Three Kingdoms: The Reverse Son of the Guan Family, Dragon Blessing Jingxiang

Chapter 259 The light of righteousness shines on the vast land

Jiaozhou, Yulin, the prison room in Bushan City.

The torch exploded into a lantern, and a fierce light flashed in Shi Hui's eyes.

He said to Lu Xun coldly.

"General Lu, there is a saying in the Tao Te Ching, 'The wind will not last until the morning, and the rain will not last all day.' No matter how strong the wind is, it will not blow for a whole morning; no matter how strong the rainstorm is, it will not last for a whole day." God, when you attacked my Jiaozhou and slaughtered my people, did you ever think that one day you would fall into the hands of our scholar family?"

"The winner is the king, the loser is the bandit...why say more?" Lu Xun was tied up, and his legs were still numb. He needed treatment, but in the current situation, let alone treatment, he was afraid that he was about to receive a more brutal punishment.

"Blood for blood, tooth for tooth. If you fall into my hands today, don't blame me for being cruel."

Listening to Shi Hui's words, Lu Xun just stared at him, helpless.

"Someone is coming..."

Just as Shi Hui was about to give the order, Lu Xun asked tremblingly, "Can you tell me, where is my wife? Where is my son? And...and the patriarch of my Lu family, he still alive?" "

"Your son is in another torture chamber!" Shi Hui looked at Lu Xun jokingly, like a big villain, and kept laughing wildly, "Haha, what about Lu Ji? What kind of pacer general is he like of yours? All the same, he was smashed into flesh by stones, and some of your Lu family members have already recognized him... As for your wife... Well..."

Shi Hui deliberately hesitated to speak. He was provoking Lu Xun.

"What are you going to do? What are you going to do to my wife?"

"You should take care of yourself first!" Shi Hui ordered: "Come here, twenty sticks!"

The expressionless torturer came over to drag Lu Xun away. Lu Xun waved his hand in disgust, "Don't touch me!"

He suppressed the pride in his heart and the coming humiliation and resentment. He knew that resistance was futile. He slowly leaned down on the ground. The torturers on both sides lifted up his robe and raised their sticks to Lu Xun's body. Knocked down on hip and leg.

Although Lu Xun was not pampered, he was still a noble son. It was his first time to undergo such a physical torture. His leg was numb, and the other one was sore with beads of sweat rolling down his forehead.

He could only grit his teeth and said nothing. The twenty sticks were quickly finished, and there was already a blood stain behind Lu Xun.

The torturer walked away, Lu Xun breathed deeply, knelt down with the trembling support of the wall, and stood up again with difficulty. He looked at Shi Hui coldly.

This obviously did not achieve the effect Shi Hui hoped for.

You must know that after the war between Jiaozhou and the Lu family, the Lu family's army fought and won consecutively, and more than a few thousand Jiaozhou soldiers died at the hands of Lu Xun. Shi Hui wanted to avenge them today.

"These twenty sticks are just for General Lu to have a taste and understand that we in Jiaozhou are not easy to bully. Now you know how hard I waited?"

"Your giant crossbow that can shoot eight hundred steps? Where did it come from?" Lu Xun asked, holding back the pain.

"What?" Shi Hui was startled.

Lu Xun smiled lightly, "How could you, Jiaozhou, be so capable? It must be...Huang Laoxie who created such a magical weapon? Right? Right?"

Lu Xun's eyes were sharp, and his words shocked Shi Hui.

Shi Hui suppressed his anger after being seen through and sneered: "General Lu is really admirable. Now that he is in prison, he can still worry about these things? But now that you have fallen into our hands? Can you still get out alive? ?”

"Just think that I want to be a sensible person..." Lu Xun met Shi Hui's stern gaze directly, and he said calmly: "It's not just a giant crossbow? Even... even captured Lu Ji and used him to threaten me, It’s also... that Huang Lao’s cult taught you, right?”

Shi Hui's face turned green. He did not dare to expose the relationship between Guan Lin and Huang Laoxie. He said coldly: "At this time, if you are still talking so fast, it's no wonder that my heart is as iron and my hatred is as strong as a furnace. This person... Hang him up, whip him, and let him talk nonsense!”

