Three Kingdoms: The Reverse Son of the Guan Family, Dragon Blessing Jingxiang

Chapter 194 This boy can’t be taught unless Kong Ming doesn’t teach him.

Shuzhong, Chengdu, Zhengfu Street.

This is where Liu Bei, the general of Han Zuo, and Zhuge Liang, the military advisor general, work.

It is worth mentioning that Liu Bei knew that Zhuge Liang was good at stargazing.

So a "star observatory" was specially built for Zhuge Liang in this "Zhengfu Street".

At this moment, Zhuge Liang followed Liu Bei slowly onto the empty and deserted observatory.

——“Watch the sun’s shadow during the day, watch the polar stars at night, and keep the day and night straight.”

Liu Bei murmured the words on the "Star Gazing Stone".

On this high platform, thirty-six square bluestone slabs are laid out one after another...

The towering sky measuring ruler shows the unfathomable depth here.

Actually, before coming here.

Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang had been chatting for a long time about Guan Lin's third examination paper in the residence of General Han Zuo.

Guan Lin's examination paper was unusual and he wrote a lot, filling two bamboo slips.

Including answering Zhuge Liang's questions directly.

——Yizhou was initially settled, and meritorious ministers asked for land grants. How to distribute the limited acres?

Guan Lin's answer was: "There are two beggars in front of my house. One is a beggar and the other is still a beggar. One of them is at the front door and the other is at the back door. They won't leave!"

"The one at the front door begged with me every day, but I ignored him at all. After a month, the beggar left without asking for money and never showed up at my door again."

"The beggar at the back door, I thought he was pitiful, so I gave him a piece of bread every day. At first he nodded to me and thanked me, but after half a month, he didn't respond at all. A month later, one morning I rushed When I saw him, I didn't give him a piece of bread. Guess what? He came up to me and yelled at me, saying, "Why don't you give him the piece of bread that belongs to him?" He even beat me? "

"I thought about this matter over and over, unable to sleep, and tossed and turned for several nights. I finally realized it. I understood the bad nature of people. I realized that blindly obeying others' requests and giving favors, when After being unable to continue to offer favors, you will be blamed by others!"

The reason why Guan Lin answered this way was because he had personal experience.

Before traveling through time, when others asked him to borrow money, he often borrowed without thinking much... But in the end, when he asked for money, what did he get in exchange?

It doesn't matter if it's the other party's cold look, the other party's accusation, or even if it's a friend.

At that time, Guan Lin realized that people cannot always obey others and must learn to refuse.

What a painful realization this is!

However, at first glance, what does Guan Lin answer in this answer sheet?

So lengthy? Isn’t this too damn watery?

You know, in the Han Dynasty, bamboo slips were used as a circulating writing carrier, which was very time-consuming and heavy.

Transportation and storage are extremely inconvenient.

This requires people not to talk nonsense, not write long articles, and not waste resources.

"Ci Fu" came into being. Fu generally consists of four characters and is highly concise, so it is often used in official documents, memorials, letters, memorial texts, and examination papers in the form of "Fu".

To put it bluntly, it means writing it concisely, concisely, and profoundly, and wringing out all the water.

It must not be like the novel written by someone in later generations. The sea, the sea, it is all water.

Therefore, when Zhuge Liang and Liu Bei first saw this long article, they couldn't help but frown subconsciously.

——‘This is too long! 』

But as this long article progresses.

Gradually, Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang's eyes narrowed, and they discovered that the long river of water returned to the water.

But it tells a truth worth pondering.

In fact, this long article gave Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang great inspiration.

To know…

At the beginning of Yizhou, it was understandable for these meritorious officials to ask for land. Isn't it just for this little land that they tied their heads to their belts?

But, just...but it was already under the premise that Liu Bei had donated the Chengdu treasury and let them grab it themselves.


Based on Guan Lin’s reminder, Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang had an in-depth discussion and finally came to the conclusion:

——Rewards and punishments cannot be excessive!

And this was precisely the first big pitfall at the beginning of Liu Bei's rule after he entered Shu.

Again, let the heroes grab it themselves;

Another reward;

He also gave away all the land as a reward, completely emptied the entire treasury, and had no ability to form blood...

