In the execution room, this was the first time that Guan Lin interrogated a prisoner, and the person he was interrogating was a Wei spy.

He walked up to the desk and sat down, a little unsure whether to be coquettish or calm.

This room belonging to the thief Cao Yu cannot be regarded as a serious court, but it puts more pressure on people than the court. The interior is small and dark, making it look gloomy.

There are newly purchased heavy shackles, whips, and soldering irons on the wall. Even the stove for baking the soldering iron has a brand-new smell, as if it is waiting for some criminal to try its power.

Two shirtless and muscular torturers, their indifferent expressions seemed to tell the prisoner, no matter who they are? When we come here, we are all equal and humble.

Guan Lin slowly took his seat. This time, Guan Yinping and Zhang Xingcai did not follow him, but stood guard outside the door.

However, the two of them pricked up their ears and listened to the sounds.

Guan Lin said: "Bring Wei spies!"

The owner of the wine shop slowly walked into the execution chamber. Although his hair was shaggy and he was followed by the escorting executioner, his calm demeanor seemed to have seen through everything here, with a sense of absolute certainty.

This feeling... made it difficult to get anything out of his mouth.

When he saw Guan Lin again, he no longer begged for mercy.

And when he saw those instruments of torture, he just let out a long sigh.

Surprised and confused, he blurted out: "I have already told Mr. Guan that I am not a Wei spy. I am just an ordinary person who fled from the north. wife and I both live in Jiangling. Why?" Will he collude with that thief Cao?"

Guan Lin smiled and said: "So, you still don't want to do it!"

The wine shop owner didn't answer directly, he just raised his eyes and looked at the torture device again.

"Is Mr. Guan going to give in and give in?"

In the torture chamber, a torch exploded into a lantern, and a hint of ferocity flashed in Guan Lin's eyes, but soon, the ferocity dissipated and was replaced by a confident light.

"Lao Tzu has a saying that says, 'Everything in the world is born from being, and being is born from nothing.' There is another saying, 'Tao gives birth to one, one gives birth to two, two gives birth to three, and three gives birth to all things. And, 'Once a person does something in this world, it will inevitably affect everything around him. It can't be true, and it can't be true. If you are really not a Wei spy, why don't you answer a few questions for me? If you can answer it? Then..."

Before Guan Lin finished speaking, the wine shop owner straightened his back and said, "I have a clear conscience!"

He is confident that as... the deputy Cao Yu of the Military Department between Cao and Wei, and an old man among the spies of Wei, he will be able to withstand all tests!

Guan Lin, on the other hand, stood up, walked up to him with great interest, raised his brows, and began to cross-examine.

"Where is your ancestral home?"


"what is it call?"

——"Wang Qi!"

"Where is your hometown? How many people are there in your family?"

——"People from Shijing Village, Dongwu County, Langya Kingdom, Xuzhou! My wife and I are the only ones in the family, the others are all dead."

"When did you come out?"

"This..." The shopkeeper obviously hesitated for a moment, but he quickly picked up, "It was the fifth year of Jian'an. Cao Cao, a thief, attacked Xuzhou to avenge his father. He left no humans or animals where he passed, so... we Dongwu People in the county fled south, so I fled to Xinye.

"Later Cao's thieves went south, Uncle Liu led his people across the river, and I fled to Nanjun again. Then...I couldn't escape anymore, so I...settled here."

"Oh..." Guan Linrao nodded with interest, "Langya Kingdom in Xuzhou. I remember that Cao Cao's father, Cao Song, lived in Langya Kingdom, right?"

——"I don't know!"

"Then the hometown of Zhuge Kongming, the military advisor of the Han army, is also in the Langya Kingdom in Xuzhou. You must have heard of this."

——"How can I, a humble person with no education, get to know someone like Zhuge?"

"Oh... never studied? Then you are illiterate?"

——"I don't know, my wife usually does the accounting, and I'm only responsible for the kitchen."

"Then what kind of shopkeeper are you?"

——"Haha, I'm just pretending, my wife is the real shopkeeper. To be honest, at home... my wife is the boss!"

"Oh...if you say that, you can't even write your own name?" Guan Lin smiled and said, "Wang Qi, this name only has six strokes in total!"

"It won't make the official laugh, no!"

"Then you just said that no humans or animals will be left where the traitor Cao passes. Hey, no humans and animals will be left behind. Do you still know the idiom?"

"I have been here in Jiangling City for a long time, and I have learned a lot from my wife."

"Then are you afraid of death?"

"Afraid! So scared!"

"What did you do when you were in Xuzhou Langya?" Guan Lin's question began to jump...

"..." Obviously, the shopkeeper paused again, "I am just a cook, cooking for wealthy families."

"My third sister said you cook authentic northern food! It's delicious!"

"Of course, with this ability, he is a guy who eats."

"Then...can you make wine?"

"...Yes, but it won't be brewed well."

