--I have a dream.

When Guan Lin chanted this sentence, the entire door of the medical office fell silent in tacit agreement.

All the doctors want to hear what this Guan Si Gongzi, who is boundlessly arrogant and confident in his medical book, has to say.

Lu Su and Zhuge Jin also pricked up their ears and waited to see what happened.

At this moment, Guan Lin's words came out.

"In the past thirty years, a great doctor has traveled all over the Han Dynasty. He once treated Chen Deng, the prefect of Guangling, and made Chen Deng vomit dozens of pots of red-headed worms; he once treated Zhou Tai, the general of Soochow, for twelve places. The gunshot wound made this tough man recover as good as ever;"

"He spent three years to let us remember a song, 'March wormwood and April wormwood, pass it down to future generations and remember it well, March wormwood can cure diseases, May and June can be used as firewood.' He left it." The "Five Animals Show" allows people to imitate the tiger's flapping forelimbs, the deer's head and neck, the bear's kneeling and standing up, the ape's toes jumping, and the bird's wings flying, so as to strengthen their health;"

"He also created Ma Fei Powder, used Ma Fei Powder to perform abdominal surgery on the patient, and cured the patient despite the abuse of the 'parents who suffer from body hair and skin' in the world! In such a world where 'nothing is seen when you go out, and the bones are covered with bones' In Pingyuan's world, hasn't he done enough?"

Hearing this, Zhang Zhongjing looked sideways, and countless doctors looked sideways...

They knew that the person Guan Lin was talking about was Hua Tuo, the miracle doctor of the time, who was killed by Cao Cao eight years ago.

Hua Tuo's death that year was a pain for all doctors in Xinglin.

Sure enough, Guan Lin's words suddenly became more serious.

"Hua Tuo, if such a miracle doctor is alive today, isn't his medical skill amazing? Isn't his medical ethics noble? But he died, eight years ago, by Cao Cao's sword!"

"Some people say that it was because of Cao Cao's troubles that Hua Tuo proposed to open Cao Cao's head with a sharp ax, and Cao Cao was furious; others said that it was because Hua Tuo 'hated being used by others for food', so he excused his wife's illness and refused to return. He deceived Cao Cao, causing Cao Cao to send people to capture him; some people say that Hua Tuo was involved in the "Belt Edict" conspired by Dong Cheng in the past. He used the method of a doctor to persuade Cao Cao to "hide in the woods, springs, mountains and rivers, and not be angry" When troubles and urgent matters linger in your mind, use the pure energy to calm your mind and nourish your brain. He is a doctor, but he used this method to persuade Cao Cao to go into seclusion and correct the world."

"But these are not important. What is important is that Hua Tuo died. He died before he could save more people or leave anything behind. He left Xinglin only pages and pages of regrets."

"I heard that he left a copy of "Qing Nang Shu" to a jailer named Wu, but it was burned by the jailer's wife. The jailer's wife told the jailer, 'Even if he learned as wonderful medical skills as Hua Tuo, So what? If you end up dying in prison like Mr. Hua, what’s the use of the Green Bag Book?’, Haha, I dare to ask you, is the Green Bag Book really useless?”


Guan Lin's words seemed to cut into the heart of every doctor.

Is "Qing Nang Shu" useless?

Or...or are their doctors useless?

Guan Lin's words continued, "Throughout the ages, these doctors have died in the hands of emperors and generals, people in the apricot forest have died in the hands of scholar-bureaucrats, and have died in the hands of doctors who have tasted all kinds of herbs in order to refine their medical skills? These great doctors are awe-inspiring. , are you still young? Bian Que, Hua Tuo... and the miracle doctor Zhong Jing who almost died of typhoid fever before your eyes."

"What does it mean that 'a doctor cannot heal himself?', haha... What does it mean that he is a scholar by nature, and he always regrets his career through medicine? Why does even Hua Tuo, the miracle doctor, regret becoming a doctor? He shouldn't have taken this path! Now, let me ask you, what is the reason for all this? What is the reason for the tragedies in Xinglin? Do you know?"

Mentioning the tragedy of Hua Tuo;

Mentioning "Qing Nang Shu";

It was mentioned that "doctors cannot heal themselves" and Hua Tuo even regretted becoming a doctor!

At this moment, countless people in the apricot forest, including Zhang Zhongjing, were all sad and silent, and their hearts seemed to be suppressed by big rocks.

There is a stinging feeling all over the face.

How could they not know the reasons for these Xinglin tragedies?

But...do they dare to say it?

What can they change?

