Three Kingdoms: The Reverse Son of the Guan Family, Dragon Blessing Jingxiang

Chapter 180: Yin-Yang and Five Elements are the sages of healing, and the god of rebellion decides t

It was mid-afternoon outside the West Prison, and the sun was shining brightly.

There were also bright candles burning in the west prison, under the warm yellow light.

Du Du, the second disciple of Zhang Zhongjing, was looking at Guan Lin with extremely eager eyes at this moment, eager to hear the answer from his mouth.

And his words.

The sentence "Young master took our brothers captive in this prison to save our master", the sonorous tone echoed in the prison.

Guan Lin's eyes suddenly turned dark, and he sighed softly: "Now I'm asking you a question, but it seems that you didn't answer my question? Why, don't you want to go out and save your master?"

Guan Lin's tone was gentle and slow, completely different from the "cold" and "frozen" tone before.

He didn't answer Du Du, but he seemed to have answered everything.

Du Du understood instantly...

Wei Xun gritted his teeth and quickly answered Guan Lin's question.

"My senior brother and I have been discussing the issue of Fourth Young Master for a long time. The severity of my master's typhoid fever is that the more than 400 symptoms and 397 treatment methods in "Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases" are not consistent."

"Only in the "Elbow Preparation for Emergency Prescriptions" written silently by the Fourth Young Master, a similar case can be found, or it is called Jiaoxue Syndrome. The master's symptoms are exactly the same as the description of 'intestinal blood paralysis'!"

Wei Xun started, and Du Du quickly added: "In "Liu Juanzi Ghost Recipe" and "Qianjin Prescription", this 'scorched blood syndrome' is also supported, but this 'scorched blood syndrome' is divided into There are three types: upper, middle and lower. At present, it seems that the master is most likely suffering from the middle type, which should be diagnosed by 'Xiaojianzhong Decoction', 'Guizhi plus Shaoyao Decoction', and 'Guizhi plus Dahuang Decoction' To prove it, take it in divided doses, three times a day. If the cases in the book are true, it will be effective the next day!"

As soon as this statement came out...

Guan Lin narrowed his eyes slightly and thought to himself.

——‘Will it be effective the next day? So fast…"

Speaking of which, Guan Lin had studied Chinese medicine in his previous life, but it was just like many people's misunderstandings and deep-rooted ideas about Chinese medicine.

People often feel that traditional Chinese medicine is slow to take effect and the course of treatment is long.

It can't compare to the immediate effect of western medicine.

In fact, the effect of traditional Chinese medicine is not slow at all, and is even much faster than that of western medicine.

The reason why it is slow is because the symptoms are not corrected, or the dosage of medicine tends to be conservative.

You know, Chinese medicine has an extremely powerful philosophical theory.

This theory is extremely targeted and corresponds to the four words "medicine can cure the disease".

The basis of this set of traditional Chinese medicine theory includes:

——The theory of essence, the theory of yin and yang, and the theory of five elements.

From the great road to the simplicity, we will explain it in depth and in simplicity.

Among them, the "Essence and Qi Theory" is divided into the "Essence" theory and the "Qi" theory.

The "Jing" theory originally originated from "Shui Shuo".

It was the ancients who discovered that flowers, plants and trees grow from the soil, and fish swim in the water. They thought that all things in nature emerge from the land and water, and the origin of all things is "earth" and "water", so they called "earth" ” and “water” are summed up as “essence”!

The Qi theory originated from the "Yun Qi theory".

It is based on the principle of "taking all things near and taking things far away".

The ancients felt the breath of their own breath nearby, saw the clouds in the sky in the distance, and saw the breath of boiling hot water, so they realized it.

The "essence" that constitutes the origin of all things is not static, but moving and changing.

And the thing that can make matter move and change is "qi"!

This is why those old Chinese doctors always inadvertently mention the words "jing" and "qi" when treating diseases.

Let’s talk about the “yin and yang theory” again.

On the basis of the theory of essence and qi, ancient doctors gradually realized that whether it is "earth, water" or "qi", these substances move and develop, and the fundamental cause of development lies in the internal contradictions of things.

