Three Kingdoms: The Reverse Son of the Guan Family, Dragon Blessing Jingxiang

Chapter 232 Zhang Fei: Stand back, my son-in-law is going to start showing off!

Clan of the Han Dynasty.

No, to be precise, it was Liu Ye, the scum of the Han Dynasty.

After the "Belt Edict" incident, Liu Ye, who supervised the execution of Dong Cheng's family on behalf of Cao Cao;

In the Battle of Guandu, Liu Ye provided a thunderbolt chariot to help Cao Cao defeat Yuan Shao;

Under his persuasion, Liu Xun of Huainan and Zhang Xiu of Wancheng returned to Cao Cao and jointly resisted Yuan's Liu Ye;

According to the original trajectory of history, Liu Ye came to represent Cao Pi to replace the Han Dynasty, and volunteered to pull the sleeves of Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty together with Hua Xin, forcing him to abdicate!

If you look at it from the perspective of Cao Wei, Liu Ye was a veteran of the three dynasties and a loyal minister.

But from the perspective of the Han Dynasty, this Liu Ye was simply a Han clan member and unworthy of being a descendant of Emperor Guangwu Liu Xiu.


In Guan Lin's view.

From the perspective of the general trend of the world, Liu Ye is actually the more sober one than Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang.

The biggest reason why he returned to Cao Cao rather than to Han Dynasty was that he realized that in the last years of the Han Dynasty, the world was in chaos, and it would be difficult to turn the tide...

We also know that in the face of the general trend, Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang are just mantises acting as chariots, and they will eventually be defeated!

The source of all this is that the backbone and faith of the Han family, which Emperor Wu and Emperor Guangwu of the Han Dynasty had finally built up, completely collapsed during the reign of Emperor Huanling.

Liu Bei said: "Why don't you sigh and hate Huan Ling?"

What Liu Bei hated most in his life was not Dong Zhuo or Cao Cao, but the two emperors Huan Ling who caused the collapse of the Han Dynasty!

Isn't this the case for Liu Ye?

However, Liu Bei's choice was to hate while facing the difficulties and clean up the mess left by Emperor Huan Ling.

Liu Ye, on the other hand, chose to go with the flow and follow the trend.

From this perspective, it has nothing to do with's just the collapse of faith, the separation of the Han soul, and personal choice.

And the reason why Guan Lin felt this and wrote the article "Going to Zi to rush for a barbecue"...

It's because, before traveling through time... Guan Lin's faith also briefly collapsed.

It was precisely because of this incident of "going to Zi for a barbecue" that his faith and hope were rekindled.

Once upon a time, before the idea of ​​"going to Zi for a barbecue" appeared, Guan Lin would be prepared to be slaughtered at any time whenever he went out.

"Travel" is almost synonymous with "being ripped off", and "going out to play" and "happiness" are gradually drifting away.

But until this incident occurred, Guan Lin felt that he had seen the light again.

It turns out that there are really people who can take "hospitality to guests" to the extreme, regard "not robbing guests" as a rule, and write the four words "Government and Humanity" on the palm of their hand and imprint it deep in their hearts.

There are indeed cities that are able to stand in the cracks, with limited resources, and with their determination and inspiration, bring hope to the people here and to the people of the entire world!

Isn’t this also true of today’s Han Dynasty?

They stand between the mountains of Cao Wei, struggling to survive, ready to overturn at any time...

Children in the north and central plains know about Cao and Wei, but they no longer know about Han.

Scholars in the north and the Central Plains were proud to be Wei officials and ashamed of Han officials.

The four-hundred-year-old Han Dynasty's deep-rooted imprint of "Destiny is in the Han" in the minds of noble families, scholars, and common people has gradually dissipated in people's hearts.

The appearance of the Second Emperor Huan Ling completely extinguished the flame of hope and faith, and even poured a basin of cold water on it. Are you afraid that the Han Dynasty will "resurgence"?

This is Liu Ye...

This was the reason why a large number of clans from the Central Plains, scholars from the north, and clan members of the Han Dynasty betrayed the Han Dynasty and defected to Cao Wei.

After all...their faith in Han has collapsed, and they have no hope at all!

——"Liu Ye pinned his hopes on Cao Cao!" 』

——"At this point, I really have to learn from Zicheng in the summer of 1898 and the spring of Guimao, how to instill hope and faith into the world and Liu Ye again with limited resources. 』

In later generations, Zicheng moved the world with its "political leadership and people's harmony".

Today's Shu Han is far from being a leader in politics and people.