Guan Lin paused for a moment, his clear watery eyes scanning the crowd, and then he continued meticulously:

"It's because, in this world, doctors are alchemists, and practicing medicine is a 'lowly profession'. It is a lowly profession in the 'middle nine' of the three religions and nine streams. It is a 'small path' that Confucian scholars and the world are ashamed to engage in!"

"People in the apricot forest treat illnesses and save lives, but what do they get in the end? It's 'Confucian scholars don't want to do it'. It's the ridicule of people at that time. 'With the talent of the emperor, why not learn from the eunuchs?'", even the "Huangdi Neijing·Su Wen" "An article was initially regarded as 'The Three Emperors' Relics, Brilliant and Remarkable', and scholars flocked to them... Later, it was included in the category of medical books, but scholars did not even bother to read it! Haha, how sad, how deplored!"

Sharp words…

But in fact, Guan Lin had already spoken gently enough.

For example, Han Yu in the Tang Dynasty mentioned in his "Teacher's Theory" - "A man who is a witch doctor, a musician, and a master of various skills is looked down upon by a gentleman!"

For example, Cheng Yan, the imperial doctor after Bian Que and Hua Tuo, only said that the emperor "eats too many dates and has no other disease", but he was humiliated by the emperor and said, "You are not a saint, how do you know that I eat dates?" 'Kill him!

It is no exaggeration to say that doctors are as insignificant in the eyes of emperors, generals and superiors.

When Cao Cao wanted to kill Hua Tuo, Xun Yu tried to dissuade him, but Cao Cao only said, "Don't worry, aren't there such incompetent rats in the world?"

These words humiliate not Hua Tuo, but the entire Xinglin position!

"Book of the Later Han Dynasty" records - He is evil in nature, hard to understand, and ashamed of his career as a doctor.

It also fully illustrates the humble status of doctors in this era.

At this moment, everyone seemed very quiet, no one dared to make the slightest sound, but without exception, they all bit their lips heavily and listened very seriously.

Guan Lin's words continued.

"Without status and being treated as a low-level person, no matter how good your medical skills are or how powerful you are, what's the use if you can't even save your life?"

"Although I, Guan Lin, don't like the so-called Confucian Sage Dong, I think his modified Confucian theory can't hold down the coffin of Sage Kong, but I admire him! A group of Confucian scholars are powerless to restrain a chicken. , but he can use articles and public opinion to become the mainstream of this era, make all the emperors of the Han dynasty happy, and even suppress hundreds of schools of thought!"

"Why is this? Because they are sincerely united! They disdain the barbaric body, but attach great importance to spiritual civilization. They work together and have the same belief. As long as it involves the dispute between Confucianism and Taoism! When it comes to the dispute between Confucianism and hundreds of schools of thought! They We will be united in one place and face the outside world as one!"

"Looking at our Xinglin, there are many people with superb medical skills, but what's the use of having high medical skills? When Cao Cao killed Hua Tuo, except for Xinglin who mourned for a few days, who supported him? In the end, it was nothing. It's not even as good as killing Cao Cao. Kong Rong, who said, "You are young, but big is not necessarily good" caused a sensation!"

"Yes...I, Guan Lin, split a book called "On Plagues" into pieces. I deliberately broke the chapters to trick you into coming here and to trick you into listening to what I said. But so what? You chewed on medical books, You have devoted yourself to treating illnesses and saving people by studying your medical skills, but have you ever thought about who will save you, the doctor yourself?"

"The status of people in the apricot forest is so low, but you still think that you are quite noble, helping the world and saving people, running around, fighting on your own, thinking that you are noble, you are a hammer, to say it is not an exaggeration, my father Guan Yunchangdu Higher than you!"

Guan Lin paused for a moment, but his tone remained sharp.

"If this continues, if Hua Tuo dies, you will regret and mourn for three to five days. If someone dies in the future, you will mourn and mourn for five or six days. However... this is of no use! As long as Xinglin's status is not good Lift yourself up, you can always save others, but you can’t save yourself!”

Speaking of this, Guan Lin glanced at Zhang Zhongjing, Diao Chan, Du Du, Wei Xun, Wang Shuhe, and everyone here.

Even including Lu Su, including Zhuge Jin, including Zhang Xingcai, including Mi Yang...

Everyone was listening attentively.

Suddenly, a doctor opened his mouth and said: "So... Guan... What is the purpose of Fourth Young Master Guan establishing this official medical office?"

He seemed to be too shocked to blurt out this sentence, but he was timid...the words stopped abruptly.

Guan Lin followed these words and said: "This is a good question! This question exactly touches on the theme of why I lured you here today!"