This contradiction divided into two within the body of things is called "yin and yang"!

Ancient healers continued to delve deeper.

Gradually, things with such attributes as "movement", "extroversion", "rising", "warm" and "bright" are called "Yang".

Things with such attributes as "static", "introverted", "cold", and "dark" are called yin.

This is the first way to classify "Qi", the so-called "one Qi transforms Yin and Yang".

But as ancient doctors discovered that more and more new things appeared in nature, it was no longer enough to simply divide things into "yin and yang" categories.

So, the "Five Points of Qi" appeared again.

Among them, things with characteristics such as growth, hair growth, orderliness, and comfort are attributed to "wood".

It can be understood as a person who has an upright temperament and does things without being coy!

Things with warm, rising, and lush characteristics are attributed to "fire".

It's like a person who has an impatient personality but is flexible in how he handles things.

Things that can biochemically, accept, and carry properties are classified as "soil".

Like a cautious, steady, generous and honest person.

Classifying the characteristics of chilling, descending, convergence, and purification as "gold" is like a person who is strong, perseverant, self-disciplined, and doesn't like to follow the crowd.

Finally, things with moistening, cooling, and closing properties are classified as "water".

This is like a wise person or an artistic person.

As the ancients observed these five natural substances, they came to new conclusions.

——Wood gets metal and is cut down; ——Fire gets water and is extinguished; ——Earth gets wood and reaches its height;

——Gold acquires fire but lacks; ——Water acquires earth and is exhausted

Thus, the conclusion that the five elements are in conflict with each other was born: wood overcomes earth, earth overcomes water, water overcomes fire, fire overcomes metal, and metal overcomes wood.

According to the laws of climate operation, we can conclude that wood generates fire, fire generates earth, earth generates metal, metal generates water, and water generates wood. At this point, it marks the complete establishment of the Five Elements Theory, the third major theory of traditional Chinese medicine.

Then here comes the problem.

How are these theories applied to traditional Chinese medicine?

Let’s talk about yin and yang first. The human body is also composed of yin and yang. If you want to be healthy, you need the harmony of yin and yang.

If one side is too strong or too weak, you will get sick.

Therefore... among the yin and yang of the body, weakening the strong one and strengthening the weak one can restore health to the body.

——This is also the core idea and general outline of treatment of traditional Chinese medicine.

——The so-called "reconciling yin and yang"!

Let’s talk about the Five Elements Theory.

Wood, fire, earth, metal, and water correspond to the human liver, heart, spleen, lungs, and kidneys.

If there is a problem with any one of the organs, it will indirectly affect other organs.

For example, if you feel dizzy and your waist and knees are weak, it turns out that there is something wrong with your liver.

It’s wrong to go crazy about nourishing the liver.

——"Deficiency of kidney yin cannot cure liver yang". Based on this principle, symptoms of liver function will be caused. The fundamental crux is kidney deficiency.

This is because "water produces wood."

Equivalently, the kidney is the mother of the liver. If the mother's strength is weak, the child will naturally become disobedient.

In traditional Chinese medicine, the method of "nourishing water and nourishing wood" is used to treat this disease, which is to nourish "kidney yin" to nourish "liver yin". This will greatly relieve dizziness, soreness and weakness in the waist and knees!

This is based on the theory of "the mutual development of five elements".

(It is related to the health of all readers, so I will write more. Readers who understand it should continue reading, and those who do not understand must read it again.)

For another example, people suffering from spleen and stomach diseases often feel in a bad mood, or their stomach pain worsens after losing their temper. This is because "Liver Wood" can overcome "Spleen Earth".

Excessive liver fire will anger the spleen and stomach, causing stomach pain to become more severe.

And this solution simply treats stomach pain and "treats the symptoms but not the root cause"!

It is necessary to use the method of "suppressing the wood and supporting the soil", which in popular terms is - soothing the liver and strengthening the spleen, detoxifying the liver and harmonizing the stomach, harmonizing the liver and spleen, etc.

From this, the entire general outline of traditional Chinese medicine, which is tens of thousands of words long, can be summarized as follows:

——The world is "essence", and "essence" is "qi". Qi changes and develops. The source of change is yin and yang, and changes follow laws. This law is the mutual generation and restraint of the five elements.

