped thunder and fire. We also worship tigers and elephants... These all come from the inability to defeat..."

"At that time, people lived in tribes, and the old and infirm elders would even be left behind when the tribe moved, even the patriarchs who had contributed to the tribe were no exception... But at that time, whether they were abandoners or The abandoned people didn’t think there was anything wrong with this? After was an era of food scarcity, and there was really no extra food for this old, weak, sick and disabled person to waste!"

The more Zhuge Ke listened, the more fascinated he became, and he asked: "Then...when did this situation change?"

"Confucius!" Even though Zhuge Jin admired Taoism, this did not hinder the admiration shown in his words when he mentioned 'Confucius'. "When most people are worried about survival, talking about loyalty and filial piety is undoubtedly a ridiculous thing! Therefore, it was not until the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period that Confucius first proposed the concepts of loyalty to the emperor and filial piety! But... because of the times Due to the chaos of the situation, loyalty to the emperor and filial piety can only exist in some extremely highly cultivated people, and have not been promoted!"

"Finally...loyalty to the emperor and filial piety have ushered in their moment of glory. Since the founding of the Han Dynasty by Emperor Gaozu, even though at the beginning, Emperor Gaozu took Huang Lao's learning as the basis for governing the country, it still did not hinder his admiration for the etiquette of loyalty and filial piety... Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty deposed Hundreds of schools of thought only respected Confucianism, which gave the Confucian school that valued loyalty and filial piety a huge space for development, so it was logical to launch a top-down promotion of the concept of loyalty and filial piety!"

Hearing this, Zhuge Ke seemed to understand a little. He drew inferences and said, "There is another most important reason, the unification of the Han Dynasty... During the Emperor Gaozu's period, the 'Huang Lao Theory' was the basis for governing the country, and the people were able to recuperate and live. During this period, they also experienced During the reign of Wen and Jing, both the common people and the nobles had enough food and clothing... This is also an important reason for the development of the concept of loyalty and filial piety."

Zhuge Jin was full of praise for his son Zhuge Ke's inferences.

At the same time, he raised a question, "Ke'er? You've said so much? But do you know? Why has the Han Dynasty been so keen on Confucianism and respected loyalty and filial piety so much since Emperor Gaozu?"


Zhuge Ke shook his head nervously. It was obvious that at that time... he was only seven years old. Even though he was naturally intelligent, he could not understand the great truth contained in this.

Zhuge Jin was very patient and explained to his son in detail, "Because Gaozu discovered that his ministers were no different from those during the Spring and Autumn Period, the Warring States Period, and even during the conflicts between Qin, Chu and Han. These ministers had one thing in common, and that was He didn't have much loyalty to the monarch, and the so-called "loyalty to the monarch" was also extremely weak in his mind. Even if someone betrayed him at that time, the punishment would only be to "depose King Ao of Zhao as the Marquis of Xuanping..." Those who were guilty before and below the death penalty would be pardoned. ' pain or itch!"

"This also caused that in the more than sixty years from the founding of the Han Dynasty to the accession of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, there were as many as seventeen rebellions by the princes... In order to put an end to this kind of people who want to 'hijack the emperor to order the princes', Even when "replacing the emperor with the emperor" happened, the talented and ambitious Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty began to think deeply and began to seek solutions. The following story is recorded in the books. He deposed hundreds of schools of thought and only respected Confucianism... in order to highlight the Han Dynasty. The dynasty attaches great importance to loyalty and filial piety, and implements it through Confucianism, promoting it from top to bottom, and even calls the recommendation of talents 'promoting filial piety and integrity'!"

"Among them...Loyalty to the Emperor is on the one hand, ensuring the absolute loyalty of nobles and common people to the Emperor; filial piety is on the other hand, it is a deep bond to people, allowing those who are rebellious to do so because of 'filial piety' and 'family' 'But we are afraid of hands and feet! In the final analysis...this is the monarch's rule over the entire empire!"

After Zhuge Jin explained everything in detail and in detail, Zhuge Ke nodded repeatedly.

He understands...everything!

This is...the origin of loyalty and filial piety, this is the development of loyalty and filial piety...and Confucianism. It turns out that these theories are not a single theory, but ideas that help "emperors" control their subordinates.

It was also thanks to the fact that Zhuge Ke was born into the Langya Zhuge clan, who was erudite and knowledgeable.

The family education of the Zhuge family is enough for them to see the essence of the development of these things through phenomena, but...

At that time, after Zhuge Ke clearly understood "loyalty and filial piety", he immediately raised a brand new question.

"Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty deposed hundreds of schools of thought, only respected Confucianism, and deeply ingrained the concepts of loyalty and filial piety into the hearts of the people. This is good... but it will also cause a problem, dad... what if one day someone is faced with a situation where loyalty and filial piety cannot be balanced? Then... How should we choose? Should we choose loyalty? Or should we choose filial piety?"


Zhuge Ke's question surprised Zhuge Jin. What surprised him was that his son's intelligence was so quick. This was more than just drawing inferences from one instance. What was surprising was that this question... even he, Zhuge Jin, couldn't answer.

Loyalty and filial piety have always been inseparable from ancient times, but if it is difficult to have both loyalty and filial piety, how should you choose? It seems that no matter which one you choose, it is wrong!

In fact…

At this moment, Zhuge Ke is facing this kind of decision, this difficult problem he raised when he was seven years old.

On one side is the loyalty that the heart longs for;

On one side is the filial piety that is hard to let go;

——To the left?

——Or to the right?

the other side.

Zhuge Jin was in the post house. Although he was in the carriage when he came back, Zhuge Jin had already expressed that he did not want to discuss this matter with Wu Can anymore.

But in this quiet night, Wu Can couldn't help but look for him...

On the brow of the moon, the sound of banging on the door outside Zhuge Jin's house was particularly loud.

When Zhuge Jin walked out of the room with his clothes on, he looked a little irritated, "Stop knocking, I'm worried about knocking the soul out!"

But when he opened the door and saw it was Wu Can, he couldn't help but sigh and said thoughtfully.

"Why bother?"

But Wu Can seemed to be particularly excited, "Zhuge Ziyu... you say, you say... tell me, will your son help us?"

"If you help us, that would be betraying Jingzhou...that would be disloyalty!"

Zhuge Jin seemed to subconsciously return to this sentence.

But Wu Can waved his hand indifferently, "If he doesn't save you? That would be unfilial... The Zhuge family will never teach such unfilial descendants, right?"


Facing Wu Can's words, Zhuge Jin's throat rolled, as if he had something to say, but in the end... he swallowed all the words.

But Wu Can became more and more impatient: "Zhuge Ziyu, please say something, my lord is waiting for your reply? You also know that my lord will not use your family to blackmail, but at this time , what else can we do besides deceiving your son like this? What else can we do?"

Facing Wu Can's question, Zhuge Jin looked helplessly and hesitantly into the darkness.

It was as if the endless darkness was swallowing him up at this moment.

It was a difficult choice for his son Zhuge Ke, and how could it not be the same for him, Zhuge Jin?

On one side is the king who "does not bear any grievance between his ruler and his subjects, and will return to his throne in the next life";

On the other side, there is his favorite and most valued "son", who is known as the "Blue Sky and Beautiful Jade"...


Or the right? Or... another way?

In Xiangyang City, loud quarrels could be heard in the distance from the official offices, startling a few birds that were building nests on the branches.

"Yunqi, Soochow has done something wrong this time. He attacked Jingnan and stabbed Jingzhou in the back. This matter... what Marquis Wu did was really unkind and unreasonable... but..."

The one who spoke was Lu Su. He came from Jiangxia non-stop. He couldn't wait to rest and rushed to the official office as soon as possible to explain to Guan Lin face to face.

Guan Lin, on the other hand... was surprised when he saw Lu Su.

It's not that he came by accident, but by accident...the governor of Soochow was actually such a "behind-the-scenes" person.

If the news of Sun Quan's sneak attack and backstab in Jingzhou was deliberately concealed from Lu Su so that he did not know about it in advance, so he was shocked, it is understandable.

But now... the situation has long been reversed, but this Lu Su...

For a moment, Guan Lin was stunned.

He couldn't help but thought to himself: "Zijing, Zijing, you don't know anything. Soochow... No, it's your lord Sun Quan who was about to be snatched away by my father. Why are you still here... apologizing to me?" 』

The more he thought about it, the more intriguing Guan Lin's expression when he looked at Lu Su became.

Lu Su spoke alone and saw no response from Guan Lin. He thought Guan Lin was still angry.

So, his tone became more urgent, "Yun Qi, I'm here this time...for no other reason than to think of a solution. I'm here to discuss it with you!"

While speaking, Lu Su stretched out his hand. Luo Tong and Sun Deng quickly unfolded a map. Lu Su pointed at the map and said.

