Three Kingdoms: The Reverse Son of the Guan Family, Dragon Blessing Jingxiang

Chapter 283 The secret history of Jiangdong, the Sun brothers fell in love and killed each other

Today, the sky above Guangxin City in Cangwu County is covered with dark clouds and strong winds.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and it was raging.

The dark clouds were rolling and galloping, coming from all directions, piling up in piles, getting denser and denser, like thousands of troops pressing down on the roof.

This oppression also brought an extra sense of depression and heaviness to the atmosphere in the room.

This was the third time that Lu Xun and his wife sat in the wing with his "brother-in-law" Sun Shao and Tai Shi Ci's son Tai Shi Xiang.

Four square bamboo mats, four plans...

The expressions of the four people were also completely different.

This was also the third time that Lu Xun had a conversation with them around that extremely sensitive topic. It was a secret that was buried deep in the Jiangdong underground and no one could get close to it.

Both - the truth behind the deaths of "Sun Ce", "Zhou Yu" and "Tai Shi Ci"...

By extension, it is the truth about the death or deposing of the eight important ministers who were either dead or imprisoned during the ten years since Sun Quan took the throne!

Considering that what Lu Xun was talking about was Sun Shao, Tai Shixiang, and his wife Sun Ru, this topic is extremely sensitive.

And often in Soochow, those who are involved in these or know some rumors often remain silent on this topic and remain tight-lipped!

The same was true for Lu Xun yesterday and the day before yesterday. He still hesitated again and again... and did not confess the truth.

But today, he completely figured it out.

There is no point in holding on to these truths anymore.

From the moment he broke with Sun Quan, the truth was destined to surface.

Regarding Sun Ce's death, the official statement is that he was assassinated by Xu Gong's three disciples;

As for the deaths of Zhou Yu and Tai Shici, the official statement is exactly the same - they died of illness;

But actually…

The assassination was true, and the death from illness was true, but this process was full of cunning tricks and conspiracies...

The origin of all this begins with the attack on Lujiang County by Sun Ce and Sun Bofu, the little overlord of Jiangdong who was still serving Yuan Shu.

Not to mention, the governor of Lujiang was Lu Kang, the third eldest son of the Lu family. Sun Ce captured Lujiang and killed half of the Lu family.

Just talking about the so-called spoils after conquering Lujiang, including Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao from Lujiang Wan County!

The world only knows that there are two Qiaos in Jiangdong, Zhen Miqiao in Hebei.

It is known that after the defeat of Lujiang, the "beautiful" Sun Ce and the "beautiful Zhou Lang" Zhou Yu took Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao as their concubines, but few people know that at that time, Sun Ce, who was his favorite brother and a madman, also made the decision. The most beautiful "step trainer" among the "trophies" was taken to Jiangdong and betrothed to Sun Quan.

In his early years, Sun Quan was very fond of Bu Lianshi because he didn't like his first wife, Mrs. Xie.

All stories begin with the capture of Lujiang, and with Sun Ce, Zhou Yu, and Sun Quan recruiting Da Qiao, Xiao Qiao, and Bu Lianshi respectively.

After getting married, Sun Ce and Zhou Yu soon joined the battle in Jiangdong.

It is no exaggeration to say that in order to get rid of Yuan Shu's control, Sun Ce spared no effort. The entire six counties of Jiangdong were fought by him and Huaisi's civil and military forces with swords and guns. Their hands were stained with the blood of the major clans in Jiangdong.

The major families surrendered on the surface, but the hatred in their hearts remained.

But Sun Ce never cared about this. He just wanted to use his domineering and bravery to make these big families surrender completely and shut their mouths forever.


At that time, Sun Quan had already seen the hidden dangers of his eldest brother's bloody suppression...

Hatred cannot be suppressed by tyranny. Hatred will penetrate deep into the soil like a root...and then sprout even greater hatred!

Therefore, for the sake of the Sun family's foundation, Sun Quan began to contact these aristocratic families in Soochow when he was fifteen years old.

Whenever Sun Ce was in conflict with these powerful clans, it was Sun Quan who came forward to make peace...

Sun Quan can always come up with solutions acceptable to both parties.

Gradually, these wealthy families in Soochow began to express their opinions.

——Even if the Sun family is destined to rule Jiangdong, they still hope that Sun Quan will rule.

It's easy to understand.

If Sun Ce's powerful faction and the Huaisi people are invaders, then Sun Quan is more like a person who can maintain the stability of Jiangdong. People who can consider and weigh from the perspective of big families like them can check and balance it, so that all parties can A person who is satisfied with all the forces!

Of course, Sun Quan only listened to these words and did not take them seriously.

Next, three major events happened in Soochow. To be precise, Sun Ce killed three important people regardless of the dissuasion of the wealthy family, civil and military officials, and the common people...