Not long after...

There was a crisp sound of whipping in the execution chamber.

Heavy clouds billowed in the sky, the sky darkened, and the muffled thunder could be heard faintly.

"Ah sneeze——"

Not far away, Shi Xie and Shi were on the official road. They had received the news that Yu Lin was guarding and the enemy general Lu Xun was captured alive...

This gave them a brief sigh of relief.

He was amazed at the power of the Eight Bull Crossbow.

I also lamented that the war in Jiaozhou was finally over in stages. was just a moment.

Shibian felt something was wrong, and suddenly thought of a bad thing.

——"This boy Shi Hui won't beat Lu Xun to death, right?" 』


This Lu Xun was Guan Lin's important person. He was lucky not to die on the battlefield or under the crossbow bolts of the Eight Ox Crossbow, but he must not be beaten to death!

Considering the hatred between Shijia and Lu Xun, this possibility exists!

"Ah sneeze..."

Thinking of this, Shi Xie sneezed again.

The scholar quickly urged, "Hurry, faster!"

At dusk, Mi Fang directed a group of coolies to move stones on the tower of Jiangling City.

Everyone, including Mi Fang, was in ragged clothes...covered in mud. It was obvious that the task of building a new city in Jiangling City was not an easy one.

Money, manpower, geographical environment, city design and planning, city structure, defense...

Weather, time, natural disasters, water supply and drainage systems, road facilities, foundation structure, waterproofing, zoning...

After all, Mi Fang, the governor of Jiangling City and a shrewd businessman, felt overwhelmed for a while. He had to do many things by himself in order to understand the specific problems? How to speed up the construction period. If it is built it is impregnable.

Speaking of which, after the matter of selling "blood is not wet" to the north was handed over to Fu Shiren, Mi Fang finally had the energy to build this new city in Jiangling City.

Of course, the abundance of gold on Guan Lin's side is also an essential condition.

Mi Fang raised her head, looked at the sky, wiped her sweat, and there were tears in her eyes, which was the standard mixture of pain and happiness. "Hurry, let's see if the weather can last another hour, so work harder. Dinner will be served in an hour."

Mi Fang showed rare persistence and city-building talent. For ten consecutive days, the construction of Jiangling City's new city progressed rapidly.

At this moment, after Mi Fang had just directed a wave of coolies to move the stones, a clerk under Mi Fang quietly walked behind him.

"Prefect Mi?"

"What?" Mi Fang recognized this clerk, who was responsible for the purchase of stones for the city's construction, and who was regarded as Mi Fang's confidant.

"Ahem..." The clerk coughed softly, and then lowered his voice, "The batch of stones that Prefect Mi was interested in before cost a full fifty thousand gold... It's too expensive, even if the Fourth Young Master Guan has a cornucopia, You can’t waste it like this. Yesterday, I found a batch of slightly inferior quality ones. They look exactly the same as the original ones. If..."

At this point, the clerk's words stopped abruptly...

Mi Fang's eyes were fixed. He took a step closer to the clerk and lowered his voice, "What do you mean? Changed this batch of stones?"

"Yes!" The civil servant nodded repeatedly, "In this case, wouldn't the extra 20,000 gold go into Prefect Mi's own pocket? Even the little one... also..."

The clerk showed an expression of envy at the sight of money and looked at Mi Fang with joy.

In his view, it was absolutely impossible for Mi Taishou, who was always greedy for money and profit, to give up such a cost-effective business.


A strange thing happened. Mi Fang was still laughing at first, but at the end of the day, his expression turned cold.

"How dare you—"

Mi Fang's eyes widened, and he said loudly: "Is it all my fault for enriching my own pockets? If I didn't deal with you, everyone would still think that I, Mi Fang, am a greedy person who is eager for quick success..."

Uh... after hearing Mi Fang's words, the civil servants were stunned.

A word subconsciously rose in his mind.

——'Prefect Mi, aren't you? 』

"Someone is coming."

Before the official could figure it out, Mi Fang shouted.

"Prefect Mi." Immediately, several guards rushed over.