At this point, Guan Lin's tone became serious. Under everyone's eager eyes, he raised his voice again and said seriously.

“I have a dream. From the time I, Guan Lin, established the first official medical office in Jingzhou, within ten years, I will have every state, every county, and every county have such an official medical office to treat illnesses, save people, and help the world. "

"I have a dream, so that doctors don't have to travel around to practice medicine? So that patients can go to seek medical advice anytime and anywhere! So that when plagues, diseases, and pain come, doctors and patients will have hope."

"I have a dream, so that doctors no longer have to worry about their livelihood? Let the status of doctors be raised! Let the sons of doctors and the sons of scholar-bureaucrats sit at the same table and talk about brotherhood together!"

“I have a dream to use the Medical Department to restrain every person in Xinglin, and also to block the path of those quack doctors, bad doctors, those who are bent on making money, and those with corrupt medical ethics, so that they will no longer humiliate or damage the reputation of the entire Xinglin because of their actions. ! Let those with high medical ethics not have to go around to seek medical advice, but only need to come to the medical office to read all the medical books, get guidance from famous doctors, and make progress, so as to better heal the common people in the world!"

"I have a dream, so that everyone in the apricot forest in the world can have a destination and someone to rely on. If anyone dares to kill a doctor again, the entire official medical department will regard him as an enemy! Let those who underestimate the apricot forest suffer the consequences! "

"I also have an ultimate dream. I want to promote something called 'medical insurance'. As long as everyone in the world pays a small amount of money every year, all their medical expenses for the whole year will be paid by the government! Of course! , which requires extremely huge financial support from the government, which is also the reason why this dream is ultimate!"

"... But as long as we and the people in the Apricot Grove work together, these dreams will one day come true... In this world of panic, it is impossible to eliminate the disease, but as long as the people in the Apricot Grove work side by side, there is no disease that cannot be overcome, and there is no disease that cannot be overcome. Healer's healer!"

Speaking of which…

Guan Lin felt his voice was hoarse. He discovered that being a "Martin Luther King" was so hard.

He took a deep breath and chanted the last sentence.

"If doctors want to get rid of their humble status, these dreams of mine must be realized, so that every doctor can hold his head high and stride forward. Then no one will say anymore, 'I am a scholar, I use medicine to see my career, and I always have my own ideas. Regret', let alone anyone calling a doctor a middle-class person, 'a man of witchcraft, doctor, musician, and hundreds of skills, a gentleman is not shameless, but is happy to do it!'"

"I, Guan Lin, hope that one day, when someone asks me about the original intention of building this official medical office, they will ask me, 'It is natural for a man to aspire to be a minister. Why would you wish for the skills of a good doctor? Isn't it too humble? ?' I can stand in front of the medical office with my head held high and tell him - 'For the benefit of the people, there is no better person than the prime minister; if that fails, the best way to benefit the people through learning is to practice medicine. If you can be a good doctor, you can treat your own illness and save your family. When the poor are in trouble, isn't it also a lifelong ambition to be a mediator for many years?'"

Speaking of this, Guan Lin paused deliberately, and then Kankan chanted eight words from his mouth:

——"If you are not a good appearance, you are a good doctor!"


After such a large number of words, everyone's hearts couldn't help but shake.

It is no exaggeration to say that Guan Lin's words today are like a breath of pure and quiet air, making all the people in the apricot forest poke their heads out from the suffocating soil.

The corners of Diao Chan's mouth trembled slightly and she mumbled, as if... all her words turned pale at this moment.

Zhang Zhongjing's eyes changed from cloudy to extremely clear.

He glanced at Guan Lin deeply.

At this moment... he felt the deepest and had the most thoughts. He raised his eyebrows deeply and said to himself: "Compared with Mr. Yunqi, my medical ethics and medical skills are like a firefly looking up at the bright sun... Thank you. , Master Yunqi!"

Except for the two of them, everyone was taking a deep breath and lamenting their inadequacy.


Guan Lin's words made their hearts feel as if they were blocked.

But with the words "I have a dream", this blockage was completely cleared.

The world seemed to freeze for a while.

It's early winter.

Although the ebony tree outside the hospital has fallen leaves, it seems to have suddenly become full of vitality;

The grass on the ground is mostly green at the top, but the roots are still green, giving people the feeling that the cold wind is hard to blow away.

as if…

Just a cup of tea, the winter here suddenly becomes energetic, deep and heavy!

"Papa -"

Suddenly, there was warm applause.

The applause was particularly loud, lingering in people's ears...

But it was Lu Su who applauded first.