"When making wine, if you use two husks of coarse rice and one hu of koji, how many husks and dou of wine can you get?"


When Guan Lin asked this, the wine shop owner obviously hesitated.

However, he reacted quickly and replied quickly: "I can't remember, it was all done by the servants... I didn't pay special attention to it."

And the question ends here.

Zhang Xingcai outside the door whispered to Guan Yinping: "He doesn't know how to make wine..."


"Anyone who has ever brewed wine knows that two husks of coarse rice and one hu of koji are used to make the wine. How can it be accurate? It seems... Brother Yun Qi is deceiving him!"


Zhang Xingcai's words stunned Guan Yinping, and Guan Yinping quickly asked: "How do you know?"

"My father loves to drink!" Zhang Xingcai replied in a low voice: "So, my mother always brewed wine for him...and also taught me, whether it was Qiao Pei's 'Nine Brewing Spring Wine' or Langya's 'Qingyun Langjiu' ', I can brew..."


Only then did Guan Yinping realize that sister Xingcai’s mother was an out-and-out northerner.

Or even, not only a northerner, but also the niece of the Xiahou family who was a very meritorious person in the Cao Wei camp?

It's a noble woman!

At this time, Guan Lin's questioning had no intention of stopping.

"How much wine can I get? I really don't know?"

"have no idea!"

"Oh, I forgot again, where did you say your hometown is?" Guan Lin started a new round of questioning.

"A native of Dongwu County, Langya Kingdom, Xuzhou..."

"How many people are there at home?"

"There is no one left in the house except my wife and me."

"Why come out?"

"Didn't I say it before? Escape..." This time the wine shop owner answered concisely.

"How did you escape?"

"Follow the fellow villagers and drive the donkey cart..."

"You just said that no one or animal will be left behind wherever Cao Cao goes. Who taught you this idiom?"

"I...I heard what the guest said."

As soon as this answer came out, Guan Lin smiled slightly, "But you didn't answer like that just now. What you just said was taught by your wife! Why did you say it as a guest again?"

Now... the wine shop owner was obviously nervous, "They all... have it."

"What's your name?" Guan Lin asked again.

"Wang Qi!"

"Which king?"

"The king's king!" the wine shop owner blurted out following Guan Lin's words.

As this sentence came out, Guan Lin's eyes suddenly narrowed, and he looked directly at the wine shop owner with a smile, "Didn't you just say that you can't read? Then how do you know... The king's king?" 'Which king is it?"


For a moment, the wine shop owner swallowed hard subconsciously.

For a moment, he felt that the smiling eyes of the young master in front of him were simply breathtaking, as if all lies could not escape his eyes, and all falsehoods... would be seen through by him.

at the same time…

Zhang Xingcai and Guan Yinping were both shocked at the door.

Guan Yinping's eyes widened and he lowered his voice.

"Fourth brother caught him right, he really has a ghost..."

Zhang Xingcai nodded heavily, "Otherwise, why would he hide that he can write?"

Before Guan Yinping and Zhang Xingcai could fully understand, Guan Lin's voice came out again. "I've asked questions, I've answered questions, I've had enough fun, now... we should talk about business."

Guan Lin's eyes moved upward, "How can you escape from Cao Chu's fiery eyes? Why don't you plan to use them?"

"Wei Spy—Nightingale!"

Luoyang City.

Since Dong Zhuo burned Luoyang, it has become an empty city. The empty houses are uninhabited, and some still have traces of burning.

On the broad street, a few ragged people and unkempt children gathered at the once glorious Hongdumen School.

At this moment, someone is taking advantage of the night to tell stories in front of the ruins of Hongdu School.

The purpose of storytelling elsewhere is to make money, but the purpose of storytelling here is to bring a lonely paradise to the only remaining people in this empty city.

Historically, Cao Cao rebuilt Luoyang after Guan Yu defeated Maicheng.

Cao Cao had extremely complicated feelings and dual meanings for Luoyang.

First, he buried Guan Yu lavishly here.

Secondly, Cao Cao himself came to the end of his life here.

Speaking of which, there has always been controversy over where Cao Cao was buried, but there is no controversy over where he died.

Cao Cao died in the rebuilt Luoyang City.

Of course, at this moment, Luoyang doesn't have the slightest hint of reconstruction.

The streets are full of broken walls and ruins, and the magnificent palace is hideous and dilapidated. There are weeds growing inside the palace, and rabbits and foxes are running around.

Taking advantage of the nightfall, a carriage slowly arrived at the ruins of Hongdu School. The woman who walked out of it was dressed in red. She was the woman who stabbed Cao Cao's portrait again and again with a dagger under the Mangdang Mountain Cemetery that day. .

She slowly walked among the people, sat on a stone step, and listened quietly to the scholar telling stories.


Storytelling in the North is completely different from storytelling in the South.

Northern storytellers praised Cao Cao and disparaged the Liu, Guan, Zhang and Sun clans;

But the storytellers in the south are completely opposite. Liu is praised and Cao is devalued.