One is Xu Gong, who is in Wu Ying but his heart is in Cao;

The second is the demagogue Taoist Yu Ji;

The third is Gao Dai, a hermit from Yuyao, Jiangdong;

Xu Gong died because he secretly communicated with Cao Cao and his memorial to the court was intercepted by Sun Ce;

Yu Ji died because he incited the people and deceived people's hearts;

Gao Dai died because Sun Ce felt that this man looked down on him!

At this point, Lu Xun began to shake his head. It was obvious that there was a huge hidden secret in this.

He changed the subject and spoke in a serious tone: "Xu Gong, Yu Ji, Gao Dai... It seems that the cause of death is clear, but in fact... At that time, the big Soochow families, including our Lu family, had already started plotting to get rid of them. Sun Ce...supported Sun Quan to ascend to power!"


Xu Gong wrote a letter to Cao Cao, saying that Sun Ce was the most brave in the world, and if he allowed his power to grow, he would eventually become a big trouble...

He even proposed that Cao Cao summon Sun Ce to the capital by imperial order. Once Sun Ce disobeyed the order, it would be tantamount to resisting the order.

There will be warlords and generals in Jiangdong who follow the emperor's orders and rebel against Sun Ce. Jiangdong, which has been unified by Sun Ce, will fall into division again, and Cao Cao can benefit from it.

I have to say that this letter from Xu Gong is a poisonous plan...

But why did this memorial fall into Sun Ce's hands?

Why was it so careless and such a coincidence?

This is because it was the wealthy people in Wu County who leaked the "report" after getting the news. They made a plan to force Sun Ce to kill the famous scholar Xu Gong!

Sun Ce chilled the hearts of all Jiangdong celebrities.

As for Yu Ji, he incited the people and confused their hearts...

This is no longer a matter of one or two days.

During the Yellow Turban Uprising, Yu Ji was preaching in Jiangdong. Although he was not a Yellow Turban Army, it was pretty much the same... After more than ten years, he is still doing this in Jiangdong as usual? And be supported by all people?

Why did it suddenly hit Sun Ce's gun?

This was also a plan jointly arranged by the four major families to let Sun Ce kill Yu Ji, so that Sun Ce and the Huai Si expedition faction completely lost the support of the people.

There is also the famous celebrity Gao Dai, which is even more coincidental.

There is a clear record in the history books that someone deliberately created a misunderstanding between him and Sun Ce.

First, he told Sun Ce, "Gao Dai thinks that you are more than capable in martial arts but not in literary talent. If you tell him Zuo Zhuan, and he replies that he doesn't understand, it means he looks down on you!"

He also told Gao Dai that Sun Ce was a man who disliked others surpassing him. If he asks you about "Zuo Zhuan", you just say you don't know. This is what he wants. It would be dangerous if you had a difficult debate with him! "

So Sun Ce and Gao Dai discussed "Zuo Zhuan", and Gao Dai repeatedly replied that he didn't know or didn't understand.

Sun Ce thought Gao Dai looked down on him, so he got angry and first arrested him, and then killed him!

Everything is a conspiracy!

"Alas..." Lu Xun let out a long sigh, "A famous celebrity, a Taoist beloved by the people, and a respected hermit, their death is enough to set off the entire Jiangdong movement against Sun Ce and the conquest of Huaisi. Denounce... Next, capture the thief and capture the king, and the only thing left is to get rid of Sun Ce!"

"So, the four major families in Wujun, 'Gu, Lu, Zhu, and Zhang', and the four major families in Kuaiji, 'Yu, Wei, Kong, and Xie', worked together to formulate a plan. We relied on our relationship with Sun Quan and pretended to be Sun Quan... to let him reveal it. Exit Sun Ce's marching route, and ask Sun Quan to write a letter to arrange an appointment with Sun Ce alone in the suburbs..."

Speaking of this, Sun Shao quickly asked: "Sun Quan is my father's biological brother. Blood is thicker than water. If he harms his brother like this, will he do what you, a wealthy family, say?"

Sun Shao and Tai Shixiang had never heard of this matter, and even Sun Ru didn't know that there were so many hidden secrets behind her father's death.

It is true that Sun Ru was in some pain because her husband Lu Xun's hands were stained with blood because of her father's death.

But she knew better that when her father conquered Soochow in the past, countless wealthy clans were massacred by his father, and even half of Boyan's clan members died at the hands of his father.

Boyan couldn't help himself, and among the four major families in Wu County, the leader of the Lu family, Lu Jixin, died at that time, and half of the Lu family had lost their lives. Boyan was so young, so what qualifications did he have to dominate all this?

Lu Xun said calmly: "Yes! Because the four major families in Wu County controlled the Bu Trainer, and the Bu Trainer at that time was still pregnant with an heir... In addition, what the four major families in Wu County told Sun Quan was not To assassinate Sun Ce, they want Sun Quan to make an appointment with Sun Ce on their behalf, meet and have a good chat, and resolve the hatred between the Sun family and the major clans... Of course, this is just words to deceive Sun Quan!"