Next, he can only rely on the "straight money" of cheating the common people and cheating the rich to force his life to continue.

Zhuge Liang and Liu Bei discussed this issue alone for a whole day.

However, this whole-day discussion was actually only one-third of Guan Lin's answer sheet.

Because the question mentioned "acres".

Therefore, Guan Lin thought of the farm system...

Only then did he write about the reform that made Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang so "surprised" that they couldn't breathe and even staggered their legs at a glance:

——Spread it out!

In fact, regarding the reform of land tax, Guan Lin did not just write about the amount of land tax.

He wrote down all the reforms he could think of since the tax system of the Han Dynasty.

Including the Northern Wei Dynasty's rent, transfer and corvee system.

Including the Sui and early Tang Dynasties - Zuyong modulation

Including the two tax laws of the Zhongtang Dynasty.

Including the Northern Song Dynasty's recruitment law and square field equalization tax law.

Even in the late Ming Dynasty, Zhang Juzheng promoted the "one whip method".

It was not until the end that Kangxi's policy of "raising people, never adding taxes" and Yongzheng's policy of dividing people into acres were written, completely abolishing the poll tax that had lasted for thousands of years.

have to say.

The Qing Dynasty...this dynasty that cannot be washed away and caused long-term suffering and backwardness to the Chinese nation;

This historical evaluation is destined to "shoot it to the end" of the dynasty.

Among the emperors, only Yongzheng was rated surprisingly high.

The decrees he implemented to "divide a man into an acre" and "abolish the poll tax" were tantamount to benefiting the whole of China.

Of course, this is why Guan Lin wrote so much about the land tax system and the land system.

He was a little unsure, which one was suitable for Shu Han now?

Yes, everyone knows that it is better to spread one's family into one's own acres!

Once the poll tax was abolished, the life pressure of the poor was relieved, and everyone was no longer imprisoned on the land of the landlord, working in vain all year round.

You can go out to work and do some side jobs and businesses based on your own skills and abilities, making the economy more dynamic.

In this way, when it comes to childbirth, people will naturally dare to have children, and the population will grow explosively.

In fact, when Yongzheng implemented the "dividing a small person into an acre", China's population soared from nearly 20 million to 300 million in just one hundred years, an increase of more than 20 times!

Of course...well, it must be good!

The advanced nature of the system is also impeccable, but Guan Lin is afraid that there will be too much resistance and that Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang will not be able to suppress the opposing clans.

To understand the core of apportionment, in addition to abolishing the poll tax, there is another important thing, which is to transfer the tax to the land.

Whoever owns the land pays big taxes!

Naturally, the implementation of allotment of people into acres will inevitably encounter huge resistance.

Everything must be based on reality.

On this point, Guan Lin is not sure... Don't let the landlords unite and take down the Shu Han people in one fell swoop!

Nengcai was really kind and did the wrong thing.

Therefore, Guan Lin simply wrote down the options and left the choice to Zhuge Liang...

This person’s talent and vision, means and decision-making.

It must be more reliable than Guan Lin's blind judgment.

Never ignore the wisdom of the ancients!

Zhuge Liang specially proposed to rush to the observatory with Liu Bei to make the final decision on this matter.

"Kong Ming proposed to come here because this observatory is connected to the sky and the earth, and you and I are the only ones in the middle, right?" Liu Bei's mood seemed to be quite heavy, as if, the four words "dividing a small family into an acre" , sounds beautiful, but once implemented, the burden is too heavy and the pressure is too heavy.

It is not easy to make this choice.


Zhuge Liang exhaled a long breath, as if his state of mind was the same as Liu Bei's.

"When I saw Yun Qi's second answer sheet before, he both suppressed and attracted merchants to solve the problem of empty treasury. At that time... Liang already felt that this boy was amazing and was convinced that he was the mysterious Huang Lao Xie' even intended to accept him as a closed guide him personally, but..."

Zhuge Liang paused for a moment, "Now it seems that I was naive. From the perspective of this tax system alone, there are only a few records in ancient books. The 'tribute' system in the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties, the 'Lu' system in the Spring and Autumn Period The taxation of acres in the early days of the country, Qi State's "reduction of taxes based on land", the household registration system in the Qin Dynasty, and the two terms of "rent" and "tax" in the Han taxation system today...but...but..."