Mi Fang pointed at the official's nose and said, "This man is trying to trick this prefect into cutting corners on the stone materials for building the city, so as to line his own pockets. How can this be unreasonable? Take him down, and behead him at noon tomorrow as a warning to others!"


Mi Fang's words made these guards confused. It was indeed a serious crime to confuse the prefect, but it didn't mean... just beheading him in public, right?

How do these guards know what Mi Fang is thinking?

Damn it, what is the purpose of building Jiangling and Changsha new cities?

That was to guard against the sneak attacks of the shameless Jiangdong Biyaner and the backstabbing of those rats.

Mi Fang is a vengeful person.

Even though they are thousands of miles apart, even after so much time, Mi Fang's hatred for Sun Quan and Soochow has not diminished, it is still enough to melt everything!

Is this new city about preventing these rats? How could he, Mi Fang, cut corners?

Even if the money is not enough, it is no exaggeration to say that he, Mi Fang, can make up for it with any extra money.

This is one of them.

Secondly, you must know that 80% of the income of this new city now belongs to his Mi Fang's "good third brother" Guan Lin.

And 30% of it belonged to Mi Fang. If this was a project that was about to collapse, was it someone else who was being tricked? The one who cheated was Mi Fang himself...

Cutting corners, Mi Fang always felt like someone was stealing his money and challenging his majesty!

Therefore, when the clerk said that corners were cut and materials were cut, three words popped into Mi Fang's mind:

——"Your sister's"

Even if we take another ten thousand steps back, according to Guan Lin's idea, after the new city is built, Mianshui Villa, as well as a large number of workshops, even the 'blood is not wet' production workshop, will be moved to In this new city.

What if the new city is lost? much will Mi Fang lose? This number is unimaginable.

It is precisely because of this, whether it is from face or from inside...

Mi Fang must punish this civil servant severely to set an example and see who dares to touch the money for building the city...

Damn it, don’t treat him like a pet, not as solid food!

"What? What I said doesn't work anymore?"

Seeing that the guard didn't respond, Mi Fang raised her voice...

At this time, the guards quickly handed over their hands and then dragged the civil servant down to the city tower. The civil servant was still stunned at first. It was not until he was dragged to the city ladder that he realized belatedly that a disaster was coming...

He shouted hysterically: "Prefect Mi... Prefect Mi..."

"Prefect you hear that clearly? This is a good did you change? How did you become such a person!"


Listening to this voice, Mi Fang just felt like laughing.

He raised his head in a dignified manner and said loudly: "I have always put justice first, and I have always been a person with noble sentiments who sacrificed his family for the sake of everyone!"

"How can I, the prefect, be complicit in this kind of sneaky and sneaky behavior? Huh, if you find one of them, I will deal with it and I will definitely kill you!"

For a moment, even if it was dusk, Youzi's light of righteousness was about to fall on the earth!

At this moment, another guard reported: "Prefect Mi, Mr. Yunqi has brought a surrendered general named Hao Zhao to watch the construction of the new city..."

"Hao Zhao?" Mi Fang sighed, and he quickly remembered, "Isn't that the governor of the captives who married the daughter of the Pang and Xi families? Why...why did Yun Qi bring him to see this? He Do you know how to build a city?"

Although she had such doubts, Mi Fang still gave orders quickly.

"Quick, lead the way from the front!"

Mi Fang seemed a little nervous, not because of Hao Zhao, you know... Guan Lin is the sponsor of the new city!

The sponsor came to inspect, which is a big deal for the project.

As for Mi Fang’s doubts:

——Hao Zhao, does he know how to build a city?


According to the original historical records, there were only two cities that were easy to defend and difficult to attack during the Three Kingdoms era.

——Jiangling City, Chencang City!

Among them, Jiangling City is easy to defend and difficult to attack because the new city built by Guan Yu has an extremely solid foundation;

As for Chencang City... From the inside to the outside, from top to bottom, it was all built under the coordination of Hao Zhao. It was called "Chencang Lower City" or "Han Chencang City" in history.

Is Gangneung City tough? You have to ask about Cao Ren, who was humiliated when Cao Pi made three expeditions against Wu...