"In the past...after the Battle of Chibi, Uncle Liu was homeless. Soochow gave Nanjun to Uncle Liu, which gave him a place to live, allowed him to gradually gain a foothold, and even tried to conquer Bashu...Now, Soochow was unkind and took away Jiangling and Changsha. Let's do this... Give me some face and treat it as temporarily lending Jingnan to Soochow... As for Jiangling, I will send a letter to Wu Hou and ask him to return it to Yunqi. you…"


Guan Lin stared at Lu Su dumbfounded. He wanted to tell Lu Su the truth, but he couldn't help but asked with interest, "What if the Marquis of Wu doesn't return Jiangling to me?"

"Then the Grand Governor of Soochow will have no choice but to die with his own life to clarify his ambition...Use my head, Lu Zijing, to go to Yunqi and explain to your father..."

Lu Su's words were extremely tragic.

Guan Lin was about to speak, but Lu Su pulled Sun Deng over, and his tone became more tragic, "Also...this is the eldest son of Soochow. If Jiangling does not return it, not only I, Lu Su, but also the eldest son Sun Deng will be left alone." You handle it the same way... You and your father lent Jingnan to Soochow. If Soochow doesn't return it for one day, the prince and I will be held hostage in Yun Qi's hands for one day? What does Yun Qi think... of my proposal? "


Guan Lin thought that Lu Su would come, but never imagined that he would say such sad, tragic, compromising...but unusually firm words.

At this moment, Guan Lin... seemed to see a man who was working hard for the survival of the "Sun-Liu Alliance"... even at the cost of his own wealth, life, integrity, and reputation, even if it meant taking out his heart and lungs.

Guan Lin raised his eyes and looked at Lu Su with complicated eyes.

He wanted to say something, but suddenly, his throat felt choked, and he suddenly couldn't speak.

However, his appearance made Lu Su feel even more guilty and worried: "Yun Qi, listen to me, the Sun-Liu alliance cannot be abandoned, because neither Soochow, Jingzhou, Bashu... are no match for the Wei Dynasty. It’s so big, nine states... What we are facing now is just a corner of Ni Wei, but behind him... there are huge resources and supplies!"

"Even if Cao Cao doesn't take the initiative to attack, just wasting... will kill any one of our families... Even if the alliance is full of rifts,... we can't give up. Even if... Lu Su asks himself, if he can't compare to Zhou Lang's military prowess, even if he dies... , I also want this alliance to continue to exist... This is not my obsession, but I don't want... I don't want to watch the three-point world collapse, watch the rebellious Wei unify, watch you and I lose to that Cao Cao!"


Under Lu Su's insight...

Finally, Guan Lin couldn't sit still anymore.

He sighed "Alas" and looked at Lu Su meticulously, with praise, admiration and pity in his eyes.

"Mr. Zijing, Mr. Zijing, you are an honest man. If it weren't for your words, maybe... I would have really misunderstood you. I misunderstood that you were also a participant in Sun Quan's back-stabbing in Jingzhou. In the end... I put your head with Sun Quan's head was put together and he was accused of sin... Now it seems that God should always be kind to honest people! You'd better live well! Using Sun Quan's head... is enough to comfort the Jiangdong elders who died innocently because of him. And those Jingzhou soldiers and civilians who fought bloody battles but could never return!"


Guan Lin's words confused Lu Su.

Lu Su looked at Guan Lin incredulously, as if asking.

——‘What are you going to say? What Sun Quan’s head? Are you crazy? 』

Guan Lin looked directly at Lu Su, as if he had guessed that he would have such an expression, and immediately smiled, "It's not surprising. With the situation in Soochow now, I probably don't bother to send someone to tell Mr. Zijing..."

Speaking of this, Guan Lin pointed to the map that Sun Deng and Luo Tong unfolded. His finger pointed at Jiangling, "Here, Zhou Tai is dead, and General Xu Sheng's nearly ten days of siege has not made any progress... By the way, there is another news, that is, he is about to run out of food..."


Lu Su was startled for a moment. Before he could think about it carefully, Guan Lin's hand shook and he pointed in the direction of Changsha City. His voice chanted again, "Don't look at the fact that I have more than 2,000 soldiers in Changsha City, but the military report said Come back, half of your 50,000-strong Soochow army has been burned to death. In addition, Ding Feng is also dead. Your right-hand governor Lu Meng... is dying due to inhaling a lot of smoke... It is impossible to save him and he is gone now... "


If Zhou Tai died in the Jiangling battlefield just now and Xu Sheng's attack was blocked, then Lu Su was just surprised and unbelievable... Then now, the situation on the Changsha battlefield has made him feel dizzy, hesitant, and powerless!