But Shu Han has a unique romance.

Guan Lin's purpose is to ignite this romance and let the flame of romance ignite Ji Han's hope for ZTE again.

Once upon a time, the vast sea of ​​fire of the big man was no longer there.

But - a single spark can still start a prairie fire!

With this in mind... Guan Lin finally swallowed a mouthful of noodles and stood up. "Old Huang, I've eaten this barbecue and figured things out. I have important things to do tonight, so I won't play chess with you."

As he spoke, Guan Lin stood up and prepared to leave.

Huang Chengyan deliberately showed his displeasure, "That's good for you. You come and leave whenever you want. It's like your own home. Neither my daughter nor my son-in-law can compare to your presumption."

"Haha..." Guan Lin smiled, "When did Lao Huangqian become so stingy? Besides, I really have something to do. I figured it out. I have to work hard and give Liu Ye a good fuck tonight. one class."


Huang Chengyan was slightly startled. He mentioned Guan Lin's new article about "Going to Zi for a Barbecue" and asked, "Is this the reason?"

Guan Lin nodded, "That's right. This article is too advanced. You may not understand it, Old Huang, but... if you look carefully, in fact... the whole article is actually filled with four words!"

"What four words?"

"Faith! Hope——"

Guan Lin's words were precise.

Having said this, he raised his hand quite boldly: "Let's go...Old Huang, please eat slowly and drink less."

While Guan Lin greeted Huang Chengyan, he did not forget to give instructions to his subordinates.

"Tell my father and spread the news that I, Guan Lin, will persuade the enemy generals to surrender tonight at the court of Cao Cao. Any interested civil and military officers can come and have a look. I will give them a try!"

This side…

Guan Lin slowly walked away.

Over there, Huang Chengyan couldn't help but look at Guan Lin's "article" again.

The words in the article came into view one by one.

——"In the summer of the Wuxu year, Ma Gong was appointed as the prefect of Zizhou, and all kinds of businesses were waiting for prosperity. In the spring of the Guimao year... We are in a utilitarian field, but Zizhou, where Kangqu is full of moonlight, has good political leadership and people... Huaijin holds Yu, and banquets with burnt stoves are celebrated. His words and deeds are generous and virtuous, which makes the sea light up. He drives horses and chariots, and all the people come to Zi to roast."

——"Zhou's "Eight Precious Things" have been passed down for hundreds of generations, and today's "Zicheng Food Theory" has continued for thousands of years. There are a lot of delicious food in the world, the soup and the folk customs are harmonious, the bottles are filled with wine, and the people are dancing and singing."

——"Zizhou Prefecture warns the people: The way of heaven is forbidden to be overflowing. First practice diligence and then be humble. First, have an open-minded and bright consciousness, and then have the interest of tranquility and harmony. You can see the skill between advancement and retreat. Therefore, great luck will come out. Jiuzi Lihuo made all the post horses and stars move, the red luan stars merged, Yuan Henry was pure, water and fire were combined, the city's fireworks shot out from the eaves, and thousands of clouds and mountains were seated."

——"This city has worked hard for thousands of years to "Zhi", and once the world knows it, remembering Ma Gong's virtuous virtues, I will never exhaust my kindness, and I will be honored to live in its prosperity! Fortunately, I even sing to celebrate my ambition!"


Huang Chengyan was filled with emotion while reading.

——‘Isn’t it just a barbecue? How could this boy Yun Qi... bewildered that he had written so many words! 』

After reading the last sentence, Huang Chengyan murmured: "Fortunately, the song is about ambition... This article is eloquent and well-written... But how can we see faith? See hope? And... Zizhou Prefecture? Where? Is it Zizhou Prefecture?"

Thinking of this, Huang Chengyan shook his head.

For a moment, countless curiosity arose in his mind as to whether Guan Lin could successfully persuade Liu Ye to surrender.

At night in the Guan family's mansion, an oil lamp that was not extinguished was swaying, and the dim shadow of the lamp reflected Guan Yu's frowning expression.

Zhang Fei stood in front of Guan Yu.

He opened his mouth hurriedly: "Second brother? You should express your opinion on this matter! If you agree, I will go back and tell the eldest brother."

The thing that came out of Zhang Fei's mouth was naturally the engagement between Guan Lin and Zhang Xingcai.

It stands to reason…

The third brother Zhang Fei came to talk about this matter specifically, so Guan Yu shouldn't hesitate, what's more... with this sworn knot in front of Jinlan, and with the addition of a family of sons and daughters, the second and third sons... wouldn't they be more closely related to each other?