And Zhu Ran, who guarded Jiangling and shocked Cao Wei in one battle!

One more thing, Zhu Ran's word means "Feng"!

Is Chencangcheng tough? Let's ask Zhuge Liang, who led the attack with 30,000 troops. Ask Zhuge Liang, why did he fail to capture Chencang City in more than 20 days when faced with a garrison of more than 1,000 people?

Jiangling City and Chencang City are both hard, but which one is harder? It seems... Hao Zhao's Chen Cangcheng has to be even better!


Over there, Hao Zhao followed Guan Lin to see the drawings of the entire new city. After the construction progress, he immediately sighed.

"Surrounded by water on both sides, the old and new cities complement each other, and the design is ingenious... The enemy needs to attack the city twice if they want to attack Jiangling. This is undoubtedly twice the difficulty, but..."

After feeling the ingenuity of the construction of Jiangling City's new city, Hao Zhao immediately put forward a new view to Guan Lin, "However, I have a method that will increase the cost of construction but make it more difficult for the enemy to attack the city. Times, becomes four times!”


Hao Zhao's words made Guan Lin slightly startled.

He doesn't know what the so-called double difficulty, quadruple difficulty...

He only had one feeling. With Hao Zhao, a top city builder and defender, he would be twice as happy!

Now, judging by this, Hao Zhao is extremely enthusiastic about the construction of Jiangling City New City and can't wait to join in it. In Guan Lin's opinion, this is four times the joy!

Guan Lin stretched out his hand and said, "Bo Daodan said it doesn't matter, money is not an issue..."

Having said this, Guan Lin suddenly had an idea in his mind.

Why are you suddenly looking forward to Soochow's backstab?

So the question is, what if Soochow's back thorn stabs the iron plate? What would be the consequences?

Does it hurt?

Inside the execution chamber.

Lu Xun's arms were hung from the beam, and his clothes were torn to pieces by the whip. Blood stains oozed out. The skin on his back was already torn. He was about to faint, but the whip was still being beaten down.

The clerk who took the note frowned at the out-of-control scene and said, "Sir, he fainted, or..."

Shi Hui must keep Lu Xun's mouth shut. He cannot allow the matter of "Jiaozhou purchasing ordnance from Huang Laoxie" to be exposed, let alone Huang Laoxie's identity being exposed because of his Shi Hui.

Therefore, Shi Hui was determined to let Lu Xun die in an extremely humiliating and painful way.

"Wake up——"

The executioner also felt a little guilty and looked at Shi Hui without taking any action.

The official said: "One of the regulations promulgated by the seven county governors in Jiaozhou states that the number of whippings cannot exceed a hundred in a day, and the prisoner will stop fainting!"

Shi Hui said coldly: "My father is too kind. Otherwise, he would have met the noble man long ago. How could we allow this Soochow to ride on our heads for so long? You guys woke him up..."

at this time.

A bucket of water was poured over, and Lu Xun slowly opened his eyes. He was extremely weak, but the eyes he looked at Shi Hui were full of teasing and contempt.

"You relied on, relied on Huang Laoxie to have a beat me by luck. You...are you proud...what are you proud of?"

The more Lu Xun said this, the more Shi Hui felt powerless and afraid...

He said coldly: "Do you believe that I dedicated your wife to Huang Laoxie——"

"How dare you—" Lu Xun stared at him with eyes split open.

Shi Hui still wants to fight...

"Stop!" A strong and powerful voice came out...

Shi Hui turned around and was surprised to see his father Shi Xie...

He exclaimed, "Dad? Why are you here?"

"If I don't come, you will cause a big disaster." Shi Xie glared at his son fiercely, but soon his eyes became loose. He knew... This is not his son's fault. The hatred between the Shi family and the Lu family , it has been formed since the Guanshan Stone Cave in Changsha County...until death!

If it weren't for... Master Yun Qi, Shi Xie would have dealt with Lu Xun so cruelly.

"Send Mr. Lu down and ask the doctor to diagnose and treat him..."

Shi Xie's words shocked Shi Hui and also shocked Lu Xun.

Especially Lu Xun, after being briefly surprised, he thought of something even more terrifying.