It's just... where have we been?


Guan Lin coughed lightly and rowed down the Yangtze River from Changsha to the location of Yiyang City...

Lu Su was startled and murmured in his heart.

——"Why is the cloud flag drawn here?" Isn't this a battlefield? 』

Just as he was chanting his thoughts, Guan Lin blurted out, "Zhu Huan of Yiyang City also died in the battle, oh... By the way, I forgot to tell you, my father led the army to raid Dongting, Yiyang, Chibi, Fankou... Today's The position has been assigned to Chaisang!"

Guan Lin's eyes suddenly condensed. He suddenly clenched his fist and punched Chaisang. Then his fist crossed Chaisang, crossed the Lujiang River, and reached the location of Jianye City, the current capital of Wu State!

Guan Lin's voice became cold and tense, "It's thanks to you, Zi Jing, that you came today. If you had come a few days later, maybe... my father would have captured your master, Gong Sun Quan, and you two kings and ministers ...If we meet in Xiangyang, what scene will it be..."

Speaking of this, Guan Lin "chirped" his mouth, and his whole person became more imaginative, "That picture is probably so graceful that I, Guan Lin, can't imagine it..."

That is, under Guan Lin's words.

Lu Su, Luo Tong, and Sun Deng were all stunned.

So much so that, with great consternation, they realized one thing...that is, what on earth are they here for?

Of course... if you compare this matter with the huge fact Guan Lin said.

It seems...insignificant again.

Now, the problem before the three of them seems to have become:

——Soochow? It won’t just be… gone, right?

And... they... what can they do?

The tenth day!

This is already the tenth day of Xu Sheng's raid on Jiangling.

Xu Sheng prided himself on being highly skilled in martial arts and commanding troops well, but...under his command, Jiangling City was attacked no less than a dozen times, but it never looked like it was broken.

Over in Changsha, when Governor Lu Meng was dying, he did not forget to send someone to tell Xu Sheng to be careful about the city wall...there is a city wall behind the city wall.

The city wall behind the city wall is more dangerous... and Lu Meng fell into such a trick and defeated Changsha with such an advantage!


Undoubtedly, Xu Sheng felt deeply humiliated when such a piece of news was passed to Xu Sheng.

After the exterior wall are there interior walls? Inside your second uncle’s wall!

He Xu Sheng attacked the city for ten days... He didn't even conquer the outer wall once. The inner wall... He was extremely eager to see the inner wall, but... could he see it?

The Mi Family Army was still standing heavily on Jiangling City. Mi Fang still patrolled here from time to time. Xu Sheng was also drunk. Who knows... what did Mi Fang and these Mi Family Army eat? What kind of demon is it still possessed by? They actually...actually seemed to be forever tireless.

This is so incredible...

This is too weird.

Xu Sheng felt that all the soldiers and generals he encountered during his previous campaigns in the north and south were not as difficult as this Mi family army. They were extremely difficult to deal with.

Drunk... numb... tired, this feeling is indescribable and indescribable.

Not only Xu Sheng was tired, but also the 40,000 Wu soldiers who came in the sudden attack were tired. After experiencing the initial surge of heroic spirit, they had never been so tired.

Facing a tall, hard city wall and a legion that they could hardly defeat, a deep sense of powerlessness... swept through their bodies, as if they were about to be enveloped all over them.

The most important thing is...there is nothing you can do!

Early in the morning, Wu Bing was forced to kill horses. They didn't bring many horses to begin with, this moment, in order to fill their stomachs, they could no longer care about so many horses.

After killing the horses... and the homing pigeons, after killing the homing pigeons... we can only go fishing in the distance...

But even the fishing port had been abandoned before Wu Jun arrived. Where was another fishing boat and a set of fishing gear?

The army rations...are empty!

The army has begun to waver, and more and more soldiers... are hungry and cold, and they also heard that Guan Yu is attacking their "hometown", and their wives, children, and children are all there.

The sergeants began to complain. At first... Xu Sheng, Pan Zhang, Ma Zhong... were able to kill a few soldiers who spread "rumors" to improve military discipline...

But gradually, they found that they couldn't kill them at all, and word had spread among the army...

As a result, even the saying that "Soochow is going to perish" has become very popular.

Collapse... The morale and fighting spirit of the entire army collapsed. Xu Sheng suddenly regretted that he should have been more decisive. Even if there was no food, even if he went against Guan Yu's plan of "surrounding Wei and saving Zhao", he immediately returned to Fankou to aid...