This is the method and general outline of treating diseases in traditional Chinese medicine!

What’s ridiculous…is in the hereafter.

Traditional Chinese medicine is in decline. A few years ago, even many veteran traditional Chinese medicine doctors who had been practicing medicine for their whole lives needed to pass the examination of Western medicine. Otherwise, they would not be able to practice medicine and would not be allowed to treat diseases and save lives.

Traditional Chinese medicine is the theory of essence, yin and yang, and the theory of five elements. It is the crystallization of the wisdom of ancient Chinese people for thousands of years.

It is ridiculous to judge Chinese medicine by the way of Western medicine.

Of course, it is ridiculous to judge Western medicine based on the yin, yang and five elements of traditional Chinese medicine.

We should all have more respect for each other.


These are not the key points, the key point this methodology of traditional Chinese medicine.

Under the mutual support of a large number of traditional Chinese medicine crystallizations such as "Tang Materia Medica", "Qianjin Prescriptions", "Acupuncture and Moxibustion Classics A and B", "Elbow Reserve Emergency Prescriptions", "Liu Juanzi Ghost Prescriptions", "Compendium of Materia Medica" and so on.

Du Du and Wei Xun found a way to cure Zhang Zhongjing.

And...can be sure...

You will feel better the next day after taking the medicine.

Speaking of which, Zhang Zhongjing's disease was very complicated. Because of the compilation of "Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases", he tried a large number of various prescriptions.

This caused him to suffer from a special and severe exogenous disease.

——The fever is severe and there are often symptoms of bleeding, which may lead to blood stasis and coagulation in the body.

The treatment of these diseases is not as simple as "nourishing water and trapping trees" and "suppressing trees and supporting soil".

Need specific cases…

Similar cases are provided in "Elbow Prescriptions for Emergency" and "Liu Juanzi's Ghost Recipes".

And this is what makes Du Du and Wei Xun full of confidence.

At this moment, these two disciples of Zhang Zhongjing, You Zi, were talking non-stop, analyzing Fu's condition from the study of essence and qi, from the study of yin and yang, from the study of the five elements...

Then they used corresponding cases in corresponding medical books to support their series of conjectures.

At first, Guan Lin could barely understand the basics, but as he went on, he realized that he was shallow.

The topic became increasingly high-end, and Du Du and Wei Xun had already begun to discuss the increase in dosage, and...discussed the order in which the master should take the medicine.

Guan Lin couldn't understand it at all.

Zhang Fei and Zhang Xingcai on the side just widened their eyes, looking "unconscious".

Why do I know every word they chant.

But put it all together, to the ears... it's like a heavenly book.

Du Du's voice came out again.

"——Fourth Young Master actually has another method, which is more radical. If the master's condition suddenly deteriorates, this method must be used...use peony..."

Before Du Du could finish speaking, Guan Lin had already waved his hand.

There were only five words in his mind:

——'Brother, stop reading! 』

With this thought in his mind, Guan Lin opened his mouth and said, "Uncle Lao, please send them two away..."

When Guan Lin said these words, his expression was indifferent. To be precise, he almost cried.

It wasn't because he was moved, it was because...he felt like his head was going to split.

Guan Lin had to admire Du Du and Wei Xun in front of him for their obsession with medicine. If it were him...he would have to analyze so many medical theories to treat a person, and he would definitely collapse.

Guan Lin's sudden words made Zhang Fei seem to have just woken up from his dizziness.


He scratched his head, and after a strange brain circuit, he felt something was wrong, and quickly asked: "Why don't you go and send it off?"

Guan Lin muttered in his heart.

——"I don't want to hear them read anymore!" 』

Of course, Guan Lin was still polite in his words, "I don't know martial arts. If something goes wrong along the way, wouldn't my reputation of 'evil young man' and 'treason' be everywhere again?"

"Oh." Zhang Fei scratched his head again, then turned to them, "Then, let's go...go save your master."


Suddenly I heard that I could leave. Even though I was prepared in advance and realized Guan Lin's kindness,...