The principle of winning a king and losing a bandit is applicable everywhere.

As for the historical truth?

Is it important?

The truth in the minds of the people is just a story circulating in the market. This is public opinion!

The woman in red remembers that the last time she came here to listen to a book, the storyteller told the story of Liu, Guan, and Zhang Taoyuan becoming sworn brothers, and killing each other's children to "seal their hearts."

And the performance of "Sealing the Heart" completely overturned his impression of Liu, Guan and Zhang.

This's about...

The woman in red slowly raised her eyes. The storyteller at this moment had just begun.

——"Diao Chan was originally the adopted daughter of Situ Wang Yun. In order to eradicate the rebellious minister Dong Zhuo, Wang Yun used Diao Chan as bait and set up a series of schemes. He first pretended to promise it to Lü Bu, and then openly offered Diao Chan to Dong Zhuo. Finally, he instigated Lv Bu to kill him. He killed Dong Zhuo and became famous all over the world."

——"After that, Lu Bu and Diao Chan fled around like a bereaved dog. They were finally defeated by Cao Cao and Liu Bei and died in Baimenlou. However, how to deal with Diao Chan became a tricky thing."

——"Prime Minister Cao is a good wife, and it is known to the whole world that he naturally covets Diao Chan's beauty, but Diao Chan doesn't like Cao Cao at all, and just ignores her."

——"Cao Cao couldn't make up his mind for a while, so he asked Cheng Yu for advice. Cheng Yu was very thoughtful and suggested to Cao Cao that he might as well learn from Wang Yun back then and make a series of plans, using Diao Chan as bait to instigate discord among the three brothers Liu, Guan, and Zhang. In the end, you reap the benefits."

Tonight's storyteller is about Diao Chan.

Often women's stories, especially those of world-famous women like Diao Chan, can arouse widespread curiosity among men.

Because of this, more than twice as many people came to Hongdumen to learn listening tonight than usual.

Most of them are big men in ragged clothes!

On the other hand, when the woman in red heard "Diao Chan", her heart skipped a beat, as if the name touched some nerve in him.

This also made her eyes open and her ears prick up, looking forward to the storyteller's next story.

——"Although Cao Cao was reluctant to give away Diao Chan, the most beautiful woman in the world, for nothing, he was still a hero after all. After weighing the pros and cons, he immediately made a decision and sent people to spread the news that Diao Chan would be betrothed to Guan Yu. ."

——"Among the three brothers in Taoyuan, Zhang Fei is undoubtedly the most reckless. After eating a lot of wine that day, I heard that Prime Minister Cao was going to marry Diaochan to his second brother. His expression changed at that time. The eldest brother failed to help the Han Dynasty, and the second brother failed. I just want to marry my wife, so why did I 'seal' my heart in the first place? This also violates the original oath, and it really shouldn't be done! Immediately ride on horseback and go straight to the small courtyard where Diao Chan is."

At this point, someone who looked like a gangster shouted: "Master Zhang, are you going to occupy Diao Chan first?"

As soon as this statement came out, "Hahaha..." everyone burst into laughter.

The woman in red, on the other hand, had a cold expression...and her eyebrows were as dark as water.

"Of course not!"

The storyteller replied casually and continued his sermon.

——"It is said that Mr. Guan's courtyard happened to be separated from Diao Chan's courtyard by only a wall. That night, Mr. Guan was reading "Spring and Autumn" by the moonlight. Suddenly he heard a woman crying next door, so he asked Xiao Bing who she was. Who is crying?"

——"Soon, the soldier replied that it was Diao Chan who was crying. Guan Erye was thoughtful and asked his men to bring Diao Chan. After a while, Diao Chan came calmly. Although she looked sad, she still had outstanding appearance. It is said that the country is beautiful and fragrant."

——" Mr. Guan sighed repeatedly in his heart. Diao Chan is so beautiful. No wonder heroes like Dong Zhuo and Lu Bu would kneel under her pomegranate skirt. Now it is rumored that Cao Cao betrothed her to him. He probably has evil intentions and wants to use a series of tricks to get his brothers. The three of them are at odds, so it seems that no matter how good-looking Diao Chan is, she is still a pest and cannot be kept!"

——"Thinking of this, Mr. Guan couldn't help but feel murderous!"

At this point, the storyteller paused, calmed down, and calmed down...

This is just the first half.

But... it was mentioned that Guan Erye wanted to kill Diao Chan.

The woman in red suddenly became excited, she clenched her fists, and those urgent words were quickly heard through her veil.

——"What happened next? Guan Yu...did Guan Yu really kill..."

Very urgent tone...

Don't wait for her to finish speaking.

The other people shouted: "It was Diao Chan who was killed, not you. Why are you so excited..."


The woman in red clenched her fists tighter in an instant.

She opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but in the end... she swallowed everything she wanted to say.

But it was her eyes, those crystal eyes that glowed with a few rays of bright red light!

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