Zhuge Liang's throat suddenly became choked up, and he still felt so shocked that he couldn't breathe.


After another long exhale, Zhuge Liang spoke.

"The total number of land tax systems before was only five or six, but Yunqi alone answered seven land tax systems, and each of them is more sophisticated than the current tax system of the Han Dynasty...especially when people are sharing their acres, don't lie. Lord, since I saw these four words, I... I just feel that the way I have been looking for, the way to build an ideal state for my lord, has finally been found, and every word in this system, every sentence The words made Liang feel that they were profound and needed to be pondered over and over again! So... so..."

Zhuge Liang's voice is hoarse...

It was as if he had received a great surprise or astonishment.

This made his throat hoarse, and even now, You didn't believe it was true.

Zhuge Liang pondered for a moment, then increased his tone, "A young master with such talent, such agility, and such wisdom? Like a son descended from heaven, Chief Yun wanted me to accept Yun Qi as a closed disciple. However, it's not that Liang doesn't teach, it's... It can’t be taught at all! It’s Yunqi’s turn to teach Liang!”


Liu Bei couldn't help but ponder.

——"This cloud flag can actually make Kong Ming say such heavy words!" 』

——"However, this little family is really eye-catching. Second brother, second brother, did your son... fall from the sky?" Is he a son from heaven? did he figure it out? 』

Thinking this in his mind, Liu Bei also mused: "There is no problem with the Han Dynasty's land tax system. The problem is that the land has been in the hands of those wealthy clans in recent years. They have various tax-free privileges. Even if they have to pay taxes, they have ways to pass on the taxes. The burden of taxes actually made the people suffer. Originally...the people could not make ends meet, but they still had to pay a poll tax. The pressure of the same amount of poll tax was completely different on powerful landowners and poor people."

Liu Bei started from a young age, and he knew all about the twists and turns.

I also know too well that this tax... has forced many well-to-do small farmer families to become refugees and tenant farmers of others.

According to the statistics in the "Four People's Monthly Order".

Generally, a sixty-acre field can produce an output of 120 shi, which can be converted into about 5,000 dan in times of stable prices.

The annual consumption of a family of five includes 80 dan of rations, 4 dan of field rent, 229 tael of salt, 187 tael of clothing, about 706 tael of official tax, calculation of tax, and oral tax, and about 792 tael of seeds, agricultural tools, and feed. and scattered expenses of about 208 yuan, totaling 5,700 yuan.

At first glance, it seems that there is still wealth.

But in actual circumstances, the arithmetic tax and the oral tax, that is, the poll tax, are not static.

Even in peacetime, the expenditure on the head tax is five times more than the land rent. In times of war, the head tax will gradually increase without an upper limit.

Similar to three times or five times, that's all trivial.

During the period of melee between the princes at the end of the Han Dynasty, ten times was just mediocre.

But now that's all, but the local government doesn't care about that much...

When they ran out of money, they collected all kinds of taxes - calculation tax, oral tax, water tax, well tax. Even if it was hot in summer, you still had to pay taxes to enjoy the shade under the trees.

Over and over again, if farmers can't afford these payments, they have no choice but to go bankrupt, and then either become tenant farmers or slaves of powerful landlords, or they can only become refugees!

Yeomanry has almost collapsed in this era.

Liu Bei knows this very well...

Liu Bei's father Liu Hong once served as the magistrate of Fan County in Dongjun County, but... after his early death, even the son of a magistrate like Liu Bei would be overwhelmed and decline rapidly.

Not to mention ordinary people.

Liu Bei pointed to Guan Lin's bamboo slips, "Actually, this paragraph written by Yun Qi made me feel the most."

Zhuge Liang raised his eyes and noticed that this was Guan Lin's analysis after he proposed the land tax of "dividing a small person into an acre".

——“Why do refugees appear?”

——"For example, in the past, one hundred people cultivated one thousand acres of land, with an average of ten acres per person. But now there are more people, one hundred and twenty. Because of the advancement of farm tools, only fifty acres are needed. One person can cultivate this thousand acres of land!”