With a "click" sound, Du Du knelt down again. When Wei Xun saw his second senior brother kneeling, he also knelt down.

"Fourth Young Master, it's still too early for my two senior brothers to express their kindness, but... my senior brother has recorded the Fourth Young Master's affection. If... if we can really save our master, then... then we will be great in the future. Even if you are a horse, you must repay the kindness of the Fourth Young Master!"

With a thud... Du Du's head hit the ground.

Although Wei Xun was not good at words, he kowtowed heavily.

It only took three days in prison, but their...their attitude towards Guan Lin had completely changed.

On the contrary... Guan Lin suddenly thought of something.

"——You can't go back yet!"

Ah... Du Du and Wei Xun were startled.

Guan Lin's words came one after another, "Before I go back to rescue your master, I have to grab some medicinal materials to avoid... having to go out again."

As he spoke, Guan Lin generously took out a package from his arms and threw it directly to the two of them.

"It seems that some medicinal herbs are quite can use these first."

The two of them took a closer look.

——It’s filled with gold! There are hundreds of gold!

If this is converted into five baht, I'm afraid it will cost ten thousand yuan.

——"Are these...all buying medicine for the master?" 』

For a moment, the two of them were in tears.

How could this... this Fourth Young Master Guan be a traitor? How could he be a bad boy?

He... He's probably a great benefactor in this world, right?

On the other hand, Guan Lin pinched his waist and smacked his lips while saying, "Don't be too impatient to be moved. I lent you this gold. You still have to pay it back when your master recovers!"

While talking, Guan Lin turned around gracefully and went to the corridor.

Inexplicably, the atmosphere suddenly became a bit tear-jerking.

But he never thought that he would bump into Liao Hua on the corridor.

Liao Hua witnessed everything that happened here. He was already stunned that he couldn't speak.

"General Liao is looking for me?" Guan Lin suddenly thought of something and asked quickly: "Is the news from my father coming back? How about it? Have those warships been saved?"

At this moment, Liao Hua was still immersed in the huge shock of the "rebellious son" turning into a "good man".

I can't help myself, I can't help myself!


Awakened by Guan Lin's words, he quickly replied, "Replying to the Fourth Young Master... I haven't received a reply from the Second General yet."

"Alas..." Guan Lin sighed.

Zhang Zhongjing has done everything he can do.

But...Dad's side? Guan Lin could not help but have doubts.

——"Have I told Dad in advance? Is it possible that these ships haven't been defended yet? 』

——"In the end...can you do it?" Dad? 』

With this thought in mind, Guan Lin then asked: "Since dad didn't reply, is General Liao here to look for me?"

"I..." Liao Hua hesitated. He was silent for about ten breaths. Finally, he made up an extremely lame excuse. "Actually, if I...if I say that I am lost, will Fourth Young Master believe me?"


Guan Lin raised his eyes in surprise and met Liao Hua's false gaze.

He muttered to himself.

——'General Liao, why have you become dishonest! 』

——‘Can we be a little more fake? 』

At noon, the scorching sun's shadow cast into the official office, and Diao Chan sat at the door. Apparently she had been sitting here for a long time.

She gritted her teeth slightly facing the courtyard that symbolized power, then held her head in meditation.

Finally, she waited until Liao Hua came back.

He quickly and solemnly bowed to Liao Hua and saluted.

"The little girl pays homage to Lord Liao."

She had already asked the guard here and knew that the official he was meeting had a strong background. He was the boss of Guan Gong in Jiangling City and had a very high status.

This also gave Diao Chan more hope.

Yes, it is the hope of meeting Fourth Young Master Guan.

Diao Chan has something she wants to tell the Fourth Young Master Guan personally.

Liao Hua, on the other hand, saw that Diao Chan was still guarding here. He did not directly ask Diao Chan to excuse herself. Instead, he waved his hand to let all the guards go down.

After the guards retreated, Liao Hua opened the door of the official courtyard here and then told Diao Chan.

"——You go back, your two junior brothers have been put back."


Diao Chan was startled by this sudden sentence, and she asked again and again: "Master Liao didn't lie to the little girl, did he?"

