Chapter 336: The people recommended by the prince are indeed great talents!!

Yan Liang and his soldiers rushed towards the Mengjin Wei camp like crazy.

The camp wall was not strong, and after several collisions, the Qin army crashed into the camp wall.

Yan Liang brandished a long knife and killed the defenders of the Wei State who numbered less than 2,000 men.

The one-sided killing begins.

Two thousand Wei pawns, even if they are brave, facing the Qin army of more than 10,000 trapped beasts, it is difficult to be an opponent.

What’s more, most of these two thousand Wei pawns were from water pawns and were not good at land warfare.

The Qin army’s purpose was not to kill all these two thousand Wei pawns, and after penetrating the Wei army’s defenses, they rushed straight to the pier, trying to extinguish the raging warships.

To no avail.

These fifty dragon boats also carried as much as 50,000 grain and grass transported from Luoyang.

These grains and grasses are flammable things, and when they encounter an open fire, they immediately burn wildly.

In the blink of an eye, fifty dragon boats were all burned into fireboats, and even if a downpour fell immediately, it was impossible to extinguish it.

The desperate Qin soldiers froze on the shore, looking at the burnt dragon boat, all of them were terrified.

Their last hope of escape was dashed.

Yan Liang gritted his teeth and scolded hatefully: “Which dog thing, ordered the ship to be burned, cut off Ben’s escape route, Ben is going to kill him ~~”

With a roar, he turned around and killed back to the Mengjin Water Camp.

The long knife passed, and a famous Wei pawn was cut to the ground like a mustard.

Yan Liang turned all his anger and despair into endless killings and vented it to the Wei generals.

In the blood mist.

A brave young general of the Wei army crashed into his eyes.

That young Wei general, with his exquisite gun style and extraordinary martial arts, passed by the spear, and stabbed countless Qin pawns to the ground.

That young general must be the defender of this Mengjin Water Battalion.

It must have been him, who ordered the dragon boat to be burned, cutting off his hope of escape.

“Nameless Wei Dog, I Yan Liang want your dog’s life——”

Yan Liang roared like a thunderstorm, and the horse stepped on the bloody road, and rolled towards Ding Feng.

Ding Feng, who was killing wildly, heard the roar, turned around, and saw a tiger-like Qin general rolling towards him.

Yan Liang.

That general was one of the two heroes of Hebei that was famous all over the world.

“Yan Liang, I’ll meet you for a while!”

Ding Feng’s arrogance burned furiously, and with a long roar, he swung his horse and speared to meet the attack.

The two generals stepped on the bloody road, knocked the soldiers who stood in the way to the ground, and each took his life and martial arts and galloped towards the other party.

A loud bang.

The two horses collided.

One after another, the impact of the qi waves, expanding in all directions, sent more than ten two sergeants into the air.

Yan Liang’s figure was like an iron tower, majestic and motionless.

Ding Feng’s mouth was numb, and his internal organs were rolling.

One move clashes, strong and weak have been divided.

Yan Liang, who turned around by the wrong horse, had a look of surprise on his face.

He boasted that his martial arts were unparalleled in the world, and he was stronger than the young Wei general in front of him, so naturally there was no suspense.

But he conceited that he could kill this Wei general within one move, but unexpectedly, this Wei general in front of him was extremely good at martial arts, and he actually took him abruptly.

“A nameless Wei general in the district actually has such a martial art?”

Yan Liang’s eyes widened, and his face was full of disbelief.

Ding Feng’s horse turned around, pointed his silver spear, and said proudly: “Yan Liang, you are known as Hebei Shuangxiong, I don’t think so!” ”

Yan Liang was furious, and scolded: “Nameless rats, dare not report the name!” ”

“This general, the lieutenant general of the Great Wei Water Army, Ding Feng!”

A proud roar.

Ding Feng’s horse dragged his gun and rushed towards Yan Liang.

Yan Liang was shocked.

Ding Fengzhi’s name, never heard of, is undoubtedly a nameless person.

Such a nameless person was so arrogant that he despised him, the two heroes of Hebei, and dared to attack!

“I, Yan Liang, how can I be despised by a nameless person!”

“I’m going to slaughter you, I’m going to slaughter you~~”

Yan Liang roared and shouted, as if crazy, and slapped the horse to kill.

The two horses collided again.

The two fought to the point of being one.

Yan Liang is Yan Liang in the end, and his martial arts are really above Ding Feng.

After only five moves, Ding Feng’s was suppressed, but he tried his best and barely answered.

If you don’t make ten moves, you will definitely lose.

Right then.

To the south of Mengjin, the sound of the horn sounded in the sky.

The iron horse of the Wei army, like a torrent, rolled in.

Cao Cao led the main army and finally caught up.

He fixed his eyes on Meng Jin,… When he saw the roaring flames, his face couldn’t help but be surprised.

Cao Cao originally thought that Yan Liang’s scheme succeeded, and Meng Jin would definitely fall.

When he arrived, Yan Liang should have snatched the ship and fled from the Yellow River.

After all, there were only two thousand men and horses in Mengjin, and the generals who guarded the town were not famous generals.

Cao Cao never expected that General Meng Jin would have such an opinion, and dare to burn the warship on his own initiative without his will.

“Father Emperor, this general of Shou Mengjin is a usable talent.”

Cao Yuan praised.

Cao Cao nodded slightly and asked, “Who knows who Meng Jinshou will be, and he will be rewarded.” ”

Cao Ren handed over his hand: “Your Majesty, the name of General Meng Jinshou is Ding Feng, and it seems that he was also recommended by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince at the beginning.” ”

Hearing Ding Feng’s name, Cao Yuan suddenly realized.

After pacifying the state of Wu, he recommended many Jiangdong heroes, Lu Xun was one of them, and Ding Feng.

With Ding Feng’s generals, it is not surprising that he dared to have the courage to make his own claims and burn the warship to prevent Yan Liang from snatching the warship and escaping from the waterway.

“Prince, the ones you recommended to Xu are really all generals!”

Cao Caosi’s eyes were relieved and looked at his son.

From Zhao Yun to Zhang Liao, from Zhang Liao to Gao Shun, and then from Gao Shun to Lü Meng, and even today’s Ding Feng.

Every general recommended by Cao Yuan made a miraculous achievement for the Cao family at a critical moment.

Cao Yuan’s ability to read people, Cao Cao, the father, is naturally ashamed of himself.

“This Ding Feng, it is true that he did not disgrace his children.”

Cao Yuan smiled faintly and pointed ahead: “Father, the ship is burning, Yan Liang has nowhere to escape, we should also close the net.” ”

Cao Cao’s murderous intention was instantly ignited.

He laughed loudly, raised his horsewhip, and shouted fiercely: “The whole army obeyed the order, killed Mengjin, and killed all the recalcitrant enemies to Xuan!” ”

The generals and men of the Wei army were all enthusiastic.

Cao Ren, Tai Shici, Zhao Yun, Cao Chun and other generals, each led their own soldiers and horses, roaring up like a torrent.

More than 100,000 Wei army generals and soldiers, carrying the earth-shaking killing sound, poured into the water camp that was killing.

In an instant, the remaining more than 10,000 Qin troops were overwhelmed by the Wei army.

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