"Grand Governor..." Zhuge Jin was about to speak, but was stopped by Lu Su...

As if he suddenly gained strength, he took a few steps forward alone and stopped on the muddy and dusty land that had not yet been paved with bricks and stones.

His boots were speckled with mud, but he didn't care.

Until the thunderous applause fell.

Lu Su just turned around and said calmly to Zhuge Jin: "I finally know why Ziyu adopted his son to Zhuge Kongming!"

Zhuge Jin quickly explained: "It was not my choice, but Yuan Xun's decision."

"He decided on his own? Really?" Lu Su repeated lightly, and then a complicated expression appeared on the corner of his mouth. He said with emotion: "Yuan Xun is still the beautiful jade from Lantian. He can look at Guan Lin as if he were looking at the whole leopard. This place is indeed... better than... Bi Dong Wu is more hopeful!”


I don’t know who took the lead, but a group of doctors began to chant.

——"If you are not a good appearance, you are a good doctor!"

——"If you are not a good appearance, you are a good doctor!"

It seems that they have developed a deep sense of admiration and identification with Guan Lin...

Some doctors have already asked Zhang Zhongjing how to join the official medical office?

There are also...including a series of details such as "salary", "family members", "medical books", "medical skills", etc.

Guan Lin turned around rather coolly.

When he returned to the medical office, he was directly greeted by Zhang Xingcai's wide eyes and sparkling eyes.

As if... Zhang Xingcai was inexplicably moved even though he was not a good doctor.

When Guan Lin walked up to her, Zhang Xingcai pursed her lips and slowly opened her mouth.

"You win again!"

"It's not that I won." Guan Lin's smile showed a row of white teeth, "This is a matter of course!"

As they spoke, the two of them walked to the main hall of the medical office together.

As soon as he entered the main hall, he heard "hurried" footsteps, and Guan Lin looked back.

It’s Zhang Zhongjing’s adopted daughter—Ren Hongchang!

I saw her kneeling in front of Guan Lin with a "click" sound.

Guan Lin was startled and quickly went to help him, "Senior sister? Is this impossible?"

Diao Chan bit her lips tightly, "Just now I heard Master Yunqi's words as if I was enlightened. The little girl is fully aware of her own shallowness. Besides, as a disciple of Master Yunqi, the little girl shouldn't hide anything... Just please... please It’s time for the Fourth Young Master to have a cup of tea, but the little lady has something that she really wants to tell you.”


The atmosphere became inexplicably serious.

Guan Lin quickly helped Diao Chan up and said, "Senior sister, don't kneel outside anymore. I have nothing to do today. If you have anything to say, let's talk inside the house..."

As he spoke, Zhang Xingcai supported Diao Chan and entered the main hall with Guan Lin.

But soon, Zhang Xingcai wisely withdrew and closed the main hall door.

I checked it carefully...

Leaving this space for the two of them, Zhang Xingcai slowly walked away.

But only twenty breaths of time passed.


Guan Lin inside let out a cry of surprise... startling the birds in their nests in the tree.

He seemed to be greatly surprised: "You said you...you said your true identity is...is..."

Guan Lin was about to scream out in surprise after being told the truth.

——‘Are you Diao Chan? 』

But after all, I am afraid that the walls have ears...

But she saw Diao Chan nodding heavily at this moment, and the subtle voice came out: "The little girl is Ren Hongchang, and she is also Lu Fengxian's concubine Diao Chan. Storytellers always say - Guan Gong killed Diao Chan under the moon, but who can I once knew that... Guan Gong did not kill Diao Chan, but Guan Gong let Diao Chan go and spared Diao Chan!"

In this sentence, Diao Chan expressed infinite gratitude.

This gratitude is both the gratitude I felt towards Guan Gong fifteen years ago;

But I am also grateful and moved by the "righteous and awe-inspiring" Fourth Young Master Guan Lingguan in front of me!

——"I'm a good boy!" 』

Guan Lin's pupils widened...

He couldn't help but sigh in his heart:

——"It's true that Zhang Zhongjing is your adopted father, and Wang Yun is also your adopted father..."

Who would have thought that in Changsha, in the apricot forest of the Medical Department, Guan Lin would meet this... the most legendary woman in the Three Kingdoms - Diao Chan!

I met this mysterious woman who single-handedly caused changes in the government fifteen years ago.

No wonder, in the mountains and wilderness, there can still be such an alluring beauty?

No wonder, over forty years old, she still looks so charming!

One promised Dong Xiangguo, and then promised Lu Wenhou;

It's hard to recover from Han Zuo's move, so how can he send his daughter to live in exile?

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