"Why are you lying to me? I witnessed it with my own eyes. The fourth master Guan released it himself. How can I still lie? But... that's all. You can go back first."

Liao Hua wanted to tell Diao Chan everything, but in the end he waved his hand and swallowed what he wanted to say.

Through this incident, he actually gained some insights.

We should not make subjective assumptions and draw one-sided conclusions about some things before we find out the truth. This is stupid and lunatic.

Just the present tense, he could tell the woman in front of him that Mr. Guan had good intentions, but would the woman in front of him believe it?

She had already subjectively speculated that Mr. Guan Si was a "bad guy", a "rebellious son", and a "bad boy". With this deep-rooted concept, why did Liao Hua need to explain so much?

Wouldn't it be better for her to see it with her own eyes?

Just like that, Fourth Young Master Guan didn't explain so much to others when he did things.


Liao Hua smiled bitterly in his heart... he couldn't help but feel annoyed and ashamed of his previous misunderstanding of Master Guan.


If you do something righteous, so what if you are misunderstood?

As long as you are open-minded in your heart, you should be like Mr. Guan, and continue to act openly without caring about other people's eyes.

"Master Liao..." Diao Chan murmured and opened her mouth, as if she had a question.

Liao Hua said categorically: "Don't say anything, don't ask anything. When you go back, you will know everything and what kind of person Mr. Guan is! Now, there is no need to meet him!" "

At least, at this moment...

In Liao Hua's mind, Guan Lin's image is tall and majestic.

This tallness and majesty are just like the image of Guan Gong in Liao Hua's mind.

He couldn't stop thinking.

——"Although the methods are different, but... Guan Si Gongzi and Guan Gong are the same people. Let me just say, how can a tiger father give birth to a dog son?" 』

With this in mind.

Liao Hua walked into the official office and shook his head to order the guards.

"see a visitor out!"

The guards walked to Diao Chan's side.

——"Madam, please!"

It's not a title for a girl, it's a title for Madam...

Indeed, Diao Chan is no longer young.

Diao Chan, on the other hand, looked confused at this moment. She came here to meet the Fourth Master Guan, to tell her identity and her origins with Guan Gong.

The name Diao Chan and this origin should still have some weight.

This is enough to get the Fourth Young Master Guan to be extra "merciful"...

I never thought...

Now, the Fourth Young Master Guan is...unexpectedly released!

The sky is clear and blue, and the clouds are unstained;

The distant mountains are covered with sunflowers, and the gentle breeze brings warmth.

Under the sunlight, the market was crowded with people, and it was very lively. Diao Chan was the only one walking around. He stood outside the official office for a long time, and finally he pursed his lips, loosened his clenched teeth, and embarked on his return journey. .

On the contrary, at this moment...

A messenger came in a hurry.

He was holding the carrier pigeon in his hand, with the letter still on the pigeon's feet. He asked loudly.

——"Where is Master Liao?"

——"Guan Gong's urgent message... Where is Lord Liao?"

Listening to the messenger's tone, he was extremely anxious.

A guard immediately guided the messenger into the pavilion where Liao Hua was.

Just for a moment...

Shocking shouts erupted in the attic room.

"——What? Such a great victory? Such a great victory!"

Liao Hua exclaimed, and his pupils were so big that they were about to burst out.

He didn't care to put back on the clothes he just took off, grabbed a cloak and hurried out...

I just came from the West Prison and rushed to the West Prison again!

Something big happened!

It’s a big deal!

Liao Hua must immediately send this urgent message from Jiangxia to Master Guan...

Of course, Liao Hua was so excited at the moment that he couldn't help himself.

All he could think about was.

——"The prophecy of Fourth Young Master Guan is amazing. The 'rebellious son' of Fourth Young Master Guan is... he wants to go against God!" 』

However, Zhang Zhongjing's two disciples were released from prison, and Guan Lin was no longer in the West Prison at this time.

Zhang Xingcai was accompanying him back to the post house.

According to Guan Lin's plan, he should teach the young "Langya boy" a good lesson.

As the saying goes:

——The Langya boy Zhuge Ke, smashed each one to death!

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