——"So, the problem arises. As the population increases and agricultural tools advance, but the land does not increase, then there will be people who cannot cultivate the land and will be excluded and become unemployed. These unemployed people will gather in the countryside. They are refugees. When they gather in towns, they become bullies! When they gather in the mountains and forests, they become bandits!"

After Liu Bei read these words, he couldn't help but think about it!

He could not imagine that if he had not had the help of his uncle Liu Yuanqi in his early years, he would have become a refugee, sleeping in the open and begging for a living.

Zhuge Liang noticed Liu Bei's expression.

He raised his eyebrows slightly and asked calmly: "Does the lord want to implement this land tax system of one person per mu?"

"Naturally." Liu Bei sighed with emotion: "Only through suffering can you understand the hardships of these small people, but many times, Bei can't help himself!"

Zhuge Liang reminded again, "My lord, have you ever thought that if you really want to do this...then your lord will be standing on the opposite side of those wealthy families. Emperor Guangwu relied on the wealthy families to revitalize the Han Dynasty. Since ancient times, no one has ever relied on farmers." The power of people and common people has created a great cause."

Liu Bei pointed to the last sentence in the bamboo slip and said: "That's not necessarily true. Kong Ming looked at Yun Qi's last sentence, which is thought-provoking..."

"Chen Sheng, Wu Guang, Zhang Jiao Huangjin, these uprisings all tell us that the peasant class, as a leader, cannot create a foundation, but the working class can!"

"Worker?" Zhuge Liang asked again: "Yun Qi doesn't seem to have written it, what is a worker?"

Liu Bei narrowed his eyes slightly, "I just have a faint feeling, you said... If Yun Qi is that Huang Laoxie, he opens a workshop, recruits refugees, engages in production, and manufactures ordnance, is his purpose just for military industry? "


As if because of Liu Bei's words, Zhuge Liang suddenly realized something, "My lord, what I mean is that these are the so-called working class in Yun Qi's answer sheet!"

"Maybe..." Liu Bei was not sure, "Maybe Yun Qi is using his method to bring the refugees together and create a new force, a force that is gradually growing strong enough to overthrow Cao Wei!"


Zhuge Liang swallowed slightly and asked Liu Bei seriously.

"Has the lord really decided to implement this idea of ​​sharing the land between the sexes?"

"Haha..." Liu Bei grabbed Guan Lin's answer sheet and couldn't put it down. "Logically speaking, I shouldn't listen to such a young master and just go my own way. But for no reason, I want to give it a try! This feeling is just like when I was in Nanyang in the past. , paired with Kong Ming and Longzhong, when you proposed the idea of ​​​​that three-point world, my mood was the same!"

"I know that it is difficult for a small group of people to grow into one family. It may be even more difficult than the 'three parts of the world' mentioned by Kong Ming at that time. But if it was just Yun Qi who proposed it, I might be moved after seeing it, but after thinking about it again, I will definitely know It's hard to retreat, but now...I still have you, Kong Ming! If it were you, maybe you could actually make this road clear!"

Zhuge Liang's expression was slightly shaken, and his originally pale lips turned a little more red...

He realized that the lord had been convinced by Yun Qi.

The Lord wants to take a completely different path from Gaozu, Emperor Wu, and Guangwu Zhongxing.

Zhuge Liang's expression was still quiet, and his tone was still low:

"Consider this the 'Longzhong Pair' that Yun Qi presents to the lord!"

"Liang knows what to do, but... don't be impatient, my lord, if you trust me, let me do it step by step! Let Liang arrange all of this... It's both smooth and steady. Let Liang try to build an ideal city-state in Bashu where the people are prosperous and the country is strong!"

Listening to Zhuge Liang's slow words, Liu Bei felt his eyes burning.

He stretched out his hand and patted Zhuge Liang on the shoulder, "My second brother has Yunqi and Jingzhou. I'm not worried at all, but I have you, Kong Ming. With you here, no matter how difficult it is, I believe you will do it." If you can do it, do it well!”

Speaking of this, Liu Bei solemnly said:

"Yunqi reminded me that what I, Liu Bei, should have walked out was this 'people's path!'"

"Kong Ming, just go ahead and do it. If you encounter opposition or resistance, don't forget that I am behind you! If you and I work together, the benefits will be overwhelming!"

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