——"The scholar family killed me and still doesn't understand the hatred?" Are they going to... kill my entire Lu family? They...they are so cruel-"

Lu Xun wanted to ask...but his current weak body made it impossible for him to open his mouth.

Not long after, Lu Xun was led down...

Shi Hui asked his father in confusion, "Dad...he...he is our enemy!"

"But he is also the person that Mr. Yunqi wants!" Shi Xie's words leave no room for doubt... "No one is allowed to touch this Lu Xun. After the doctor recovers, we will pay for him and then let him go, along with everyone in the Lu family." !”


Shi Hui was stunned. He opened his mouth and wanted to persuade his father...but because of the four words "Master Yunqi", any words of dissuasion seemed pale and weak at this moment.

"Master Yun Qi, why...why do you want him Lu Xun?" Shi Hui asked next.

"This is 30,000 Lu family troops!" Shi Xie said with emotion: "Besides, do you really think that if you kill Lu Xun, we can have peace in Jiaozhou? Young Master Yunqi is helping Jiaozhou!"

Shi Xie's words made Shi Hui tremble, and he thought of a terrible thing.

Sun Ce was assassinated by assassins because he killed too many wealthy clans in Jiangdong.

The Lu family is a powerful family in Wu County. If Lu Xun is really killed by his Shi Hui, then...then...I am afraid that the disaster between him and Jiaozhou has just begun.

Considering this, Young Master Yunqi accepted Lu Xun and this Lu family army was the best destination.

Shi Hui was thinking of the first level...

Shi Yi was older. He was stroking his beard and meditating. He had already thought of the second level.

——"The Lu family army was defeated, the supervisor Bu Zhao died, the nominal leader Lu Ji died, but Lu Xun was released by us? This...hehe, this is too coincidental, right? 』

Shi Yiba smacked his lips, and his eyes gradually narrowed, as if he understood the situation.

This Young Master Yun Qi set up the game early!

Lu Xun was destined to abandon Wu and surrender to Shu!

Shi Yi smacked his lips again.

——"Both Lu Xun and Lu Jiajun have no choice. Young Master Yun Qi's hard to get, how clever!" 』

——"Fortunately, he is a friend of lucky!" 』

The morning light was dim and the weather was still a bit cold. Sun Ru, who was released first, stood outside Busan City in the wind, looking at the gate...

The wind blew her sleeves, making them look so thin and desolate.

Lu Yan came to her side and said, "Mother, please go to the carriage first. I'll just wait for my father outside."

Sun Ru's tone was like a child's, "The clan members have been released, why hasn't Boyan come back yet? Do you want... do you want to send someone to ask?"

"Father has an injury on his leg, so he is expected to have difficulty moving." Lu Yan consoled him, "If Jiaozhou really wants to embarrass the Lu family, there is no reason to let us go and only keep father."

"Maybe I'm unfounded..." Sun Ru pursed her lips, "I didn't feel anything in prison, but when I suddenly came out, I always felt... like something was going to happen!"

The words just fell.

The silent door, like a giant beast dormant, opened with a creaking sound, and a carriage walked out. The groom was a member of the Lu Family Army. There were dry food, water, and medicinal materials in the carriage...

Apart from that, Lu Xun was lying there.

"Madam, General Lu is inside..." the groom quickly reminded when he saw Sun Ru.

Sun Ru and Lu Yan quickly entered the carriage...

But seeing Lu Xun at this moment, he was covered in injuries. He closed his eyes, and his tears were like a broken bead chain, pouring out with "pat, pat"...

This was the first time for Sun Ru and Lu Yan to see Lu Xun like this.

"Bo Yan, Boyan..." Sun Ru quickly whispered Lu Xun's name.

Lu Xun was not unconscious, but he was too shrewd and wise, so wise that he had already seen the future and seen through everything.

"Why? Why don't you kill me-"

Lu Xun was crying and murmuring: "If you let me go, if you let me go, then the whole Lu family...Then the whole Lu family will be finished, it will be finished -"

"It's all over -"

At this moment, Lu Xun's face full of sadness was filled with six characters:


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