Sun Shao's left hand was held on his right wrist, his expression was quite peaceful, but his face was pale and he was breathing heavily.

Tai Shixiang still looked as usual, cold and cold, with no emotion in his eyes. He didn't even forget to add a sentence.

"At that time, Sun Zhongmou had long been involved with the four major families. He had his own power and his own supporters. If he said that he did not know the intentions of the four major families at all, and if he said that he had no intention of harming his brother, I, Tai Shixiang, would categorically reject it. Those who don’t believe it.”

"Anyway..." Lu Xun raised the teacup, and his voice came slowly through the cold tea, "In short, Sun Ce was assassinated by Xu Gong's three disciples, but among them, including us Lu Within the family, all four major families in Wu County were involved... From then on, Sun Quan became the leader supported by the major families in Wu County, and became the general who suppressed the captives of the tens of thousands of Sun family troops..."

When he said this, Lu Xun paused for a moment, and he pondered deeply before continuing.

"On the other hand, Sun Quan has always had some kind of agreement with our four major families in Wu County and the four major families in Kuaiji. This agreement is not a contract on paper, but more like an unwritten agreement, or in other words, it is made by some people He must sacrifice his life in exchange for the unstinting support of Sun Quan, the great clan like us!"

"And this agreement is to bloodbath those people from the Huaisi Expedition who once followed Sun Ce and whose hands are stained with the blood of Jiangdong clan members!"

Following Lu Xun's words, he blurted out.

Sun Shao, Sun Ru, and Tai Shixiang were stunned on the spot.

Just at this moment, the night wind outside the window was so strong that it extinguished the candles in the house, bringing the ultimate "darkness" and "quietness" wherever the wings of night covered them.

Wait until Lu Xun lights the candle again...

Sun Shao, Sun Ru, and Tai Shixiang all seemed to understand.


Whether it’s Xu Kun, Sun Quan’s cousin and father-in-law, or his uncle Wu Jing;

Whether it is Sun Yi, Sun Quan’s third younger brother, or Taishi Ci, who rules the entire southern part of Yangzhou;

Whether it is his eldest cousin Sun Bi, or Zhou Yu and Zhou Gongjin who rose to fame in the Battle of Chibi, or Cheng Pu who was inexplicably deprived of military power and placed in Jiangxia south of the Yangtze River for retirement... as well as the two people who found out the correspondence with Cao Cao Cousin Sun Fu!

Why did they die? Why was he deposed? Why are you out?

This is because they all once bloody suppressed the Soochow clan together with Sun Ce, and their hands are covered with the blood of these clans!

Sun Ru tried hard not to associate her father's death with Boyan, she just said lightly.

"No wonder, at that time Zhang Zhao and Zhang Changshi supported his third uncle Sun Yi as the leader of Jiangdong... He also said that his third uncle was more like his father. It seems that he is not like his father, but that the faction supported by his third uncle is the same as his father's! No wonder, Since Sun Quan succeeded to the throne, my mother and younger brother were sent to Jiaozhou and imprisoned... No wonder so many turmoils occurred in Jiangdong in the past ten years and so many people died!"

Following Sun Ru's words, Sun Shao and Tai Shixiang's eyes narrowed deeply.

Lu Xun's words were just as they had always believed, those "generals" and "important ministers" were really killed by Sun Quan.

As for the reason…

Sun Quan is completely different from his brother Sun Ce. Sun Ce's attack on Jiangdong relied on having the blood of those noble families on his hands.

But the stability of Sun Quan's position relied on the support of aristocratic families like Soochow.

This is completely different at a strategic level.

And these big families, after they gained power, did not forget their hatred.

Sun Quan's agreement with them explains everything.

——They can accept Sun Quan and the Huaisi people being in power.

——But we can’t forgive those Huaisi people who once had their hands stained with the blood of their people and bloody suppressed them to survive in this world!

"I finally know..." Tai Shixiang said with emotion: "The same Huaisi faction... why are they divided into the Huaisi expedition faction headed by Zhou Yu and the Huaisi exile faction headed by Lu Su... The difference between them lies in whether Stained with the blood of members of the Kodong family!"

Lu Xun nodded, agreeing with Tai Shixiang's words.

In fact, there is nothing more to say next.

From motives, from support behind, from factional struggles, from checks and balances...

From all dimensions, it can be determined that "these people" died in the hands of Sun Quan.

"In the past two days, I haven't told you all the truth because..." Lu Xun's eyes turned to Sun Ru, "My Lu Xun's hands, or the hands of the Lu family in Wu County are not clean, and I am worried that I will tell the truth. Later, my wife will be prejudiced against me!"