"Third brother..." Guan Yu's Danfeng eyes narrowed, "The marriage of children should be decided by the parents and the matchmaker. Xingcai is also a good boy. I am satisfied to be my daughter-in-law, but Yun Qi's words..."

Guan Yu muttered: "You also know Yun Qi's temperament. If Brother Wei says something to the east, he will definitely go to the West. If Brother Wei doesn't say anything about this marriage, he might be able to let nature take its course, but once Brother Wei does, he won't be able to protect this brat. You want to get into a tense situation with me again, saying that I am messing up the rules!"

Zhang Fei couldn't tell what Guan Yu meant.

This brat Guan Lin is special. Others are ordered by their parents to be a matchmaker, but he...hehe, if he doesn't agree, then the marriage won't be settled at all.

"Don't be afraid of this..." Zhang Fei said with a smile: "Second brother, don't worry about this. My wife has been in love with me for a long time... Besides, now I let Xingcai stay by Yunqi's side and protect him. We have been together for a long time. Now, feelings naturally arise. Speaking of which, my wife and I have been in love for a long time. I think back then, I had been with my wife for a month and we were pregnant with the child. Haha, love, love, love. Isn’t that what happened?”


Zhang Fei's words made Guan Yu startled.

Guan Yu didn't even know what to say to Zhang Fei.

Is it innocence?

Still don’t understand it at all!

Can a father send his daughter away like this?

If the Xiahou family's younger siblings knew about it, who knows what kind of trouble would result?

"Third brother... you must at least discuss this matter with your Madam Xiahou. She is Xingcai's mother... her daughter's marriage, she nodded!"

"Second brother, you are overcomplicating things." Zhang Fei waved his hand, "We had a fierce fight with Cao Cao and Xia Houyuan back then, but why didn't I forcefully marry Xia Houyuan's niece? In this matter... where is Xia Houyuan's wife? Agree? According to me, it’s not that complicated at all.”

Guan Yu reminded again. "Marriage is not a trivial matter. At least our eldest brother must nod and Military Advisor Zhuge must know about it."

Zhang Fei scratched his head and said, "I just said that if the eldest brother and the second brother read too much of this book, it will be troublesome... But that's easy to say. I will go back to Chengdu tomorrow. When I get there, I will tell the eldest brother, the military advisor, and My wife, hehe, second brother, next time you come, I am here to receive the betrothal gift."

Zhang Fei looked smiling, but found that his second brother Guan Yu always had a straight face, as if he had something on his mind.

After a quick mental circuit, Zhang Fei scratched his head and added another question, "Second brother, don't you think that my daughter is not worthy of Yun Qi?"


When Zhang Fei asked this, Guan Yu suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

Let's talk about the past, let alone the third brother's daughter, just any woman... If she could marry Yun Qi, a "rebellious son", Guan Yu would burn high incense. This is the virtue accumulated by his ancestors.

But now, Yun Qi has made meritorious deeds again and again, and his actions and resourcefulness have amazed Guan Yu again and again.

Although he still shouted "treason" and "stinky boy" in his mouth, the more he called him like this, the more he couldn't hide the concern Guan Yu felt for this brat.

This is what Guan Yu gave birth to - "Qilin'er"!

Judging from talent...

The words of Zhang Xingcai, the daughter of the third brother, are indeed a bit...

Guan Yu was hesitating.

"Father, third uncle..." Guan Yinping and Guan Suo rushed in in a hurry. They bowed their hands and saluted Guan Yu and Zhang Fei. Judging from their cheeks, they looked a little hurried.

"What's the matter?"

"Master Ma sent someone to bring the news, saying that the fourth brother was going to interrogate Liu Ye at night in the thief Cao Yu's house..." Guan Yinping reported truthfully.

——『Is this worth reporting specifically? 』

Guan Yu narrowed his eyes slightly.

——"Then Liu Ye is a surrendered general of Jiangxia, and Yun Qi is the prefect of Jiangxia. Even if he is interrogated at night, it is reasonable and there will be no fuss, right?" 』

Guan Yu is still thinking.

Guan Suo continued: "Fourth brother said...tonight, he can make Liu Ye surrender, and...he said that all civil and military people can go and see it. He will give it to all civil and military people and teach them." How to persuade Cao Wei's enemy generals to surrender!"


Hearing this, Guan Yu's eyes widened instantly.

——"Yun Qi, what a loud tone! 』

You know, there is no shortage of civil and military officials in Jiangling City to persuade Liu Ye to surrender.