Maybe there will be a turning point!

Why go all out to capture Jiangling City?

In fact, the tone set from the first attack on the city was destined that this city...he Xu Sheng would not be able to attack it!


At this moment, Xu Sheng was riding a horse, looking at Jiangling City from a distance. He was silent. He had been silent since he ran out of food.

There was a rare bright sun today. The sunlight burst out from the gaps in the clouds, but it also fell into Xu Sheng's dejected, but still full of murderous eyes.

He slowly picked up the last steamed cake, slowly put it into his mouth, and chewed it carefully...

In the past, Xu Sheng never cared about the military rations, but now chewing them one bite at a time made him realize how precious it was!

Every bite is extremely precious.

The saliva and dry and hard steamed cake melt in the mouth, moist and glutinous, and the oily aroma is refreshing!

Finally, I finished chewing this piece of cake.

Xu Sheng looked helplessly at Jiangling City. He wiped his eyes with his hands, then raised his whip fiercely, as if shouting in the direction of the city.

"Mi Fang, the thief, I, Xu Sheng, will come back——"

As he spoke, Xu Sheng's eyes showed an infinite fierce light, but in just a moment, this fierce light was blunted by reality. Xu Sheng turned his horse's head and shouted to the guards beside him, " Send my military order to retreat immediately, bypass Chaisang, and retreat to Lujiang——"


Some of the guards looked miserable and withdrew? Just withdraw like this?

Over ten thousand soldiers died, spent four months training, and endured endless torture... But now, retreat... retreat! retreat? Retreat your mother——

Similarly, some soldiers seemed very excited and shouted loudly, "Retreat, finally retreat..."


Can't beat it?

Everyone is playing "surround Wei and save Zhao". The key is, has Xu Sheng played better than Guan Yu? You are only surrounding the city of Jiangling, but Guan Yu is drawing fire from the bottom of the cauldron, and he is drawing fire from the hometown of Soochow——

So, in this strange mixed atmosphere, the soldiers of Soochow, one by one, carried their tired bodies, enduring starvation... The riversides and ports retreated when they came and went.

At least... when they got to their boat, they could still fish... and barely fill their stomachs.

Pan Zhang and Ma Zhong walked last...

"Alas... alas..."

Ma Zhong kept shaking his head and sighing, but Pan Zhang squinted his eyes, as if he had something on his mind.

Ma Zhong was still complaining, "What is this battle about? The city... the city has not been captured, and the house... the house is going to be stolen! His great-grandmother's legs, this is a great-grandmother's leg!"

Faced with Ma Zhong's complaints, Pan Zhang remained silent...

Ma Zhong couldn't help but ask: "General Pan? haven't spoken all morning. What are you thinking about?"

"I'm thinking..." Pan Zhang finally spoke, "I'm thinking that Governor Lu Meng of Changsha retreated with his last breath... General Xu Sheng also retreated here..."

"What's wrong with this... We've run out of food and supplies... we've been attacked in the rear area, and we won't retreat? What else can we do?"

Ma Zhong asked while knocking on his forehead.

Pan Zhang composed himself, and then said: "This is the weird part... Governor Lu Meng and General Xu Sheng both wanted to avoid Chai Sang and Guan Yu... but instead retreated in a big circle to our last barrier in Soochow. Lujiang! Why is this?"

Speaking of this, Pan Zhang also added: "I heard that Wu Hou sent Dong Xi as commander, Song Qian and Quan Cong as vanguards to Chaisang to stop Guan Yu... In this way, our army retreated to Chaisang to fight with Dong Xi Wouldn't it be more certain for a general to attack from both inside and outside? Lujiang... no matter how you look at it, it seems to be a little bit of a sacrifice of the basic and the distant, and the near and far."

As Pan Zhang spoke, he still held his chin, thinking carefully.

Ma Zhong was an upright person. He waved his hand and said, "Isn't this so damn simple?"

"Simple?" Pan Zhang looked at Ma Zhong doubtfully.

Ma Zhong raised his hand, "Because both Governor Lu Meng and General Xu Sheng know that even three Dong Xi tied together are no match for Guan Yu... My lord sent Dong Xi to fight against Guan Yu? This... isn't this... Are you sending it?"


Don't tell me, Ma Zhong's words really woke up Pan Zhang.

——Three Dong Xis tied together are no match for Guan Yu!

——Isn’t this a gift?

What Ma Zhong said: - It makes sense!


(My kid at home has a fever... After a busy day, I sent out all the codes, not to mention the number of words, not to mention the broken chapters.)

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