"It's not your fault..." Before Lu Xun could finish speaking, Sun Ru interrupted: "I was not married to Boyan at that time, and Boyan was just the acting patriarch of the Lu family, and he was still young... Besides, his father also killed He has killed more than half of the Lu family... At the level of the four major families, Boyan can't change anything."

Lu Xun was moved by Sun Ru's words. He pondered for a moment, and then he opened his mouth and said, "If Sun Quan hadn't instructed Lu Meng to stab me in the back, then I would have kept this secret deep in my heart forever, and would not have revealed it no matter what the coercion or inducement." …but now…”

"I see... I see..." Sun Shao was already a little excited.

He went over Lu Xun's words completely in his mind.


Now I understand everything and all the doubts have been solved.

Sun Shao raised his head to meet Lu Xun's tired eyes, and asked: "Brother-in-law, I want to thank you. I want to thank you on behalf of my mother, on behalf of my sister, and on behalf of all the people in Jiangdong. It was you who made this truth come to light... Let Sun Quan’s shameless behavior come to light!”

Speaking of this, Sun Shao's tone became more serious.

"As my sister said, this has nothing to do with you. Our only enemy is Sun Quan. It was he who chose to kill and depose the brothers who followed his father. It was he who dyed the blood of Soochow completely red. It was also he who chose to please Wu Commandery. The great family, all the killings... If there is one person who should be responsible, who should bear our resentment, who should die... then... that must be Sun Quan!"

Sun Shao said this...

Tai Shixiang nodded heavily. He did not speak, but his expression and movements showed that he was determined to continue on the path of destroying "Sun Quan"!

Of course Lu Xun understood their determination. He stood up slowly, looked deeply at Sun Ru, and then walked to the window to look at the dark sky.

He still had something to say...but he had said enough for today.

"What are you going to do next, brother-in-law? Why don't you... join us, Hongyan, and let's overthrow the rule of Sun Quan! Let the evildoers be punished!"

Sun Shao suddenly suggested.

『——Hongyan? 』

Lu Xun hesitated for a moment, but shook his head deeply, "Listen to my advice, Sun Quan may not be good at commanding troops in battle, but his scheming, his tactics, his checks and balances, his mental skills... are far more powerful than You are a hundred times more powerful and a hundred times more ruthless than you imagine... Hongyan alone, without other external support, confronting Sun Quan is no less than digging a grave for himself!"

"That brother-in-law? What are your plans?"

Sun Shao asked this again.

Lu Xun said quietly, "How do I have any choice now? My plan, haha..."

At this point, he showed a bit of self-mockery in his words: "My plan should be someone... I hope my plan is——"

This person naturally refers to Guan Lin.

Lu Xun's eyes showed the same "wiseness" as always.

Since the fire that Sun Quan ordered Lu Meng to start, he, Lu Xun, these 30,000 Lu family troops, and the 100,000 Lu family members and family members who are still far away in Wu County...

Their wealth and life, their happiness, misfortune and well-being... it is no longer up to him, Lu Xun, to decide!



A deep sigh resounded from Lu Xun's heart.

He also wants to know, next... what will he and Lu Jiajun do?

What can I do——

But it was Sun Ru who suddenly thought of something because of her husband's words.

Her pupils widened, and she looked at her beloved brother, "Bo Yan just said that if there is no support behind Hongyan, it will be like a fly shaking the tree and digging his own grave! But..."

Sun Ru pursed her lips and suppressed her emotions, "Who said there is no support behind Hongyan? If he...he can support Hongyan!"

"Him?" Sun Shao and Tai Shixiang looked confused.

Sun Ru said firmly, "It's Guan Lin, Guan Yunqi, the Fourth Young Master of Guan. mother is in Jiangling, under his protection. If it weren't for fate, how could I have met my mother?"

Sun Ru looked at Lu Xun, "Sooner or later, Boyan is going to defect to the Fourth Young Master Guan. How about Hongyan also defecting to the Fourth Young Master Guan? How about dealing with that Sun Quan, if it is him... he will definitely be more confident!"

——‘Guan Si Gongzi? 』

At this moment, Sun Shao and Tai Shixiang looked at each other...

What the gleam in their eyes reveals is:

——"As long as Sun Quan's reputation can be ruined, as long as he can be punished for his evil deeds... As for who is defecting? Not important at all! 』

at this time.

A knock on the door sounded.

"General Lu, Mr. Yunqi has brought a letter, an open letter and a pressed letter..."

It’s Han Xuan…

Even though he is separated by a door, even though he is over sixty years old, his voice is still loud and sonorous.

"From now on, I also have two identities. One is the identity sent by Mr. Yunqi to help General Lu rescue one hundred thousand tribesmen, and the other is the messenger who negotiates with General Lu on behalf of the Sun Liu Alliance!"

"Haha... I should be able to save my nose and ears!"

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