Liu Ye’s fellow countryman;

It doesn’t matter if they are both members of the Han clan;

Even Ma Liang, Wang Fu, Zhao Lei, and Guan Yu himself also tried to persuade him.

But this Liu Ye was so determined that he refused to be a minister of the Han Dynasty and became a minister of the Wei Dynasty. This was a dark road in Cao Wei!

——"How dare Yun Qi threaten to persuade him to surrender tonight?" 』

Immediately, Guan Yu hurriedly said: "In this case, I really have to go and see it."

Zhang Fei also said quickly: "I'll go too!"

The impatient look on his face seemed to say:

——"You all stand back, my son-in-law is going to start showing off!"

When Guan Yu and Zhang Fei went out...

Zhang Xingcai was rushing here when she called out: "Dad...Second Uncle..."

It seemed that Guan Yu and Zhang Fei did not notice him and rode away directly.

On the other hand, Guan Suo and Guan Yinping came out from behind and stopped in front of Zhang Xingcai. Judging from their faces, they also looked like they were in a hurry.

Zhang Xingcai quickly asked: "Sister Yinping? Wei's brother? What are you doing?"

Guan Yinping looked shocked, "Xingcai? Are you with Yun Qi? Don't you know? Yun Qi threatened tonight... to persuade Liu Ye to surrender!"


Zhang Xingcai was startled, and before he could react, he was already being pulled away by Guan Yinping.

——Tonight’s Thief Cao Shu’s family is destined to be very lively.

The sun sets in the prison of Jiangling City.

Cao Cao's Sikongcang Cao Yu and his boss Liu Ye used stones to write a word on the wall of the cell, which happened to form a sentence.

Zhuge Ke murmured: "A good bird chooses wood, a good minister chooses his master!"

He shook his head, "You are so stubborn!"

"Haha, I write these eight words to remind myself that the eighth person has come." Liu Ye looked directly into Zhuge Ke's eyes, "Including you, you are the eighth person who came to persuade me to surrender. It's a pity... I mean. I have decided that I will not surrender."

"I just checked. Mr. Liu's parents, wives and concubines are all gone. He only has a son. He was an official in Shouchun. After you were captured, he rushed over immediately. I think about your son's thoughts, Mr. Liu It should be clearest, right?"

Zhuge Ke asked tentatively.

"Clear." Liu Ye sighed with emotion: "He doesn't want me to dare to betray Prime Minister Cao because of his safety, so I can't make a choice. does this son know my intentions? Everyone thinks that I, Liu Ye, am a clan member of the Han Dynasty. , I cannot use my talents to serve Cao Cao. But who really knows me and knows that I, Liu Ye, serve Cao Cao out of my sincerity!"

"When I was twenty years old, Cao Gong sent an envoy to see me and said that he would use me more. In front of the envoy, I cut off the head of the bandit leader Zheng Bao. Everyone surrounded me and was willing to elect me as the new leader to help the Han Dynasty. But I know that the Han Dynasty has been rotten since Emperors Huan and Ling... rotten to the bone, and there is no way to help it. That's when I followed Duke Cao, and thirty years have passed!"

Liu Ye narrated his experience...

The words are full of respect for Cao Cao, hope for Cao Wei, and contempt for the Han Dynasty.

These words made Zhuge Ke extremely uncomfortable. He pointed at Liu Ye and said: "Cao Cao is a traitor of the Han Dynasty. As a member of the Han clan, you are helping the emperor to do evil."

"Han thief? Haha? Han thief? Hahahaha..." Liu Ye laughed...

In addition to admiration for Cao Cao, there is only deep contempt for Zhuge Ke.

"What do you know, you idiot? Have you ever made a five-color stick to beat the powerful? Have you ever been a county magistrate and issued the Ten Sins to punish the powerful? Have you ever had an advisor to advise you? Have you ever pretended to be an attendant? Have you? When the princes of the Eighteen Routes went to attack Dong, you all looked after yourself while I headed west. Even if you were defeated and returned in the end, your original intention was still intact, and you still had the lofty lofty sentiments of shouting, "Shu Zi is not enough and there is a plan."

The more Liu Ye talked, the more excited he became.

"If it were not for Cao Gong, the emperor of the Han Dynasty would not know where he was in exile today, sleeping in the open air and homeless... If it were not for Cao Gong who held the emperor hostage and commanded the princes? Have you ever thought about how many people in the world today would still be emperors? People call themselves kings?”

"You are such a bastard, you have no hair on your lips, but you open your mouth and call Duke Cao a Han thief? do you know what a thief is? Those who steal hooks will be punished, and those who steal the country will be princes. The Han Dynasty has collapsed and dispersed. After a great chaos, great rule should be achieved. It is natural for Duke Cao to succeed the Han Dynasty. Duke Cao is the one destined by destiny!"


For a moment, Zhuge Ke was speechless by Liu Ye's rebuttal...

This was the second time he had been at a disadvantage in a verbal confrontation with Guan Lin.


At this moment, a cough came.

Zhuge Ke turned around and saw that Guan Lin had already appeared in front of the prison door...

Zhuge Ke didn't know when Guan Lin came.


Undoubtedly, he must have heard Liu Ye's sharpest words, and also seen the one Zhuge Ke was unable to refute.


As Guan Lin enters prison.

"Young Master..." Zhuge Ke quickly handed over his hand.

Guan Lin indicated that there was no need to salute, and he slowly walked up to Liu Ye.

Liu Ye said calmly: "So you are Guan Yu's fourth son Guan Lin Guan Yunqi!"

"It doesn't matter who I am." Guan Lin said calmly: "I just heard you say that Cao Cao beat the powerful with five-color sticks? He issued ten crimes to punish bullies, admonishment by advisors, false ministers, and 'all the kings' Take care of yourself, I will go from the west'...and those 'how many people are called emperors? How many people are called kings'!"

When Guan Lin said this, Liu Ye asked directly, "Does Fourth Young Master think these are untrue?"

"Really! It's true!" Guan Lin said with a smile, "However, always look at both sides... Mr. Liu only saw this, why didn't he see that Xu You made great contributions to Cao Cao's victory in the Battle of Guandu, and also helped Cao Cao attack He went down to Nanpi City and unified the northern territory, but in the end...he was hacked by Xu Chu, the Tiger Marquis under Cao Cao! His body and head were missing."

"In the first year after the establishment of the Xudu court, Kong Rong took the lead in defecting to the court and actively responded to Cao Cao's participation in the government. As a result...just seven years ago, he was executed by Cao Cao! When he died, his daughter was only seven years old, and the boy was just seven years old. When I was nine years old, the two of them were playing chess at home when they suddenly heard the bad news and were unmoved."

"Others asked them? Why didn't you two run away? They said that no eggs would be left intact after the nest was overturned? Sure enough... Cao Cao didn't even let them go. Before the execution, the girl also said to the boy, 'If the deceased knew anything, , Isn’t it our greatest wish to see our parents! The Kong family is still transparent!"

"Lou Gui was an old acquaintance of Cao Cao. During the process of Cao Cao's pacification of Yongliang, he defected to Cao Cao... and made great contributions in defeating Ma Chao. Cao Cao admired his wisdom and said, 'Zibo's plan is beyond comparison.' But in the end , just because Cao Cao and his sons went out to play together, and Lou Gui accompanied them, but because of his improper words, he was killed by Cao Cao!"

"Not to mention Xun Yu, Xun Lingjun, 'Cao Cao gave Yu food, but it was empty, so he drank the medicine and died.' Do you want me, Guan Lin, to tell you this matter in detail? Why did Cao Cao give him a gift?" An empty food box for Xun Lingjun? This is telling him that there will be no 'Han Lu to eat'! I remember... After Cao Cao became 'Wei Gong', a movable type was added to the door of the newly built palace. Yang Xiu said it was Kuo, but... Kuo is a hammer. This is what Cao Cao said. Only those who enter the Wei Gongmen can survive? I would like to ask, since Cao Cao became Wei Gong? Have all those who did not enter the Wei Gongmen disappeared?"

"If these people are not enough, what about Lu Boshe who made Cao Cao recite the phrase 'I would rather teach me to betray the world than let the world betray me'? That Cao Cao told his concubine to 'take care of me in a moment' when he was sleeping, but because Seeing that Cao Cao was sleeping too soundly, he didn't wake him up. Where was the concubine who was eventually killed with a stick? What about the poor soldier who was killed by Cao Cao in his dream? That Cao Zhi's wife was implicated because she was born in the Cui family of Qinghe and her father was convicted. , what about the daughter-in-law who was ordered to die by Cao Cao by wearing gorgeous clothes and disobeying the order? Isn't the life of these people not life? "

Having said this, Guan Lin stood in front of Liu Ye, his eyebrows furrowed and his eyes wide open...

His tone was meticulous and solemn.

"So, let me ask you now, what exactly? I am talking about the real Cao Cao——"

"The one Liu Ye said is the real Cao Cao——"

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